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fundamental question about thc

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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Why do so many people experience paranoia?

Philosophically, psychologically, neurologically - anyone have a response?
I guess it would have something to do with increasing the glutamate mediated recurrent feedback in some parts of the brain. It is believed this feedback is the physical basis of having a thought in your "working memory", as a signal will re-trigger itself so it can be processed.

Increasing this feedback causes the user to "over-think", which can lead to either bliss or paranoia in some cases...
i like that answer from a technical point of view.

i think it's a very personal thing, the main factors possibly being different for everybody, and also dependent on certain aspects in certain positions in time. related to this though, i think whether or not one experiences bliss or terror, paranoia or "pronoia" :lol: is dependent on several factors. if one is dwelling on the past, then it would be due to their subjective interpretation of their "net (emotional) worth", so to speak. the mental/emotional summation of all of the experiences they've had, which gets filtered by the mood that they currently find themselves in which is what ends up as positive or negative. for people constantly dwelling in the future, this would be more dependent on the expectations of the persons emotional state(which is also tied to their current emotional state, although in either case the observer may not realize it :roll: ), which has often been tied to past experiences.

the thing about dwelling in the past or future, is that they are very sticky places. they are stuck together as well in that one affects the other, in a complimentary way, making a cycle that can potentially become recurrent, and frustrating. the only way to truly be free of a recurrent feedback thought loop, is to stop thinking about it altogether. but the ego doesn't like to view this as a viable option when one's in a negative state, because the ego feeds off of the negative energy produced in this state (amongst other things, not just negativity). in other words, the thoughts produced in this state are embodiment of the ego flexing it's muscles.

it's not that you want to think negative thoughts, it's just that when a "negative" situation arises, the ego(that is, the thoughts) can create many many negative things corresponding to that event. and the same thing goes for positivity, we just typically don't see any problem with those instances. it should be recognized however, that the ego produced in positive states can be just as deceiving, in that THAT, the constant production of those thoughts (positive or negative) themselves, the the habit of the thinking itself, is what causes the problems in the perceived negative state, not the negative state itself. remember, you are the observer, not the ego :wink:
You may as well ask why so many people experience depression, IJC.

It's a symptom of imbalance.

Which is a characteristic of western culture, and perhaps even, cultures themselves.

Addressing your particular question, paranoia, I think will take us down into it nicely-

As a people, we should remember our roots as a country derive from two things and two things only royalty and religion.

We have surrendered immense ultimate authority to a proven police state and we look to the churches to guide us....the church, and I use this word in the most sweeping, generalized form, has always had persucution and guilt as the main tools with which to do Gods Work.

Why should it be any wonder that this malaise is like contaminated groundwater, leaking into aquifers, fouling the pool....

Here is what I am saying:

Paranoia is programmed into us.

We're still mental midgets..... because we are the coders and programmers of our reality, and we KNOW this and we still struggle with basic, simple concepts such as honesty, altruism, and did I say......honesty?

If we could learn to be honest, as a species, it would be the single greatest achievement in history, far outstripping what Newton Einstein and everyone else did.....

It would change our destiny
I somehow feel like inventing the lie was a crucial step in the evolution of the animal mind. Like using the process of induction, which is basicly a crime against logic.

I think we can't be straightforward and honest as long as we suffer from our instincts.
But I think that's why you said honest as a species, and not as an individual.
Mosaic, allusion, spice - thanks. All very different answers :) .

Allusion - I understand what you are saying, but you are definitely more answering the question of why people get depression or paranoia itself. Rather, I am curious about why it is so common, almost without saying, that it produces paranoia.

I suppose we won't really know until they at least first understand the cannabanoid receptors in the brain, and what they are functionalized with... Because, the psychology of being high is really hard to put into words itself, beccause you have to be high :) .

It may have to be the innate structures of fear. . . I really am starting to believe that fear itself is really all that negativity arises from. I think JFK said it best.

Spice - I don't think we can born programmed with that type of attitude. I do not believe that the tyrannical churches of the past affect me much more than the zen and buddhists of the far east during the same time period. Yes, yes I know our system holds the old tyrannical roles as the past, but not so in-your-face, and not so physical or violent as they once were.

