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I am god!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion imfreakinman
  • Date de début Date de début

everything's gotta be extremely insightful, no levity. Please refrain from being funny at all. Do not include any type of non-sense. Seriousness only.

Thanks. Oh and, no trolls.

thats all i have to contribute.
IJC i Beleive he would see your jest as Trolling.
a jest isnt funny to a person if its at their expense (most of the time)

most people arn't armed with a storehouse of humility and bringing attention to this fact just isnt cool


sometimes people think their alot funnier than they really are lol

not to say your not hilarious ijc.
well, here is a newsflash.

i am funny. i laff at all my own jokes. cuz theyr funny.

now i will either continue to be constrictive to this constructive to this thread or i will not. it is your choice. not yours. let my people go
i believe you really are jesus!
seal walks into a club... :?
wow i get on the homepage, and your still trying to rub it (what?) in. let me ask you: do you think more people come here for jokes, or valuable information on *potentially life-threatening* substances? i understand what you say you're trying to do, but when you try to do it, all you do is appear a fucking troll. and you're a top poster. carry some responsibility for your actions once in a while.

i get heated because you have the ability to contribute to this forum and all to often you waste your(and everyone elses) time because you refuse to think out an entire thought in a coherent manner. it's like you start to, and then you diagnose yourself as too ADD (or whatever it is you do to yourself)to finish what you were getting at, (which makes alot of sense) leaving people out who are seeking genuine opinions, and making them utterly confused, or, just mislead because what you said may READ like a sentence, but really contains no information whatsoever. how many times have you said something like "...oh, well i forgot where THAT was going..." if you're gonna do it, DO IT RIGHT. that goes even for making fun of me. it's not that i didn't think it was funny, however, i despise the fact that the majority of you simply ignore personality complexes in a preference to make jokes with each other. yeah none of us are psychologists, but one doesn't need one, (in my opinion, EVER) merely a person who's been through similar situations. and so how will they see that you've been through the same thing that they have when you dont relay that, and instead make jokes that don't even read properly? sometimes alot of you guys make me sad. not sad for myself, sad for the future of humans. all to often we forget to empathize...

i dont have to ratify my personality for anyone, i am, can, and have been light of heart, and at the same time, i will always respond accordingly. i try not to make fun of people who don't ask for it. the evidence one needs is my post history, not in trying to get me to justify my being serious; when we are speaking of matters related to MENTAL HEALTH and SUBSTANCE ABUSE!

just because the regulars might think they know how to do things, doesn't mean that everyone (or ANYONE!) else does.

what were YOU before you got HERE? hmm...
Post is only for allusion, don't read if you don't want to;

If you do you remember, or need a reminded, look in the very top (THE VERY TOP) post in "General Psychonauts" subforum. Who made that post and how serious and straight forward is it?

I don't think I deserve to be punished for being humorous, nor do I think you should try to limit/opress it. Not everything is an objective analysis of psychodelics. If it was we would have all just needed to read a spread sheet on these substances, and life would be fine.

What I'm attempting, consciously or subconsciously, to do is portray a personality behind myself, not a blank box on the internet.

Personally I was re-reading my posts and people's responses (like yours) and got really sick of how objective everyone is on here - or atleast how fake their ideologies they are attempting to push can sometimes be. By fake I don't mean they don't believe these ideologies - I mean that people are posting things that are not really how they act on a day-to-day basis, including myself. I have a hard time believing that everyone one here personally believes exactly what they post in their personal every day lives. "Practice what you preach"... I know I should.

I do not go around my campus every day with the sole intent of making everyone realize that we are all spiritual beings, connected by a divine force and the ability to see this ever constant connection via psychodelics. I do not go around town telling people that DMT will open your mind, that LSD is good, and that weed is a nice tea drink. I also do not go around telling people or even implying to people that they should do DMT. I also do not go around telling people I have ADD, panic attacks (which you have helped greatly in helping me realize I don't - so thanks), and anxiety disorders (same goes).

