Excellent topic for a first reply.
Here are some of the the more "lolable" stuffs happened to me on weed.
- First hardcore "weed party" at 16 years old : 5 water pipe doses in 1h (acceptable for today) => 3h of intense bad trip and 1 day of "I'm over me but I'm not me! I'm like in a dream... " ahaha I'll never forget that moment !
- Most of time, when I'm getting stone I feel paranoï and "on the expect" for the 1st ~30 min. max; because I think I loose control of the situations arround me and I'm afraid not being able to understand everything going on outside ^^
-Then, in the 2nd part of 'the rush" I feel enjoyed and absolutely perceptive. Everything's clear, and I feel really "better" : I'm full of positive feelings and I tell myself that I have to take the best of everything arround, not taking any care of negative thoughts or perception...and it just increases my pleasure !
- This hollydays, I had my first (maybe ever) hallucination on weed !!!!!
We've been smoking like firemens during 1 week at almost 2 joints (some times 3...maybe 4 huhuh) per hour (for us all), sleeping 6h per night etc...hollidays !!!!
At the end of the week, I was waking up in the afternoon and a friend gave me a blunt of pure when my eyez were still closed.
I smoked a long... long breath, eyes closed, and when I opened them, I was seeing everything arround, in black and white, with incredible rectangular patterns -as a chess game- making appear all the forms (as an optical illusion you see ? really difficult to explain hu..), and all forms where crazy distorted. It was like there was not any 3rd dimension, I saw everything almost in 2D, straight lines where a lil bit circular, and movements were very very slow.
I saw one of my friend eating flakes so slooowly, and it was like I had a Photoshop filter on my eyes, like greystroke and churchvitrail the sametime.
This eye bug spent ~ 10s I think, but it was exciting.
I decided to close my eyes again, I woke up 30 min later and everything was clear.
So Funny, only with skunk !!!
Here are some of the the more "lolable" stuffs happened to me on weed.
- First hardcore "weed party" at 16 years old : 5 water pipe doses in 1h (acceptable for today) => 3h of intense bad trip and 1 day of "I'm over me but I'm not me! I'm like in a dream... " ahaha I'll never forget that moment !
- Most of time, when I'm getting stone I feel paranoï and "on the expect" for the 1st ~30 min. max; because I think I loose control of the situations arround me and I'm afraid not being able to understand everything going on outside ^^
-Then, in the 2nd part of 'the rush" I feel enjoyed and absolutely perceptive. Everything's clear, and I feel really "better" : I'm full of positive feelings and I tell myself that I have to take the best of everything arround, not taking any care of negative thoughts or perception...and it just increases my pleasure !
- This hollydays, I had my first (maybe ever) hallucination on weed !!!!!
We've been smoking like firemens during 1 week at almost 2 joints (some times 3...maybe 4 huhuh) per hour (for us all), sleeping 6h per night etc...hollidays !!!!
At the end of the week, I was waking up in the afternoon and a friend gave me a blunt of pure when my eyez were still closed.
I smoked a long... long breath, eyes closed, and when I opened them, I was seeing everything arround, in black and white, with incredible rectangular patterns -as a chess game- making appear all the forms (as an optical illusion you see ? really difficult to explain hu..), and all forms where crazy distorted. It was like there was not any 3rd dimension, I saw everything almost in 2D, straight lines where a lil bit circular, and movements were very very slow.
I saw one of my friend eating flakes so slooowly, and it was like I had a Photoshop filter on my eyes, like greystroke and churchvitrail the sametime.
This eye bug spent ~ 10s I think, but it was exciting.
I decided to close my eyes again, I woke up 30 min later and everything was clear.
So Funny, only with skunk !!!