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fruiting only a couple on only one side

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion BirdGame87
  • Date de début Date de début


Hey, everybody, I just thought I'd try to get some feedback from you. I found this picture and was wondering why the cake is only fruiting mushrooms on one side of the cake.
The grower is inexperienced and, due to lack of perlite and other resources, can only achieve about 70-80% RH. The tiny fruiting chamber gets good FAE, and it gets light from a low watt tungsten bulb.
The cake fell over once either due to the offset weight or perhaps it hit the lid of the tiny chamber and the added pressure made it tip. The fall caused another fruitbody, which had a mass between that of the two remaining fruit bodies, to rip from the cake. Will the potential damage inflicted by the fall on the big guy (pictured) threaten his chance of survival?
Thanks for any help! :(
My guess would be that it was birthed too soon, especially if that is the first flush. Wait to birth the cake until there are several of the red-stem looking dots pressing against the glass. I can't think of the actual name of it though.

But yeah, my guess, birthed too soon.
Actually this is something that happens quite regular doing pf tek. Have a look at this one which I had to put in a jar to avoid the cake falling.

If you want nice even flushes, go casing ;)
Thanks for the comments. Yea, it probably was birthed a little too early.
Casing is the next step after mastering this!
Oh yea, HeartCore, what's the brown stuff on the side of your FC? It almost looks like the FC is underground.
That looks like a classic humidity problem to me: too little. The cakes should be "fluffing" up with mycelium a little more than they appear to be.

Sure this type of flush is typical of many people's attempts, however you usually can do better with those same cakes. I had alot of those fruitings when I first tried pf tek. Humidity is that critical.

You would achieve better results with dunking your cakes first, if humidity is a problem. Also could fruit them in filter patch bags on beds of moist perlite or vermic. This typically provides sufficient humidity if all else fails, money is tight , and you only have several cakes to fruit.

Or case them instead. Humidity doesn't have to be as high then. But longer wait.
It's interesting since I grow in boxes that are airtight with 99% humidity and still have flushes occasionally like that. I do agree that a dunk does wonders. I have made a habit of starting a dunk before the first flush. The first two flushes will be very nice, a third one ok and sometimes there is a fourth or fifth (nothing to write home about though).
"RH" - "FAE"


"You would achieve better results with dunking your cakes first"

Waterboarding is evil . You would get better results if you cased them .

Its cork wall paper

What are "filter patch bags"

"filter patch bags"

I understood what they are , but want to know where i can get more info and pictures .

Yes i understand about PF tek , but its a bit limited and most of the answers to its problems cause more problems .I wouldnt break the cakes up , i`d make lots of small ones and case several at a time in a dark container . Putting wet perlite underneath and then a layer of caseing then the cakes and another layer of caseing .
GOD a dit:
"filter patch bags"

I understood what they are , but want to know where i can get more info and pictures .

Yes i understand about PF tek , but its a bit limited and most of the answers to its problems cause more problems .I wouldnt break the cakes up , i`d make lots of small ones and case several at a time in a dark container . Putting wet perlite underneath and then a layer of caseing then the cakes and another layer of caseing .

Yeah I was fucking with you with the patch bags hope you won't mind :)

But there's really not much more two say. It are plastic bags with a filter patch in it which you can use to grow mushrooms in. They are also used during the fruiting cycle with Azarius growkits.

If you want to grow cubensis and case, I would advise to go straw route. Colonize a few pf cakes 100%, then mix them with cut up (1-2 inches) of pasteurized straw and pack tights. Within two weeks that will colonize completely and can be cased.
Thanks for the bag info , thats what i had in my head but i havent seen one for years and was never realy a fan because one has to get the substrate in them in the first place .

I tried using straw a few times but i`m not a fan of that either as i found it realy messy and that it often started to compost = become silage before much myceleum grew . When i covered my cakes with more substrate i mostly used rice and covered it imediately with caseing . I`m not a fan of using other grains to cover the cakes with for the same reasons that PF tek uses rice . More shit grows more easily on other grains than on rice .
GOD a dit:
Thanks for the bag info , thats what i had in my head but i havent seen one for years and was never realy a fan because one has to get the substrate in them in the first place .

Easy: put the substrate in, close the bag, sterilize in pressure cooker, let cool down, inject spores through filter patch.

I tried using straw a few times but i`m not a fan of that either as i found it realy messy and that it often started to compost = become silage before much myceleum grew . When i covered my cakes with more substrate i mostly used rice and covered it imediately with caseing . I`m not a fan of using other grains to cover the cakes with for the same reasons that PF tek uses rice . More shit grows more easily on other grains than on rice .

If you keep temperatures within certain boundaries, the straw should be colonized within two weeks. If composting of the straw starts within two weeks, chances are the pasteurization process wasn't done right. When done right, this process knocks out contams for two weeks which gives the spawn added to it enough time to completely overtake the substrate.

Key with pasteurization is to keep your bath at the right temperature all the time. This is most easy done by using a tub where fresh hot water is added to when it's cooling below a certain level.
"Easy: put the substrate in, close the bag, sterilize in pressure cooker, let cool down, inject spores through filter patch."

OK , i when i was growing the bags couldnt be sterilised , nor could one use plastic containers to sterilise either . Thats all new to me . The filter that one could buy were about 2 - 3 mm thick and looked like felt , have they got thinner now ?

I tryed using tubs but had more success with a preasure cooker allthough the amount that one can get in them is limited . A few small cakes and then a preasure cooker full of rice over the top and then caseing worked for me the best . Its quicker , easyer and safer in my experience . The police , the prosecuter and the judge were fascinated and said that they had never seen so many mushrooms growing on half a square meter before.........