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How long have you been getting high and on what?

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Glandeuse Pinéale
For me it has been over 30 years. Mainly cannabis, hashish, LSD and mushrooms. But I have dabbled with alcohol, speed, many downers of all kinds (almost checked out on an OD back in '79 in fact), opium, coke, and one time, much to my chagrin and unknowingly, PCP.

Back in the 70's I did them purely for recreational reasons. I gave everything up from 1982 to 1995 after I was dusted (a real bad scene). Started smoking again in 1995 and rediscovered mushrooms again about 2 years ago. Back in the 70's the first thing I did when I got up was get high and it was the last thing I did before I went to sleep. After I started again in 1995 I found I was able to control my use much better. I do it on my schedule and not feeling that I have to but because I want to...if that makes sense. And now it is for much more spiritual reasons as opposed to recreational.

Where are other people at and where have you been in terms of your experiences?

And for anyone who has been going as long as me and smoked back in the 70's, is it me or is the weed generally less powerful? I just don't seem to find weed that gets me as high as I got on the Colombian and Acapulco Gold, Panama Red, Thai Stick, etc back 'in the day'...
Tobaco in about 1966

Alcohol in about 1966

Hash in 1972

LSD 1972

Glue , nutmeg , damiana and morning glory seeds in 1972

Datura . Diazepams , barbiturates , speed , opiates , opium , scopolomine in 1973 / 4 . ( That means everything that one could get from a chemists shop at that time ) .

Flyagaric in 1973

DMT / 5 Meo-DMT in 1974 .

Psilocybe mushrooms in 1974 .

Coke in 1974 .

Cacti in 1982

Extacy in 1984

MDA in about 1985

Saliva and 2CB in 1994 / 5

Ayahuasca in about 1998 .

I stoped smoking because the grass and hash i used to get was MUCH better that the crap generaly available nowadays . I often asked myself if i was just getting used to it and it was just as good and then i kept getting little bits that smelled the same , looked the same , tasted the same and realy blasted me . Made me high like i used to be and not like what the crap indoor grass and comercial hash did to me later . That just makes people flat , confused and sleepy ........ and they think that that is being high !
Cannabis in 1990 (15 years old), homegrown.
LSD in 1992.
MDMA in 1993
No drugs 1994-1998.
First time mushrooms in 1999.
First time 6 grams in silent darkness, as well as salvia and ayahuasca, in 2006.
Iboga, DMT, mescaline and amanita in 2008.

I've been smoking weed quite regularly, but with weekly interruptions, since 2005. Before that it was just a couple of times a month. I've been high/stoned on a daily basis since the summer of 2007 (when I bought a vaporizer and harvested my first plants).

I usually ingest something every other week, with a high dose of something every two to three months.
In 2010 I will have been doing my thing for 40 years without any payback at all. Lucky I guess !
I've used most things at some time or other but as I approach my 60's my main choice is Speed (try to do a Q daily,I've kept this pace for 3 1/2 years now,loving it man) plus as much smoke as I can get. To this end I became a grower about 3yrs ago and have been blessed with success.
Summing it up it seems every year gets more enjoyable and I can honestly say I'm having the time of my life.It couldn't get any better.
Burn a little brighter now !
C@tfyre. 8)

I was hoping, and assumed, there were people doing them for far longer than me and in a wider variety. That is quite the impressive list. And I forgot to include nicotine on my list which is a drug I still partake of but wish I didn't. And thanks for confirming for me what I had suspected about the potency of weed then versus now. I thought it was just me being a bit 'fried out' and needing a break, which might be the case (always good to allow the head to clear every so often), but I don't seem to be able to find good smoke like the stuff I had the pleasure of enjoying in my younger days. Any of the ones on your list ones you regret doing? Are you still ingesting all of them on a regular/occasional basis? For me it is just cannabis, LSD, mushrooms, nicotine and caffeine (another one I forgot to list).


