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Is there any way I can control my high?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion PsycheSmirk
  • Date de début Date de début
I dont think its crap it is crap . Blood sugar levels dont make a person paranoid . They can contribute to it .

"Cannabis can exacerbate existing symptoms of mental illnesss, such as paranoia and anxiety, of course, that's proven"

"But there is a kind of anxiety - sometimes exceptionally deep - that can be created by low BSL too. "

There might be true . But saying that low blood sugar levels cause paranoia in cannabis users is not true .

If you post something in answer to me can you please keep it relevant to what i have said ansd stop spreading panic storys . What you have said so far is on the same level as the anti drug propoganda from the scientologists .

Or are you advertising the book ?
Remember please that we are talking about people getting paranoid after using cannabis , not about the fact of weather blood sugar levels on there own can cause mental problems .
GOD a dit:
Remember please that we are talking about people getting paranoid after using cannabis , not about the fact of weather blood sugar levels on there own can cause mental problems .

I'm sorry, I do think we're talking at cross purposes here. In my post I've made it clear that low BSL can contribute to existing AND actually create feelings of anxiety and sometimes paranoia in cannabis users. I'm not saying that blood sugar levels create mental problems, that's not the case and I'm not sure how you've come to that conclusion?

And, far from it being scare-mongering, I want people to keep taking cannabis, not stop them. This anxiety is something that's been written about in every grass forum and it's easy to get over, just through paying attention to what you eat and when.

Anti drug propaganda? LOL! So because I'm saying that there's a simple, easy answer to the problem that's plagued many a toker for years: 'dope anxiety', that providing a relief from that is 'anti-drug'? Could you explain in what way?

Your doing it again . What your saying is absolute crap . You keep mixing thing up and saying things like is , do and are instead of might , could and can contribute to .

Please say exactly what your trying to say in a short sentance . Or if you cant do that please say it as exactly and shortly as you can . Please dont bombard us with more out of context quotes .
GOD a dit:
Your doing it again . What your saying is absolute crap . You keep mixing thing up and saying things like is , do and are instead of might , could and can contribute to .

Please say exactly what your trying to say in a short sentance . Or if you cant do that please say it as exactly and shortly as you can . Please dont bombard us with more out of context quotes .

There is no 'might'. Does, actually physically does. Certainly, definitely, actually, 100% does; low blood sugar causes feelings of anything from anxiety to paranoia. If you do not get these feelings when you have even moderatly low blood sugar then medical science would like to hear from you.

Cannabis causes a sudden small dip in BSL, and if that coincides with an already low blood sugar level then your high can be anything from unpleasant to nasty. The high then exacerbates these feelings and makes them worse, then you get 'dope anxiety'. Definitely, positively, etc, etc. Not if but might perhaps. Will:)

I have to be honest, I don't feel this is progressing in a worthwhile direction:)

I've sincerely posted the above to try to help people and I can assure you and them that what I say is a 100% accurate.

"Blood sugar levels dont make a person paranoid . They can contribute to it."

Right, I see what you mean..

Really, anything that makes your body uncomfortable can contribute to a bad experience when you toke. That could be drinking too much caffeine, not dressing for the weather, etc. Not to mention wherever your own tolerance level is at that particular day.

Sometimes it doesn't matter at all though. My body can be totally stressed out and a really good puff makes it allll better
Welcome on the forum MelT!

MelT a dit:
There is no 'might'. Does, actually physically does. Certainly, definitely, actually, 100% does; low blood sugar causes feelings of anything from anxiety to paranoia. If you do not get these feelings when you have even moderatly low blood sugar then medical science would like to hear from you.

according to your own quote, low blood sugar MAY include anxiety/paranoia, but doesn't necessarily include these. Can you please provide us with clear data on the above claim?
Forkbender a dit:
Welcome on the forum MelT!

MelT a dit:
There is no 'might'. Does, actually physically does. Certainly, definitely, actually, 100% does; low blood sugar causes feelings of anything from anxiety to paranoia. If you do not get these feelings when you have even moderatly low blood sugar then medical science would like to hear from you.

according to your own quote, low blood sugar MAY include anxiety/paranoia, but doesn't necessarily include these. Can you please provide us with clear data on the above claim?

Yes, certainly, as much as it's possible. You can familiarise yourself with the causes and effects of low BSL at any medical website, especially those for diabetics to give yourself a broader picture. Low BSL driven anxiety and depression is well known amongst diabetic circles and is regularly treated for. There is no doubt at all about how extreme it can become, and very quickly.

