GOD a dit:
Fork , what about explaining to them what truth is ? Or why definitions arent definate ? Or the reliability of personal interpretations ?
Okay... I'll have a go at it, since I'm the
Let's start with the last question. Personal interpretations are reliable if and only if you agree with them. You are identifying with certain 'truths' you agree with, you can live with. By definition you are just a part of something bigger, therefore you cannot agree with all truths and therefore just seeing part of the bigger picture. The way you express yourself (be it in a religion, in a science, in philosophy, in poetry, etc.) is bound to that part of the Truth you identify with. This personal interpretation is therefore just reliable to you and those you agree with. Others will think you are deluded in some way or other.
That's where definitions come in. You may understand the person you do not agree with as using the same words, but these words can have different meanings to the both of you. This is obvious in a lot of discussions: they hinge on a definition of a word which can be taken in multiple ways. If the people in the discussion don't recognize this, the discussion will go nowhere, just repeating arguments that the other party won't accept. If they do recognize this, however, the need for a discussion ceases, as they will have to accept that the other party just has a different point of view that they cannot argue with. Sometimes the discussion will need to go through several of these semantic battles before reaching a conclusion, but in the end it will show unstubborn people that their definitions aren't the only way to understand reality.
Truth is multifaceted, you can argue about it, but that just limits your understanding of it, since you then condemn the other to untruth, while in 'reality' he just sees it from a different point of view. This may sound a bit abstract, but it is in fact very psychological: what you see as true depends on who you are, what you've lived through and what your expectations are. You see yourself in the world you perceive. It is you that is staring yourself in the face. Seeing through all this is like watching the world for the first time, with babyeyes, being reborn into the same body.
Coming back to the issue at hand, you can call thelemic magick a religion or a philosophy or a science or an art or bullshit, that doesn't matter. It's like throwing bricks at a pyramid. They all denote systems that try to define truth, as if it was something singular. They divide truth and want to conquer it, only conquering themselves and locking themselves up in their wannabe ivory tower. Even magick has become like that, because in essence any practice has the tendency to become hierarchical, because some people are more serious than others and will try to explain why it helps them and does them good. People don't listen to the message behind it, but take the explanation for truth, which is a division. So they are ruled by a garbled truth instead of just finding it on their own.
Hope this makes sense. If not, please state your view and we'll have a go at it. I'm very patient. :twisted: