By the way, if you think the bible is all fantasy you are really a moron, maybe some things are parabels(if you could understand such a word) and not be taking literally.
Did i mention i studied the bible for 12 years oh im sorry and you would gain just as much wisdom and philosophy by watching Star Wars as much as you would gain from the work of Christ
saying that theirs good in religion is a little to sad to be a good joke religion like a bad drug and most people abuse so badly they actually damage everyone around them, and what your saying is that if you take religion with a grain of salt as a non religous person you can get a good learning expriance from it well i say No to that, since by doing that you legitimize something that is no more than a massive cult like any religion.
you want philosophy get it out side of the bible i dont go to a rock expecting a cool drink of water neither should a rational intelligent person try and seek knowledge from the bible.
I hate religion with such a passion its indescribably passion, why you ask because it was crammed down my throat in very religious schools. now i have studied the Tora in every way imaginable and we also studied other religions heavily so forgive me if i dont think that the evils of this world exist because of religion i mean its the easiest most social excepted high you can find
it erases from you worries of death and morality is written for you and millions of people feel the same as you how great! how easy.
now my opinions are about mainstream religion and BS such as Scientology
(and btw if you ask me the bible makes as much sense as Dianetics)
to sum my self up here for a moment is we have to stop making religious people feel comfortable and making them think their actions are ok because if you ask me a man like a rabbi that dedicates his life to studying Tora is a wasted non existing human just like a Nerd watching Star Trek in his room say in day out for his entire life.
now if you think im extreme or closed minded well just come on down and live in Israel or any other Extremely religious place and you tell me how great and dandy religion
Religion is worse Than cancer and aids put together