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Intense effect from meditating on cannabis

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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I am currently extremely high on cannabis as I had not been smoking any for 2 weeks and was meditating in my bed. Usually when I'm stoned I always have the impression I have problems with my respiration, I'm scared I force myself to breath too slow/breath too slow without noticing and lack of oxygen. After several minutes of meditation I always get that unpleasant feeling in my chest that I always attribute to a lack of oxygen, which always gets me confused with my respiration, distracting me :S . But this time I thought "hey! maybe in fact I'm just going deeper and I'm scared when it comes the time to switch?". So that time I kept breathing at the same speed. I started getting higher, after 5 seconds I was incredibly high but I started breathing faster when I started to feel a painful/intense sensation in my head, this time really scared I was lacking oxygen.

But when I started breathing faster it didn't do the sensation you get when you start breathing again after holding your breath for long, neither did it bring me back to the normal THC buzz faster. I had a normal breath (which I can't even determine if it is slower or faster when on cannabis. Does cannabis influence heart rate and breathing speed?

also, while in the peak, I had the feeling that the bond between my spirit and my body had vanished. I was feeling the entire room I was in.

After I turned back the intense effect slowly faded and 15 seconds later I was back to a normal pot buzz

I'm confused (and very stoned), could it be dangerous to try to go further?

:confused: :rolleyes:
Mentally, you could lose it....or you might learn something/experience something!
But physically, i doubt you can kill yourself!
Sometimes the lungs can seem abit fucked after smokin, but it always passes!
Drink some water and take some fresh air, its all gone!

Go deeper, and tell us what happens! YAY!
(Dont really do it, i might be encouraging something bad hah)
After lurking around this place for quite some time now, I just had to reply here. Because what you describe sounds very similar to an experience I had some while ago.

I was meditating to some relaxing ambient music on my room some while ago. I usually get a feeling like I'm sinking into myself, into the subconscious or even unconscious parts of my mind when I meditate on cannabis. But I always stopped at the point where my increased heartrate and blood pressure started to worry me.
That evening it was different. I was sinking into myself again, and while my heartrate increased I figured out that since everything becomes intensified when high, my heartrate and pressure might only feel like they were very high, while in fact they remained normal. This realisation made me lose my worries and sink really deep.
It felt like I was entering a trance, about to lose my consiousness. I didn't feel my body anymore, I only felt my mind. I was reaching some place which felt like I was not supposed to be there and something tried to keep me away. When all of the sudden I felt my heartbeat again. It was pumping really really fast and hard. This smacked me back into reality with fear. At that moment I was seriously afraid my heart would burst.

I don't know what it was, but that certain place I was about to reach felt evl.

I think it could be dangerous to go any further, but than again, maybe it's only dangerous when we think it's dangerous.
Carry on , go deeper but dont try to control your breathing so much and dont concentrate on it so much . Lie on your back with your arms not touching your body , with your hands palms up and your fingers open . Your legs should also be open . Close your eyes and relax . Learn progresive muscle relaxation , starting with your toes and working up to your head . Then when you are not aware of the outside world or of your body try to empty your head and stop thinking . At first its hard and trying is the wrong word . Just let the film play and ignore it . Sometime you will stop thinking in words , it will be dark in your head and you will be aware . Then you can either direct yourself where you want to go with your will , or start peeling off the layers of your consciousness and go deeper into yourself .

Dont worry about anything your body will look after itself .

Hmm I am quite sure that the heard rate increases, doesn't it? I don't believe it is dangerous but when I am very high I have the feeling that my heart explodes :wink:
I have read and its my experience that grass that hasnt been dryed properly and / or harvested to early makes your heart beat faster and your stomach get a bit unsettled / uncomfortable .
you can do pretty much whatever you like. your not going to hurt yourself.
sometimes when i freedive i hyperventilate to flush all the CO2 out of my lungs, you get pretty out of it but your body has balancing mechanisims.
there are Burbur tribes who smoke chilims and force them selves to cough violently for the same effect
I have read and its my experience that grass that hasnt been dryed properly and / or harvested to early makes your heart beat faster and your stomach get a bit unsettled / uncomfortable .

hmmm :?
GOD a dit:
I have read and its my experience that grass that hasnt been dryed properly and / or harvested to early makes your heart beat faster and your stomach get a bit unsettled / uncomfortable .

i get heart burn from smoking damp grass, esp damp unflushed grass. i think you swallow harsh chemicals from the smoke
Do you normally have breathing problems or asthma? Because aside from that...

I remember having experiences like that the first times I got seriously high (T. McKenna styles). I thought that my lungs just weren't getting any oxygen whatsoever, and I ended up hyperventilating till i almost blacked out.. then at some point I realized I was going to be fine. (I should mention I was actually tripping balls too..). After a couple more similar experiences my body adjusted. GOD's advice is spot on...

