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How did psychedelic changed you

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Finarfin
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wish you would elaborate more. Sounds very interesting.

Do you know of James W Jesso?
I once stumbled upon DMT or a form of it. Not to sure of it's quality, but it was a pollen like cluster of yellow matter. My friend offered the idea and we took the chance. We put it in a large bong and smoked(my friend suggested the bong since I had and still am not sure how it is supposed to be ingested). 30 seconds later my mind shut off for a split second, then boom, restarted and opened up. I could see the vibrations in the air, light from the stereo was transformed into the waves from the music playing (drugs by ratatat). Everything was so beautiful and defined, it brought a tear to my eye. After the trip, we all discussed this amazing trip we just shared together. Only about 5 minutes, but those 5 minutes were comparable to a sense of euphoria that is near death. I have been so close to death only one other time, and it was so peaceful til I woke up, then I was terrified that I was just hit by a truck and losing lots of blood. Instead of fear after euphoria, with the DMT, I felt peace. I was also using research chemicals close to ketamine, as an anti-depressant. I got so lost in the hole, I entered drug induced psychosis soon after the DMT trip.... Or at least that's what the doctors call it. I found it to be enlightening. Everything was fine and beautiful til everyone started saying it was not. They said I was not fine, that my perceptions of people and their spirits and souls, we're just hallucinations. That I was wrong about everybody, that I couldn't see their auras. Truth is, I've had these abilities since I was a child, they just got stomped out by the negativity. When I started using the RC, I started finding myself, and I guess just scared others when I told them the intentions I saw in them, and they weren't good. How could my family do this to me? I know they've been worried, but you can't confirm a child that they are different, then when they grow up, their difference is a drug induced mental illness, when I have finally found myself and my place and how to connect to the world again. I know my soul is infinite, because I have been here, and dealt with all these people before. How must I go on without the souls who know me and could connect with me? Is anybody else out there?? And now I've found myself here. I've "changed" so much, but only to find my soul, and who I have been since before this body. This is my first post so here it goes, I'm sending my call out to the universe.
HI, and very beautiful and inspiring post, and sad because of the typical shit you have received from family and people in general.
I am VERY interested in all you are saying here. For many years I've been speaking out against the fukin evil mental illness myth which is a big central mind control technique of this matricidal and ecocidal civilization. This hateful system wants us to believe we and other animals and all of nature are machines with no soul spirit!! MILLIONS of people take their toxic drugs to dull and harm the bodymind, and they are so evil they are even targeting more and more children--telling them they need their drugs because they are disordered. And even parents are falling for this and happy their kids are being drugged and destroyed by the State!!
A culture cannot get any lower than when it harms the little ones. It is beyond reform, and is utterly corrupt. All I can do is learn to see through their mind control and encourage others to also
So I am VERY with you :)
Over the course of the last 8 years I've gotten to dabble with psykz and found out more about myself than anything else. It seems like each "journey" has led me further into my own subcon than anything else. Of course it has seemed to help me with my social anxiety, which makes sense: you can only go to so many walmarts or malls while being so "receptive" without becoming more at ease in your own skin. I've found that unlike most people, when I am "learning" more I prefer putting myself in uncomfortable positions that normally I would be somewhat avoidant of. Soft reminders to myself during these times, that nothing is really what it seems right now and that I am not "sober".