I am trying to act as I would in a a real life setting, as if I met someone on the street and they had asked or explained to me their "original post" in plain english. I'm sorry if my personality takes you off guard, or that you dislike my subjective personality (cough), but that is really how I would like to write on here. And personally, I wish you would be more truthful yourself... I have a hard time believeing that you speak or even think in real situations the way you write on here... if you do, you have a very critical approach, and I know I couldn't live like that.
i dont think anyone here goes around talking about our psychonautical exploits its not yet a socially accepted practice.. thats why we have this website
secondly i think it had alot more to do with your jokes targeting people, rather than the fact that you were joking in general.
I'm not a very sarcastic person.
here we go again, put some more words in my mouth, please. now everyone can watch me take them back out, because i didn't put them there.

"I don't think I deserve to be punished for being humorous, nor do I think you should try to limit/opress it."

"...i understand what you say you're trying to do..."

"...you're a top poster..."

"...if you're gonna do it, DO IT RIGHT..."

no where in my post am i trying to "oppress" you, nor could i if i tried...this much i do realize... please, get the point.

"Not everything is an objective analysis of psychodelics"

can you tell me where i said that? even one time? go ahead, look through my posts. in fact, here's a REAL quote from me, and it's recent. "it's when you think that things CAN be stated objectively that you have a problem, and so in that regard, i agree with you ijc. but i dont believe that things can be stated objectively, and i don't think that life is so serious, like all the rest of you would imply(and imply that OTHERS may think)" -on killing the ego

"What I'm attempting, consciously or subconsciously, to do is portray a personality behind myself, not a blank box on the internet."

i appreciate that wholeheartedly, i dont know why you keep projecting (YOUR OWN IDEA, not mine) that THIS is something that IM trying to do. IT ISNT, so fuck off calling me an automaton, when we're actually on the same "side"... in fact, to see any sides, is to draw yourself as separate from something, which we know to be a fallacy. how are you separate from the universe? your skin then could be considered something that makes you separate, right? hmm, yet, the skin is just as valid to be called the thing that joins you to it. no? QUIT DRAWING LINES THAT AREN'T THERE.

"I mean that people are posting things that are not really how they act on a day-to-day basis, including myself. I have a hard time believing that everyone one here personally believes exactly what they post in their personal every day lives. "Practice what you preach"... I know I should."

why don't you post some examples, because im not sure to what your referencing specifically. i get the idea, but i don't see where that makes ME a part of it. just because you and the majority of the people here are hypocrites (and don't care) does not mean that i am. i see all too often preaching this and that and not many of the preachers do shit, i agree. but get your facts straight man cause THAT IS NOT ME. it may have been at one point, 4 years ago... when i got here... and knew no better... but i care, and i am determined to be opposed against this BULLSHIT.

I do not go around my campus every day with the sole intent of making everyone realize that we are all spiritual beings, connected by a divine force and the ability to see this ever constant connection via psychodelics. I do not go around town telling people that DMT will open your mind, that LSD is good, and that weed is a nice tea drink. I also do not go around telling people or even implying to people that they should do DMT. I also do not go around telling people I have ADD, panic attacks (which you have helped greatly in helping me realize I don't - so thanks), and anxiety disorders (same goes).

WHY NOT?! fuck drugs. you dont HAVE to talk about drugs when you speak of these things. DRUGS ARE NOT THE ANSWER. what's wrong with this statement right here(rhetorical):

"I do not go around every day with the sole intent of making everyone realize that we are all spiritual beings, connected by a divine force and the ability to see this ever constant connection"

WHY NOT?? you have no valid reason. this is the kind of thinking that has the potential to change our WORLD. if you're not too fucking lazy or afraid to talk to people.

