i have a few questions about ecstasy.


Matrice Périnatale
the pills i get i think they're decent. they're orange with guns. i'm pretty sure they're about half meth and half mdma. i know snorting mdma is effective so would snorting some of the pill i have make me roll?
and what are the serious brain effects it has if you take too much as a teen and how much is too much?
How old are you exactly? From my own experience and others' I can tell it is better to abstain from both speed and MDMA before MINIMUM 16, preferably 18. Taking some before IS going to have some consequences. NEVER take more than one pill every 6 months. Do not snort, it's useless, it hurts and destroys the interior of your nose. You are not going to get a better effect because you snorted, it will just hit faster and be shorter. Be careful to drink enough water, and NEVER mix with alcohol.

If you think there is meth in the pill, it's a bad pill. MDMA and meth is a bad mix, the pressure elevation is huge. I once had taken 2 speed pills throughout the day and later in the evening I took 2 E pills. At some point I felt huge pressure at various places, especially in my nose, and then it started bleeding... but it wasn't little blood drops, blood was literally flowing out of my nose in a continuous flow. I got really scared I was going to have to go the the hospital but I was lucky and it stopped after about 20 minutes.

The best for you would be to abstain, but I know there are low chances you will listen, so please if you decide to take some at least follow my advices to minimize the consequences.
Snorting pills is a junkie habit to me. But yes, you can, but you'll need to crush the pill to dust. Binding substances which holds the material together are also found in tablets.

Swallowing meth often acts like strong amphetamine, slightly more euphoric.

Just for the record, Meth will overpower the MDMA effects, both together they form a strong stimulant that puts stress on the central nervous system.

I'd suggest you trying to find pure pills because it's wasting the MDMA.
well i have already taken many of them over the weekend. 3 pills friday night, 2 on saturday night, and one on sunday morning.
and actually i am under 16. :/
Slow down a bit then. It's overkill. Trust me, no E for you for at least 3 months. Preferable 4 months.

Your serotonine (which produces the feeling) needs definitely a time to recover. It's not the pill which produces the feeling, but the pill activates reserves of serotonine in your brain.

Stay away of it, you're still quite young but trust me that impulsive behaviour will produce unpleasant experiences and eventually depressive moods. And you'll lose the possibility to have an ecstastic experience in the future.
i think i'm gonna take that advice.

what drugs are safe(ok well not safe but not terribly bad) to experiment with for me?

i'm showing some interest in mescaline, acid, mushrooms, ghb,

i've rolled about 13 times, did oxycotton once and done coke but not much, and i smoke weed everyday. but actually i am smart. so like doing these things hasn't made me unintelligent. oh and sometimes i take really high doses of nyquil.

i just feel like something bad wouldn't happen to me you know.
I am not a fan of XTC pills, I generally advise against them.
If you think they are okay, your not sure right ?

About 6 years ago I had tried XTC tablets 3 times, and I found them incredibly boring, compared to real psychedelics.
I guess the pills where not that good.
With all the long term memory lost, and such I don't think it's worth the risk.

(that's just my opinion)
stoner_bitch.<3 a dit:
well i have already taken many of them over the weekend. 3 pills friday night, 2 on saturday night, and one on sunday morning.
and actually i am under 16. :/

I hope you don't get a serious crash today. :roll:

check www.erowid.org for druginformation that isn't tainted by government propaganda. Lots of useful info on brain chemistry and advice on how often to use.
About 6 years ago I had tried XTC tablets 3 times, and I found them incredibly boring, compared to real psychedelics.
I find MDMA quite boring too. But I consider it one of the best psychotherapeutic tools available.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
About 6 years ago I had tried XTC tablets 3 times, and I found them incredibly boring, compared to real psychedelics.
I find MDMA quite boring too. But I consider it one of the best psychotherapeutic tools available.

Maybe. I don't care about it.
It's not a maybe. It's a wonderful substance for certain traumatized patients (sexual abuse victims, war veterans) when used by expert psychotherapists. The following book describes some of the most valuable applications.


One could say entheogens or psychedelics are "better" than MDMA, but my personal view is that it really depends on the (psychological) problem, the nature of the patient, and the stage of that patient's recovery.
I know. But for myself personally, I don't care about it.
My brother is a war veteran. He has seen a lot of action in the war. And he has a hard time dealing with PTSS.
He's never done mdma or XTC for him the mushroom did it.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
It's not a maybe. It's a wonderful substance for certain traumatized patients (sexual abuse victims, war veterans) when used by expert psychotherapists. The following book describes some of the most valuable applications.


One could say entheogens or psychedelics are "better" than MDMA, but my personal view is that it really depends on the (psychological) problem, the nature of the patient, and the stage of that patient's recovery.

Do you or someone else has this book as a pdf? I am sure, this book is gonna interest me :)
You can order it here. Or you can come over to buy it in my shop and get a free gift! :wink:
MDMA boring? You must have had pretty bad quality... MDMA actually makes it impossible to be bored...
^Let me stress that they are in the country that produces most of the commercial MDMA in the world and that the quality over here is very high.

I got bored with it after 4/5 times, it didn't show me anything new anymore and lost its magic (not from overuse, waited at least 6 months between the experiences).
Of course I wasn't literally bored during the experiences themselves. But I felt the term 'ecstasy' was inappropriate because though perhaps carefree and happy, I never had truly ecstatic experiences, whether taking it at home or at a Goa party. On LSD and other psychedelics I've had much more ecstatic experiences.
Perhaps if it's lost it's magic MDEA will still do it? I don't know it's probably similar in the way it works.. but it could be worth the try
It's a little different from MDMA as well.
You can still buy it in some dutch smartshops, it's sold as a liquid air freshener XD, under the commercial name of "Explosion".
Start with half a tube :P
Bastiaan a dit:
Perhaps if it's lost it's magic MDEA will still do it? I don't know it's probably similar in the way it works.. but it could be worth the try
It's a little different from MDMA as well.
You can still buy it in some dutch smartshops, it's sold as a liquid air freshener XD, under the commercial name of "Explosion".
Start with half a tube :P

I thought all analogues of MDMA were illegal (MDA, MDEA...)