The day they will find a cure for cancer, that day you will acknowledge that I can feel radiation, it's a pointless debate.
I can feel radiation, very well, ok maybe I will not feel a radioactive stone if its very weak, but I can feel radiation in my lungs, it's a very unique feeling.
I haven't insulted you, I said you should go back to your concubines and leave chemistry to the more rational type !
Yes ascorbic acid is vitamin C , but it's not used as such in the body, please study a little about the specifics I enunciate before trying to contradict what I say...
I mean if you don't even know the difference between ascorbate and ascorbic acid, I hope you're not practicing medicine on anyone !
Especially if you can't read between the lines in such cases :
Other proponents of high dose vitamin C consider that if it is given "in the right form, with the proper technique, in frequent enough doses, in high enough doses, along with certain additional agents and for a long enough period of time,"[61] it can prevent and, in many cases, cure, a wide range of common and/or lethal diseases, notably the common cold and heart disease,[62] although the NIH considers there to be "fair scientific evidence against this use
They don't want you to realise calcium ascorbate for example can make you relatively immune to illness, or they'll stop selling pills... everyone knows that.
So they like to tell you that l-ascorbate is the same thing as ascorbic acid... you should know better !
Of course it's the same form... but why would r-ascorbate be useless... I can't even begin to explain this, noone would understand from what I see...
Vitamin C is absorbed by the intestines using a sodium-ion dependent channel. It is transported through the intestine via both glucose-sensitive and glucose-insensitive mechanisms. The presence of large quantities of sugar either in the intestines or in the blood can slow absorption
Wilson JX (2005). "Regulation of vitamin C transport". Annu. Rev. Nutr. 25: 105–25. doi:10.1146/annurev.nutr.25.050304.092647. PMID 16011461
So you've seen lots of nerves, so you know about hydrogen bonding and membrane plasticity...
Well nerves stretch ; duh, if you took a child nerve you could stretch it a few meters back and it would pop right back into place when you released it, don't try this at home.
Of course when you observe older people nerves this ability seems to be all but gone, well for most people that is, I know lots of examples of the contrary, including myself.
I have never said it had anything to do with collagen, just that it will help to create better cartilage and then your body can focus on the problem.
Glucosamine works for me and thousands of people, of course it might not work for reversing the hip oseteothingy, but thats irrelevant, if someone has a minor pain (like the main subject of the thread) problem in articulations, glucosamine and MSM will definately help.
And yes they found ways to deliver the many types of collagen individually (bones, cartilage, muscles tendons, ligaments and skin) and with more than 90% bioavailability. It's recycled bovine cartilages, yuck, but better than wasting it I guess.
I'm not using collagen actually , but after a huge injury or if I had problems like this, I might.