Sounds like you are using thc the same way as a psychedelic, you will probably have a lot more amazing experiences (if you haven't already) :D
Welcome to the wonderful realm of cannabis. ;)

The rapid heartbeat isn't as serious as you think, it is a combination of a mind opening state both with the expansion of your bloodvessels and veins. Just LET IT GO! Your system takes care of your heart and breath, you may think you'll have to do it yourself though. ;)

If you don't have any heart disease, it is fairly safe to continue although you'll sometimes feel as it's going so fast and hard that it'll explode or fail. Step out of your meditation if it feels uncomfortable and it'll get rest, then resume.

Rare use of cannabis and lots at once in it's pure form intisifies a strong connection between body and mind and a VERY sensitive feeling of what's going on in your interior.

I have even felt the veins in my head at some point and that scared the shit out of me the very first time. But it also gave me the power to check my body on things which wouldn't be found by a doctor. I literally can feel a very premature failure from my tones to my head if it's there.

Can taste my urine to check or I'm still healthy, I just smelle and taste whether it is alright or not. Cannabis = a medicine to make diagnoses and a wonderful plant for spiritual goals.

Once every 2 weeks sounds very good to me.
Two days ago I had a severe panick attack on cannabis. I won't go into detail as it's very vague, but I thought I had gone insane and never return. It's a feeling I have had before on mushrooms, but I know how to deal with it and calm myself down. That time with cannabis however, my thoughts were blocked and there was only panic. I splashed some water in my face and 10 seconds later I was alright again, watching cartoons having a laugh.

I've never had such a strong experience on weed before. It probably has to do with the stress (I have some exams to redo). And I realised how afraid I subconsciously am of going insane too.

Oh well, friday is my last exam and then I have another small month of holiday :wink:
Meduzz a dit:
Two days ago I had a severe panick attack on cannabis. I won't go into detail as it's very vague, but I thought I had gone insane and never return. It's a feeling I have had before on mushrooms, but I know how to deal with it and calm myself down. That time with cannabis however, my thoughts were blocked and there was only panic. I splashed some water in my face and 10 seconds later I was alright again, watching cartoons having a laugh.

the panic trip. that happened to me too, a while ago.. sort of a cause/effect mushrooming panic that intensified throughout my body to an incredibly abrasive peak. imo worse than my bad mushroom trip or uncomfortable acid trip because it felt so physical, effected me for days afterwards, no afterglow that time. i took a break for a while and fortunately after a couple more times doing cannabis those completely irrational feelings just went away. i did get some insights out of that trip so it was worth it in the end, just very hard to integrate

in my limited experience so far the classic psychedelics seem to be a bit easier to control, usually just changing the room you are in or putting on some warm clothes or closing your eyes to music does the job. this is trickier with cannabis, maybe because it is just so unexpected and seemingly random when it happens. i mean i was stressed out a bit the day that happened to me, but i've definitely been more stressed out on other days and had very blissful experiences
I'm sure it's because the other pathways of THC compared to other psychedelics. Especially the anandamine system (ananda=bliss). And as bliss and insight are close related I don't think it's exceptional for cannabis to generate false insight in something and fortify it. Myself, I had confused my internal dialogue with voices in my head, and there was nothing I could do about it because all other thoughts were blocked. It scared the hell out of me...

I also thought I had gone insane because I suggested (translation of wijsmaken?) to myself I was insane and got sucked in that hole.
Meduzz a dit:
Myself, I had confused my internal dialogue with voices in my head, and there was nothing I could do about it because all other thoughts were blocked. It scared the hell out of me...

I also thought I had gone insane because I suggested (translation of wijsmaken?) to myself I was insane and got sucked in that hole.

i think you nailed it there. on my panic trip it was more the feeling that i would never be able to feel any pleasure ever again. it just spiraled into layers and layers of panic.. basically to the same end as you describe.. sort of like feedback going out of control

Also my internal dialogue is amplified to the extreme. On one of my crazier experiences (doing hot knives, but i'm not recommending that method :lol: ) my internal dialogue started sounding like a sea of voices shouting.. but I actually quite get into this now, as a musician i can use this to my advantage, sometimes i get crazy ideas for a new track in this state
Sometimes when I had lost my keys I could remember exactly the moment when I had them for the last time and where I dropped them in my house. I recall the moment and see it as a chain of thoughts with open eyes.

Also, right after I come home from a party and have a strong toke, it's like my I'm still there and going through moments from there that look realistic with very specific details that happenend there.
OMG you are all describing experiences that I had multiple times on cannabis!

- Feeling that my heart is goiung to explode
- Hyperventilating because I think my lungs aren't absorbing oxygen anymore
- Feeling some internal things that you don't usually (like the blood flowing through my veins, in my whole body)
- Panic attacks
- Thinking that I'm insane and that no one told me to do not make me sad

Tonight I am smoking all my remaining grass and I'll go deeper :)
Report back when anything interesting happens. ;)
Dont watch for things or you might as well watch TV , its a not doing not a doing , just turn off / let go of more layers , be aware and maybe try to discover the real you .