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Is This Normal?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Zavree
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Matrice Périnatale
I just smoked my first weed today... Just a tiny little joint, the high lasted me roughly two hours. Everything was pretty good, till about an hour in. I had this intense pain in my stomach, and then everything started flickering in and out. Including the music. I got really weirded out and couldn't really understand what the person talking to me was saying.

All I'm asking is: is that sort of thing a regular effect of smoking mj?
I've never experienced any pain or anything like the flickering you're talking about but I have had issues communicating from time to time. There's really no such thing as a normal experience though, because everybody reacts differently to it.
sounds more like effects of tobacco... i guess it also has to do with oxygen in the brain... i mean the flickering thing...
the pain in the stomach is weird i think, but as mentioned i'd say it is more because of the tobacco and not the weed...
well i had the flickering, but only for a short time after smoking a bowl... how long did that last you say??? if it lasted long then you are maybe very sensitive or it was some very good stuff you smoked... or your brain needed so much oxygen that your heart and lungs couldn't provide at that time... :P
anyway i find that it's always good if you encounter such occurances that you try to take it easy and try to relax or instead you could make it worse by not relaxing etc... don't panic!!!! that's my experience at least.. like the poster above me said, everybody reacts differently...
if you have more questions please ask!

peace :weedman:
Welcome Zavree!

Zavree a dit:
is that sort of thing a regular effect of smoking mj?

you haven't tried regularly, so who knows? -> it is a personal experience and only you know what cannabis is like for you. Try again. If you continue to have these types of experiences, and you don't like it, maybe cannabis isn't for you.

I had times when my thoughts were racing so fast it was hard to hold a conversation. You get better at it with experience, though.
Its perfectly normal what happened to you . Thats what its like if one has never smoked before . If you smoke once a month it will always be like that . The reason why the people here dont know it is because they smoke much to much and much to often . The frst time you smoke its a mental shock . Your brain has seen a change and is looking for where and why it came from . It trys to compaire templates of previous exparience and can get quite distraught . Your ego thinks its been poisoned and shits out .

The actual feeling of being high is nice ......... once you get used to it .

I`m not saying the pain came from cannabis . Maybe it was a blockade in your muscles or in your psychology . Maybe you were so relaxed that you were hunched up . I`ve often seen people with problems like that , sometimes it was as simple as going for a shit .
Welcome Zavree :)

I still remember the first time i smoked some MJ and something really scarry did happen to me. I started to hyperventilate for the first time in my live. But because MJ can make you verry paranoid, if it comes down to negative thoughts. I really thought i was going to die. I was scared ass hell.

What i am trying to say, maybe for example you did eat something bad which was hard for you stomach, and because you where on that moment high. Then you can get really worried about something like that, and starting to be paranoid. There can be a lot of reason why someone has a pain in the stomach, but don't worry it's because of the MJ. I never heard or read anything like that before.

Good Luck Anyway, and don't try to worry to much ;)

PS. Good to hear something from you BrainEater ;)
Welcome to Psychonaut, Zavree.

Did you eat anything before smoking?

Lack of food and blood sugar decrease + Blood pressure increase when the stone comes on could of made this happen.

Next time, Have a good bite to eat including something sweet. Smoke a little less in one go and build it up slowly, see how you feel.

As menchend above Tobacco can induce some of the more negative side effects like you are describing, Do you smoke Tobacco normally?
I don't know about the pain, but I can remember the first time smoking mj like it was yesterday, but its like 7 years ago.
First hit, didn't inhale cause I didn't know how.....all my friends where like "no like this"
Second hit, inhaled (yes smoking mj thought me how to smoke
:lol: )
Third hit, ZANG it hits me and I almost passed out. I stand there trying not to fall over, hugging the wall. Great! After that I never stopped smoking weed longer than 3 weeks........
Pain in the stomach has nothing to do with blood sugar levels . When you havent got enough sugar in your system you blackout / fall over / get dissey / get black patches in front of your eyes .
^2nd that.
Behave Gentlemen...

Everyone has thier own reaction Im just covering another base.

Any one like to 3rd this... :lol:

P.S. Pain in the stomach from smoking could be from "Swallowing" the smoke....

Can I get a 4th on this??? :lol:

Also, Smoking can speed up metabalism making you need to go to the toilet. Internal discomfort leading to stomach pain all because you need to go and have a number 2. This pain can cause many side effects.

Can I get a 5th??? :lol:
Exactly . Sitting in a relaxed position.......... and not farting can be painfull .
Better out, then in. :wink:
You wouldnt say that if you were sitting next to me............
BrainEater a dit:
How long did that last you say???

I'd say it lasted about ten minutes or so, cause I remember coming back to the computer and it was about 8:09

Sticki a dit:
Did you eat anything before smoking?

Now that I think about it... I hadn't. I'll be sure to find some candy to munch on before I toke up again. It shouldn't be too hard, I work in a convenience store after all ;)

Sticki a dit:
Do you smoke Tobacco normally?

No, I haven't smoked Tobacco for a bit more than two years.

Thanks everyone! You've been really helpful! I honestly didn't expect so many people to offer some advice, especially since I just posted this early in the morning. I feel much less worried now.

I'm looking forward to hanging around this forum.
Glad we could help 8)

You'll learn loads here mate, You should spend some time looking around :)

You may find that the nicotine rush may of been the negative effects, Try smoking some pure weed in a pipe or bong next time maybe :)
GOD a dit:
Its perfectly normal what happened to you . Thats what its like if one has never smoked before .

It's not like my first time at all. And not like the first time most of the people I know who smoke pot (be it regularly or not). It might be normal, but it is not always like this.
Yeah I've seen many people drop immediately unconscious after toking a too big puff for the first time... not everyone reacts the same !

Many people forget to breathe when they toke good shit like over 20% THC... you have to titrate with cannabis if you are not familiar, little at a time :)
"good shit like over 20% THC"

Could you please provide more information about that claim ?