15 years old was about the age I began. Jumped in with both feet with the weed and couldn't get high enough or often enough. After the 'dusting' I just didn't enjoy it anymore. I would get paranoid, jumpy, my pulse rate would go through the roof and I would be completely antisocial. But at the urging of,and of all people, my ex-boss I tried it again in 95 and found I suffered from none of those side effects which made me give up smoking. As far as the mushrooms go the largest dose I have done is actually quite small, only 3g. I usually augment the trips with cannabis and caffeine...which makes for an interesting ride, lol.


Still doing speed at 60? God bless. I had my run back in the 70's with it. I enjoyed it but decided it wasn't a drug I wanted to do on a long term basis. I would like to grow my own too. I think part of the problem with the weed not being as potent now is that is harvested too early. I think whoever is growing the stuff I get is only concerned with 'churning and burning' as I like to term it...get it grown, harvested and to market as soon as possible, at the expense of potency. I think it is cool you are still enjoying it and hope to be doing the same when I am 60. I intend to and as I like to say; I plan on doing it '4-life'!!!!!

Thanks for the feedback everybody... 8)
The list isnt full , i did other things to includeing PCP in about 1974 . The grass and hash in those days wasnt grown for tourists like it is now . It was grown for their own consumption . The grass wasnt grown indoors either . I dont see any point in useing indoor grass , i smoked it for years and never got high one single time . The only thing it did was sedate me and make me depressed . I think the secret of getting high is to smoke out door grass and take a 6 week break every so often .

I regret doing most of those drugs . I threw many years away with the adictive ones and datura . For me most of them are negative drugs and a waste of time .
Tried a lot, but I could live with merely a field of Peyotes and Pedro's and nothing more.
2002 - 2009(maybe forever) Hash / Grass... Not on a regular basis. With breaks in between.

2005 - Ecstacy. 3 Pills in the whole year out of which 2 i did 2 nights in a row (Learnt my lesson)

2006 - LSD 1 time in the whole year and 1 XTC pill.

2007 - LSD. 4 times in the whole year.

2008 - MDMA + LSD 1 time. LSD again 2 times.

2009 - ( 1st Jan 2 Lines of Coke, didn't like the high. Stupid drug).
Gonna meet Lucy and Adam sometime during the year when i'm on a holiday :)
Born in 1988:

2000 - Alcohol

2003 - Cannabis, later that year started smoking tobacco

2004 - nitrous on my 16th birthday :p started smoking cannabis almost daily

2006 - XTC, speed, magic mushrooms, ephedrin

2007 - LSD, LSA, MDMA (crystalz)

these years were when i started using the drugs. Most of them I still use nowadays, but less then 2 years ago... This year only 2 lines amfetamine, 2 LSD-blotters, one mushtrip, and a huge load of cannabis (but i'm smoking less cannabis since 3 weeks :) )

edit: oh dear, now i read my post again i start to think... i tripped 3 times in 2 months :s and actually only in februari (i had examinations in January... that means 3 trips in one month...) hmmmm
Catfyre a dit:
Burn a little brighter now !
Read some Kerouac and it put me on the tracks to burn a little brighter now
Something about roman candles fizzing out, shine a little light on me now
Found a strange fascination with a liquid fixation, alcohol can thrill me now
It's getting late in the game to show any pride or shame
I just burn a little brighter now, burn a little brighter now, yeah

Doctor says my liver looks like leaving with my lover, need another 'time out' now
Like any sort of hero turning down to zero still standing out in any crowd
Pulling seventeen with experience and dreams, sweating out a happy hour
Where you're hiding 29 you know it ain't a crime to burn a little brighter now
Burn a little brighter now, burn a little brighter now, burn a little brighter now

Dr. Finlay: "And my advice is if you maintain this lifestyle you won't reach 30"

Torch: "Christ -- it's a romantic way to go really, it's part of the heritage, it's your round i'n'it?

We burn a little brighter now!
ive been drinking cider for 5 hours now and im still not high
I' m 19 right now, almost 20.
Never smoked, never got drunk (I don't drink alcholics), and I never took psychoactive drugs before 18 years old, for my brain was in chemical development and I didn't want to interfere.

