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Gender and psychedelic culture.

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you are right zezt... but do you talk about the size or molecular structure?
(do you believe I'm trying now on the internet if the molecules (of water) are always the same?? ^^)

eheh we are entering in a strange road.

I dont understand what do you think about "unique" (and so it is indifferent if we are male or female), about energy, sensibility, light, visions, thoughts, or more other?
and gay person which sensibility they have? female or male?

I do not understand this question?
being gay means being homosexual. It,s a form of sexuality.
Male or female is gender. Gender and sexuality are two different things.

research has been done on the difference between brain structure in heterosexuals and homosexuals.
Research showed that there is a difference in brain structure.
Biology and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The brain of a homosexual (male) has a different structure from a heterosexual (male).
It,s not that gay,s have a male or female sensibility. Gay,s have a different brain structure from non gay,s.
Different people have different brains that work differently.
It,s all part of the neurological diversity.
zezt a dit:
yes but they are not mono-drops or clone drops.

Every pebble on a beach is unique. So is same for every drop...?

I think (or believe) that everything and everybody is a unique part of the whole (cosmos or universe).
The cosmos or universe has the structure of a fractal and it,s made up by energy.
So people are like parts of this fractal and so are plants and so are animals. There are different animals and plants (biodiversity). Every human or plant or animal has his own uniqueness (unique DNA code for example), jet they are all part of the bigger whole.

This is how i see it.

As for drops of water.
When a drop hit,s the ocean it becomes part of the ocean and losses his separateness totally. When a drop freezes or vaporizes it transforms it,s being. With the rainbow analogy i was not trying to say something about drops of water.
the point i was trying to make is that if people all where the same things would be boring.

Dutch Artist Dadara created what he called the grey man character. The grey man is a figure that symbolizes the opposite of diversity. The grey man is what you get when people are created all the same without color or a form individuality. It,s like a figure that is made by a cookie cutter.
Finarfin a dit:
and gay person which sensibility they have? female or male?

I do not understand this question?
being gay means being homosexual. It,s a form of sexuality.
Male or female is gender. Gender and sexuality are two different things.

research has been done on the difference between brain structure in heterosexuals and homosexuals.
Research showed that there is a difference in brain structure.
Biology and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The brain of a homosexual (male) has a different structure from a heterosexual (male).
It,s not that gay,s have a male or female sensibility. Gay,s have a different brain structure from non gay,s.
Different people have different brains that work differently.
It,s all part of the neurological diversity.

If I will not accept the theory that 'women's brains are wired different than mens brains', I am certainly not going to accept that theory proposed above am I?
It is pesudoscience
zezt a dit:
If I will not accept the theory that 'women's brains are wired different than mens brains', I am certainly not going to accept that theory proposed above am I?
It is pesudoscience

People,s brains are wired differently. Gender plays a role in it.
Why can,t you accept that?
There are differences between people. People,s body,s and people,s brains are different. We are not all the same and that is part of diversity.
There also is neurological diversity not only between male and female but also between male and male or female and female.

I am not a neurologist so i do not know that much about the brain.
However i do not have a problem with a theory that suggest that gender plays a role in neurology.
Such a theory has nothing to do with male being better than female,s or nonsense like that.

I do not like labeling and categorizing people in group,s. what,s important to me is the individual.
zezt a dit:
If I will not accept the theory that 'women's brains are wired different than mens brains', I am certainly not going to accept that theory proposed above am I?
It is pesudoscience

Do you have anything to back up your opinion?

this is just your opinion. Why should i take your opinion seriously? Let,s deal with scientific facts.
if you accuse neurology of being pseudoscience, where are the scientific facts this accusation is based upon?

If you have no scientific facts you are just saying your opinion and that,s fine however it,s just your opinion and nothing more.
I think because the region in which I use to live is so policed, that entheogens and the like simply are not available. Back in the 80s there were many more 'female travelers' i had the pleasure of meeting. Also while I was in the military in California lsd was plentiful.. I think meth and crack took over many. All in all the psychedelics are hard to find. Women also are more cautious these days what with being taken advantage of, or taking something they are unsure about.
"It is pseudoscience"

No, this is reputable science. In fact this is a field of science in which there's no room for disagreement. By the end of the second month, male fetuses start producing testosterone, which modulates their brain development. This differentiation is necessary for the survival of the species. We are a dimorphous species. To think testosterone only influences the shape of our genitals and the amount of body hair is ludicrous. It influences EVERYTHING: muscles, bone density and, yes, the development of the nervous system, including the shape and wiring of the brain.

