i like that answer from a technical point of view.
i think it's a very personal thing, the main factors possibly being different for everybody, and also dependent on certain aspects in certain positions in time. related to this though, i think whether or not one experiences bliss or terror, paranoia or "pronoia"

is dependent on several factors. if one is dwelling on the past, then it would be due to their subjective interpretation of their "net (emotional) worth", so to speak. the mental/emotional summation of all of the experiences they've had, which gets filtered by the mood that they currently find themselves in which is what ends up as positive or negative. for people constantly dwelling in the future, this would be more dependent on the
expectations of the persons emotional state(which is also tied to their
current emotional state, although in either case the observer may not realize it

), which has often been tied to past experiences.
the thing about dwelling in the past or future, is that they are very sticky places. they are stuck together as well in that one affects the other, in a complimentary way, making a cycle that can potentially become recurrent, and frustrating. the only way to truly be free of a recurrent feedback thought loop, is to stop thinking about it altogether. but the ego doesn't like to view this as a viable option when one's in a negative state, because the ego feeds off of the negative energy produced in this state (amongst other things, not just negativity). in other words, the thoughts produced in this state
are embodiment of the ego flexing it's muscles.
it's not that
you want to think negative thoughts, it's just that when a "negative" situation arises, the ego(that is, the thoughts) can create many many negative things corresponding to that event. and the same thing goes for positivity, we just typically don't see any problem with those instances. it should be recognized however, that the ego produced in positive states can be just as deceiving, in that THAT, the constant production of those thoughts (positive or negative) themselves, the the habit of the thinking itself, is what causes the problems in the perceived negative state, not the negative state itself. remember, you are the observer, not the ego :wink: