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Getting our evolution back in hands! But how?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Demahdi
  • Date de début Date de début
And may I add European Christianity has way more culture, history, philosophy to serve then islam. But that's just mho. Where do schools come from you think? Hospitals? Medical care????
You're wrong, it's just that you know nothing about islamic cultures. Also Muslims were traveling through Europe a long time ago.

A psychedelic journey inside Nasir al-Mulk mosque in Shiraz | Chasing The Unexpected

Many historians and sociologists assert today that Islam was the leading cause of Europe's movement from the darkness of its Middle Ages to the brilliance of its Renaissance. At a time when Europe was backward in medicine, astronomy, mathematics, and many other fields, Muslims possessed a vast treasure of knowledge and great possibilities of development.

This is just tiny examples. You ignore that civilizations always communicated and brought things to each other. We wouldn't be as we are if Chinese, arabian, jewish cultures didn't exist. It's not religion that make things, nor it is countries. It's people.

Your last post finish to demonstrate how you're just Islamophobic and ignorant.

One person who believes that European civilization has learned much from Islam and that the two civilizations have always been intimately connected is Charles, Prince of Wales. Prince Charles describes Islamic civilization and what Andalusia and the Ottoman experience in the Balkans has taught Europe:
[TABLE="width: 75, align: left"]
Diplomacy, free trade, open borders, the techniques of academic research, of anthropology, etiquette, fashion, alternative medicine, hospitals, all came from this great city of cities. Mediaeval Islam was a religion of remarkable tolerance for its time, allowing Jews and Christians to practice their inherited beliefs, and setting an example which was not, unfortunately, copied for many centuries in the West.
Secularism came from Medieval Islam?

The discussion we need to have is why religion is rising, and what we need to do about it. Not how we need to fight Islam. Because you don't win anything by oppressing people.

People are turning to religion because capitalist/liberal life is meaningless, unethical, cold and gross. People seeks for spirituality, ethic, etc. But with religion, it's a whole package of spirituality, questionable ethic and obscurantism. I would suggest these people to take LSD and become anarchist instead. haha
I can pick up this "fight" very easily and tear it in half without applying any search engine or history book. Though it's not my struggle, I do not want to put out that much energy into those matters. Of course it's the people who make it, but do you think religions and cultures aren't constructed ? In the past "governments" used religions, now we evolved and use democratic laws, which are sure in need of adjustments.
Christianity today is not the way it was 2000 years ago. Though look at the history of islam, look what kind of man Mohammed was. Look what kind of man Jesus was? Jesus told us to love our enemies, Mohammed teaches to kill them. I know islam had a high level of algebra going on, Baghdad was a gatherpoint of true ventures that puzzled the mysteries in life. But where is that now at? Totally hijacked for the same reasons as it was created. Though other reasons apply now and it's about world domination.
I know I am a bit in extremes about this islam matter. But I see new immigrants boarding our nation which I have no problem with house vesting here. Honestly! But I am asking you again: Should we adopt a system they are running away from within our system? I just have not found a proper way to make this fart smell good, I'm sorry for failing on that.
And don't ask me what a secularism is, you are telling others are putting it in the wrong perspective…
But it's pretty clear described on Wikipedia. Religion should not have any impact on society and society makes the law. But if your society is a changing theme your laws are a changing theme too. And couldn't we be smart for once and construct laws that ensure the rights of every individual? Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheïsts, Satanists, etc etc … It doesn't matter what you believe in, you can not inflict it on another human being if it is against laws constructed to PROTECT the individual. Why is that so hard to grasp?
I'm obviously against Shariah, I don't know how it could be applied in our countries, because it's the state law that applies for now. And no other law can apply on anyone. So if someone try to apply his own law on anybody, the state will eventually repress it.
Zezt, did you fail to inform your friend Sharia is applied in your country?
Well, that's fucking nuts. Excuse me.
Islam = racism just as any other believe. Though there are exceptions ;)

But our western problem with it is, Its religious followers would prefer sharia above democraty.
Sharia = the lawsystem of islam.

A Muslim is free to believe he wants to hate Jews or decapitate infidels, but if he wants those things in practice they should go to the caliphate. If they don't they would have no problem with a secularism.

May I ask what your Muslim friends had to say about Charlie hebdo? Where are the voices ?
Silently agreeing to this act of violence. Europe is awake and we are heading for a new future ...
Don't be the ones slowing it down. It sets the agenda and it will become a reality in life.
And in contrary of the Germans: WE DID KNOW !!!
Wir haben das nicht gewusst.
zezt a dit:
you are not even getting what I mean, and I am not into nukes being dropped

I am pretty sure you are pointing at one but ignoring the other.
The nuke is only devastating to those incapable of handling the truth.
I must say these last responses had a heavy impact on my psyche and it took me to a point of no return.
And when you can kiss your man in an open and free society without being stoned or crucified, you have revolutionaries to thank for it. Your country is a great example of what happens in blocks that are overweighed by one culture. Mine is too and I have a dashcam registrating it all.

