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I am god!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion imfreakinman
  • Date de début Date de début
but I'm supposed to be poor little me!

To spice-

I play devil's advocate, which is often the ploy presented by conservatives, but also liberals, and in fact all hyper-critical politicians. It is who I am, and if you don't like it, suck a big one.

I respect all of you on here to greta lengths, and at times the boundaries of which should be said and can be said become diffused to me, and I decide to say whatever the hell I want at any given point in time. I am a weird person in all context, and that is what I strive to be. I do not want to experience one side of anything, I want to experience all, and if that is making fun of the most critical or serious issues at hand, so be it - that is how I deal with it [at times]. I got severly sick of continuely delving into the deepest mind sets possible, without any comic relief. It is not healthy for me to be so absolute, and it is at your cost that I diverge from it.

so suck a big one, in a humorous-critical-conservative-anarchistic-liberal way.
IJesusChrist you dont know who you are, yet.
when you find out your anxiety will go away
meditate, its good
You're absolutely right - I don't know who I am, and I know that. Which is easily a source of anxiety - "Where do I fit in?"

I will continue to learn, but at the moment I am an infant with a contesting attitude.

For this very reason I have planned a year long vacation after I finish my first part of schooling. I do not know who I am, and have been attempting since I realized I should. My negative attitude is the product of my continuous contestation of myself - of which must rub off on all of you. As I come to peace with what I represent, and what I truly consist of, I will become more stable in my display of character.

I will continue to speak my mind however, and hopefully you can all bear with my contestation to what you all stand for; love, peace, and whatever else. Again, I respect all of you a great deal, and even if it may seem I am against you on some level, off the facade of the internet, I value your inputs as anecdotes to my well being.
IJesusChrist a dit:
For this very reason I have planned a year long vacation after I finish my first part of schooling.

that is one of the best thing one can do for oneself. getting out of normal every day life and take a jump into the cold water stream of traveling in hot countries :D
You will find, if you use this as a defense for boorish behaivour, that it really doesn't hold water....."well, I was playing the devils advocate, thats why I __________." (stole your car, pushed Jimmy in the pool, ate your cookies, hit your dog)

I think probably closer to the truth is you like to get a rise out people you have internally deemed 'over-serious'.....that's fine, but you'll be called on it throughout life, and you won't always be able to hide behind a monitor and tell someone to suck a big one either.

Ok, I get your point, I understand what you're saying, but this is going to cause you a LOT more problems than its going to cause me or anyone else.

Newsflash: you can be individualistic to your detriment. quirky doesn't necessarily mean 'tone-deaf smart-ass'

I think there's enough representatives of the devils opinion in the world as is.

Why you feel the need to advocate for him?
spice a dit:
I think there's enough representatives of the devils opinion in the world as is.

Why you feel the need to advocate for him?

For me.
let us diverge from me for a while, as long as I don't directly insult someone or be an asshole.

KAY? :)
lol ijc every thread turns into hating you....... you have a way about you ;)
Allusion a dit:
wow i get on the homepage, and your still trying to rub it (what?) in. let me ask you: do you think more people come here for jokes, or valuable information on *potentially life-threatening* substances? i understand what you say you're trying to do, but when you try to do it, all you do is appear a fucking troll. and you're a top poster. carry some responsibility for your actions once in a while.

i get heated because you have the ability to contribute to this forum and all to often you waste your(and everyone elses) time because you refuse to think out an entire thought in a coherent manner. it's like you start to, and then you diagnose yourself as too ADD (or whatever it is you do to yourself)to finish what you were getting at, (which makes alot of sense) leaving people out who are seeking genuine opinions, and making them utterly confused, or, just mislead because what you said may READ like a sentence, but really contains no information whatsoever. how many times have you said something like "...oh, well i forgot where THAT was going..." if you're gonna do it, DO IT RIGHT. that goes even for making fun of me. it's not that i didn't think it was funny, however, i despise the fact that the majority of you simply ignore personality complexes in a preference to make jokes with each other. yeah none of us are psychologists, but one doesn't need one, (in my opinion, EVER) merely a person who's been through similar situations. and so how will they see that you've been through the same thing that they have when you dont relay that, and instead make jokes that don't even read properly? sometimes alot of you guys make me sad. not sad for myself, sad for the future of humans. all to often we forget to empathize...

i dont have to ratify my personality for anyone, i am, can, and have been light of heart, and at the same time, i will always respond accordingly. i try not to make fun of people who don't ask for it. the evidence one needs is my post history, not in trying to get me to justify my being serious; when we are speaking of matters related to MENTAL HEALTH and SUBSTANCE ABUSE!

just because the regulars might think they know how to do things, doesn't mean that everyone (or ANYONE!) else does.

what were YOU before you got HERE? hmm...


mo drama fo yo mamaaa :mrgreen:
Mnemo a dit:

fuck it im leaving psychonaut again. it used to be a good forum, now its just a playground for wannabes and bluffers
was i implied in that?
how am i a wannabe or a bluffer?