It's too much to list what I have gained and lost over each experiment. zezt your post is so true, its a chemically induced mass conditioning that isn't limited to a city state or nationwide basis. It's all over the world.
lsd made me perceive the world as being more beautiful. mda was a little too much
yes that is true for all of us, but not instantly. some changes came years later.
I have not ever really been changed by trips. Although went taking acid and shrooms I feel as though I have had some sort of epiphany that has at least means i look at things differently.
Hey please read this because I need somebodies opinion. I started using LSD pretty often. Like once a week sometimes. I take breaks when needed. But I managed to lose all my friends. I need to know what I should do. So I have tripped several times with all the old friends I used to have and sometimes I solo trip. But I managed to scare all of them off because I talk about weird things when I trip because it's a very spiritual thing for me. I never believed In any God untill I dropped acid and found out I was always God. (Yea it gets weird here) When I trip I always think I'm about to die for some reason. I don't get scared but rather except my death and move on. Yes sometimes I think I'm already dead while I'm trippin hard. And that's when I realize that I'm never gonna die and I'm gonna live forever In this newly found afterlife. Complete control of the acid at this point. (This is why I love Lucy) I travel to mysterious places in time and think of the craziest ideas. I control my visuals to some extent. And never scared of anything. Almost too brave. This is the point where my freinds think it's a problem. But I've never hurt anybody or even done anything too stupid. The worst thing I've done is open the microwave while my friend was cooking something cuz I thought the countdown was sinister. Lol. And maybe accidently touched my freinds mom and asked her her name. She totally freaked out and wanted me to leave cuz I've never talked to her before that and there I was pupils full sized reaching out to her shoulder and asking her name. She was majorly offended and my mind did not understand why. But now I can see how that's creepy. I guess. But my freinds don't like all this talk about death and God speically when they trippin. Seems to me they just wanna go to sleep half the time. (I have really strong shit and people get scared) 250 microgram tabs. My freinds don't wanna hang with me because I don't buy weed anymore and spend the little money I get on acid. I'm considered a mooch I guess. Fuck it. I don't like weed much anyways. (Fuck yea I do) but everybody is telling me to lay off the shit and nobody wants to trip with me anymore. Tripping alone used to be my favorite but lately it seems boring. Anything I can do to spice it up? Do you guys think I'll find another trippin buddy or trippin soulmate chick? acids my favorite drug. Anybody else have the same high or similar experiences? I need some support since I have no more.
New to this site. Background info (for future reference, im quite tall at 6'4 and 80kgs, if I asking questions of dosage size)
(Started infrequently 'sniffing' about a year ago. (With also mistakenly trying mkat around 3 years ago). Up to know I've felt the full effects of E, Ket, Coke, cannabis and MD.)

Hello, I have never consumed any psyches so far but this post has made me very anxious to try, obviously first of all I would be very unsure about the 'portion size' (dose) but it would most likely be LSD (acid if that's right).
My head in general goes through strange stages and my brain feels very emotionless and numb like i'm living in the day but can't specifically recall emotions or memories, (I am casually seeing a councillor at my university about my long term memory and potential of slight depression, despite the fact that I 'appear' as one of the most energetic and fun loving people you would meet,

Recently i've been using No2 and massively enjoying it, feeling like after every 'hit' I was in a dream like state and experiencing a conflict type scenario in which my friends will be giving me advice and sometimes the dream ends with me hearing "just keep doing what you're doing" which is obviously really uplifting.
For what in my head feels like a half an hour journey and then when I return the same song is still playing, I find that experience incredible.

How much would LSD would you advise for me to have an interesting and safe journey, or not advise if you felt that necessary, in what environment would you advise and how long would the effects last?

Thank you
the amount is not important as long as you don't take too much. it is the set and setting. You need to OPEN yourself to the flux of ecstasy that is going to be inspired, and to allow this to happen in places you feel you can relax, be it outside, inside or both
Hi lolcmoney Since you asked it will give my opinion.
It seems like you trip a lot.
It also looks like your behavior is alienating you from your enviroment. You don, t want to alienate yourself socialy and become known as that crazy diamond.
If you ask me: take a break from tripping for a while. You need to take the time to intergrate your psychedelic experience.
Maybe you could focus yourself on something else for a while.
You could do sports yoga meditation read books or make some art painting drawing whatever. Being healthy is being in balance. When you trip to much you may get psychologicaly or socialy out of balance.

I don, t know you or your friends.
What is important when it comes to psychedelics is set and setting and the intention of you and your friends.
Why do you take acid? What do you want out of the experience?
I think it, s important to know what you and your friends want.

Life i have discovered is all about choices. We all make our own choices and it, s these choices that make us who we are. If you want to alienate yourself from your friends and family and if you want to be known as mooch it, s your own choice.
Think about who it is you want to be.

Personally i would not want to be know as a mooch. It, s far better to give than to take. I also would not want to alienate myself from my friends and family.
I am lucky to have friends who don, t mind talking about deep philosopical stuff like death and god. When i take a trip i try not to talk to much. I think it, s okay to talk about deep stuff. What i do not like is psychotic rambling. There is a fine line between the two i think.

When we look at the traditional use of the plant psychedelics (medicin) by the shamans and other traditional healers using these plants, we see there is a ritual and a structure to it. There ussualy is a very clear intention to the ritual.
With a good ayahuasca ritual under the guidance of someone who knows what he is doing, there is a space and atmosphere being created to support deep experiences.
I think if you want to have deep experiences make sure the set and setting are supportive of going deep.

Most important i think is to take a break.
Get yourself in order and your shit together. Invest in your social life.
Get a clear idea who it is you want to be and where you want to go.
Psychonaut means sailor of the mind. But every ship must find a harbor or destination someday
Floating around on the endless sea of the mind becomes pointless if you do it to long. You need to set goals for yourself.

