Bark_ a dit:
Doing mushrooms every weekend will make you really loopy- REALLY LOOPY.
Hmmmmm....... I appreciate what you mean, but some people are fine with this. Over several years we did very large doses (averaging 300
P.semilanceata a week, sometimes considerably more) with little adversity. One powerful underworld event in 200 occasions - but we put this down to correct set-and-setting (before we'd ever heard of such terms). We found that
P.semilanceata allows for just one potent visionary event per week; anymore than that and the trip was shortened, potent and the rise&fall pretty rapid. On one 300-shroom event, followed by a 450-one two days later, the latter was much quicker with little psychodynamic depth. It might sound silly to say, but the event was almost worthless in visionary content.
As far as I'm concerned, my personal experiments (and those of some close allies) has found that more than one trip a week is ineffective and (more importantly) wasteful! But most folk are best averaging, perhaps, just one a month,
without alcohol or powders. Don't eat for 12 hours preceeding the event, and the best events occur from sunset onwards (pinoline distribution occurs naturally, encouraging greater mystical content). But I'm probably talking bollox!
Cheers - Megalithix