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Is the psilocin experience a DMT experience?

DMT and psilocin both are 5-HT2A receptors agonists but psilocin is also a 5-HT1A agonist, not DMT.

Both molecules have very similar effects, but they do not act the same, there are differencies.
I so totally used to see the same patterns on shrooms and DMT... LSD for example dosen't seem to give the same thing at all... it's like way more different !

So yeah I would say mushrooms are just like a DMT trip but with the peak flattened and the duration longer !

This is hardrock science, can't deny it !
So what happens at the 5-HT2A receptor sites to cause these effects? :D :?: :?: :?: :lol:
You know that question is still unanswered... I would say the psychedelic connection effect is not at all due to the hormonal receptors, thats just fun side effects !

I would propose that the tryptamines directly lowers electrical resistance in the tissue , which explains the way it enhances gastro-intestinal mineral and amines absorbtion. That effect on the visual nerve makes the electricity travel much faster and thus you see reflection of your own vision before it makes it to the hypothalamus and pineal gland.

Nothing mystical again... I know I rock , I'm trying not to make the olden day scientists look too dumb by not studying the details, someone will most likely be passionate enough to find the good words to explain my insight.

*polishes nails*
There are many DMT experiences, how can you compare?

Psilocybe means bold head or naked head. (kaalkopjes)
But there is definitly tryptamine in shrooms
The experience isn't the same for every person.
You have Ayahuasca tea to drink, you have cristalized DMT that's suited for smoking, you have DMT that's meant for oral use
how do you compare?

Smoking DMT is a short trip, drinking it makes you trip for hours, ...

Same with shrooms, you can cristalize them and smoke them too, less is needed.
The trip is almost the same, but less naussa

Is one Ayahuasca tea equal to 20g fresh shrooms?
Who's to say but you, your self?
Where do YOU draw the line
Oh I tend to be pretty artistic, I figure, if I'm to draw lines, might as well make them curvy and pleasing to my eye.

Heehee :lol:

Psylocibin oxidises so fast and breaks so easily when heated, I wonder how you could smoke that , ever, never even heard about such a practice !

I guess your perception all depends if the ayahuasca leaf is good, if your MAOI is potent, if you shrooms are potent...

It's not really a questio it's hard to provide an answer, I'm not even sure when you got in and what is your purpose ?
You should google "crystals of the gods"
It's easy to cristalize mushrooms... and that powder you can smoke or poor in tea

There are many people that smoke the shroom itself, they just dry it out and smoke it in a bong... why not? LOL
I don't know the effect of that, I haven't done it, but I know it's done.

And yes it is hard to provide an answer
That's why I say: where do you draw the line!

i've seen people eating 25g dried shrooms, could you say they're experience was the same then an ayahuasca tea? Nobody can but them.
And we shouldn't worry so much weither it's the same or not, we should just enjoy our fucking trips :)
The shroom is the phone!
"It's easy to cristalize mushrooms."

Have you got any information about that please ?
Crystals hmm ? I'd like to see that ! The best I could do with this technique was blue gum, and it oxidised so fast that it wasn't half as potent after one week only even if sealed in a container... not very practical !

About smoking it, we all tried it when we were young, felt nothing ! Amanitas can be smoked however, with a light but nice effect...

There is no way psylocibin would tolerate being heated and not oxidise in the fire !

Bufotenine maybe, but psylocibin, impossible ! Perhaps with a VERY precise vaporiser but it would also oxiside in the air, most of it would at least.
Psilocibin psilocin are *analogs* of DMT, in the same way many psychedelic amphetamines are related; ring substitution.

To say DMT is 'in' psilocibin is inaccurate, in the same way that saying methamphetamine is 'in' MDMA.

Or that mescaline is 'in' TMA.

Study the structures, and TIHKAL/PIHKAL.

They will show you the light.
What's the difference in colour, Spice? Synthetical DMT comes in crystal white power as well as yellow-brown like crystals. What's the difference?
Pure psilocibin/psilocin is white, according to;


..... to give 3-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]-4-indolol (4-HO-DMT, psilocin) as white crystals which, after recrystallization from ethyl acetate / hexane, had a mp of 103-104 °C."

http://www.erowid.org/library/books_onl ... al18.shtml
You can smoke shrooms and you can smoke them crystalized.

dry shroom up to 5g is needed
crystalized, 0,1 is needed

However, I aree with Adrian. Don't rush the effect.
But smoking it makes it milder and fucks up the lungs
"You can smoke shrooms"

You can smoke sand but it also doesnt work .

You dont smoke anything ...... you vaporise it . Vaporising Psilocybin works just keep the temperature down .

How does it fuck your lungs up ?
Yup vaporizing works better, but that doesn't take away the fact shrooms can be smoked with effect.
Smoking it in a bong or so also gives you a mild trip.
Of course it's better to drink them in a hot tea.

I'm not the smoking kinda guy, I do smoke weed. But I don't like smoking salvia, let alone stand shrooms!

Even if smoking mushrooms produces a psychoactive effect, the effect is very mild and won't last long. Eating psilocybin/psilocin mushrooms will produce incomparable effects. If a serious psychedelic experience is desired, mushrooms should be eaten and not smoked.

Source: http://www.shroomery.org/8768/Can-mushrooms-be-smoked

And why is it bad? It isn't good for the longs, now is it?
I don't know how much tar is released smoking shrooms, but I can imagen the smoke sticks to your longs like tar would.
And I know you would answer to this: that's why you should vaporize ;)
But that's not what I'm talking about.

Look I frown upon smoking shrooms. Even eating them doesn't give the effect it does in a tea. I chop them into pieces, throw them in hot water with some passionflower and drink the whole without even chewing. Because I chop it very fine pieces I just swallow it along with the tea