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How did psychedelic changed you

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armageddon a dit:
I started to belive in my self, to believe in my dreams, hoping more and think less about the bad things of this life. :heart:
But I no longer have friendly relationships with people who do not make use of psychedelic ... this makes sense?

I don, t know?
Believing in yourself and your dreams seems positive.
Not having friendly relationships with people who do not use psychedelics, does not sounds that positive to me.

Most of my good friends have used psychedelics. But i also have friends who did not used psychedelics. I have family members and colleague, s who never used psychedelics, i have a friendly relationship with them.
OK, when I was little I had a real sense of the magic of nature. Some shrinks now would call some of the thoughts I had 'psychotic' because they are evil. I would somethimes think a TV programme was happening outside somewhere. I would look at nature and imagine fairies. I LOVED stories about fairies, and all kinds of magical happenings. And although I grew up through the beatles going from straight kids into weird LSDsters sining about kaleidoscope eyes etc, and was attracted to all that, and all the hippy diddy stuff that was being shown in the telly, I still though NOW saw nature as boring, and was obsessed by the big city. Everything to do with big sities, and including the more seedy side---the neon lit streets. I remember going to see the film Midnight Cowboy and yearning to go to NYC and experience all that. It was my dream mythical city.
I was told that if you fell down in NYC people would just step over you, even if you had died. And instead of being horrifies by that idea it excited me and made me wanna go even more. And I was growing a sadistic streak. I read horror books, and the only houseplant I was into was a Venus Fly Trap so I could see poop flies become trapped and eat by the plant.

With hindsight now, and what I am learning about the enforced 'education' system, I now know that their INTENTION is to dull you to your sensual body, creativity, imagination, and the natural world and to nurture sadistic tendencies

So OK, I get the chance to live in a big city when I am 15 and when there I meet these hippies (called 'heads' then) and they turn me onto LSD. I am not even sure what the tiny tiny tiny blue pill was, and couldn't even feel it on my tongue, but it was LSD, and my very first trip was me sat on a couch at the party they'd invited me to observing these other partygoers who weren't tripping but many skoked dope. Some were playing these 'telepathic games' werhe one person is looking at a card and others have to telepathically guess whats on the card. I was looking at this with psychedelic eyes and felt I could see deeply their body language, and what they really felt, and how it contradicted the personal or social mask they were presenting to others. And the whole irony (though I didn't even know what that word was then lol) of this had me laughing so hysterically I thought I was gonna pass out, and I got some hateful looks from some of them

So, I went onto have other LSD trips, and the most powerful parts of the trip for me were the gradual comedowns where we would all go out about dawn, and walk past gardens, and into parks and look and experience nature. And THESE experiences totally blew away all the deadening dumbing down that had been happening to me from the ages of about 8/9 to 15 when I had the LSD. I suddenly saw nature as a magical sacred infinitely ALIVE place, and the city as superifical, rigic, with android-like people all moving very quick in straight lines, eyes forward, whether in cars, or walking. None fluidly looking at the sky and taking in the wonder of life

So it was these experiences that inspires an ongoing journey I am still on, where I delve deeper and deeper into the question of how come people are so lost, and the hows and whys of what to do to re soul ouselves so we feel and see the natural world as the amazing sacred place it is
I always had different friends. but lately I see more and more people tend to worsen their situation and so I try to have something to do with people who bring happiness in my life. I do not judge anyone because I for one I spent many moments terrible.this is situation at the time. Good evening to all!!
zezt a dit:
OK, when I was little I had a real sense of the magic of nature. Some shrinks now would call some of the thoughts I had 'psychotic' because they are evil. I would somethimes think a TV programme was happening outside somewhere. I would look at nature and imagine fairies. I LOVED stories about fairies, and all kinds of magical happenings. And although I grew up through the beatles going from straight kids into weird LSDsters sining about kaleidoscope eyes etc, and was attracted to all that, and all the hippy diddy stuff that was being shown in the telly, I still though NOW saw nature as boring, and was obsessed by the big city. Everything to do with big sities, and including the more seedy side---the neon lit streets. I remember going to see the film Midnight Cowboy and yearning to go to NYC and experience all that. It was my dream mythical city.
I was told that if you fell down in NYC people would just step over you, even if you had died. And instead of being horrifies by that idea it excited me and made me wanna go even more. And I was growing a sadistic streak. I read horror books, and the only houseplant I was into was a Venus Fly Trap so I could see poop flies become trapped and eat by the plant.