Of course, this doesn't account for ALL the differences we see between men and women. Some of those differences may indeed be taught and encouraged by cultural norms (over centuries!), or the advertising industry, dictating what is acceptable for boys and what is acceptable for girls.

Life is complex. But people want to simplify things so they fit in with their ideology, for example feminism, which focuses solely on "the patriarchy" and denies that men and women are fundamentally different.
I agree with CM.

Back on the topic of gender and psychedelics and gender and tripping.
With (some) males there is the issue of the typical male macho behavior.
Maybe this macho behavior also plays a role in taking psychedelics.

(i know it,s a generalization. But i am a male myself so i know what i am talking about i think)
Women have testosterone too!

I don't think you have read the article I presented which refutes your belief, because you said you didn't read article, and I called ya lazy. I am not going to repeat it. If I present stuff I expect it to be read and absorbed.

Life is complex. But people want to simplify things so they fit in with their ideology, for example feminism, which focuses solely on "the patriarchy" and denies that men and women are fundamentally different.

...lol. What you mean like 'the brains are wired...' mechanistic spheak? There are different types of feminism. Do you even know that?
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Life is complex. But people want to simplify things so they fit in with their ideology

This happens all the time. People who don,t know shit read one website or book or watch a youtube clip and they act like they are totally brainwashed.
These people end up having tunnel vision where everything is about there stupid ideology.
It,s dualistic Nature vs Nurture good vs bad NWO vs OWO.
Life is much more complex. There are many forces at play in the world.

But i am repeating myself. Sorry
let,s talk about gender and psychedelics.
why do you keep trying to imagine A subject isn't expansive? As though 'gender and psychedelics' are in some little box of inquiry. No no no. The patriarchal belief structure needs exposing because it is mind control. It affects everything. INCLUDING gender and psychedelics

Let's hear your theory about reality big shot. You seem to think you know it all

zezt a dit:
Women have testosterone too!
It's not a matter of "having testosterone", but the quantity of it.

What you mean like 'the brains are wired
From Wikipedia:

On the basis of diffusion tensor imaging of 1,000 brain scans it has been shown that significant differences in wiring exist between male and female brains. Men's brains were shown to have stronger connections between the front and back regions of the brain, and were mostly confined to individual hemispheres, whereas women's brain had stronger connections between the left and right hemispheres.[SUP][16][/SUP] The obtained maps of neural circuitry were supportive of old stereotypes according to which men's brains are more suited for perception and coordination, and women's brains are more suited for social skills and multitasking.[SUP][16][/SUP] The detected differences in neural connectivity were negligible up to the age of 13, but became much more prominent in the 14-17 year-olds.[SUP][16][/SUP]


Global and regional grey matter (GM) differs in men and women. Women have larger left orbitofrontal GM volumes and overall cortical thickness than men.[SUP][14][/SUP]


The limbic brain displays sexual asymmetries. A brain region closely associated with the limbic system known as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VPMC), plays a key role in social emotional processing. In accordance with the sexual dimorphism of the amygdala, the right VPMC is more dominant in an active limbic system for males while the left is more dominant in females. These differences carry out to a behavioral level.


Several studies have shown the hippocampi of men and women to differ anatomically, neurochemically, and also in degree of long-term potentiation. Such evidence indicates that sex should influence the role of the hippocampus in learning. One experiment examined the effects of stress on Pavlovian conditioning performance in both sexes and found that males’ performance under stress was enhanced while female performance was impaired. Activation of the hippocampus is more dominant on the left side of hippocampus in females, while it is more dominant on the right side in males. This in turn influences cognitive reasoning; women use more verbal strategies than men when performing a task that requires cognitive thinking.[SUP][11][/SUP] The hippocampus’s relationship with other structures in the brain influences learning and has been found to be sexually dimorphic as well.[SUP][1][/SUP]

Oestradiol has been found to influence hippocampal development. Studies have shown neurogenesis, or the formation of new neurons, to be higher in the male hippocampus than in that of the female. This may be due to the lower levels of estradiol in the male brain compared to the female brain, providing a more optimal environment for neurogenesis.[SUP][12][/SUP][SUP]


The amygdala plays a large role in emotional memory formation and storage. It has been found that it exhibits structural differences in male versus female brains. Some of these differences include size (men have a larger amygdala than females), rate of development, number of sex hormone receptors, medial amygdala (males have "around 80% more excitatory synapses/neuron than do females").[SUP][9][/SUP]

And finally:

In 2013, researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania mapped notable differences in male and female neural wiring. The study, which used Functional magnetic resonance imaging, concluded that inter-hemispheric connectivity was much stronger in women's and girls' brains, whereas intra-hemispheric connectivity was much stronger in the brains of men and boys.

