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Je suis charlie (or not)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Dawamesk
  • Date de début Date de début
You're juste so narrow-minded that the discussion can't be constructive.

U don't understand that you're saying exactly the same thing as everybody highcat, too high to see it?

No-one wrote "Je ne suis pas Charlie". And it's not about a short/long message, it's about the fact that you're wasting your time trying to be right while saying the same as us.

You wan't to be disagreeing with everybody, you can, but you're not behaving as "Je suis Charlie" means.
And if you're not able to speak english on the english part, don't answer. Same thing if you need to be rude.

Insulting people about "Je suis Charlie" is a non-sens, can't u see?
xmaswaffle a dit:
Je te proposerai bien une tisane Highcat. Bonne journée.

Oui, j'ai de la haine à revendre à propose de ce qu'il s'est passé,
j'ai tord de te foutre sur la gueule pour ça et de te traiter d'idiot, je trouve en fait aussi que l'hommage de
Tryo est un must des hommages qu'on puisse faire aux gars qui sont morts dernièrement.
J'en ai juste marre d'allumer mon ordi ou mon portable et tomber sur des "Je ne suis pas Charlie"
sans fond ni explications. Ou des gars qui écrivent un autre truc que "Je suis Charlie" juste pour faire
leurs interessants ou "non-mainstream".
Toi et certains ont un bon fond à propos de ce qu'il s'est passé et disent pas ça seulement
pour pas tomber dans le mainstream ou pour l'égo. J'ai tord de m'attaquer à vous (sinon tu trouverais pas
l'hommage de tryo mieux). Désolé, j'avais juste un surplus de haine contre personne en particulier
avant que tout ça ne se passe (Comment ne pas avoir de haine dans se monde? Surtout avec les problèmes
que vous avez listés), que là j'ai explosé en voyant l'irrespect total de certains (encore une fois,
pas sur ce sujet, j'ai juste sauté sur l'occasion de "vider mon sac" ici).

Non merci pour la tisane mais par contre j'vais me faire un pétard en écoutant tryo,
ce sera mon hommage à moi.
Aller, love & take care.

[Et je souhaite à personne d'être dans le milieux de la presse en ce moment.
C'est comme si toutes les personnes que tu connais étaient 100x plus attristés par
ce qu'il s'est passé, tout en voyant des cons crier au complot.]

Par contre y'a un truc qui est pas un complot et que va bien se passer
c'est la surveillance de masse de l'Internet qui va passer comme
mesure Anti-terroriste. Va falloir se battre encore là dessus...

[Moderator edit: Speak in english or go elsewhere please, fucking french guy]
HighCat, without offending, otherwise your post will be deleted

and given that we are now in the English section, is quite rude talking in French
Abej^a G. a dit:
HighCat, without offending, otherwise your post will be deleted

and given that we are now in the English section, is quite rude talking in French

GuyGeorge a dit:
You're kidding? You speak in english in our french threads mate :grin: I think that like me he saw the title in french :)

I don't think "rude" is the word but anyway.
Let's speak fucking english. (as you said "fucking french guy", thx btw, not rude at all).
I'm also french so I can ironically say that. I'm not insulting anyone. ;)

Let's ALL try to speak in the regular language of each forum, it's more respectful for everybody. But sometimes it's easier to speak in our native language, I can understand that. Let's just not make abuse of that.
" Sludge's Words of Peace "
French Prime Minister says, "we are the land of Voltaire, we can do irony about everything"

Pope instead, "religions mustn't be offended, if someone offends my mother, it's right that I give him a punch"

(then there is) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (ex NBA champion), "We have to stop putting Islam in the middle when these events happen, terrorism and religion are two different things, who wants terrorism thinks only about money"

putting it to a vote, who would you vote?

I don't know... I usually don't vote... now, maybe, I vote for the Pope

...for example, I don't like it!!

and a Muslim as can take this?


I appreciate this ...

...for example, I don't like it!!
me i like!

nous ne somme pas fais pareil.

moi par exemple j'ai ,la raie au millieux ^^
I understand only you like the first pic... can I ask you why do you like it? where is the irony, or the beauty?

we are talking about the Great Spirit -the same one who gives you all those things to break through to your brain... at least respect it for that. no?!
No he's not tho only one who likes this pic, but he's the only one to say it for the moment.
I'm notanswering for him but does something needs to be beautiful to be liked ? No !
Some people like this pic because it's provocative, other because it get religious people angry, other because of reasons;
Everyone likes what he wants and that's the only rule that sould exist.

You do realise that maybe this "Great Spirit" as you call it means nothing to some so there's nothing wrong to mock it, even in the dirtiest way
evilbrood a dit:
You do realise that maybe this "Great Spirit" as you call it means nothing to some so there's nothing wrong to mock it, even in the dirtiest way

beautiful boors uneducated
and in a community of psychedelic medicinals
nice great respect for the Love...

I think, I know, anger and provocation are only vapid demons to delete

I'm thinking now, I would be curious to know what thinks Maria Sabina, or any other curandero ...
Nobody hold the truth. Not me, not you and not even Maria Sabina. So no one can tell people what they should and should not laugh about.

If this kind of picture offends you, no one forced you to to look at it. This is the same for religion, god and whatever, no one is forced to believe in it.

But if you think that you're so much more educated than me, who you know nothing about, just because I see the world differently, man, I am sorry for you.
evilbrood a dit:
Nobody hold the truth. Not me, not you and not even Maria Sabina. So no one can tell people what they should and should not laugh about.

If this kind of picture offends you, no one forced you to to look at it. This is the same for religion, god and whatever, no one is forced to believe in it.

Hi Evilbrood,
I'm agree with you, nobody hold the truth, but i think we're all have a part of the truth in us, evryone is right, everyone is wrong :nod:
But, im a little skeptic and confuse when you say no one is forced to look at, yes sure, but like we can see with pub on T.V or whatever shit you want, it's everywhere, so in the end you finish seeing it... Not too good in english so i hope you will understant my point, and i hope what i said is understantable.

Anyway, Peace :)
yesterday I was reading the book of Tao...

"[...] and therefore the wise ruler avoids giving bad examples to the people [...]"

I think this phrase fits like a glove
Abej^a G. a dit:
yesterday I was reading the book of Tao...

"[...] and therefore the wise ruler avoids giving bad examples to the people [...]"

I think this phrase fits like a glove

Ah yes totally agreed the Tao is full of wisdom, very inspirational stuff,
TAO always fits like a glove :D
I don't find the 1st pic funny (there are better drawings by charlie hebdo), but that's no reason banning it.

When you don't like a movie, you just don't watch it again. Same for pictures. It's not worth banning it.
yes, but I am convinced there's a limit... that it regards the insult.. the insult which mainly affects the feelings

I was reading that are publishing other cartoons of Mohammed, why ?! for feel superior...? those of Charlie Hebdo seem own little childs...
Insults affect feelings.

I would rather say that drawings can make people laugh.

And by the way, the pope has a big lack of wisdom. Answering an insult by violence isn't being wise.
You shouldn't quote him just because he is the pope, but for the meaning of the quote.
It's sad to see a pope saying that, because he can influence and cause violence.

(For the quote you did)
absolutely true!
(it is also sad that he didn't even hinted to the children locked up in jail in the Philippines during his visit)

anyway I would continue to vote for him! ehehe

edit: I don't know, sometimes I think to the teachings of Gandhi and Jesus, other to those of the sword...