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How often is too often? Let's talk.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion gonzebo
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for me it all depends on how available mushrooms are, how much they cost.. blah blah blah. but i try to get my hands on mushrooms about once a month, unless i have a big bag.. then i may do them 3-4 times a week. (later thoughout the week i find i have to eat more.. due to my body building up an immunity. but iv found if you do a high dose, youll be set for at least a month. (the smaller the doses the more you'll do em)
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
gonzebo a dit:
I believe that in an intimate relationship there should be a more or less similar pattern of drug use, otherwise there will just be friction.

not true in all cases. i guess it's probably because i maintain a somewhat similar mentality regardless of when i trip/roll. my wife likes to roll with me but not all the time. she's tripped on acid, 2ci, and shrooms a few times, i've tripped on an encyclopedia of substances hundreds of times, one year i did mescaline every other weekend the entire year. i suffered no complications from it, nor did it interrupt my daily routine, on the contrary i say i was more focused than ever. i know my limits and stay well within them, we've been married for several years.

the only friction that ever came from drugs was non-psychedelics. i got carried away with oxycontin some years ago and almost lost everything important to me, it was a wakeup call to say the least. i find that tension and friction only comes in our relationship when addiction, ego-feeding drugs are in the mix. she doesn't really do much of anything at all, rolls every couple months, eats a xanny or painkiller every couple of months, too much responsibility to get carried away plus in the past i've gotten carried away enough for the both of us and have learned my lessons/boundaries. every relationship is different just as much as everyone's personality is different, so what works for us may be the downfall of some couples, just depends. know each other ;)

back on topic, i shroom probably 3-4 times a year on average. usually 2-3g dried cubensis. but there was a day i did it every weekend, the results from that were not so great but went away after several months of abstinence. i find mescaline to be more forgiving than shrooms
Doing them twice is too much
Hello folks. I didn't post in the English part of the site so far. When I entered the drug field last year, I was very enthusiastic about mushrooms. So I thought I would do it regularly but I only did shrooms 3 times in one year. Some people do it two or three times a month. Well, I don't believe there is a problem with that. I just don't feel the urge to get into those places more often.
I take mushrooms very rarely, about once every six months, but I usually trip on something once or twice a week.

A lot of people would say thi is too often, but it works for me.
I still enjoy each trip as much as much as I did when I tripped once a month and I haven't noticed any problems with tolerance or my health.

I'm getting some 'shrooms in the mail (hopefully today) so I should be able to trip tonight. :)
Doing mushrooms every weekend will make you really loopy- REALLY LOOPY. Doing mushrooms every weekend will make you really loopy- REALLY LOOPY.

I actually never did this, but I had some friends who did... Holy crap! REALLY LOOPY.
Once a month. Usually 3 grams, and 5 if I feel it't the time for a re-start. Which is probably twice a year.
I've played around with lower doses, but they just don't do the trick for me.

Ads removed by admin. Don't try this again.
6-7 times per year. Dosage is typically between 2-3 dried grams cubensis.

There was one time last year (which was when I tried Psilocybe cyanescens for the first time) there was a dosage of 5.5 dried grams. Most powerful trip I have been on and it was probably my third time or so.

Last year was really my debut when it came to psychedelics, the only other drugs taken before then were alcohol/tobacco/cannabis.

This year I haven't tripped at all but I am planning on 4 or maybe 5 times. I have to combine it with sort of an expedition, usually of the physical kind. My apartment is kinda boring now.
you're apartment boring. :?:
Pimp it, psychedelic style :idea: :D

My own apartment is not boring but i hear a lot of noise around here. One time i had a guy screaming right in front of my house while i was on mushrooms. Very annoying
I need to play music of wear headphones to block the sounds out. it's not comfortable at all.
gonzebo a dit:
I have two questions that I would like people who read this to answer.

1) On average, how often do you do mushrooms? And maybe throw in the average dosage too.

I try to do it once a month, or at least once every two months. In reality I have taken longer breaks in the last year - but only because I didn't feel like it when I had the time, and I didn't have enough time.
I never take less than 5g anymore, because when I trip, I want a real trip. When I feel good I take 6-7g, when I feel adventurous, I take 7-8g. Something like that.

gonzebo a dit:
2) Is there REALLY a problem with doing mushrooms 2-3 times a month?
No, not in my opinion. Why do you ask?
There were times when I was doing mushrooms once a week. I felt I wanted and needed that, and it didn't hurt me at all.

I think you should trip as often as you like - because when you shouldn't take mushrooms for a while, you usually don't feel like taking them. At least it works like that for me: it's self-regulating (and like I said, in the last year I even would have liked to have tripped more often, but couldn't find enough meditation time)
tryptonaut a dit:
No, not in my opinion. Why do you ask?

Well what I think what I was sort of pointing to is like.. if after long-term use you noticed any reduction in concentration, short-term memory, etc. but through my research i'm fairly sure these are quite non-existent.[/quote]
Bark_ a dit:
Doing mushrooms every weekend will make you really loopy- REALLY LOOPY.

Hmmmmm....... I appreciate what you mean, but some people are fine with this. Over several years we did very large doses (averaging 300 P.semilanceata a week, sometimes considerably more) with little adversity. One powerful underworld event in 200 occasions - but we put this down to correct set-and-setting (before we'd ever heard of such terms). We found that P.semilanceata allows for just one potent visionary event per week; anymore than that and the trip was shortened, potent and the rise&fall pretty rapid. On one 300-shroom event, followed by a 450-one two days later, the latter was much quicker with little psychodynamic depth. It might sound silly to say, but the event was almost worthless in visionary content.

As far as I'm concerned, my personal experiments (and those of some close allies) has found that more than one trip a week is ineffective and (more importantly) wasteful! But most folk are best averaging, perhaps, just one a month, without alcohol or powders. Don't eat for 12 hours preceeding the event, and the best events occur from sunset onwards (pinoline distribution occurs naturally, encouraging greater mystical content). But I'm probably talking bollox!

Cheers - Megalithix
Ganesha a dit:
A few times a year on 5-15 grams of dried cubes.

I've played around with lower doses, but they just don't do the trick for me.

eating 15grams sounds painfully nasty.
As a teenager, I took around 100 Semilanceata (never weighed them in those days ) 2 or 3 times a week. Never seemed to harm me at all, either physically or mentally.

Over the last 25 years, due to work and family commitments, this has tapered off to maybe 3 or 4 times a year although the dose has increased and my preferred setting is now alone in the dark whereas then it would be with friends having a laugh and watching films. I have broadened my horizons a bit, with salvia and cactus, but I look forward to the times when I can indulge in shrooms more often again.

I think that you would know yourself when you are doing it too often because you will not get as much out of the experience. It will get to a point where you are just wasting mushrooms; and you dont want to be doing that !