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Estrazione salvinorin A

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Morlok
  • Date de début Date de début


Alpiniste Kundalini
Salve a tutti viaggiatori, mi chiedevo come fosse possibile estrarre dalle foglie della salvietta il suo principio attivo. E una volta creato basterebbe bagnare le foglie che si vogliono potenziare?
Chiaramente non ho con me le foglie, vorrei capire come fanno le case estere ad eseguire tali procedure.
Here's a summary of the TEK I use (thanks to Sphere) --

1. Start with 250g or more of crushed leaves. The more leaves used, the easier it is to limit loss.

2. In batches (I used batches of 30g each), cover leaves with 0°F acetone and agitate/stir for 1 minute. Pour off acetone through a very fine strainer. Repeat 2 more times. (An extraction requires 3 minutes!)

3. Allow collected acetone to settle for 24 hours in a dark area. There will be sediment at the bottom of your container. Siphon off as much acetone as possible, being careful not to disturb sediment. Discard sediment.

4. Allow acetone to evaporate in a dark, well-ventilated area. You will be left with a bright green powder – about 1g per 100g of leaf. This powder is about 2 parts chlorophyll to 1 part salvinorin A.

5. Chlorophyll is somewhat soluble in naphtha, salvinorin A is insoluble in naphtha. Collect powder, and add about 50mL naphtha per gram, mix well. Allow to settle for several hours or overnight. Much of the chlorophyll will dissolve in the naphtha.

6. Siphon off as much naphtha as possible, being careful not to disturb sediment – the sediment is salvinorin A. Discard used naphtha.

7. Repeat steps 5, 6 two or three times – until no more chlorophyll will dissolve.

8. Chlorophyll is very soluble in isopropyl alcohol, salvinorin A is slightly soluble (0.7mg/mL). This step will remove all remaining chlorophyll, but will reduce yield especially if you use IPA liberally. Add about 50mL 99% IPA to sediment from step 6. (This will result in a loss of 35mg salvinorin A, but will remove most of the chlorophyll.) Stir, then allow to settle.

9. Siphon off IPA and repeat step 8 two more times. (Save the IPA – you might be able to get some salvinorin A out of it if you evap. it all and then repeat step 8 with the results.)

10. Add about 100mL or more acetone to the sediment. Stir. The salvinorin A will dissolve completely, some insoluble material will remain. Allow sediment to settle.

11. Siphon off acetone and put it in an evaporation dish. Discard sediment.

Due thread a riguardo...



EDIT: Comunque se non l'hai capito, è un'estrazione incredibilmente facile! L'unico problema è che il prodotto finale sarà dannatamente puro :D

A parte gli scherzi, nei thread che ho postato consigliano di usarla solo sotto forma di "enchanted leaf"... Dato che non è affatto semplice misurare 1mg!