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Input on marijuana lifestyles worldwide

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion reaperofgenocide
  • Date de début Date de début


Im interested in some of the marijuana lifestyles all over the world. Like which part of the world has shown:

-Better environment or society to grow cannabis

-Top notch buds

-Great place to interact with fellow marijuana enthusiast

-Places to avoid to get cannabis, grow it, or be involved in it what so ever
And anything of this nature.

-Strict areas and lenient areas.

I would like some first had experiences that people have had that relates to this. Also, please mention a year if it will help. I understand that times are always changing.
Sounds like, if nowhere else, you just described Amsterdam. ;) Also, Jamaica, etc.
Growing cannabis is allowed here in Amsterdam, but only on a small scale for personal use. It is not legal, however, and when the police decides to enforce the law (which is possible if some parties continue to stay in power), it might be a problem. There is not really a big cannabis culture here. Most coffeeshops sell to tourists and most tourists have the mindset they are doing something illegal and will not really open up. Another fact is that while in Amsterdam you will never be arrested for having pot on you for personal use or for using pot, the relative amount of people using it is actually lower than in most other western countries (France, Britain, US). Apparently having access to drugs doesn't make you a drug user. (Weird huh, mr. prohibitionist?)
War on drugs tends to encourage drug use.
Legalize it motherfuckers !!!
^what? you against drugs?
i live 9km from Maastricht, which is in the Netherlands = coffeeshops = good.
so for now I think I'm gonna stay here.

when the police sees someone smoking weed they're going to throw it away (if all persons involved are 18+ of age). if there is a minor he will get some paper where stands you smoked it. no bid deal tbh.

you can smoke in parks, but when a cop does his walk be sure you cleaned up everything fast, otherwise --> problemo

they sometimes do search cars (mostly at the boarder where I live), but if you look innocent they're not to hard on you.

where I live, smoking weed isn't much of a taboo any more, mostly older people still have the OMG-DRUGS view.
I'm only 18 years old and my mom and dad let me smoke it (on a daily basis), I opened their mind about alcohol (they like wine, lots of wine ;))
thumbs up for Belgium
we all do. :wink:

it is so weird that people who are against drugs inadvertantly help people who use it by making it illegal. must be some subconscious shit.

this list might be somewhat useful as a loose guide, although i suspect it is updated by people who aren't really legal experts.

for example in canada, weed is indeed illegal. it is not decriminalized (it came close but it never happened). it is simply tolerated in certain areas, like vancouver and montreal, where people often smoke openly on the streets downtown. other areas of canada though, you could wind up in deep shit for lighting up if the wrong cop catches you. it is true that pot is in legal limbo currently but cops are still enforcing prohibition officially, even if a few simple possession cases have been thrown out of court. i personally would always toss that joint if a cop was in the vicinity, even in downtown montreal

supposedly canada has the highest number of pot smokers per capita in the world? it is definitely cheap, tasty and potent :D i think i personally know more people who have at least tried it a few times than people who don't smoke pot at all. so i think it is a matter of time till it becomes legal, as long as harper's government doesn't start a war on drugs

interesting how weed is so harshly treated in some asian countries. goes to show you can't just blame the christians for keeping it illegal. it's those who wish to control and wield power over others, whether it be through political or religious means.
War on drugs doesn't help druged people. It would help if they legalize it !
Marijuana is a problem when you make it a problem
Cannafarmer a dit:
Marijuana is a problem when you make it a problem

I completly agree, weed, jsut like anyother drug can be abused. Some people with addictive personalities can really have a problem with weed, and as im sure some people on the forum have felt the slight withdrawl after smoking large amounts for a long period of time. Loss of appitite, sleeping problems, depression, ect ect..

But it can still be used recreationaly, and for meditiation ect with out problems at all.

Some times it bothers me when friends of myne are like "Oh i wish weed was legal like in amsterdam, cuz ide be smoking 68 blunts a day, ide get a 6 oz's and roll it into a fat ass blunt and smoke it walking down the road"

I think to myself "Its people like you that dont need weed to be legalized.".
Also, I know some people that are just outright stupid when there high. When i get high I liek to chill, and listin to some music, and think about life ect.. Some people are like "Hey DUDE.. lets go break into some cars!!!! hell yaaa!!!"...

ikd im ranting, i just picked up some buddah kush, and sour diesel. :tonqe: :weedman: :lol: :weedman: :retard: :smoke:

EDIT: Wow... sorry for the off topic post lol.
So what, did my marijuana induced rant end this topic?
i want to see this thread go longer..

well, i can tell you one thing, they are definitely still assholes in kennesaw ga, but that doesn't stop me. if your careful, then it becomes very hard to even present an opportunity to get caught. but of course, theres the x factor! DUN DUN DUUUNNN!
i dont think theres ANY leinancy towards marijuana in the states.
i got cought by a crooked cop and he TOOK my weed instead of charging me with it because it was "so good". that was in the tampa florida area. but everyone that i know only smokes weed indoors, the only way to get caught in daily life is smoking outside of your home.
I think Canada is quite lenient on cannabis users. It's great! I smoke joints outside all the time (mostly at night, but also in afternoons when I'm biking home from work). The police are really great about it too (most wish it were legal, when you ask them), if you just explain yourself and be humble you can get away with just tossing the joint and leaving. They don't want to have to do two hours of paperwork for possession anyway :P

I am really grateful to live in a country with such attitudes. When I run in to the police here, I just explain myself politely and apologize- that is generally enough. There's plenty of other users around, plus the good herb's easy to come by, BC being so infamously productive and all :weedman:
i was looking into moving to canada, but i heard they dont really like us yanks.. haha.
Who does? :P

We are generally very accepting people. People are people and labels are labels :mrgreen:
well in that case... im on my wayy :P
Actually planning a little Canada trip. Two quick questions:
1) I heard in Vancouver there are semi-legal weed shops. That would make things a lot easier.
2) What' the policy on shrooms (i.e. legal pretty obvious, but in the practical sense).