"And personally, I wish you would be more truthful yourself... I have a hard time believeing that you speak or even think in real situations the way you write on here... if you do, you have a very critical approach, and I know I couldn't live like that."

i can't tell you then that IM NOT LYING. im not a fucking liar like the ones i see, but i know that there's ultimately nothing i can do to convince you of this, aside from simply being who i am. please tell me, what is wrong with having the ability to think critically? and practice it?

well guess what you aren't me. im a sagittarius. my sign is the arrow. piercing, straight, and always in pursuit of the big picture are my standard traits, i cannot help but be this way, any other way in my mind is an injustice to myself and others, our potential. we all have infinite potential. whether you acknowledge it or not is your choice to use what's already there(and not going anywhere) or not. to perpetually fuck yourself (or perpetually not).
endlessentity: "...not yet a socially accepted practice.."

curious, do you live in america? as it stands now, i talk about my trips quite often (i live in the southeast too, bible belt..). maybe not a couple years ago when i was more timid in person. but now? for sure. granted, you can't just tell anybody(at least in the same manner), or be like, "yeah it was like a mystical journey man" you must be careful of your vocabulary, and the context which you mention it and then the experience is very easily relate able. granted the person should seem interested in the conversation leading up to the mention of a trip, you know they should seem open and want to know, but aside from obvious things like that, i've never had problems talking about my trips. one thing to look out for though is trailing off in your speach, if you let their mind wander too much while you collect your words in the middle of your story, then they are going to (Verbally and mentally) start filling in blanks that you leave open, and you can't let them use their conditioned propaganda phrases in the middle of your story or it has potential to mess everything up, appear discredit you and turn the "story" into a "joke". know what i mean?
First - the color choice is funny, I like it.

Second, I was not targeting you, ... you're putting words in my mouth. The only sentance that directly pertains to you, as in you being the subject, is that you are striving for an extreme level of objectivity FROM me.

The reason I don't going around saying "Yeah, psychodelics changed my life... For the better!" is for very complex reasons, especially social ideologies. I sure as hell can talk about them, and I sure as hell do. I talk to someone about some type of psychodelic concept a few times a week, but usually leave my use out of it. I don't always, and can't always, and the reasoning is WELCOME TO FUCKING AMERICA.

I honestly believe the majority of america is NOT afraid of psychodelic use, and the majority is definitely smarter than they used to be pertaining to the drugs use, but in conversing with someone about something different from weed is very difficult if they've never tried it. To go about an explanation of mushrooms, DMT, or some other psychodelic to the layman is in some respects impossible. How can you explain what DMT feels like to someone with no psychodelic experience? How can you do so in a productive and positive manner? The short answer is there is no short answer.

Like you said, if you hesitate, or become unconfident in any way or for any amount of time in an explanation or discussion of a psychodelic, prejudice and bias will rain in. It is like trying to defend a religion - there is alot of baggage when any psychodelics are brought up, and you (I) have to be very prepared to talk about it.

I think the best way is to simply raise awareness, where a conversation may not always end in the hope of curiousity or enlightenment, if one does his/her own research, they will surely find the best answers to their questions... So, to reply to your comment, I DO speak to people about this, but from my experience, deep biases still persist. Whether its fear, ignorance, propoganda, or positive...

here we go again, put some more words in my mouth, please. now everyone can watch me take them back out, because i didn't put them there.
You did call me a troll when I tried to make a funny...

"Not everything is an objective analysis of psychodelics"

can you tell me where i said that? even one time? go ahead, look through my posts. in fact, here's a REAL quote from me, and it's recent. "it's when you think that things CAN be stated objectively that you have a problem, and so in that regard, i agree with you ijc. but i dont believe that things can be stated objectively, and i don't think that life is so serious, like all the rest of you would imply(and imply that OTHERS may think)" -on killing the ego

"What I'm attempting, consciously or subconsciously, to do is portray a personality behind myself, not a blank box on the internet."

i appreciate that wholeheartedly, i dont know why you keep projecting (YOUR OWN IDEA, not mine) that THIS is something that IM trying to do. IT ISNT, so fuck off calling me an automaton, when we're actually on the same "side"... in fact, to see any sides, is to draw yourself as separate from something, which we know to be a fallacy. how are you separate from the universe? your skin then could be considered something that makes you separate, right? hmm, yet, the skin is just as valid to be called the thing that joins you to it. no? QUIT DRAWING LINES THAT AREN'T THERE.

I didn't call you an automaton, nor did I say you were a blank box on the internet... I was saying I am trying to give myself personality on the internet. It had nothing to do with you. To draw myself as a seperate individual from you is human. I think you're taking this way too literally, or objectively.

If I don't draw myself as seperate from the universe, how would that change my personality...? By saying I have a distinct personality as an individual human being does not draw a line from me and the universe.
yes i live in Texas. when i ship off i'll be in Illinois
IJesusChrist a dit:
First - the color choice is funny, I like it.

Second, I was not targeting you, ... you're putting words in my mouth. The only sentance that directly pertains to you, as in you being the subject, is that you are striving for an extreme level of objectivity FROM me.

alright spin-master, i can keep calling your bluffs all day.
IJesusChrist a dit:
Post is only for allusion, don't read if you don't want to;
your full of shit if you say that entire post is not directed at me

IJesusChrist a dit:
The reason I don't going around saying "Yeah, psychodelics changed my life... For the better!" is for very complex reasons,
i didn't say you should. i expressly said FUCK DRUGS, and then rhetorically asked what is wrong with simply talking about spirituality with people
IJesusChrist a dit:
I think the best way is to simply raise awareness, where a conversation may not always end in the hope of curiousity or enlightenment, if one does his/her own research, they will surely find the best answers to their questions... So, to reply to your comment, I DO speak to people about this, but from my experience, deep biases still persist. Whether its fear, ignorance, propoganda, or positive...
i agree, but as i expressly have now stated multiple times, im not talking about drugs. im talking about (talking about) spirituality. which you are not addressing, amongst other things.

IJesusChrist a dit:
here we go again, put some more words in my mouth, please. now everyone can watch me take them back out, because i didn't put them there.
You did call me a troll when I tried to make a funny...

yeah, a funny about me. so you admit to making up a stance for me, that i don't truthfully stand for, just because i called you a troll. when you have been making jokes about me *for months* that i clearly don't find amusing. YOU ACT LIKE A FUCKING TROLL. no shit i called you a troll. you're one of the more useful people on the internet, but you still act like a fucking troll.

IJesusChrist a dit:
"Not everything is an objective analysis of psychodelics"
allusion a dit:
can you tell me where i said that? even one time? go ahead, look through my posts. in fact, here's a REAL quote from me, and it's recent. "it's when you think that things CAN be stated objectively that you have a problem, and so in that regard, i agree with you ijc. but i dont believe that things can be stated objectively, and i don't think that life is so serious, like all the rest of you would imply(and imply that OTHERS may think)" -on killing the ego

"What I'm attempting, consciously or subconsciously, to do is portray a personality behind myself, not a blank box on the internet."
allusion a dit:
i appreciate that wholeheartedly, i dont know why you keep projecting (YOUR OWN IDEA, not mine) that THIS is something that IM trying to do. IT ISNT, so fuck off calling me an automaton, when we're actually on the same "side"... in fact, to see any sides, is to draw yourself as separate from something, which we know to be a fallacy. how are you separate from the universe? your skin then could be considered something that makes you separate, right? hmm, yet, the skin is just as valid to be called the thing that joins you to it. no? QUIT DRAWING LINES THAT AREN'T THERE.