The effects that low BSL can bring on vary considerably, some people will get all of the effects (listed above) as soon as a small dip comes on, others will only have one or two symptoms. However, paranoia and anxiety tend to be present in all cases where BSL has reached 'moderate' levels, not least of all because it makes you feel so awful and strange. It's very hard to put over to someone who hasn't had it just how much it can change mood, personality and rationality - and bear in mind that you have to times these effects by at least 4 if you're high when you have them.

The difference in each 'patient' and their reaction to low (or high) BSL varies tremendously, and depends on many factors, including; weight, general stress levels (this plays a large part in maintaining a good BSL), eating habits, etc. If we now add getting high into the equation, then we can also include time of use, mode of ingestion/smoking, what you've eaten during that actual day, and how long it is before you eat next.

I'm sure people here have experienced a 'white-out' at some time or another, with or without paranoia, and the symptoms are exactly those of low BSL. Even more of a clincher is that this kind of anxiety (but note, not ALL anxiety) can be cured completely by the patient eating a slice of bread or a few dates. If it weren't low BSL, this would not ocurr, even accounting for any placebo effect.

I was a daily user for 12 years before I got my first anxiety/paranoia, which just started seemingly out of the blue, and lasted about a month every time I smoked. I'd recently changed my day's routine and had started getting high at about 4.30 before my evening meal, rather than about an hour after it - just at the very time my BSL was at its lowest. Once I realised what was happening I began to have a small meal beforehand and have rarely experienced anxiety since, and then only on ocassions where I haven't eaten properly that day.

Your blood sugar drives the high in many ways, and tends to govern how pleasant or unpleasant it can be. Of course, as other people above have said, too much caffiene can give you nasty symptoms too, and again, certainly deep anxiety and feelings of losing it. Everything we eat affects the high in one way or another.

I can honestly say that I've helped at least 20 people directly (maybe another 6 or 7 indirectly) on the spot, with just a half slice of bread. In the last two years since the book was released I and my publishers have received a total of 113 mails from people who it's saved from having to take tolerance breaks or pack weed in altogther through anxiety. Weed anxiety caused by low BSL is very, very common.

I'm happy for people to believe that the above is 'crap', and would simply ask those people to test themselves next time they get high to prove it one way or another.

As I said, my reason for posting the above isn't to 'scare-monger', but quite the opposite; to help everyone continue taking weed happily and comfortably. My second reason is to help arm us all against the false accusations that are levelled against cannabis and its alleged ability to create (not exacerbate) anxiety in us all. If we all understand exactly what is taking place with low BSL, then we're all better armed to fight the anti-drugs squads.

Your posts are comercial adverts . You are selling your opinions as facts , mixed with facts , for money .
The worst I've ever felt after fasting for a day is being hungry. Maybe I have very good blood sugar regulation though...

Don't take GOD's criticism badly, he is right that the shape of your post had something weird, like a strange rhethoric song, a progression from "it may contribute" to "as many people I directly helped agree to say, it certainly does play a great role in"... Plus, his answers are most of the time short, and quick to point out what is an offense to rationnality without explaining why... Up to you to find out.

My opinion is that people who experience queasiness when smoking ought to try different set/settings, including perhaps a small meal beforehand, but declaring that everyone with low blood pressure feels at least one of the symptoms... gah.
GOD you're the one talking crap here. He is not advertising, he is sharing his knowledge with us. He may be wrong, but if you think so instead of attacking him personally with empty statements why don't you attack the information with your proven facts? We all want to sort out the bullshit from the truth here (it actually is one of the purposes of this forum) and it's not by saying "what you say is crap" that we are gonna achieve this.

I actually think most of what he is saying is true, and really is no anti-drug propaganda lol... where does it say that cannabis is bad? When you smoke cannabis sometimes you get very paranoid, THAT is a FACT. Now why couldn't blood sugar cause, or at least contribute to this paranoia? I know that blood sugar does have a considerable impact on the high weed can produces, as I have experienced more negative effects when hungry/having a low blood sugar, and really good trip when I had eaten well before. I haven't felt any negative effect from smoking weed since last spring, and I think I can attribute this partially to the fact that I did take care of not smoking if I was tired or hungry.

So please, bring us those facts with sources, cause for the moment I think you're the one saying crap here. You know, I find it really annoying when you say somethine is bullshit, attack it with all the hatred that is within you, and then leave us wondering what is bad. Acting like you know everything, like you're the all-knowing being you nick refers to in a christian's head, and we don't deserve to know because... you're superior to us?
Thanks Psychoid.:) If anyone would like to point out where I've been anything but pro-cannabis I'd be interested to see it.

I can add further to this if anyone is interested. Although here I'm calling what's happening 'low blood sugar', it's not really the full picture, as it takes in insulin production and the adrenaline 'cascade', and even too the endocannabinoid system reponsible for glucose regulation in the gut. Not eveyone will get a low BSL reaction to cannabis, and some will even get a short rise in it on getting high before slipping back to a lower level, which many find they can't rise above. If they have a high sugar requirement for some reason, say after a shock, surprise, or are already hungry, then the dip into the low will become much deeper. It seems to drop suddenly particularly in those who are already hungry, but not in everyone.

Many diabetics regulate BG sugar levels using cannabis, but again it doesn't work for everyone, and the reasons may depend on anything from foods eaten that day to stress levels.

All of the above is just a shot. If you're high and not feeling that great, mentally or physically, eat something. If it doesn't work and my dear friend GOD proves to be right in your case, then nothing has been lost.

I myself never felt paranoid on weed. Uncomfortable, yes, but not anxious or paranoid. I did smoke weed a few times after not eating for a while and being mildly hungry and my natural tendency was to pass out (!) or eat something. :lol:

I guess what you, MelT, are saying can be applicable to people who get anxious/paranoid when they smoke weed, but not everybody gets anxious/paranoid if they have low blood sugar. Set, setting, drug, dose, experience are all important factors in how comfortable you are slipping into that whoozy state when your blood sugar is low.

One other thing that may be influential here is the amount of THC and CBD in the cannabis. CBD is a natural anti-psychotic and in weed with high amounts of THC, the CBD is lower, making the weed more 'edgy'. (At least that is what I get out of it).
Forkbender a dit:
I myself never felt paranoid on weed. Uncomfortable, yes, but not anxious or paranoid. I did smoke weed a few times after not eating for a while and being mildly hungry and my natural tendency was to pass out (!) or eat something. :lol:

I guess what you, MelT, are saying can be applicable to people who get anxious/paranoid when they smoke weed, but not everybody gets anxious/paranoid if they have low blood sugar. Set, setting, drug, dose, experience are all important factors in how comfortable you are slipping into that whoozy state when your blood sugar is low.

One other thing that may be influential here is the amount of THC and CBD in the cannabis. CBD is a natural anti-psychotic and in weed with high amounts of THC, the CBD is lower, making the weed more 'edgy'. (At least that is what I get out of it).

Yes, I'd agree just about 100% with the above. The only thing I would disagree with is that anxiety gets everyone as soon as they pass through a certain threshold - though obviously, the level of this threshold will vary from person to person. As you say too, cannabis contains effective anti-anxiety chemicals which negate some of these effects, so there are no hard and fast rules.

MelT a dit:
The only thing I would disagree with is that anxiety gets everyone as soon as they pass through a certain threshold - though obviously, the level of this threshold will vary from person to person.

What about diet? If you eat lots of sugars in your food, your body gets addicted to them and anticipates future use with a drop (!) in blood sugar levels. If you aren't used to lots of sugars, the effect will be smaller and you will be more 'leveled' throughout the day. Anyone can get addicted to sugar and develop such a threshold as you talk about, but I don't think it will get everyone as easily as you say. I have found, for example, that a regular low sugar diet prevents 'the munchies' much more than a sugary diet.
What this is all about is really quite simple, and has been pointed out by a couple of people;

Cannabis is a psychedelic, and, as such, its use is governed by Tim Learys guiding concept;

Set and setting are everything when you use psychedelics.

The people around you = SETTING

Your feelings toward these people= SET

If you have people around you who are acquaintances, and you aren't really close to them, then cannabis' psychedelic action, magnifies the feelings of uncertainty, distrust, and discomfort EVERYONE FEELS to some degree, about those we don't know really well.

Cannabis is vastly under-rated in its power. It isn't a toy, and the effects can be, as you see, profound.

I'll make the assumption that you are somewhat an introverted individual, and that this is probably why it is pleasant to do it by yourself.....

I've been smoking for over 30 years now, but everytime I stop for a short time, my tolerance evaporates, and if I do a good bit, all those feelings come on; paranoia, doubt, weirdness, etc etc.....

It's just the effects of psychedelics, and it's okay.
I always thought set and setting went a bit beyond what you just explained... setting being not only the people around, but the whole time, place, atmosphere, heck, moon phases if you're into it, and set being the crossroads of everything going on consciously or not in the mind before/during the trip. But I do agree that they may contribute more to any subjective effects of a psychedelic than blood sugar level, at least in a lot of people.
"moon phases"

What have alien / space weapons got to do with this ?

Set and setting means you and the things around you . Controling it as far as posible means trying to see the sittuation as it is and being rational , critical and objective about it .
What I mean is if you really believe moon phases can have an effect on your high/trip, chances are they will.

Edit: "lunar phases", sorry for translating directly from French. Hasn't got anything to do with E.T. weaponry anyway??