This is not my dashcam:
Count the autochthons
This is your capital of Europe!!!!
Demahdi a dit:
Islam = racism just as any other believe. Though there are exceptions ;)

But our western problem with it is, Its religious followers would prefer sharia above democraty.
Sharia = the lawsystem of islam.

A Muslim is free to believe he wants to hate Jews or decapitate infidels, but if he wants those things in practice they should go to the caliphate. If they don't they would have no problem with a secularism.

May I ask what your Muslim friends had to say about Charlie Hebdo? Where are the voices ?
Silently agreeing to this act of violence. Europe is awake and we are heading for a new future ...
Don't be the ones slowing it down. It sets the agenda and it will become a reality in life.
And in contrary of the Germans: WE DID KNOW !!!
Wir haben das nicht gewusst.

What do you know about this? Like most citizens, Muslims have been horrified by these murders. But I hated this stupid "je suis Charlie" meme, because it's making silent the cause of terrorism and just talk emotively about consequences. Muslims are massively killed around the world and we don't talk much about it.

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims? - BBC News

Most of European Muslims are peaceful and wouldn't want any fucking Shariah, they share your "western standards", but they're oppressed by people accusing them of things they didn't do. There had been a lot of physical aggressions of citizens just because of their skin or their wearing. You want war, you will have it and you will be responsible for it. You're looking for enemies inside and outside your borders, because your mentally incapable of anything else, like seeing the abstract thing that is capitalism and how it ruins all of the world and is a direct source of all migration process, and ghettoes.

Your fucking democracy make me laugh. There is no democracy in Europe. It's an authoritarian system repressing any rebellion with force, mutilating and killing people rebelling against companies destroying earth. Yes, it's worse in the caliphate. But we're not playing who's better. Have some imagination to create a better world.

Your video is just showing some ghettos. There were the same with people from any countries in the last centuries, including Jews. And you people finished by massively killing them. It's the same stupid mistake every century.

People are so mentally limited. And acid doesn't make people smarter. That's for sure.

Fucking Nazis.
Ever pounderd what those ghettos used to be like????

What do I know about muslims convicting charlie hebdo? Nothing, they convicted our freedom of speech! Aren’t you picking up the signals from your society? Where do you live? What did teachers say about the reactions in classrooms in your country? Here they were pretty shocked of the responses in classrooms. It was an attack on your freedom of speech, no matter what you call it. Muslims massivly being killed around the world are killed most of the time by muslims. Those same muslims apply every word of the quran in its detail. That is islam 1600 years ago, that is islam today. Have you not seen the Christians and infidels heads being decapitated?
You are comparing one bad with the other which all sprout from religious views, so have you honestly grasped the idea “secularism”?

Most European muslims are silent and they do not condemn the violent act of Charlie Hebdo.
A muslim saying he doesn’t want sharia law shouldn’t be calling himself a muslim. I think most muslims would agree on this one! Of couse we are in war with those threatening our Western standards you want to fuck. But remember you are free to say to fuck it! You are free to defend any religion, to condemn any religion, it is freedom!!!! But when one starts taking his religious scriptures to justify killing another, that’s war as well. In fact what they are doing now is genocide and you are blindly defending the culture that is shouting it out. “We’re going to take over Italy and we’re going to take over Israël” Who’s words are that?
Have you read the hadith that says: Every stone that hides a Jew will say: Here’s a Jew, and muslims should kill all until there are no more Jews on this planet.
Is that a religion we can respect? What about Sura 9 calling up to kill infidels unless they pay toll and are comfort with being slaves?

I know you hate the west… and that democracy makes you laugh. But I strongly suggest you move to the Caliphate one week and watch what islam is about. One saying that isn’t islam, obviously never read one chapter of an Islamic book. I doubt you can speak your mind the way you do now. And it is only showing your ignorance. I know it isn’t perfect, but at least I’m willing to make a change! Without closing my eyes or being shut up by taboos. It’s a demo-lazy, demo-crazy democracy, but it's a work in progress that allows you to speak your individual mind.

We want Europe to become a republic ruled by referenda and a secularism. This is our aim and goal.
It’s not about who’s better, it’s about holding in hand what’s been worked and fought for so hard! And if there’s something you don’t like in your system? Put all your shoulders behind it and try to change it on a constructive way. Pointing at another to ignore the other you are defending is pretty lame…. Beyond lame it’s hypocritical and pretty insulting.

The video is only showing one ghetto in our capitol. There are already more muslims in the European capitol then autochthones. And most of them want Sharia and do not hide their racism against jews.
And I strongly suggest you compare fertility rates of European countries having muslims. Do compare the numbers with 1970 if you have a perspective that is.

We are a changing system, never forget that, and you have all the rights and possibilities to make a change as well.
Just try to imagine you are woman being born in an Islamic state. You have intelligence, you want to become a doctor but your parents think otherwise. And this is A DAILY REALITY in our society too. So how can we live together as a community if they want apartheid????

I’m beginning to believe you have no muslim friends or that you never read one chapter of the quran.
I'm an anarchist and I would be an anarchist everywhere. There are anarchists in every country and they fight against authority and defend the poor and the oppressed.

