In the hopes of getting energy better directed, I'll share my own observations, and conclusions about this whole process I see happening here...
If you dont want to end up like Thomas Aquinas, spending years trying to explain the Trinity, and failing, you'll reconsider a few things!
First, the notion of "Psi" is both ancient and nascent.. and it is ineffable. What that means is we simply do not have the tools to understand it at the moment, at the level of language and the reasoning mind. It is like the old idea of limited understanding.. if a dog is confronted with a refrigerator, what does he understand about it? It is cold inside, and there is a light in it, and it makes a humming noise sometimes. No matter how long he sits in front of the refrigerator, his dog brain simply does not have the ability to Reason how HVAC works, the properties of refrigerants and compressors, electricity, and so on.
It is the same for us, and "Psi". Call it what you will ... metamind ... collective unconscious ... God. For us it is ineffable. Today.
So, secondly, what we CAN do is determine how to use it, the rough parameters of it, the edges of it... but not WHAT it is. Once we think we have found something, and start down the long path of reasoned madness, we truly enter the rabbit hole.
Not only that, but it is subjective in many respects, so what works for one, may not work for another. Also, although experiment is king, we have no way of knowing all the influencing factors since we do not understand the underlying mechanisms. So successes may not be reproducible.
I'd strongly suggest that if you really do want to discover more in this realm, you stay away from trying to discern WHAT it is, and rather focus on HOW it works, through observation and experience. Like the dog that learns how to open the refrigerator, it may give you access to new things.
However, if you tread the path of reasoned madness, you'll end up wondering what you have really accomplished. I put a few questions to a numerologist that flustered her to no end, for example: "Ok..I understand that, however WHY do you multiply here? Why not divide? Subtract? Square root? What is the fundamental rule that governs these things and from where does it come? And why doesn't numerology use calculus or analytical math? Why always just variations on addition and never integration and power rules? Doesn't the field ever advance?" There are many pat answers, but none of them actually tell you WHY. Only that somebody, at some point, decided that such and such an operation was significant, often after experiencing some success using it in their circumstance.. but no real reason ever appears except "somebody tried it a few times" and then over the years rules were built up around it. Tracing it back leads to some person in the late 1800s, who based their work around "pythagorean mysteries", and so on.
There is truth in the old work, but when you realize that they knew much less than we do about the physical world, you have to see that words wont work here, and we have to quest for the experience that defines the magic. Then we can talk about it.
How do you explain tripping to someone who hasn't tripped? Answer: You cant, not really. They have no context.
Seek the mysteries! Just don't get caught up in blind alleys! Do things which improve yourself and your intuitive mind, like meditation/contemplation and you will have a much better chance at realization. Use your experiences to guide others into their own personal realizations, and remember.. you cant actually explain it to them, or to anyone else. Even fellow travelers.
Like Morpheus said, " Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. "