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Je suis charlie (or not)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Dawamesk
  • Date de début Date de début
Abej^a G. a dit:
anyway I would continue to vote for him! ehehe

edit: I don't know, sometimes I think to the teachings of Gandhi and Jesus, other to those of the sword...

Be careful, don't forget the power of the words. The war could exist even between pacifists. When we're separated by the screen, we're hiding behind some "Waves of ideas".
(But where goes Charlie ... I wonder myself)
Don't pay attention to this guy... Sorry for the pain in the ass...
xmaswaffle a dit:
Insults affect feelings.

I would rather say that drawings can make people laugh.
Drawings can be pretty insulting too.
Sludge a dit:
Drawings can be pretty insulting too.

Taariq Ramadan was right, even about the words of bund. The saddest part of history : USA are laughing about the french hypocrisis. Dsl pour le post en français, but 8 pages just for the old ghosts. I found that ... like french stuff : long, boring and not even funny.
How would you forget the war if the world don't laugh a bit.

Pardon all the fails :paranoid:
La presse américaine dénonce l'hypocrisie des restrictions françaises à la liberté d'expression | Slate.fr

(Par contre, Dieudo ne m'as jamais fait rire avec ses propres conneries ...)
Don't pay attention to this guy... Sorry for the pain in the ass...

At that time, what he was saying was totally according to the topic. Moreover, we can see so many people according to each over, meeting in huge groups to defend opinions.

What about the fact that everyone is a unique particularity? Why these kind of events don't show a huge variety of point of vues, instead of showing the usual fight against 2 poles?

Maybe BA is a pain in the ass, but there are some informations that he offers to us wich are pertinents ...
I think I'm too stupid to understand. I don't see anything useful in his post, just something meant to look clever. But you're right. I was pissed off.
I think this is the goal of his profile : instead of accepting that he would like you to pay attention to himself, and accepting the fact that he lacks love, he play on the over side.
Trying to convince himself that he doesn't need any love, he wants you to show him you hate himself.

I'm not trying to justify his behavior, but this kind of profile is typical ... and giving him what he wants isn't the good way to help him!

Afterwards, maybe you don't wanna help him, just manage the forum, so you're not as stupid as you said ;)
psychotrique a dit:
I think this is the goal of his profile : instead of accepting that he would like you to pay attention to himself, and accepting the fact that he lacks love, he play on the over side.
Trying to convince himself that he doesn't need any love, he wants you to show him you hate himself.

I'm not trying to justify his behavior, but this kind of profile is typical ... and giving him what he wants isn't the good way to help him!

Afterwards, maybe you don't wanna help him, just manage the forum, so you're not as stupid as you said ;)

Seems that you talk about the Charlie magazine...
[h=2]'Je suis charlie' means 'I am a fool'![/h]


ok, all of we know what happened in Copenhagen during the debate "art, blasphemy and freedom of speech", in which there was the author of the indicted cartoons of 2007 (Mohammad designed like a dog)

my two cents are: but then, all of this, you're just looking for?
Nous sommes Europe!
Ce qui s'est passé est une action nous ne pouvons JAMAIS premettre en Europe.
PLUS JAMAIS! C'est important les politicians ils vont entreprendre et demander/augementer une secularisme d'Europe, maintenant.
Notre futur est entre nos mains!

We are Europe!
What happened is an action we can never ever tolerate in Europe!
Never again! It's important politicians stand up and speak out for a seculair Europa.
Our future is in our hands.
HighCat a dit:
I don't understand why people reply "Je suis [Gaza; an African kid; etc]"
YES it's horrible what's happening in Gaza, Syria, Africa (famine, HIV, etc).
YES we do not speak about it in the medias really often.
But what's the point?
I can understand that few people write "I am Gaza" but FUCK, you're all saying
"Je suis Julian Assange", "Je suis un enfant africain", "Je suis Gaza", "Je ne suis pas Charlie"!

Fuck it, YOU and I are Charlie. We're all Charlie. It's a symbol, it's freedom of speech.
Yes freedom of speech is not respected by the American gov or the french god.
Yes it's funny to see Nicolas Sarkozy, the Man who was friend with Muammar Gaddafi next
to people holding the "Je suis Charlie" sign.
Yes it's funny how everybody care now and didn't before.
But what's the fucking point of saying "I'm not Charlie" or "I am Gaza/Africa/etc" ALL OVER AGAIN AND AGAIN?
We know that freedom of speech is not the most important thing on earth, physical freedom is
more important of course, as well as not being killed for being gay. But last week
17 people were killed because of assholes who think they can kill in the name of God, against
freedom of speech.
So please respect that, at least for the next few days. You can't say that you're not Charlie.
So You can be Gaza too, but you can't just say that you're not charlie. Charlie is the freedom of speech,
not Charlie Hebdo. Charlie is a symbol of freedom of speech, not Charlie Hebdo's political ideas.
Please respect that crap at least for the next few days, don't say that you're an African Kid NOW.
Saying "I am ....." instead of "I am Charlie" is like saying "I'm not Charlie, I'm ...." which is wrong.
You are both Charlie, Gaza, Africa, etc.
I think it's disrespectful, at least for now and this week to say that you're something else than Charlie.
If you wanna say something nice, try "I am Gaza & Charlie".
Like 50% of all the social media messages that I saw was "I'm not Charlie" or "I'm Gaza/Africa/etc", it's way too much.
(It's just my opinion - and I understand people saying things like "I am a lizard" for humor :p)

Now that's just hitting the spot right on the nail... QED
I am Charlie
I find it very hypocritical of Charlie Hebdo to say he quits drawing mohammed with the excuse "lack of interest".
Just don't mention it and draw something else?
And if you quit drawning Mohammed, be a consequent paper and don't draw any religious symbol, prophet, statue, whatever...
have you seen black block's riots during NoExpo event in Milan?

why they can starting a revolution in this way and not how did islamics fundamentalists?
or are we against black block?
(I don't know what think)
The way I understand it is that black bloc joined students protesting against big companies for food expositions.
I am not against the organization but rather against the acts of certain individuals.
Those students were fine on their own before waving the black flag.
I ask myself why provoke law enforcers and damage goods? It shouldn't be that way.
Demahdi a dit:
I ask myself why provoke law enforcers and damage goods? It shouldn't be that way.

in fact I really appreciate about it the actions of greanpeace!