Almost 2 years ago I took shrooms, and I still take them... not often, at least 2 months from one time to other.
8 months ago I had Ayahuasca, didn't take again yet, and 3 weeks ago my first dxm.

I' m so new to all this things :oops:
im 14 right now. i started smoking herb in 2006 then i smoked stogues. in the last 2 years ive done mushrooms, amanita, amphetamines, salvia, xtc, percocet, codiene, oxycodone, and morphine, alchohol, ephedrin, dxm, and yea thats it.
hippietrhggr a dit:
im 14 right now. i started smoking herb in 2006 then i smoked stogues. in the last 2 years ive done mushrooms, amanita, amphetamines, salvia, xtc, percocet, codiene, oxycodone, and morphine, alchohol, ephedrin, dxm, and yea thats it.

AT 14!? What the hell.... I mean ok smoking a little grass is fine, but that is way to extensive for a 14 year old child....
Let's see, I'm a bit young, too, I suppose. 21 in October.

I got drunk and stoned for the first time about in my 16th year. Later tried shrooms and now I pick Cyanescens every season. The year I turned 18, I was desperate to get SOMETHING, because the frost came early in the season, so a friend suggested DXM. DAMN. How did I not hear about that before? My favorite, to be sure. I've probably had every kind of trip possible with DXM. Lately, I've been REALLY diggin Morning Glory seeds, and their wonderful LSA. I trying out Salvia, too. Several other things over the years.

I guess the list goes: Pot, Alcohol, Nicotine, DXM, Cubensis and Cyanescens mushrooms, Dyphenhydramine, Morning Glories (LSA), Coke, Adderall, various opiates, Lorazopam.

Oh, and Amanitas.
Ebola_Sigma a dit:
Let's see, I'm a bit young, too, I suppose. 21 in October

18-22 neurologically your brain is done growing for the most part, So I don't believe 20-21 is to young for your list. But that kid said he or she was 12 when he or she started with that list, that's a lot to experiment with for such a body that is also going through puberty. Personally I just don't think a 14 year old should put that kind of strain on them self yet
Dreamsters a dit:
hippietrhggr a dit:
im 14 right now. i started smoking herb in 2006 then i smoked stogues. in the last 2 years ive done mushrooms, amanita, amphetamines, salvia, xtc, percocet, codiene, oxycodone, and morphine, alchohol, ephedrin, dxm, and yea thats it.

AT 14!? What the hell.... I mean ok smoking a little grass is fine, but that is way to extensive for a 14 year old child....

hung out with bad crowd i guess when i was in elementary, i never knew who i was or what i was doing on earth until i started usin herb, it helped me become a person not a thing. it rose my grades up i went from F to A once i started. and i have used so many drugs because i hate to judge before i know.
well you dont need to judge at all..
i waited to try harder drugs til i was a bit older but i started smoking weed at 13 and i experimented briefly with alcohol at 13-14 but didnt like it much
i like it a fair bit more now

so yea
13 weed
14 alcohol
15 dexamphetamines (ritalin)
17 nitrous oxide
18 rock/ice/meth
18 speed (only a small amount to keep me awake during a big drug party lmao)
19 acid

and i turn 20 in march hoping to get my hands on some salvia soon as i just learned of a market place that sells it clandestinely
and soon as its mushroom season we're going out picking so mushies is gona be on the list in a few months
cant wait
I started smoking pot in 1967 and have been at it ever since. Not long after my first weed, I tried lsd and fell in love with it. Over the years I have done speed, coke, herion, shrooms, pcp, and some things that I didn't know what they were. I'm 56 years old and now days I just do reefer and acid when I'm lucky enough to score some. Peace
I guess me and hippietrhggr are the youngsters in psychonaut forums , but STILL. Im not half the experienced person that he is .

I started to smoke weed when I was 13, I still do, ( 14 right now), I have only tried LSD and salvia , the area I live in , doesn't give much variety of drugs, hash and heroin are predominant.

I would really like to try mushrooms and ayahuasca. but like I said, it is of difficult access.

I salute you hippietrhggr.