bla bla bla
i havent read all but maybe i will it seems interesting.
hey vlad are you supposed to be the slave of these entities like the electronic jews or so ??? and well what do they want really... do they have a purpose ???
also they speak to you through your mind ? so somthin like telephatically.
this means they got to have extraordinary powers, given they exist.
but i mean why should they want to control you? well i mean it could be out of pure boredom or so.... i mean we cant really tell anything about these entities can we ?? i mean we can't see them ?? or can we and if we can can we touch them if we dare ??
i mean its interesting, but kinda blurry to me.
peace bro and it is good to distrust psychiatrists in my opinion, better trust in what you know for sure and not in what "supposed-to-be-oh-so-smart-people" want to make you believe...
ok another idea popped in my mind: maybe in your DMT experiences, since the strange happenings started when you had taken DMT, you got stuck in between different dimensions or worlds or well just took somethin with you from there, that you might be able to like integrate in your consciousness-belief-system or well.... hard to tell i guess.. maybe you had subconscious desires like getting more muscular and stuff and made a pact with the electronic jews, so that they can control your mind now.... who knows really... they might be like the devil or so, but maybe you can tell them to let go that you dont want their "help" ??
ok that all might be bullshit, but its all just speculation....
by the way i didnt read much here as i said, but vlad i also could see thru my eyelids. dont know if it means much or what it means. but well i almost always got it, when i got it, before falling into sleep or before waking up, when just lying there.
i would notice to see everything and then open my eyes and wake up or so.
kind of strange really.

its hard to keep that state of mind though, it's probably connected to threshold-wakefulness, from what i have read some people had these kind of experiences.