And to clear up the testosteron issue, let me quote some more from that page.

[h=2]Neurochemical differences[/h] [h=3]Hormones[/h] Steroid hormones have several effects on brain development as well as maintenance of homeostasis throughout adulthood. One effect they exhibit is on the hypothalamus, where they increase synapse formation.[SUP][17][/SUP] Estrogen receptors have been found in the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, hippocampus, and frontal cortex, indicating the estrogen plays a role in brain development. Gonadal hormone receptors have also been found in the basal forebrain nuclei.[SUP][18][/SUP]

[h=4]Estrogen and the female brain[/h] Estradiol influences cognitive function, specifically by enhancing learning and memory in a dose-sensitive manner. Too much estrogen can have negative effects by weakening performance of learned tasks as well as hindering performance of memory tasks; this can result in females exhibiting poorer performance of such tasks when compared to males.[SUP][19][/SUP]

It has been suggested that during development, estrogen can exhibit both feminizing and defeminizing effects on the human brain; high levels of estrogen induce male neural traits to develop while moderate levels induce female traits. In females, defeminizing effects are resisted due to the presence of α-fetoprotein (AFP), a carrier protein proposed to transport estrogen into brain cells, allowing the female brain to properly develop. The role of AFP is significant at crucial stages of development, however. Prenatally, AFP blocks estrogen. Postnatally, AFP decreases to ineffective levels; therefore, it is probable that estrogen exhibits its effects on female brain development postnatally.[SUP][20][/SUP]

Ovariectomies, surgeries inducing menopause, or natural menopause cause fluctuating and decreased estrogen levels in women. This in turn can “ attenuate the effects” of endogenous opioid peptides. Opioid peptides are known to play a role in emotion and motivation. β-endorphin (β-EP), an endogenous opioid peptide, content has been found to decrease (in varying amounts/brain region),post ovariectomy, in female rats within the hypothalamus, hippocampus, and pituitary gland. Such a change in β-EP levels could be the cause of mood swings, behavioral disturbances, and hot flashes in post menopausal women.[SUP][18][/SUP]

[h=4]Testosterone and the male brain[/h] Testosterone has been found to play a big role during development but may have independent effects on sexually dimorphic brain regions in adulthood. Studies have shown that the medial amygdala of male hamsters exhibits lateralization and sexual dimorphism prior to puberty. Furthermore, organization of this structure during development is influenced by the presence of androgens and testosterone. This is evident when comparing medial amygdala volume of men and women, adult male brains have a medial amygdala of greater volume than do adult female brains which is partially due to androgen circulation.[SUP][9][/SUP] It also heavily influences male development; a study found that perinatal females introduced to elevated testosterone levels exhibited male behavior patterns. In the absence of testosterone, female behavior is retained.[SUP][17][/SUP] Testosterone's influence on the brain is caused by organizational developmental effects. It has been shown to influence proaptotic proteins so that they increase neuronal cell death in certain brain regions. Another way testosterone affects brain development is by aiding in the construction of the "limbic hypothalamic neural networks".[SUP][17][/SUP]

Similar to how estrogen enhances memory and learning in women, testosterone has been found to enhance memory recall in men. In a study testing a correlation between memory a recall and testosterone levels in men, "fMRI analysis revealed that higher testosterone levels were related to increased brain activation in the amygdala during encoding of neutral pictures".[SUP][21][/SUP]
zezt a dit:
why do you keep trying to imagine A subject isn't expansive? As though 'gender and psychedelics' are in some little box of inquiry. No no no. The patriarchal belief structure needs exposing because it is mind control. It affects everything. INCLUDING gender and psychedelics

Let's hear your theory about reality big shot. You seem to think you know it all


I was NOT talking about any patriarchal structure.
I agree with you that this structure is effecting the psychedelic. I agree with you on this.
Read my previous posts.

I was talking about neurology.
So my question now is, with all this quantifiable information on brain difference, can we try to relate this to subjective differences in the psychedelic experience? If there are any