But it is funny that if often has to do with "getting caught" so in that respect you are certainly correct. The fear of police, the overwhelmingly stupid fear of prosecution for being high is interesting, but unfortunate.
i see, you are right. well, i think we've made the consensus that it is because where we live, we are persecuted for it. i would be interested to see scientific data of this paranoia in various parts of the world; places that it is legal, as well as illegal. one could conclude much more about this.
Allusion a dit:
i think we've made the consensus that it is because where we live, we are persecuted for it. i would be interested to see scientific data of this paranoia in various parts of the world; places that it is legal, as well as illegal. one could conclude much more about this.

i was Watching discovery channel and stated Cannabis is not 100% LEGAL Anywhere in the World, NOT Anywhere Jamaica, Amsterdam no-where.

You would think the World Governments would have Realised by now that drug polices dont work, and they are probably the main thing separating people today - holding back OUR right to Progress Forward as Human beings.

Einstein once said his definition of Insanity is, Trying the same thing Over and Over and expecting a different result.

.........A Little Paranoia goes a lo o o ng way.
its a reflex, a reaction but to what yeah, maybe instinct fed by imagination, based on life experiences lol i get paranoid sometimes alot but ive taken alot of stuff in my time, best thing for it Honestly is to jump in the deep end '..and REMEMBER THAT ITS ALL IN YOUR HEAD'. most of the time im sure lol

actually i only started getting paranoid thoughts after i gave up all the molecules for about a year.

Our brains interact so Beautifully with these things To be coincidence..Give us back our FREEEDOM
Allusion a dit:
i see, you are right. well, i think we've made the consensus that it is because where we live, we are persecuted for it. i would be interested to see scientific data of this paranoia in various parts of the world; places that it is legal, as well as illegal. one could conclude much more about this.

My thoughts exactly.
its exactly what mosiacmouse is saying, the overthinking thing can make you paranoid
Some time ago that I was coming to your blog and I must say that it is always so interesting !
sidefx a dit:
i was Watching discovery channel and stated Cannabis is not 100% LEGAL Anywhere in the World, NOT Anywhere Jamaica, Amsterdam no-where.

We (The Netherlands - Cptl Amsterdam) have a so called tolerance policy; we are allowed to smoke a joint, we can be stoned, we can have weed, we are allowed to have up to 3 plants a person, but all only on private property..

When im stoned and walking the streets or joining a party, i get paranoid by being afraid people could tell im high.
Because its a taboo ... even in Holland.
We should build huge evaporators and hook em up on ventilation systems from buildings like the pentagon, white house, all sewers and Tetrahydrocannabinolize them all.
4 times a month, 4 months a year. Thats the only solution for paranoia to my mind. :twisted:
Bla bla.

There is ample research into the paranoid effects of weed. Most recent research shows that THC on its own gives a sharper mental rollercoaster kinda high, while another cannabinoid CBD (generally speaking) gives you the giggles. In recent years, skunk and other indoor varieties were selected for higher levels of THC (and therefore lower levels of CBD), that's what you hear in the news when they say that the weed from the seventies was different. It was, but not in the way they mean.

Another interesting field of budding research is that CBD seems to be a natural antipsychotic, balancing out the more fierce THC in a fine sample of weed or hash.

Then on the personal side.

When you get paranoid from weed, there is a psychological imbalance. Try meditation, tai chi, yoga to balance yourself out and then see where it takes you (that's right: Light).
You've never seen me high :wink:

they could tell :rolleyes:

Your story is true though.
"When you get paranoid from weed, there is a psychological imbalance"

true, but the imbalance is cultural, societal.....NOT personal.

It is the shadow side of our reality that our heightened consciousness warns us about......I use the term 'shadow' the way Jung used it.

In other words, getting paranoid off weed is only another form of expanded awareness, but it is a specialized form of awareness

Sure you can apply reductionistic logic to the question and get all caught up in neurons and GABA transmission.....

But the answer I gave is more accurate pertaining to the question, I think
if i smoke some really good stuff, mostly sativas, after i get really talkative, i find myself easily scared by normal things like the dog barking or the neighbors working. i hear a noise and see it as a threat, after i realize its nothing my heart beat goes back down. alot of people i know are like this too i think its just common with the strong stuff and non habitual smokers.

when we're too high, we are too perceptive in some ways like spice said. normally your brain ignores outside sounds like when you sleep but when we're high, they pop out alot more and sometimes we place weird conclusions to them. thats why gang members have rules against going on murders high.