Just what you always wanted for Xmas

I once did a Scientology stress test. Complete BS of course. Seemed to me they where looking for the troubled people.
magickmumu a dit:
Seemed to me they where looking for the troubled people.
If they're like any other religious group, they're likely looking for young people. They're more easy to convince and recruit.
THIS IS THE ROOT of ALL our problems as a people, the endless urge to hog resources, profit from others misfortune, and turning off our empathy.

Why is this so fucking hard to see?

It's easy to see, the hard part is accepting 1) what we see and 2) acknowledging the power we each individually have, to actually do something about it. The most appalling thing I hear from people close is the dis empowerment which is evident from remarks like 'it does not matter what we do, it does not matter what I do.'

The 2nd scene of the movie the Boon dock saints sums it up quite nice, it lasts maybe 5 seconds where this preacher is preaching when the two brothers walk out of the church. He preaches:

'There is one evil that we must fear most and that is, the indifference of good men.'

This is exactly where we are as a culture. The western kind doesn't give a fuck, doesn't care, doesn't want to know, wants to forget as soon as they know. If history survives this age, medieval violence will be considered pale as compared to the stuff that we pulled in our time under the preposterous name of civilization.
"This is exactly where we are as a culture. The western kind doesn't give a fuck, doesn't care, doesn't want to know, wants to forget as soon as they know. If history survives this age, medieval violence will be considered pale as compared to the stuff that we pulled in our time under the preposterous name of civilization."

Sounds like what happening to the palastinians to me .
It is really our territorial instincts run amok, is what it is.....I stand firm in my absolute *conviction* that tradition is one of the strongest forces continuing to drive us down this hellish path.

Tradition in the form of racism, religion, government and armed conflict, the many-faceted demon that is tradition.

How do you de-traditionalize something, conceptually?

What's the opposite of tradition?

That's easy.


What are the most powerful forms of novelty, on a large scale?


(yes, yes.......I'm preaching to the choir)

But how shall the antidotum be administered?
Tradition in the form of racism, religion, government and armed conflict, the many-faceted demon that is tradition.
But only with this definition. Cuz there is the traditional use of psy...
Drug fashism ? Everyone has to take drugs ? You have to acept being forced to do what others want you to do ?
For sure the antidotum (psychedelics themselves plus the insights gained from psychedelic research) should not be forced upon anyone. But no one suggested that here.
"But no one suggested that here."

"But how shall the antidotum be administered?"

"via water supply"

"tell them we are entering an "age of enlightenment", then once everybody starts tripping balls.."

Or ?
Well, I've made comments on this before....it's not the psychedelics themselves that are the realization, they merely catalyze insights and change in a person who already has doubts, who already sees the need for change....

The conclusion I reached when I realized that LSD didn't automatically confer wisdom upon any redneck that takes it is that one must be searching for the path already.....psychedelics can guide you, but it cannot take the steering wheel.

So the idea of forcing enlightenment via water supply, gas, or other force-based ways of innoculation are not going to work...these methods would be closer to terrorism in their actual end result.

I believe that an incremental process, such as the one already in motion in our world, is the only way.....a process guided by education, some degree of rebellion, a distrust of authority, and more education...
+1 .
Firing my friend
But I come back again and again
I just can't pretend
One more step and I'll start to bend

You try and live
And God says no

We go on our way
Just waiting for that lucky day
I tried every way
Just so that God can blow me away

I need some love
To start the show
But ask just once
And God says no

A line of dust slides through my head
And scary thoughts like wishing we were dead
You won't get caught if you don't get queer
And you'll be ready for a new frontier

It's good to be bad
It's the best time you'll ever have
What the hell is this ultra sad
Pray for your cool and work on that ass

You learn too much
You'll never know
Just start to laugh
And God says no

A point of life flies through my head
A scary thought like I was someone else
And don't get lost now and show no fear
And you'll be ready for a new frontier

A line of dust slides through my head
And scary thoughts like wishing we were dead
You won't get caught if you don't get queer
And you'll be ready for a new frontier
For a new frontier
Well, I've made comments on this before....it's not the psychedelics themselves that are the realization
I don't think anyone disputes that. It's the entire culture and science surrounding the use of psychedelics that may help people get rid of outdated religious notions. When we talk about psychedelics, it will always involve a collection of useful sites like Erowid and MAPS, as well as a whole library written by people like Stanislav Grof. They didn't have that many books about psychedelics in the '60s! We know much more about the value of set and setting now.

The conclusion I reached when I realized that LSD didn't automatically confer wisdom upon any redneck that takes it is that one must be searching for the path already...
Indeed. But when LSD was legal and widely available, it sure put many people on the path.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
magickmumu a dit:
Seemed to me they where looking for the troubled people.
If they're like any other religious group, they're likely looking for young people. They're more easy to convince and recruit.

I think you are right. They are looking for people who are in search of themselves.
I sometimes talk to people with flyers and booklets, on the streets. (Scientology, hara Krishna, Jehovah witness, Christians, protesters whatever)

The Scientology had this machine to test your stress. I did the test and they told me I got problems.
I asked them what I could do about it. They asked about the nature of my problems.
I told them I did not have real problems. (which is a lie, everybody got problems)
And the test ended. I guessed they realized I was no Scientology material.
I tried to asked them more questions, but they told me to read the book.

They focus on the problem with the stress test. The test point's out you got a problem.
They help you with the problem. They do the stress test again. Now the stress is lower, but you want that meter to go all the way down.