With hindsight now, and what I am learning about the enforced 'education' system, I now know that their INTENTION is to dull you to your sensual body, creativity, imagination, and the natural world and to nurture sadistic tendencies

So OK, I get the chance to live in a big city when I am 15 and when there I meet these hippies (called 'heads' then) and they turn me onto LSD. I am not even sure what the tiny tiny tiny blue pill was, and couldn't even feel it on my tongue, but it was LSD, and my very first trip was me sat on a couch at the party they'd invited me to observing these other partygoers who weren't tripping but many skoked dope. Some were playing these 'telepathic games' werhe one person is looking at a card and others have to telepathically guess whats on the card. I was looking at this with psychedelic eyes and felt I could see deeply their body language, and what they really felt, and how it contradicted the personal or social mask they were presenting to others. And the whole irony (though I didn't even know what that word was then lol) of this had me laughing so hysterically I thought I was gonna pass out, and I got some hateful looks from some of them

So, I went onto have other LSD trips, and the most powerful parts of the trip for me were the gradual comedowns where we would all go out about dawn, and walk past gardens, and into parks and look and experience nature. And THESE experiences totally blew away all the deadening dumbing down that had been happening to me from the ages of about 8/9 to 15 when I had the LSD. I suddenly saw nature as a magical sacred infinitely ALIVE place, and the city as superifical, rigic, with android-like people all moving very quick in straight lines, eyes forward, whether in cars, or walking. None fluidly looking at the sky and taking in the wonder of life

So it was these experiences that inspires an ongoing journey I am still on, where I delve deeper and deeper into the question of how come people are so lost, and the hows and whys of what to do to re soul ouselves so we feel and see the natural world as the amazing sacred place it is

Interesting post zezt.

I was not alive during the time when the beatles where singing about lucy in the sky.
I was born and raised in a big city.
Always enjoyed being in nature, but living in a big city there is not that much nature around.

I alwayd enjoyed being in nature, but it where the mushrooms that made me fall in love with nature. It did not happened in a instance. This falling in love happend over a long period of many years and many mushrooms trips.
I love drugs ...at 12 I told my mom I had a "passion" for marijuana ( now with a little taxing and education legal in my state
!!!!!)... I used to be a junk box (heroin) and psychadelics helped me to know liking drugs is OK ... I'm OK... Taking heroin like I did ... Not OK but now .. Because of psychadelic drugs and a t shulgin.... I'm studying chemistry at a good university and one day hope to study drug effects... Legally lol. Follow your passion people even if its drugs... You have not been made wrong drugs can be cool if used properly
Hi all!
I have a dilemma regarding this topic... I am spending next few months in Amsterdam, staying at hotels, going back home on weekends. I am interested to use this time of seclusion to explore my psyche, especially OBE, benefiting from the fact that market is well developed here, and i am on my own. Since my youth, i have been experiencing some OBE for many years now, but very sporadic and uncontrollable. I have never used any substances, I have very calm personality, very selfaware outlook on life, and have absolutely no fears, so i am wondering, can use of psychedelic change me in some way?
which kind of psychedelic?
anyway, sure! they are created just for this (in addition to being insecticides)
and if a person is calm and doesn't has fear, and destroys his ego, he will goes with God
Abej^a G. a dit:
which kind of psychedelic?
anyway, sure! they are created just for this (in addition to being insecticides)
and if a person is calm and doesn't has fear, and destroys his ego, he will goes with God
I don't know, which kind will help me with OBE? As i said, i never used anything, not even smoked cannabis.
The thing is, I don't look to experience going with God. I have very firm faith in christian God. I don't need psychedelic to know He is with me. I just want to have controlled experiment with OBE in which I get into incidentally. And i am wondering can such experience change me.
I understand all. (I didn't say "goes with God" to say you are near God with this substances...)

anyway, you talk about dream, maybe you don't need psychedelic (even if someone says with DMT and psylocibin -like amanita muscaria- you will dream very well with flashes of lucidity), maybe you need oneiric substance, like melatonin, atemisia vulgaris, calea zacatechichi, blue lotus..... good read my friend: http://www.psychonaut.com/other-psychoactive-plants/36259-dream-herbs.html :rock:
Psychedlics connect the individual to a greater purpose, dissolve boundaries as well as the ego.

Also shows that we are all connected
I feel like my 'work' w/ psychedelics have been one of THE most beneficial experiences of my entire life. They completely give me a new outlook, a new perspective, and make me very aware of my own mortality.

I see it, sometimes, as a very high tower from which to view my progress, or lack of, in life.
Also, just a very interesting and novel way to experience being alive. I live for those moments.

When you're riding on the cusp of awareness, keenly aware of The Now and your senses are tingling like you were just born. Don't get me wrong, there have been earth shattering BAD trips as well, but even these made me more aware of the role other people can play in our lives.

Concluding, I think these experiences can heighten our awareness of our surroundings. Like fasting, we can see afresh the positive and negative things in our lives through the goggles of psychedelics.

Thanks for asking, good question.
Hawkmoon a dit:
I don't know, which kind will help me with OBE? As i said, i never used anything, not even smoked cannabis.
The thing is, I don't look to experience going with God. I have very firm faith in christian God. I don't need psychedelic to know He is with me. I just want to have controlled experiment with OBE in which I get into incidentally. And i am wondering can such experience change me.