This my advies. I am 33 years old. I do not know much. Do with it what you like.

Seriously i wish there where more places where people could go to have psychedelic experiences in a safe enviroment under the guidance of professional guides who know what theu are doing.

Now whe have retreath centres where people can take ayahuasca and such. I hope there will be more of this places im the future.
Hi Finarfin and everybody

I am here as a researcher in comparative religion, doing a project with the University of Bergen where I ask precisely the question of this thread: how has the use of psychedelics/entheogens changed you as a person? I am especially interested in what we might call the spiritual dimension to the use of these drugs - although I mean 'spiritual' in a very broad sense. Using psychedelics to explore the inner world is certainly spiritual in this sense.

If you or anyone would like to participate, I have a simple homemade website for the study at entheogenstudy.org, and you can reach me at [email protected].

I have no hidden agenda with this, except maybe the following: I suspect that there are many people out there who have a genuine spiritual relationship with entheogenic drugs, and who are able to use such drugs in a balanced and fruitful way that enhances their lives. If the academic world knew more about such people (right now almost nothing is known), a lot would probably change for the better in society.

So please get in touch if you have a story to tell. (Note that the above 'suspicion' will not stop me from asking critical questions!)
With an anonymous webmail account, we can communicate while your real-world identity remains completely unknown to me - so there should be no big risk of any kind.

Don't be shy
why don't make this study here, in this thread, and opened to all?
we want a free culture
anyway in all this forum you can read many experiences to have an idea
I will happily share the findings of the study with the people on this forum. Perhaps it is even possible to do interviews right here in a discussion thread, but I'm not sure it is a good idea. After all I want to ask many very personal questions, and even if people are anonymous on this board, they will still be recognized by others on this forum in terms of their user names, posting history and so on. This could make it difficult to answer truthfully.

I am happy to give it a try though.

As for reading about people's experiences on this forum: that's helpful to some extent, but it is quite fragmented. I want to go much deeper with just a few people, so I can understand in a more profound sense what an entheogenic-spiritual life looks like. Does that make sense?
ok! So we will wait the sharing!

anyway, personally, you can interview me here too! I don't care much about anonymity

First of all I would really want to ask you to read and sign a "Request for participation" info sheet. It's available at http://entheogenstudy.org/Request for study participation.docx - please download, write in your Psychonaut username and date, save as PDF so it can't be traced to your computer, and send it to [email protected]. I know it's kind of boring, but university ethics committees like this kind of stuff.

What I want to ask is summed up in the following:

1. Your background and life situation. Who are you? Where do you come from (in every sense)? How is your social life, work life, spiritual life, personal life? How is your mental health situation? (please answer in general terms that cannot be used to trace your real identity)
2. Your history with using entheogenic drugs. What are you using, how often, for how long? Can you describe your most important experiences?
3. Consequences of entheogenic drug use. Good and bad - for every aspect of your life.

This is the basic set-up - I hope the conversation can develop organically and be fruitful for everyone involved.

(cleaned up post and removed info thing)
entheogenresearcher a dit:
write in your Psychonaut username and date,

In order to preserve privacy, participants are encouraged to create an anonymized web email account for the purpose of communication with the author.

curiosity: why must we write username and data? where is the privacy? write you it in the searching, or not?!

entheogenresearcher a dit:
with the purpose of discovering long-term implications for spirituality, health, and life through in-depth interviews.

in which sense "long-term"?

please the next time use "edit" button to write, don't do consecutive post. thank's!
Sorry about the triple post. Normally people would be asked to sign the sheet with their ordinary name, but because this study is investigating mostly illegal practices I don't want you to do that. Your username at this forum or whatever you choose for your email is anyway public and does not compromise your privacy. The point with having some kind of signature as that by signing the info sheet you indicate that you have read the thing and are therefore officially aware of your rights. This is important to ethics committees (not to me personally).

I will not use your username/email in the research paper unless you specifically want me to do so. If I want to refer to you by name, I will just invent a name for you (or you can invent one for yourself).

With "long-term" I mean basically "for life". In other words I want to investigate what consequences the use of entheogens has for you over a period of your entire lifetime (so far, obviously). What improvements and/or complications - I guess it is often both - do they result in for health, work, spirituality etc?

Please continue asking about everything that is not clear. And thank you very much for your participation.
I started to belive in my self, to believe in my dreams, hoping more and think less about the bad things of this life. :heart:
But I no longer have friendly relationships with people who do not make use of psychedelic ... this makes sense?