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How's a few joints a day affecting my health?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Djones
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don't you like me ? :(
for sure mr. P. Morris don't like me anymore :D

for the info: cannabis burns above 800 °C and tobacco does at around 500°C

and "to get that you'd have to want to create a potassium thats over 60% pure" radioactivity isn't linked to purity, it's all about neuron/proton ratio
You're right about that one... but they use manure man, guano is a very good source of natural non radioactive potassium lol, who needs chemistry when you have giant bat caves full of shit ! And normal concentrations of potassium even in synthetic forms do not contain that much isotopes, it's not like significant like the fluorescent 80% potassium the use and must be handled with anti-radiation equipment.

Oh it's a good insecticide too, two birds with one stone. They like to say that.

And... Achilles man... go back to your concubines and stop trying to understand chemistry, sounds to me like you'd harm someone.

If you don't know the difference between the vitamin C in fruits and synthetic ascorbic acid, then I'm sorry I won't try to explain you anything.

I have seen people without a clue, but this goes beyond my wildest dreams, especially with the ferocity of your writting style.

Of course heavy metals are more toxic, how can radioactivity be toxic, it's not toxic it makes your cell mutate lol, and FYI tobacco tar sticks in your lungs, still think it's a good way to "release" radioactivity ?

People don't get lung cancer for no reason !

I don't want to turn you into laughing stock... so I'm going to abuse my position, so I look as bad as you do.

If your soil dosen't contain heavy metals than your cannbis is completely safe, noone will ever get cancer from smoking a non-radioactive substance, if they do get cancer it will be because of mechanics people would call me a lunatic for enunciating.

I find it very funny (and I'm the only one allowed to laugh) because you seem to know complex terms yet you have never seen a nerve stretch. If your nerves couldn't stretch you'd be in pretty shape alright, and people doing yoga would be dead.


Ok ok I'm going to make it brief.

Glucosamine unproven to work ? I have not one single doubt about ANY of the sulfur amino acids in existance, the sulfur complex like in MSM has tremendous benefits on its own, I can feel it when I take it, who needs a freakin labrat to prove it to me ?

Collagen has been patented in many bioavailable forms that are not broken down, and even in forms that potently recombine in key areas, your body is intelligent, beleive it or not it does not think like : Oh a wonderfully complex peptide here, lets waste it in muscle tissue.

hahaha, bring it on, I'm starting to enjoy this !
Wow Achilles ! You just made some sense...

I didn't mention that because I didn't think anyone had any idea of how to produce potassium synthetically.

Anyways it dosen't change anything of what I said, not even a single bit.

Cannabis burns at 800 degrees ? LOL

You have your nose so deep into books that you cannot even do the experience yourself.

I'm not saying its a good idea, but anyone who has felt a joint burn and a cigarette burn in his life knows what you said is total bollock... even more laughably you will perhaps find in your book thats the temperature at which the plant is completely combusted, or that you actually mixed them ; anyways.

"no, but because you ain't heard anything, doesn't means anything... Come on, you're smarter than that kind of arguments...still skeptical about different types of tar... "




More people have smoked more cannabis than have smoked tabaco . Where are the cannabis smokers with cancer ? And if there were any credible evidence of neuro toxicity or cell damage i would have heard about it .
Even more we'd feel it...

I myself am sensitive to radiation, no idea why, but I can esaily tell crap tobacco from good one.

Indians and morrocans smoke cannabis and hash until they're 90 yo and cannot smoke anymore lol, and they don't die of cancer.

Cancer is not like a disease... those thousands of billions spent on research are useless. We already know what cancer shows us as a society ; we've been stupid.

It all sounds like a big racket, but I'm not into political opinions so I'll remain neutral about that.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
And... Achilles man... go back to your concubines and stop trying to understand chemistry, sounds to me like you'd harm someone.
I was thinking same way about you, but still i don't have insulted you, just contradicted what you were saying..

Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
If you don't know the difference between the vitamin C in fruits and synthetic ascorbic acid, then I'm sorry I won't try to explain you anything.
huh ? ascorbic acid is as far as I know always http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... taminC.svg, seen from the human, it's always synthetic as human body cannot synthesize it :s

Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
I have seen people without a clue, but this goes beyond my wildest dreams, especially with the ferocity of your writting style.
sorry, i'm not native speaker, this was not meant to be as "feroce" as you might have felt it to be.

Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
Of course heavy metals are more toxic, how can radioactivity be toxic, it's not toxic it makes your cell mutate lol, and FYI tobacco tar sticks in your lungs, still think it's a good way to "release" radioactivity ?
it was poorly expressed by myself, i mean releasing into the human system, not releasing the plant from any radioactive substance..

Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
If your soil dosen't contain heavy metals than your cannbis is completely safe, noone will ever get cancer from smoking a non-radioactive substance, if they do get cancer it will be because of mechanics people would call me a lunatic for enunciating.
there are other muthagene factors then radioactivity :s seriously (it even happens that the body makes errors copying dna in S-fase of dna replication; but usually dna repairs itself, but not always successfully)

Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
I find it very funny (and I'm the only one allowed to laugh) because you seem to know complex terms yet you have never seen a nerve stretch. If your nerves couldn't stretch you'd be in pretty shape alright, and people doing yoga would be dead.
I've seen more nerves then you may think :) the 'stretch' of nerves comes from it's membrane plasticity, nothing to do with collagen

Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
Glucosamine unproven to work ? I have not one single doubt about ANY of the sulfur amino acids in existance, the sulfur complex like in MSM has tremendous benefits on its own, I can feel it when I take it, who needs a freakin labrat to prove it to me ?
"A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found glucosamine sulfate is no better than placebo in reducing the symptoms or progression of hip osteoarthritis." (source: Rozendaal R.M. et al. "Effect of glucosamine sulfate on hip osteoarthritis: a randomized trial" Ann Int Med. 2008 Feb 19;148(4):268-77)

Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
Collagen has been patented in many bioavailable forms that are not broken down, and even in forms that potently recombine in key areas, your body is intelligent, beleive it or not it does not think like : Oh a wonderfully complex peptide here, lets waste it in muscle tissue.
it's not wasted in muscle tissues, it's very important having collagen in muscle tissues (in extracellular matrix actually). I'm skeptical on the possible bioavaibility, it's a rather long petide, can't pass the epithelial cells without a transporter and, in my knowledge, there is none... but I can be wrong on this.

ow, by the way, it is IMPOSSIBLE to feel radiation.

cancer is not a decease, that depends how you define a decease. But there are a few very promising researches on the way. Back in time, manhood thought we could do nothing about rabies.. If Pasteur hadn't invested his time in developing a vaccin....

let's keep it peaceful debate here, please ;) sorry if I may have induced the opposite, it wasn't meant that way

God, I wasn't trying to counter-speak you. I was just being curious ;)
The day they will find a cure for cancer, that day you will acknowledge that I can feel radiation, it's a pointless debate.

I can feel radiation, very well, ok maybe I will not feel a radioactive stone if its very weak, but I can feel radiation in my lungs, it's a very unique feeling.

I haven't insulted you, I said you should go back to your concubines and leave chemistry to the more rational type !

Yes ascorbic acid is vitamin C , but it's not used as such in the body, please study a little about the specifics I enunciate before trying to contradict what I say...


I mean if you don't even know the difference between ascorbate and ascorbic acid, I hope you're not practicing medicine on anyone !

Especially if you can't read between the lines in such cases :

Other proponents of high dose vitamin C consider that if it is given "in the right form, with the proper technique, in frequent enough doses, in high enough doses, along with certain additional agents and for a long enough period of time,"[61] it can prevent and, in many cases, cure, a wide range of common and/or lethal diseases, notably the common cold and heart disease,[62] although the NIH considers there to be "fair scientific evidence against this use

They don't want you to realise calcium ascorbate for example can make you relatively immune to illness, or they'll stop selling pills... everyone knows that.

So they like to tell you that l-ascorbate is the same thing as ascorbic acid... you should know better !

Of course it's the same form... but why would r-ascorbate be useless... I can't even begin to explain this, noone would understand from what I see...

Vitamin C is absorbed by the intestines using a sodium-ion dependent channel. It is transported through the intestine via both glucose-sensitive and glucose-insensitive mechanisms. The presence of large quantities of sugar either in the intestines or in the blood can slow absorption

Wilson JX (2005). "Regulation of vitamin C transport". Annu. Rev. Nutr. 25: 105–25. doi:10.1146/annurev.nutr.25.050304.092647. PMID 16011461


So you've seen lots of nerves, so you know about hydrogen bonding and membrane plasticity...

