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How's a few joints a day affecting my health?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Djones
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I am a very stable person Achilles... some people still come see me when they feel unstable, and I am the psychiatrist.

I make people feel good, when I keep my mouth shut about what I really think is going on in this world :lol:

I don't have uncontrolable emotion spikes, my mental concentration is better than ever, I am sexually satisfied even if I'm alone. I'll never be able to thank those godesses enough, that kept me company all this time. Funny thing is with those people on webcamchats, I never held back on what I was thinking, and they would accept me as I was, along with a few RL friends too who would come by quite often to share the medicine. 8)

These memories of people without judgement, who didn't mind or fear my sickness, is what kept me alive ; along with indian music and cannabis.
why haven't you got a surgery when you discovered about your coccyx fracture?
anyway, it's a sad story but that's not the point. If you believe in your healing, fine for me. Mental-induced healing is still a misunderstood thing.
But what I dislike is that you supply information that is in disagree with evidence-based medicine, which is still the reference nowadays.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
and I am the psychiatrist.
NO, you are not. You have obviously not studied medicine.

You can be emotionally stable and in need of psychiatry.

Funny thing is with those people on webcamchats, I never held back on what I was thinking, and they would accept me as I was
well, let me do the same and say what's on my mind. I really think you are enjoying the attention you're having right now
You mean being acknowledged ? Sure thats enjoyable... it's a very sane thing.

What is your view on psychiatry ? What should they do to me in your opinion ?

I have studied much medicine, endocrynology, biology, chemistry, astrophysics, ethymology, and much more... I have had alot of time to read many purely scientific documents I agree with.

Which evidence are you talking about ? If it's right to put mercury in the mouth of kids ?

The companies that sell it say that is is stabilised mercury, yet every chemistry teacher I told I wanted some stabilised mercury to make sculptures told me I was crazy, they told me I would get sick very quickly because even amalgams do not stabilise mercury so to speak, it only makes it more solid, and mercury vapor leaks from them constantly.

Yet the guy who sells it INSISTS that it's completely safe, yet he has no scientific studied to back up his claims.

I think the pseudo-science is not in the place you all see it, in my case.

If it isn't science, SHOW ME the science, people have corrected me here on more than one occasion, if you show me ONE document that proves "stabilised" mercury I'll read it , entirely.

In the meantime perhaps you should see a psychiatrist, like me, but with an education and the right to practice if that can make you feel better. I'm not giving the people that come to me medicine... well maybe I'll give them a glass of magnesium citrate to calm them down in the first place, but I do not PRACTICE psychiatry.

I assure you I am very well, I have been in much worse condition and yet I can still communicate fluently in person AND on the net.
" I really think you are enjoying the attention you're having right now"

I hope he is .
Theres just not any scientists that will convince me of some things like : We need fewer teeth because of our new diet, it's a sign of evolution.


I haven't gotten surgery because I dislike surgery, I think it's barbaric, although I know it can be useful in some cases ; I'm certain more than one prehistoric man fell on his ass and broke the coxys and managed to live through life.

The fracture is more like a crunch than an actually split vertebrae... it's a displaced disk, it's not "broken" but the structure definately is. It was already fused and my choropractor tought we could repair it, so well I took up yoga and began to get the blood flowing in there, I can feel it going back into place, even if it will take many years still I know it will heal.

I prefer to research alternatives lik ultrasonic massage of the spine than being opened with knives, no thanks ! :lol:
A coccyx is mostly not fused. In some people they do fuse. That's what i'm talking about, when I say you are supplying wrong information.

It was already fused and my choropractor tought we could repair it
you're chyropractor doesn't seems to know that... neither do you.

didn't thinking about mercury.
But isn't it bizare that so much ppl have mercury in their teeth but only so few have mercury poisoning because of it?
Much more guests than you think... google LOVES to spider your website since I stepped in.

A quick search with most of the subjects we touched will pop psychonaut in the first page.

