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How do you act when you are high?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Shroomlady
  • Date de début Date de début
I like to smoke my weed pure, i also enjoy nice tasting blunts like Jamaican Rum and such :). And hey man i got that too, when I listen to some songs i can listen repeatidly to it and i with great fantasy i see whole video clips in my mind :D
Sometimes when i really like it i draw something on paper, you know, to remember that thaught hehe i like the muchies :p food tastes so much better when beeing stoned :D

CryingOutLoud a dit:
I get creative. Once, for example, I listened the same song about 5 times and I got a great idea of a music video each time. Its really fun when I start to laugh hysterically, I cant stop laughing and giggling, this happens very often. I dont like the munchies, I get them everytime I smoke. Also dry mouth, eyes and nose are really annoying.
Goa4Ever a dit:
You're such a morron you knew that? I mean there are LOTS of people that smoke weed pure and that includes me! People that roll a whole cig in a joint those are morrons!

Here in spain we roll joints allways with, at least, one cigarette in them. Thats the way in Spain. Because hashis is used, we have to use cigarettes but I like it that way.
I didn't write that
I only smoke Hasjis, also with tabacco, otherwise it would be impossible.

I allways feel the body effects first. I get a bit lightheaded, and my body feels heavier and lighter at the same time. pretty cool.

Shortly after that I get really creative. I usually end up making weird songs with the guy I normally smoke with. And otherwise we just talk alot.

If you keep the smoking up you'll end up tripping for a little while like you took to much mushrooms.
Laughter, laughter, laughter. You cant stop it.
Chill, Chill, Chill. You can be very active.
Hungry, hungry, hungry. MUNCHIEES.

50% trippy
50% creative
100% happy
I often get very mellow and at times I have long conversations with myself. Mind you I don't speak out aloud though. :P

40% relaxation
45% criticism (when watching TV (especially during commercials))
15% tripping
when really (really really!) stoned i drift away in my own thoughts, glued to the couch, staring at the tv and eating very very slow but much :)
Oh... paranoid!!!!
Very confused!!!!
Totally out of my mind, not being able to understand anything of what's happening, laughing and thinking FAR TOO MUCH!!!!
I'm not very normal, i guess (well, i know it for a fact). If i smoke 1 puff that's it, i'm doomed!!!

So i gave up joints a lonnnnng time ago. :roll:

when i`m nicely high
from some tasty hasj
I get the creative feeling
I wanna do something..
work on something for hours and hours straight..
something simple .. like maybe digging a hole in a mountain..
just to see how deep I can get
or I dunno build a treehut
stuff like that.. and just to be able to look at it later and see what i've acomplished..
now thats a good high for me
but when I smoke much weed I get soo lame
not really in the mood to do anything
When I smoke weed it's like:
90% (trippy)tiredness
10% of myself telling me I'm a lazy bastard

So that's why I gave up on weed.

When I smoke hash it's like:
70% relaxed
20% trippyness
10% munchies :mrgreen:
I gave up pure spliffs (used to smoke pure big amouts) so nowadays it's mainly hash.

I can't figure out how to divide the percentages 'cause they're different setting to setting, so ..

- First: A slight high (on the wrong occasion with a little paranoia) with an urge to do something .. play hackysack, dig a hole or sculpt sand into some massive rastadude (yesterday was great! :D) .. or best of all: make music. Can keep doing this for hours and hours and hours ...
- Later: Sedation. And munchies. Can get philosofical and talk about that for hours ..

However I can't really bother dealing with human drama and 'flat' conversations about birds, bees and relations and stuff.
getting very talkative, or active in any way, until people ask me if I am hyperactive :?

also I enjoy tripping on good music, couldn't get bored of Moby/Marilyn Manson/Nirvana/Björk while high. & watching Donnie Darko/Fight Club/Fear loathing in LV/Alice in Wonderland with friends is so enjoyable after a bit of canna
The only way I can describe my highs as is this:

Step into my parlour, said the spider to the fly.
CryingOutLoud a dit:
Its really fun when I start to laugh hysterically, I cant stop laughing and giggling, this happens very often.
When I smoke weed I also laugh often very hysterical, and I can't stop :D my friends say I just surmise that, but I don't care. I like laughing hysterically :>
When I smoke alone, I often listen to music and concentrate onto it, I really love this. especially aphex twin is cool to listen when you are high.
Once I was _really_ stoned at a metal concert (one man army and the undead quartet, if you know them). and in the back was a tribune with seats, oh this was great. I just sat there and became one with the music, lightshow etc., and it didn't "stress" me or something (most of the people I know get really stressed when they listen to metal when they are stoned).
when i smoke weed i enjoy the high for like 20 minutes then i become just lazy and tired mentally and physically.

so once i smoke i want to smoke until i go to sleep.. smoking weed turns me into a zombie. :lol:

so i have quit about 10 months ago because of this and because i had social anxiety problems and weed intensified it.
When I smoke weed I do laugh a lot =) Everything seems to be so funny =) I'm energetic, so I move and talk a lot =)
When I smoke hash, I feel more philosophical, I talk about life after death, about human's problems...
And anyway I see different hallucinations and feel very misterious =)
I smoke hash very rarely but last time when i smoked it was at a party and we were sitting outside on a nice summer night and i was so confinced that the house of the host was similar in every single way as my granny's house LOL now looking back i see it does have alot of the same shapes :roll:
I get quite energetic and tell stories to everyone I can see. My friends tell me to stop telling those stories though because I always forget what I was talking about halfway and then I make the rest of the story up. But thats only when I smoked a lot, when I just smoked a little bit I tend to listen and laugh a lot.