It is localised. I have never seena murder, I have never witnessed torture by my own eyes.
it's not locallized. Yes, it's localized to this world.
If you want to see it, you can.
If you want to feel it you can.
You don't have to witness it perse.
When a relative dies, you often don't witness it, but you feel it.
It touches your heart and self being.
People should feel this much love for their planet;
before change can happen. Before it is too late.
You've heard about space station mir too or haven't you?
The euopean haldron collider?
Howcome violence doesn't concern you?
Living in a violent world should do just fine to make you act against it.
It is also YOUR world.
Anyone who doesn't see is deaf dumb blind and ignorant.
sorry, but that's what it is...
Because if you think it is far away, doesn't mean it is.
Appearantly then you have no idea how insanely small this little rock is.
It is everywhere, all over the world.
People who "don't" see, don't "want" to see.
It's people who think like that, that make it possible fot NO CHANGE to happen,
and it pisses me of hugely. It's not of this time anymore, to think like that.
Yo spice,
that's been long due;
psychonaut Illuminati'
4. i will write articles, because i will always be surprised that other people aren't surrounded by it.
Spot on buddy