A muslim saying he doesn't want sharia law shouldn't be calling himself a muslim. I think most muslims would agree on this one!
That's stupid. What authority do you have to say that? You can't be a Christian without killing homosexuals by stoning too? Muslims are not responsible for the atrocious acts of some ultra violent rebels. Yes, a lot of people are becoming antisemitic, like a lot of people are becoming Islamophobic. This is pretty stupid, from one side to another.
You an anarchist???? Are you being ironic???? This is the laugh of the day.
Go out and ask your Muslim friends what they think of sharia.
Laugh all you like, you're lost in your mind. You meet monsters, you want to become one.
Sludge a dit:
That's stupid. What authority do you have to say that? You can't be a Christian without killing homosexuals by stoning too? Muslims are not responsible for the atrocious acts of some ultra violent rebels. Yes, a lot of people are becoming antisemitic, like a lot of people are becoming Islamophobic. This is pretty stupid, from one side to another.

What would an anarchist think of Islam when he fully grasps the ideology behind it?
I am islamphobic for the reasons I set out. Freedom of speech, freedom of individuality. Seems I am an anarchist.
I don't like Islam like I don't like Christianity and Jewish religion. But I like people, even if they are Muslims, Christians or jews. They didn't choose it in the first place. Some become really stupid, but it's all the people, not only religious. Those who worship money are the same. Some have a good spirit and evolve. It can take some time but everyone needs to be open minded and respectful. If one is becoming hateful, it's finished and they're just accusing each other of the fault.

The most stupid are the ones fighting each others and promoting violence. And you're becoming one. Step back before it's too late.
You are not a consequent individual. Nor are you able to put a context into perspective. Which would be ok of you did not fuck up my topic with it. I am leaving this for a while. But thank you so much for motivating me.
Like i wrote before let, s stop focusing on one religion and one ideology.
People where murders in the name of communism, in the name of christianity and all kinds of other religious and non religious ideology. I will say it for the last time : IT IS ALL MINDCONTROL. east and west. It, s all propaganda.
So we would all agree on a secularism.
But I have to go on my instincts and roughly show it as it is.
Fertility birth rates are death serious, we are declining.
Those cities don't grow. The culture expands throughout all our cities.
Which is no problem until you are presented the bill. Our kids will never have the social benefits again and we have created an apartheid where no good is gonna come out from. This apartheid needs to be overcone and imho a secularism is the best approach.
Demahdi you are either consciously or unconsciously revealing where your at through the avatar you choose to represent yourself. It is the typical skull and bones and this symbol actually represents our REAL enemies, and no it is not Islam. I don't know how many times I have to repeat to try and get through to you that--there is a SHADOW government of this world that WANTS people spouting what you are ranting about here. it WANTS a 'clash of civilization' the 'West' versus 'Islam' so it can increase it's New World order, which in reality is an Old Word order, but they want more and more control. And they do this by their old tactic of DIVIDE AND CONTROL

The Charlie hebdo was a blatant staged attack specifically designed to be the European 9/11. It was not 'Islamic terrorists' but was an Israeli false flag. You should always ask yourself when you have this massive mediarized events pushed on you by the Zionist-controlled media CUI BONO --meaning WHO DOES IT BENEFIT?
[h=1]Charlie Hebdo and Tsarnaev's Trial: Cui bono?[/h]
I mean look at the propaganda of it. You saw all the fukin war criminals all there linking arms--l the media ying they were marching with 'the people' 'Je Suis Charlie' (which REALLy means 'we are fools') when it was just a phony photo shoot propaganda stunt (and one of them edited the woman leader out!). They were all there and look who got to be centre stage, the ultra-psycho leader of Zionist Israel Netanyahu---what an evil piece of shit! So yes, like 9/11, 'Charlie Hebdo was all staged and designed to further the globalist agenda (and you can include other staged events also, like Copenhagen)

Like said in sum up--what you are contributing to is ex-actly what the 'reality-managers' are trying to conjure

Shit --I don'tthink you know even the occult clues which really give the game away. I have found this is the most taboo subject. Even many leaders and followers in the psychedelic community are silent about this. I was censored and later banned from a so called radical social activist's FB for daring to bring this subject into the conversation--his name is Charles Shawe. he patronizingly said 'it will confuse my followers'!

OK here is a slice. They--the shadow government or what ever you want to call the puppet-master behind the scenes are into the occult, and use its number systems, and symbolism etc as both a code they communicate with each other and as a form of magick used to further their 'operations' and agenda and as mind control over those not-in-the-know.
So take the very day 9/11 happened. 911 was the US emergency number, so subliminally the day, again and again spouted by politicians and media as 9/11 9/11 9/11 etc subliminally is influencing the peoples psyche to associate 'Islam and the war on terror' with that day and 'emergency'. Also the number was brought into being 33 years previously to 9/11. 33 is a very important number for those freemason arseholes as it is the number of their highest freemasonic 33rd degree

I am not trying to 'derail' this thread into this more exotic investigation, just to say that this shit goes deeper then you think and very much does not point to 'ISlamic terrorists' but rather to a puppet masters agenda to maintain an sbured 'war on terror' which in effect can NEVER be 'won' and THAT is the point!

Sludge: I am enjoying your posts!