We're being mapped extensively, this is not only an event, it's a phenomenon. But I hardly have credit for that system, google programmers are better than you seem to know... they will cross reference relevance and even use your psudonyms to extract redundancies in structure.

I don't want a fused coxys, to me it's an integral part of a healthy kundhalini flow.

Show me the science ?

Well my chiropractor has seen many more people before, he was quite experiences, and he was able to make that particular vertebra pop, I'm convinced it helped me even if I couldn't pay for more than a few visits.

No it's not bizarre... unless you have it packed into your mouth you can live with a small burden... most people that eat lots of infected fish back then didn't get sick either, our body is very strong.

I just grew with it, and didn't help myself, thats why I was so sick.
You must have ALOT of it in your body to be real sick like I was... a little amount will merely degrade your neurons and turn you into a stupid gullible automaton.

Thats my opinion.
As I said before, I'm an integral mirror because of my experience ; the biggest lesson I learned is that noone can judge another's mind, we can only judge ourselves.

You are seeing your own paranoia.

They got you by the balls, it's a big club, and you aint in it !
if you say so
I'm not an extremist in anything...

I like to think a little paranoia can be sane for the spirit... thats what happened to me on high dose oral cannabis.

I felt everyone was talking about me yet everyone was so high they couldn't even talk, there was my friend puking on the balcony and I tought I made him sick by the way I looked at him... and this spinned into my head for 10 minutes before I was sick myself, then it felt a little better ; good thing because I had only absorbed half the dose, I could see chunks of cookies in the toilet, if I had absorbed it all I would have probably dried up in my head and died right there... terrible cottonmouth.

I think anything that challenges the comfort of everyday repetition is good in moderation. I wouldn't trigger such a trip often, if you see what I mean but it was good for me back then.

Thats why I explore those theories ; some people say reality is stranger than fiction... well in this case, I hope thats not true because we all have a very big jump ahead of us ; how many can make it ?

But I honestly appreciate you pointing out my errors, you're right sometimes I act like a wild horse... I post everything in sight not because I take it all literally or because I beleive in it... but because it speaks to me, holographically, and thats a new way to communicate ; I think it's the good way to communicate, with our body light, not alienating the mind from it.

I can accept that I failed to be precise enough for most of you to grasp what I am trying to introduce, but I hope with perseverance we will get there.

And it's nothing that will radically change your life, just make it a little more fluid and stealthy... we are at a turning point I feel, and I'm looking forward to REAL change, not just a repetition of old history like Nostradamus realised was happening.

We should be communicating the science as support for holographic communications, not the inverse ; it's like the golden mean fractal, it only serves itself... like unconditional love that iself only serves. See the nuance ? They're mirror images, yet complete each other in each other in each other in each of us.
GOD a dit:
Tobaco is psychoactive but its not a psychedelic .
I thought about it. Yes, you are right. But LSD isn't a psychedelic either, it is a psychoactive substance. it is the user that makes it psychedelic and I believe, that the shaman/user can make tobacco psychedelic as well.
what are you getting at, restin? lsd is going to be psychedelic, whether the user "makes it" or not or whatever.
I have seen too many people fuck around with acid to agree with that, Felipe.

I don't think restin is entirely right by putting all psychoactives into one category, but psychedelics do not necessarily cause a psychedelic experience. It has a higher chance than, say, tobacco, but it is user-dependent, like restin said.
{the past}
Carebear a dit:
(even these very words are examined, like i said before...)

by whom? and why?
spice a dit:
20% weed?

What's the other 80%?


If you mix tobacco and weed, it is my opinion that weed alone is MUCH SAFER.

Tobacco is pure filth, and very detrimental to health, as well as being extremely addictive.

I have read a lot of research, and I am unconvinced that weed presents any danger to one's health, and may in fact be good for you.


I just quit smoking ciggarettes two weeks ago :) If you believe it is extremely addictive, than you make it extremely addictive. Me, ...well its cake.

Ya, 20% ? make that 100% :idea: