I don't understand why people reply "Je suis [Gaza; an African kid; etc]"
YES it's horrible what's happening in Gaza, Syria, Africa (famine, HIV, etc).
YES we do not speak about it in the medias really often.
But what's the point?
I can understand that few people write "I am Gaza" but FUCK, you're all saying
"Je suis Julian Assange", "Je suis un enfant africain", "Je suis Gaza", "Je ne suis pas Charlie"!
Fuck it, YOU and I are Charlie. We're all Charlie. It's a symbol, it's freedom of speech.
Yes freedom of speech is not respected by the American gov or the french god.
Yes it's funny to see Nicolas Sarkozy, the Man who was friend with Muammar Gaddafi next
to people holding the "Je suis Charlie" sign.
Yes it's funny how everybody care now and didn't before.
But what's the fucking point of saying "I'm not Charlie" or "I am Gaza/Africa/etc" ALL OVER AGAIN AND AGAIN?
We know that freedom of speech is not the most important thing on earth, physical freedom is
more important of course, as well as not being killed for being gay. But last week
17 people were killed because of assholes who think they can kill in the name of God, against
freedom of speech.
So please respect that, at least for the next few days. You can't say that you're not Charlie.
So You can be Gaza too, but you can't just say that you're not charlie. Charlie is the freedom of speech,
not Charlie Hebdo. Charlie is a symbol of freedom of speech, not Charlie Hebdo's political ideas.
Please respect that crap at least for the next few days, don't say that you're an African Kid NOW.
Saying "I am ....." instead of "I am Charlie" is like saying "I'm not Charlie, I'm ...." which is wrong.
You are both Charlie, Gaza, Africa, etc.
I think it's disrespectful, at least for now and this week to say that you're something else than Charlie.
If you wanna say something nice, try "I am Gaza & Charlie".
Like 50% of all the social media messages that I saw was "I'm not Charlie" or "I'm Gaza/Africa/etc", it's way too much.
(It's just my opinion - and I understand people saying things like "I am a lizard" for humor