Well nerves stretch ; duh, if you took a child nerve you could stretch it a few meters back and it would pop right back into place when you released it, don't try this at home.

Of course when you observe older people nerves this ability seems to be all but gone, well for most people that is, I know lots of examples of the contrary, including myself.

I have never said it had anything to do with collagen, just that it will help to create better cartilage and then your body can focus on the problem.

Glucosamine works for me and thousands of people, of course it might not work for reversing the hip oseteothingy, but thats irrelevant, if someone has a minor pain (like the main subject of the thread) problem in articulations, glucosamine and MSM will definately help.

And yes they found ways to deliver the many types of collagen individually (bones, cartilage, muscles tendons, ligaments and skin) and with more than 90% bioavailability. It's recycled bovine cartilages, yuck, but better than wasting it I guess.

I'm not using collagen actually , but after a huge injury or if I had problems like this, I might.
Why are people so biased towards Cannabis? I enjoy it too, but the truth is quite simple: anykind of smoke you're getting into your lungs is going to affect your lungs. Negatively.

As for neuro effects, that's a whole other story that doesn't quite have to do with the topic, I think.

Forget about comparing carcinogenic\radiatio components and trying to induce evilness in tobbaco and goodness in weed. The safe side is the no smoke side.

...this coming from someone who trains 3h+ everyday and enjoys a few joints from time to time, so take it as it is :twisted:

BTW: Nothing avaliable at the moment is going to reverse any bone\cartilage degeneration, yet glucosamin sulfate in combination with some other supplements are believed to slow down that degeneration and relief symptoms as pain and limited motion.

I understand where you come from. I have been having the same chest discomfort for the last few months. I have totally stopped cannabis and it still was affecting me. I went to the doctors and they said it's proabably anxiety, and gave me some pills to calm me down. It is not happening so frequently anymore and is almost gone. Maybe try stopping smoking. It may or may not be the same thing I have been experiencing. anyways

peace & love
We're not biased, people have been smoking the drug for thousands of years and never had any negative health effects....

That alone speaks for its safety, now if the combination of street polution and cannabis mix in the lungs, that might be a different story, but you argument hold no weight in this rational discourse. I mean who cares if because you smoked cannabis you lived 1 year less than you would have, you will still have lived more intensely, can that really be put on a scientific scale ? Bullshit...

Of course its better to vaporize... but if you knew all the products you ingest breathing in a city for only a few hours, you'd find your few joints pathetic compared to that, perhaps even necessary for some people, the cannabinoid tars dosen't tint the lungs like tobacco, it goes back up with all the shit is in there, thats is why some studies demonstrated that cannabis+tobacco smokers have less cancer rish than only tobacco smokers.

If you live in the country, well you're right you shouldn't smoke, you have enough room out there to grow enough so you can make a fine alcohol out of it or even an oil for cooking, see ; no need to be negative.

Especially if you make a statement like this , and give no new information to the thread. "You CANNOT do this... but I wont tell you why or how... you know you just can't"

Anything is possible !

I know lots of ways to reverse bone degeneration, noone will freakin try them, thats the problem ; it gets lost in the mind of people because its complex. My own teeth were crumbling down at the height of my mercury intoxication from extensive demineralisation (literally I could break parts of them with my fingernails), the xray picture of my back was terrible, the doctor said I would be in pain within one year, and I would probably wouldn't be able to walk in 5 years... yet now I'm up and doing yoga, I'm more flexible than in my youth and my joints feel exeptional. It's been 3 years not and I feel wonderful, better than ever.

I was diagnosed with bone degeneration, scleroderma, and they wanted to pull most of the teeth out of my mouth because of deep and BIG ass abcesses that I also healed. I have healed all of this I am a living example that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Sure I studied russian, chinese and indian scientists for 5 years, that was a pain in the ass, but I was also encouraged by seing that those researches, incredible research, had been supressed and never reached the american press.

Anything can be cured, and I know how, exept cancer, that can only be conquered, there is a nuance here.
We're not biased, people have been smoking the drug for thousands of years and never had any negative health effects....

That alone speaks for its safety, now if the combination of street polution and cannabis mix in the lungs, that might be a different story, but you argument hold no weight in this rational discourse. I mean who cares if because you smoked cannabis you lived 1 year less than you would have, you will still have lived more intensely, can that really be put on a scientific scale ? Bullshit...

So we both agree anything except fresh air is going to be bad for your lungs? Ok...that was the only point I was trying to make. And people are biased towards cannabis, just look at your own words.

