First time I was real drunk was in '92 (I was fifteen already!) when I downed a whole bottle of apfelkorn - some repugnantly sweet commercial mixture of schnaps and appeljuice with 25% of alcohol. It was fun, in the end I threw up on the sidewalk and fell asleep on a bench at a streetcar station.
I smoked my first cigarette in 1993 with the clear goal to learn how to smoke, because I wanted to try hashish. When I managed my first real drag of smoke down my lungs from the strongest cigarette in whole Europe (French Gitanes Mais) I realized that Nicotine was a pretty effective drug as well...
Tried hash once but didn't feel anything, tried again on another occasion and it really swept me off my feet at first - but then it was niiiice!
In '95 I first tried LSD (half a blotter), then ecstasy, then more lsd, then even more ecstasy. Also tired mushrooms the first time, took 1g good hawaiian shrooms, smoked good weed and then went to a club. Wrong decision, the night was horrible mostly, but taught me a good lesson...
Between '96 and '97 it all became more because I had finished school. I started smoking weed daily, got a bong. I started taking pills every weekend and sometimes in between. Did a lot of nitrous oxide, sometimes a little speed, but mostly pills and weed. New years eve of '97 I did coke the first time. Was amazing at first because I started off with huge line, felt like flying, couldn't feel my legs. Then later was relatively disappointed with the overall effects and the lack of longevity - I decided I like amphetamines better.
Somewhere in '97 I decided I had to stop with the xtc pills after I had taken 7 during the week from Sunday night till Thursday night. I had only realized it because there were only 3 of 10 left on Friday - all of which I took that Friday night, plus cocktails and beer for 50 Euro, then drove home with my car...
I had to compensate for the lack of xtc, so I started growing weed. Was much fun at first, but ended in myself smoking a huge bowl of weed for breakfast every day, ending up with an average consumption of 4g roughly.
I couldn't sleep without weed anymore, the only time I could sleep was when I smoked myself out of consciousness.
Got paranoid from the abuse at some point and had to stop.
Wasn't an easy time, so I retreated to alcohol and fluoxetine I got from the psychiatrist.
I caught myself slowly, changed my life, got another job, moved, had new friends who had never done drugs in their lives - or who had also quit.
Then I re-discovered psychedelics again (like 4 or 5 years ago) and I'm happy I did because the natural psychedelics like mushrooms and San Pedro can fulfill my urge for ecstasy while at the same time they are not addictive or harmful.
Oh, and I finally quit smoking last November