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Earthlings (documentary)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion twicon
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please don't leave the setences unfinished.
i would like to hear your reasons, since you despise so much my view on this matter. you have done nothing but insult me, without even entering a simple dialog. you ask, i answer, you insult and leave. since this is the way you are putting things, your opinions and ideas no longer interest me and i won't waste my time with them.
Can't we all just get along???

Ultimately every documentary or message is propaganda, as it is designed to change other people's minds on certain subjects. But then again, it is the only type of communication we have, so we need to deal with it.

"People should become media literate" - Marshall McLuhan.
Hey Twicon,

Maby you like to read this, or not...:lol:
Not as shocking as the documentary....heavy one by the way!!
I am not able to watch all off that, but you can read here why that is if you want.
http://tabitha-blog.blogspot.com/search ... 20Vegan%3F
Here you can find a short version of my story about food...yummiee :P

Hugs Maxi
Exactly Forkbender, no documentary is objective since every documentary maker has a vision which he/she wants to spread. Even by random editing the film will be subjective. More on this matter by McLuhan and Lev Manovich(The language of new media, great reading)
maxi, excuse me ,just saw the posts :oops:
indeed i wasnt focusing to 'any' beneficial purposes behind this documentary, was mostly considered and troubled about the modern humans speciest behaviour(automatically mine to,even if i love animals :roll: )


nice blog thnx

I didn't saw the movie yet, but I'm too thinking to get vegetarian.
First of all because the fact that we are eating, daily, in my case (almost of the times), other beings (fuc*, if you think about that and get some images in your head for 10 min, you wish you could trow up your stomach!).
We are disposed to take Life, on the most cruel ways, from other Animals such as we (it's all we are, animals.. don't forget that... we just are more Sensible (in some cases) to our surround and we can Lie. That's the difference between you and a rat or a monkey).
So when I'm eating meat I'm Lying to myself in some way that I can't even think about it when I'm eating it (recently I come to think more about it... I couldn't dinner today because of this thread... that chicken looked almost alive...)
And yes Cruel... The fastest , the better... that's the capitalist way, and fuc* the rest(you, me, them, nature, etc etc...).
No, they don't give kiss's of goodbye to the cows you eat.. No, they don't give a fuc* if pigs, or what ever animal "that is standing" in your plate, scream with Pain like hell... They probably are even earing some Ricky Martin on the Headphones!

By the way... the vegetarian food is so Good, so Much more tasty then meat... and it's beautifull, all collerfull and shiny... and there is so much more variety! It's THE food!

And we, that I think wan't some changes in the world, for our own health and for the yet to be born, I think this step of "starting to think" (just start the process, human race is in a kind of a rush now!) about being Vegetarians, is a HUGE step... Think about it... For all the reasons above and... Well, the most basic and, probably, more appealing... but, dont you want Cannabis Legalized? (and you know how cannabis is usefull.. Food, Fiber, Medicine, helps the reverse of Greenhouse effect, fuel, among Many others, and Many Others that we Don't know, because of the lack of Research!) Mushrooms legalized? Along with other plants and natural life that we "love"? Well guess what.. a Vegetarian Society would be much more open minded to that issues... And My God, we are eating Animals that were probably screaming of pain to death!

Anyway, I was born in a society of people that eat meat, and I was rased that way.. my body is used to Meat, and his composites. Well, I heard somewhere, not sure... that if you Decide to *Help World Evolving*, you should go to some Medical entity and receive some "countervail" on those composites. If you suddenly don't give your body what you, wanting or not, used to give it, his defences will be "weaker" (cant find the proper words)

Well, guess I think I will do it slow. Like Stop eating mammal meat, and just eat fish. Then later, slowly just eat fish once a week, and later, probably, just "root's" stuff.

Best Regards and let's start a topic with Vegetarian Recipes! :)
random a dit:
Best Regards and let's start a topic with Vegetarian Recipes! :)

brilliant idea.

I also became vegetarian. many people asked me why, but I never really give them reasons, as it would end in a discussion, and I'm kinda bored of those now.
and i have adopted and helped to adopt many puppies and adult dogs in a local pound. i feed 3 dogs and i don't know how many cats that live on the street in my neighbourhood.
Are you vegetarian too?
Or is all you're saying that you like cats and dogs?
If you make full use of the meat industry yet think you love animals because you take care of two domesticated species, you're seriously deluding yourself. Which is what a lot of people are doing these days.
well for me it was also that i felt better, when i ate more vegetarian food.
But i don't think it'd be too bad to eat the meet of an animal every once in a while, which means like every 2 weeks or maybe every week or less often. But if too much meat is eaten really often, i don't think the effects are very good on the body.

I had watched such a movie too, man...it's insane...it was ...well... remembering i think it was the movie posted in this thread lol... anyways...really disgusting!!!!!!!! Damn!!! :? :cry:

did you noticed that the images and the music were carefully picked to match the words, and even the narrator would change his tone, according to what he was saying ?
Lol, you just defined the art of filmmaking. If what you say wasn't true for the movie, then it would be a piece of crap and not a movie :)

I'm almost vegetarian - that means I sometimes eat meat because there's no other real option (there's tons of occasions where people just don't get it that a bowl of carrots is not a vegetarian meal, and I often have to eat at such occasions where I have no choice to go somewhere else). I also make an exception once every month or so when I buy a piece of bio-steak (which I don't find objectionable, because controlled bio is ok in my opinion - I don't mind the killing animals per se, I am only disgusted by the way animals are treated in mass production)

This movie really made me think about other stuff - like leather. I never really thought about where the cows came from that my wallet or shoes are made of.
I've asked this before but I got no reply so I'll ask again...

Is it true that when one goes vegetarian there are some components missing in the diet that only meat has so one has to get vitamins to balance?
Is it true that when one goes vegetarian there are some components missing in the diet that only meat has so one has to get vitamins to balance?
No, you don't need extra vitamins, unless you're a vegan, then you need to take extra vitamin B12. But on the other hand, everyone benefits from a daily high dose multiple vitamin and mineral formula, whether it be a vegetarian, vegan or meat eater, eating organic or non organic food.
There's a link to a vegan info site beside the earthlings movie that features a short piece from German tv about a guy iwho has been on a vegan diet for 6 years and he is the 2005 bodybuilding world champion in the "fitness" category (that is the guys who still look like humans, not the steroid monsters). Besides that he is also a doctor and says he never had any doubts about a vegan diet.
He also assembled a calender with photos from vegan athletes around the world (marathon, triathlon, they all look pretty healthy).
And this is a vegan diet we're talking about: no milk, no cheese, no eggs, no yogurt, not even honey! It was really new for me that this could be so healthy...

You can watch it here: http://veg-tv.info/Topfit_ohne_Fleisch
but it's in German only. By the way the bearded guy at the beginning is the presenter, the piece about the athlete comes next :)
thanks for the info Caduceus.

I respect and even admire a vegetarian but, to me, life simply feeds on life, why the distinction between animals and plants, aren't plants alive too?

I understand it's much more complex than that. I understand and mostly agree with the ideas behind a shift in diet, the desire to be healthier. But I become really grossed out and sad when watching images like I suppose are showed in the documental of the topic; I remember crying when watching Discovery Channel, when they show the fished whales that became entangled in the nets and the stupid people killing sharks.. I haven't watched the documentary and don't plan to because of this. I guess it's designed to "shock" and create strong reactions, it works because of this, but I don't like the method, to me it's like a lesson already learned and I don't want to put myself through it.

But, I seriously think there's nothing fundamentally wrong in eating another creature. It's the way people do it that's wrong to me.
???????? a dit:
... create strong reactions, it works because of this, but I don't like the method...

I think that is what our society needs... since nothing else works to call their awarness (im not just talking about this subject.) Think human kind needs a really good shake... and not just be "another sheep in the meadow".
well yeah, a really BIG, good shake, yes.
lets create artificially growns muscle tissue, that way both can enjoy.

meat is too tasty, but life is too good.
I respect and even admire a vegetarian but, to me, life simply feeds on life, why the distinction between animals and plants, aren't plants alive too?
There's a very easy test you can do to convince yourself there is a difference. Find a cabbage still in the ground, and a rabbit of about the same size. Now kill them both, and notice the difference.

Or: go to a greenhouse where cucumbers are being harvested, and then to a slaughterhouse where pigs are being butchered. Breathe in the atmosphere. Do you notice any difference?

The difference between living plants and living animals is that many plants, trees and mushrooms actually want you to eat their fruits and seeds, whereas animals don't like the fear and painful wounding involved in dying.

You don't have to kill a tree to eat fruits, and most of the vegetables, legumes etc. are harvested at the end of their growth cycle. There is a difference.

"And the angel of the lord came unto me, snatching me up from
my place of slumber. And took me on high, and higher still
until we moved to the spaces betwixt the air itself. And he
brought me into a vast farmland of our own Midwest. And
as we descended, cries of impending doom rose from the soil.
One thousand, nay a million voices full of fear. And terror
possessed me then. And I begged, "Angel of the Lord, what are
these tortured screams?" And the angel said unto me, "These
are the cries of the carrots, the cries of the carrots! You
see, Reverend Maynard, tomorrow is harvest day and to them
it is the holocaust." And I sprang from my slumber drenched
in sweat like the tears of one million terrified brothers
and roared, "Hear me now, I have seen the light! They have
a consciousness, they have a life, they have a soul! Damn
you! Let the rabbits wear glasses! Save our brothers!"
Can I get an amen? Can I get a hallelujah? Thank you Jesus."
phalaris a dit:
lets create artificially growns muscle tissue, that way both can enjoy.

meat is too tasty, but life is too good.

yeah, a giant live meatball without nervous system,brain etc for food source and organs..
???????? a dit:
Is it true that when one goes vegetarian there are some components missing in the diet that only meat has so one has to get vitamins to balance?
Yes vitamin B12.
When you don’t eat fish I would suggest a supplement of unsaturated fatty acids too (for example omega 3-6-9). These are also essential for your body.

You should not ingest too much vitamins. Some vitamines are toxic when too much is taken. Especially vitamin D. Also, when you smoke, you should not supplement vitamin A. When you eat normally, you won’t get a deficiency.

I don’t like meat, don’t like the taste. So I take supplements of vitamin B12 en unsaturated fatty acids. Also I take 200 ug selenium. About twice a weak I take a multi-vitamin supplement.

I don’t think there is something wrong with eating meat. It is indeed part of nature. But the way it happens in our civilization is sick.
This documentary might be propaganda, but the footage is real. The animals are not actors.
I watched 20 minutes of it, then I felt too terrible. Nothing for me.