And your own experience with what you call bone regeneration isn't going to change people minds. If yoga could do something to my busted knee and feet other than make them hurt anymore I wouldn't have stoped it. And I am supposed to tell you how NOT to regenerate bone? If you give me one reference about bone regeneration I can give you one stating otherwise!

I mean, I try to keep an open mind but somethings I have hard times accepting some things without hard evidence, maybe that's my problem.

Well, to each it's own, peace! :wink:
scleroderma is not a bone degeneration. it's an auto immune skin disease
and how would you cure aids ?
Aids is touchy especially if the person is already on the drugs that are supposed to help it. I would need a full blood analysis, mineral levels hormone levels etc... then I would do a chinese medicine diagnosis with pulse and tongue/iris analysis and come up with a formula and also ultrasonic and rife technology that would probably be less expensive than the medicine that only diminish the symptoms.

It would be a very complex cure, but nonetheless realisable.

I'm not trying to change people's minds forgetoz, if you're happy with your busted knee what do you want me to do about it, spoonfeed you the answers, while you're so closeminded that you jump at the neck of the first person who might have a cure for you. I'm not going to enter a source war... loss of time to me, if you "want" to cure you'll know how to recognize the vector of your cure with your heart, if it isn't Sirius B, then it isn't it ; keep looking.

You're so indoctrinated with western medicine I wouldn't be surprised you never even heard about DMSO.

My friend has a busted knee and I helped him, I gave him stuff I have made because I know how painful it is. I went in a bar with him this weekend, and I saw him walking without leaning on his cane, he was almost running at one point, before we drank of course, after he was almost dancing and the girls were all over usm we knew we would never get with them because we are not yet fully healed but we had lots of fun.

Most of my friends we are all sick since we're children, we never really could have a normal life, I always faked to be normal, and to see this enlightens me ; he dosen't even need to use my mix everyday anymore, the pain is gone with the stiffness in the articulation, and I bet he will heal from it completely if he finishes the bottle.

Of course scleroderma is a skin problem it says "derma", but I also had bone degeneration, especially in the spine and head, my back on the xray looked like a squished crunched mass, and I had no lower back flexibility, none at all.

I completely healed from that as well. I can now do yoga postures like I tought I could never do.
"It would be a very complex cure, but nonetheless realisable. "

You can cure AIDS ? Or are you saying there is a cure for AIDS ?
I'm saying there is a cure, or more like proceedings that would lead to a cure yes by carefully rebalancing the body and mind and emotions... AIDS is not as simple as erradicating the virus, if such a virus exist in some cases.

But no I'm not into curing other people with the magic touch, or by using the power of "god" on them. I don't walk the wheel of karma even if it binds my DNA.

Everyone in the consensus knows that it works if the other beleives strongly (thats how powerful we are), but it incurs usually lots of karma since the energy is taken from the earth grid because sick people can hardly generate Ki on their own, it's like using your children to burn your own karma, things like that I dislike very much.
Ahuaeynjxs- if you are interested in learning about chi you should find a good teacher
Yeah I know... I most likely will one day.

But I lost everything in my life, I'm stucked with lots of debt, my health isn't what I know it can be yet, I don't even feel like I would be well to have a girlfriend yet, and it's been 6, maybe 7 years ?

In the meantime I make my brain work full capacity ; sometimes I even am disgusted by physical exercise in a very large sense, I mean I move around, but once my blood gets flowing, I'm not into making a piece of art with my body, because it's appreciation is subjective to many criteria that strike me deeply, and I still have time to do that.

You heard me well... I know I have time because it's joining me, I know I won't die anytime soon. This is why I see life like this :)

And when I see things like this, it fascinates me, everytime !

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRxhlJGY ... re=related

Thats the real meaning of the phrase in the bible : The lord has given you all these animals for you to subjugate, it meant we would develop to be more powerful , more cunning, more dexterious than all of them... not that we should do with them as we please.
Shaolin is all "hard" style. chi doesnt play a large part in it.
i was thinking more along the lines of ritsu zen.

tobacco = shit
cannabis = divine herb

daily cannabis use = useless & unhealthy

Daily cannabis & tobacco use = more useless and more unhealthy

Moderate cannabis use = healthy & spiritual

(sorry too drunk to make complete sentences lol)
^alcohol fucks with language.

but it sums it up pretty well.