IJesusChrist a dit:
First - the color choice is funny, I like it.
Second, I was not targeting you, ... you're putting words in my mouth. The only sentance that directly pertains to you, as in you being the subject, is that you are striving for an extreme level of objectivity FROM me.
alright spin-master, i can keep calling your bluffs all day.
IJesusChrist a dit:
Post is only for allusion, don't read if you don't want to;
your full of shit if you say that entire post is not directed at me
IJesusChrist a dit:
The reason I don't going around saying "Yeah, psychodelics changed my life... For the better!" is for very complex reasons,
i didn't say you should. i expressly said FUCK DRUGS, and then rhetorically asked what is wrong with simply talking about spirituality with people
IJesusChrist a dit:
I think the best way is to simply raise awareness, where a conversation may not always end in the hope of curiousity or enlightenment, if one does his/her own research, they will surely find the best answers to their questions... So, to reply to your comment, I DO speak to people about this, but from my experience, deep biases still persist. Whether its fear, ignorance, propoganda, or positive...
i agree, but as i expressly have now stated multiple times, im not talking about drugs. im talking about (talking about) spirituality. which you are not addressing, amongst other things.
IJesusChrist a dit:
here we go again, put some more words in my mouth, please. now everyone can watch me take them back out, because i didn't put them there.
You did call me a troll when I tried to make a funny...
yeah, a funny about me. so you admit to making up a stance for me, that i don't truthfully stand for, just because i called you a troll. when you have been making jokes about me *for months* that i clearly don't find amusing. YOU ACT LIKE A FUCKING TROLL. no shit i called you a troll. you're one of the more useful people on the internet, but you still act like a fucking troll.
IJesusChrist a dit:
"Not everything is an objective analysis of psychodelics"
allusion a dit:
can you tell me where i said that? even one time? go ahead, look through my posts. in fact, here's a REAL quote from me, and it's recent. "it's when you think that things CAN be stated objectively that you have a problem, and so in that regard, i agree with you ijc. but i dont believe that things can be stated objectively, and i don't think that life is so serious, like all the rest of you would imply(and imply that OTHERS may think)" -on killing the ego
"What I'm attempting, consciously or subconsciously, to do is portray a personality behind myself, not a blank box on the internet."
allusion a dit:
i appreciate that wholeheartedly, i dont know why you keep projecting (YOUR OWN IDEA, not mine) that THIS is something that IM trying to do. IT ISNT, so fuck off calling me an automaton, when we're actually on the same "side"... in fact, to see any sides, is to draw yourself as separate from something, which we know to be a fallacy. how are you separate from the universe? your skin then could be considered something that makes you separate, right? hmm, yet, the skin is just as valid to be called the thing that joins you to it. no? QUIT DRAWING LINES THAT AREN'T THERE.
I didn't call you an automaton, nor did I say you were a blank box on the internet... I was saying I am trying to give myself personality on the internet. It had nothing to do with you. To draw
myself as a seperate individual from
you is
human. I think you're taking this way too literally, or
it had nothing to do with me? in a post that starts off with "Post is only for allusion, don't read if you don't want to;"... really? oh, it must have been directed to the other guy named allusion... regardless, you are drawing lines, like you must either be expressing your personality, or you are a blank box, and the trouble is that you can't truely do EITHER of those on the internet. one, you have an avatar and are therefore by default not deemed a blank box because in having an avatar, you are a person... and secondly, in being a person, you can do nothing BUT express your personality.
all that i would like to see is complete thoughts and discussions from time to time with as much effort as you put into constantly battling me (on things that i didn't even say about you). yes i am critical of you. i am critical of everything. why? because everybody is critical of everything! why? because that's the only thing that you can do with language! especially english.
IJesusChrist a dit:
If I don't draw myself as seperate from the universe, how would that change my personality...? By saying I have a distinct personality as an individual human being does not draw a line from me and the universe.
yes it does. if you'd stop
trying to draw yourself as separate, you would see that you are NEITHER joined, NOR are you separate, and it would cure your anxiety if nothing else, and reveal much "more" to you if you'd try to remember that on a day to day. ask bananapancake, i don't know him to well, but he seems to get it.
so, just to clarify everything, ill go back over it.
you tried to make a claim that i am oppressing you, which i disproved easily, and you then declined to comment.
you make the allusion that i am trying to get everyone to act objectively, when it can be seen on the forum that i consistently state that
i don't even believe in such a term as objectivity, and give you a direct quote stating just that, and you decline to a comment/rebuttle.
you state that you are trying to portray your personality, as opposed to being a blank box. well if you feel that i am trying to oppress you from doing that, then logically, you believe that what i am trying to do is keep everyones personality "a blank box" or else you would not have said that. you're drawing a line, which is "i want to express my personality" and then suggesting that the alternative(everything on the other side of that line) to that is being a blank box. and you are then putting me on the outside of that line, when i clearly expressed that that is not my intent whatsoever. and you willingly decline comment/rebuttle.
and you also try to make a statement that i don't practice what i preach (just because you don't believe me. and also because you dont practice), which i defended, with no rebuttle.
stop making shit up and drawing imaginary lines. you can do nothing but get lost in it.