I didn't call you an automaton, nor did I say you were a blank box on the internet... I was saying I am trying to give myself personality on the internet. It had nothing to do with you. To draw myself as a seperate individual from you is human. I think you're taking this way too literally, or objectively.

it had nothing to do with me? in a post that starts off with "Post is only for allusion, don't read if you don't want to;"... really? oh, it must have been directed to the other guy named allusion... regardless, you are drawing lines, like you must either be expressing your personality, or you are a blank box, and the trouble is that you can't truely do EITHER of those on the internet. one, you have an avatar and are therefore by default not deemed a blank box because in having an avatar, you are a person... and secondly, in being a person, you can do nothing BUT express your personality.

all that i would like to see is complete thoughts and discussions from time to time with as much effort as you put into constantly battling me (on things that i didn't even say about you). yes i am critical of you. i am critical of everything. why? because everybody is critical of everything! why? because that's the only thing that you can do with language! especially english.

IJesusChrist a dit:
If I don't draw myself as seperate from the universe, how would that change my personality...? By saying I have a distinct personality as an individual human being does not draw a line from me and the universe.

yes it does. if you'd stop trying to draw yourself as separate, you would see that you are NEITHER joined, NOR are you separate, and it would cure your anxiety if nothing else, and reveal much "more" to you if you'd try to remember that on a day to day. ask bananapancake, i don't know him to well, but he seems to get it.

so, just to clarify everything, ill go back over it.

you tried to make a claim that i am oppressing you, which i disproved easily, and you then declined to comment.

you make the allusion that i am trying to get everyone to act objectively, when it can be seen on the forum that i consistently state that i don't even believe in such a term as objectivity, and give you a direct quote stating just that, and you decline to a comment/rebuttle.

you state that you are trying to portray your personality, as opposed to being a blank box. well if you feel that i am trying to oppress you from doing that, then logically, you believe that what i am trying to do is keep everyones personality "a blank box" or else you would not have said that. you're drawing a line, which is "i want to express my personality" and then suggesting that the alternative(everything on the other side of that line) to that is being a blank box. and you are then putting me on the outside of that line, when i clearly expressed that that is not my intent whatsoever. and you willingly decline comment/rebuttle.

and you also try to make a statement that i don't practice what i preach (just because you don't believe me. and also because you dont practice), which i defended, with no rebuttle.

stop making shit up and drawing imaginary lines. you can do nothing but get lost in it.
listen, I'm cooler than you and have more friends. i can also kick your ass cause i've watched kung fu movies on youtube. i smoke way more dope than you and i don't even care what any one thinks cause they can fuck themselves, i just wanna smoke weed.

you think your so smart with your high class panty shmants words like "the" and "is". get out of here, this place is for people who just wanna smoke and play video games.

im done with this argument cause you can't even hold an argument in the first place!!! its like you don't even respond!

no but really I'm not going to respond, lol.
you're just like waygie and imfreakinman, which makes this perfectly on topic. troll.

how long are we all gonna watch this guy do this crap and say nothing? he is drowning the valuable posts on this site with pointless un-thought and half-cocked posts...

all i've tried to do is offer you constructive criticism but you don't listen so i spoke a bit louder and a bit louder.i realize that i don't wield a lot of tact, something im working on, but i speak from my heart nonetheless. now i can see that you're just ignorant and not really looking for anything other than beating yourself up in front of people. certainly not seeking good advice.
ijc that post was funny. in a very sad way that makes me wanna bake you brownies
Allusion get a grip dude, not everything is going to be extremely constructive, I'm only human. I don't make every post insightful, nor revealing - because I am not like that in person. I am extremely sarcastic by nature and if you can't deal with it, I say get the hell out of here. I tolerate you, you should tolerate me.

Above and beyond that, fucking laugh. Jesus. I sure as hell would never want to be at a cocktail party with you from what you've shown me.

"Stop your joking! Enough levity! If you can't defend your existance, fool, then let me show you how! If you don't directly contribute to my overwhelmingly large head of knowledge then stop talking! 'We' need less people like you and more like me! Who's with me! Lets turn this guy into a real contributor! A real person, not some immature ass hole on the internet! C'mon gang!"

LOL couldn't help myself. Thanks for the brownies*.
their 5meo brownies ;) lol btw you know hes not mad at your levity but at its intended target

lol quit fuckin with him