If you are in amsterdam you could visit a smartshop and get some magic truffels.

OBE is that out of body experience?
I think mescaline (cactus) may be the psychedelic that may come close to an OBE. However a psychedelic experience and a OBE are two different type of experience, they are not the same.
Absolutely after Ayahuasca use I'm a lot more easygoing and carefree. I sing and dance like a little kid again, which is amazing.

This is my first post and consider the good place to start.
Quick answers like enlightened me and woke me up are written to be understood by people who have already experienced something similar, but what about those who have limited experience and info on the topic ?

Like other members have written before me I too felt that the use of psychedelics enhanced my vision of life and understand aspect that were previously out of my sight. Actions that were done compulsively have started to make sense and thus being reduced. Once the light shines and you understand the harm you are doing to yourself by engaging in some actions/activities it gives you power to stop those actions. I made connections and understood my thought patterns better, actually that is putting it into scientific terms, but then, everything melted and felt the relieved of thoughts.

According to eastern philosophy the false self is starting to be perceived, but would not dare to say the true self is revealed. I have not experienced such elevated states, but until now my opinion is that this destination is reached with effort and time, not by ingesting substances. It would be wise to say that we need be aware of people who take psychedelics and affirm they are ego free.

All in all, life has started anew once I experienced psychedelic bliss. Attention to details is higher than before, self improvement is at its best, and not only that i pose interest in self improvement, but it is much easier to implement the ideas into aspect of my life. Before this, quitting was a common denominator for me. So i would point out that my willpower has increased.

I am glad to have joined this community
Also my first post here, I'm kind of a beginner in the psychedelic matter.
I experienced a few trips on truffles which were really nice and fun but I wanted to experience something that would revolutionnize my perceptions and help me acting better in this very life.
Yesterday I decided to take a bigger portion and what I saw disturbed me quite a lot, I saw a world that I felt I had no right to be in and it was terrifying (as I thought I wouldn't be able to return). I don't know what impact this will have on my life, but I know what I saw was real and that I'll have to deal with it anyway at some point.
How will this improve my life ? I think I understood that all the games we play here are not really relevant and that I should be more focused on what really matters but I don't know how yet.
spiralingsequences a dit:

This is my first post and consider the good place to start.
Quick answers like enlightened me and woke me up are written to be understood by people who have already experienced something similar, but what about those who have limited experience and info on the topic ?

I think terms such as enlightenment, awakening and ego death can be misleading to some.
To those with limited experience i would like to put it simple: psychedelics can help you see into your own being. Psychedelic means manifesting the mind, making the mind visible. To say it in short psychedelics can help you learn to know yourself.
Awakening and enligthenment is knowing yourself.
When you know yourself you know what you like about yourself and what you don,t like. Ofcourse it takes willpower discipline and courage to change yourself.
psychedelics will show you these things, but they are no magic pill. You have to do the changing yourself. You have to do the work yourself.

i don,t think enligthenment is like putting on a light switch. I think we should stop thinking about enligthenment or awakening as a point. I see enlightenment more as a process. A way or a path.
I very much like the chinese word Tao. Tao means way or path. Tao is the mean principle in the chinese philosophy of taoism.
when we flow with our own inner energy (life force or in chinese Qi), things become much more smoother and more natural . When we flow with the tao we do not need to push ourselfs hard. Psychedelics may bring us into contact with our inner energy.

I think the spiritual process is something that continues your whole life. There might be low points and there might be high points, but it,s not about these points. It,s about the here and the now.
Confetti a dit:
Also my first post here, I'm kind of a beginner in the psychedelic matter.
I experienced a few trips on truffles which were really nice and fun but I wanted to experience something that would revolutionnize my perceptions and help me acting better in this very life.
Yesterday I decided to take a bigger portion and what I saw disturbed me quite a lot, I saw a world that I felt I had no right to be in and it was terrifying (as I thought I wouldn't be able to return). I don't know what impact this will have on my life, but I know what I saw was real and that I'll have to deal with it anyway at some point.
How will this improve my life ? I think I understood that all the games we play here are not really relevant and that I should be more focused on what really matters but I don't know how yet.

Why did it distubed you?
We all have a different experience. psychedelics may not be for everyone. For some it works really well to improve there life, for others not so much. It also depends on sett and setting. Can you explaine a bit more about your experience and why it disturbed you?
Psychedelics have done less to me in a general sense then they have in a specific sense. That is to say, while I do notice myself to be far more uncaring about ludicrous shit I do nowadays, more noticeable is my finding particular phrases and whatnot to imbue in me particular emotions. For instance, the phrases "running around like a hound" or "crack open a beer" make me laugh my ass off whilst certain songs will now make me feel incredibly nostalgic.