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How do you act when you are high?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Shroomlady
  • Date de début Date de début
:lol: Excellent topic for a first reply.

Here are some of the the more "lolable" stuffs happened to me on weed.

- First hardcore "weed party" at 16 years old : 5 water pipe doses in 1h (acceptable for today) => 3h of intense bad trip and 1 day of "I'm over me but I'm not me! I'm like in a dream... " ahaha I'll never forget that moment !

- Most of time, when I'm getting stone I feel paranoï and "on the expect" for the 1st ~30 min. max; because I think I loose control of the situations arround me and I'm afraid not being able to understand everything going on outside ^^

-Then, in the 2nd part of 'the rush" I feel enjoyed and absolutely perceptive. Everything's clear, and I feel really "better" : I'm full of positive feelings and I tell myself that I have to take the best of everything arround, not taking any care of negative thoughts or perception...and it just increases my pleasure :D!

- This hollydays, I had my first (maybe ever) hallucination on weed !!!!!
We've been smoking like firemens during 1 week at almost 2 joints (some times 3...maybe 4 huhuh) per hour (for us all), sleeping 6h per night etc...hollidays !!!!
At the end of the week, I was waking up in the afternoon and a friend gave me a blunt of pure when my eyez were still closed.

I smoked a long... long breath, eyes closed, and when I opened them, I was seeing everything arround, in black and white, with incredible rectangular patterns -as a chess game- making appear all the forms (as an optical illusion you see ? :lol: really difficult to explain hu..), and all forms where crazy distorted. It was like there was not any 3rd dimension, I saw everything almost in 2D, straight lines where a lil bit circular, and movements were very very slow.

I saw one of my friend eating flakes so slooowly, and it was like I had a Photoshop filter on my eyes, like greystroke and churchvitrail the sametime.

This eye bug spent ~ 10s I think, but it was exciting.

I decided to close my eyes again, I woke up 30 min later and everything was clear.

So Funny, only with skunk !!! :P :P
It differs alot with the quality of the weed i have.. but most of the time:

70% tired
10% crazy thoughts
20% normal
when i smoke weed i get very talkative (well, ok i'm female so i talk a lot anyway) and i speak faster than normal.

thirsty, so thirsty ... and fruit juice tastes wonderful.

i feel creative, so i open up photoshop, but i hardly get anything done because i keep getting distracted :)

i like to do housework (washing dishes, sweeping the floor) when i'm stoned - it seems to make the tasks more enjoyable somehow.

when i smoke hash, i get a headache and then i get tired (i must not have smoked quality hash before)
Pfff... I don't even know how I act when I'm sober... :)
I think I'm stoned all the time.In the morning I still feel stoned.Every single day.

I guess pretty dazed and chilled.
I used to have ADHD, as a kid I used to run around the table like a madman, my mother actually put a leech on me so I couldn't run away, but now I'm pretty lazy.

And sometime's creative, but I just guess I could be more creative if I quit smoking weed for a time,

Oh well, one day... maybe...
30% Calm
10% Hungry
10% Horny
50% In the mood to smoke some more
Good spot for this story. In summers I usually go to a lake in holland with a bunch of friends, a couple of sailing boats and a bucket load of mary jane. This one time I had been smoking all day for 6 days straight and just laid back sailing. Then it became like really windy and me and some other guy went on this really sporty small sailing boat. We had smoked pot before and sailing with 30 km/h hanging completely outside the boat at around 20 cm above the water gave me this extreme rush of being able only to laugh and smile. I tell you the adrenaline kicked in and it was about the best i've felt ever.
back in the days (6 months ago :lol: when i smoked myself retired by smoking way to much before school, at school, after school, before dinner, after dinner, before going to sleep, after going to sleep,... )well you get the picture i didn't feel to much i think it was just a habit.
But now since i only smoke once in 2 weeks or max once a week,
i get totally insane i laugh all the time, you know the little red eyes :P
so i must admit 100%insane i feel when i smoked a fatty 8)
i usually get 80% high 10 % talkative 10% insight on things and thoughts (creative thinking) if i smoke pure and feeeeeeeeel goooooooooooooooood
i get 90% stoned and 10% sleepy with hash
i got fuckd up once with a joint they told me it was grass :roll: not so sure
I get 50% paranoid 40%talkative 10% sleepy if i smoke a joint mixed tobacco and weed. (i feel like my heart is pulsating in my throat and ramming mi ribs and get cold hands and shivers)

O.c. in all these cases i get bright red blodshot eyes
snotaap i know where your comming from.

I used to smoke all the time and my highs were just really mellow and i didnt care what was going on much around me. Know ive quite and restarted after my tolerance level would drop back down and everytime i start back up my high gets crazy and so much more rediculous and i love it.

I can't hardly talk, i laugh uncontrollably for hours, im probably the goofiest person ud meet, and the body buzz's i get feel so good i just go crazy giggling.

I'm normally rather mellow and shy when im sober so to most people i look like im just insane. :wink:
I experience that too right now... I've quit smoking weed for 3 months, and started smoking again lately, and now i get really fucked up, almost feels like a shroom trip.
Yeah exactly.

My friends all think im just acting really immature, ive done shrooms once and it was only 1 or 2 grams nothing much and when ive smoked latly id smoke maybe 2 bowls of some really dank chronic, and ill be in public laughing and giggling and stuttering when i have to buy food at resturants...

I still love it to death.
Maybe cause its just such a great high!