Just what you always wanted for Xmas

spice a dit:
Well, I've made comments on this before....it's not the psychedelics themselves that are the realization, they merely catalyze insights and change in a person who already has doubts, who already sees the need for change....

The conclusion I reached when I realized that LSD didn't automatically confer wisdom upon any redneck that takes it is that one must be searching for the path already.....psychedelics can guide you, but it cannot take the steering wheel.

So the idea of forcing enlightenment via water supply, gas, or other force-based ways of innoculation are not going to work...these methods would be closer to terrorism in their actual end result.

I believe that an incremental process, such as the one already in motion in our world, is the only way.....a process guided by education, some degree of rebellion, a distrust of authority, and more education...

wise words Spice
And the test ended. I guessed they realized I was no Scientology material.
I tried to asked them more questions, but they told me to read the book.
We were also advised to keep the conversations short and just make sure the person buys a book, so they will take the time later to read it and think about the ideas. And we made no distinction as to who would be 'Krishna material' or not, we'd approach everyone. Of course, as a book distributer you'd focus on the young people, because they're generally more openminded. Sometimes I'd come across a Christian, and it was tempting to have long discussions with them, but after a while you learn such talks are just a waste of time. I had a couple of long talks like that, with them praying for my soul and all...
GOD a dit:
"But no one suggested that here."

"But how shall the antidotum be administered?"

"via water supply"

"tell them we are entering an "age of enlightenment", then once everybody starts tripping balls.."

Or ?

SARCASM, my friends. i couldn't resist taking advantage of the setup for my answer. GOD, you of all people should have recognized :lol: my mind ran off on a tangent with that one...
I am researching about scientology and its relationship with the antipsychiatric movement. And I have found out i am kinda on a cutting edge, in that most 99.9% of the heavy-weights in the antipsychiatric movement (well, Szasz, Baughman, Breeding, Breggin, Null) all support Scientology's involvement.

But very recently the author of Mad in America, Robert Whitaker, replied to me and agreed that Scientology did far more harm than good in making people see through the phjarma-psychiatric scam! HE also encouraged me to not mind being a 'loner', which I wont. You HAVE to have the courage of your convictions!

As said, a big clue where Scientology (CoS) is at is there absurd anti psychedelic stance. Anyone seen their anti LSD vid? It's hillarious :D And just shows their utter deliberate propaganda

What these control freaks do not want is competition whether it be shrinks+drugs, ECT etc, OR sacred medicine/entheogens which goes way back into our priomordial past.

LOVED your comments, Spice! I completely agree that it is out intent when taking psychedelics that is important. And I see the set and setting as beginning right now. That means, say in our context here (though of course this stretching out also into wider community) where we use reason and feeling to explore issues, like we are doing. THIS is real education not the shite they do in the institutions where there are political restraints what can be explored. We need l freedom to explore!
^have you researched the Continental anti-psychiatry movement? It is far more trippy than the Anglo-American strain. Read anti-oedipus & a thousand plateaus by Deleuze and Guattari. It will change you.
Forkbender a dit:
^have you researched the Continental anti-psychiatry movement? It is far more trippy than the Anglo-American strain. Read anti-oedipus & a thousand plateaus by Deleuze and Guattari. It will change you.

please give me contact details for the continental anti-psychiatry?
I will read those other sources, thanks Forkbender :)

How has it changed you?
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Indeed. But when LSD was legal and widely available, it sure put many people on the path.

I agree.....but there was a much 'richer', if you will, cross-section to choose from......many of the people these days that actually get access to it, aren't ready for what it has to teach, and many others aren't receptive to the message....you have to have a foot in the door of the black market to get it, and, I don't know about Europe, but here in America, at least where I am, there isn't a very fine discrimination among drugs.....what I am saying is that, generally, you're entirely likely to find the same guy selling Lortabs, Cocaine, and LSD.......he doesn't give a fuck about any enlightenment, he's a profit-driven creature.....the point being, many of the people now who can get it,aren't worthy of it.

It's a numbers game, and by illegalizing it and ruthlessly attempting to control/eradicate it, the powers-that-be are slowing down our evolution and advancement. They aren't stopping it, but they are impeding it.