- Inscrit
- 17/7/06
- Messages
- 24
Hi Group,
There's already a thread on the proposed/impending Dutch mushroom ban, but it's very long so I hope it's okay to start a fresh one.
My basic belief is that until the ban becomes final people need to protest it. The place to begin is to get the exact facts. I've heard conflicting stories about the ban status.
Some imply it has already become law and will take effect after Summer. But it seems more likely (to me, at least) that a ban has only been *recommended* by Dutch cabinet members, with parliament to vote on it when they convene after Summer.
If so, that means people should now contact their representatives in Parliament and ask them to reject the ban.
Another place to begin is to get a copy of whatever draft legislation exists and to read it.
Since I'm not Dutch this is not especially easy to do. But any citizen of the Netherlands should feel fully confident to contact their representative in Parliament, determine the exact status of the law, and then send a letter, fax or email asking the ban not be passed.
You should do this if for no other reason than to wake up the people in your parliament delegate's office.
If enough people do this, it will have an effect. Further, it will alert the government that it cannot walk roughshod all over people's civil liberties. Conversely, if people say nothing, it gives the government the opposite message.
"All it takes for evil to triumph in the world is for good men to do nothing."
There's already a thread on the proposed/impending Dutch mushroom ban, but it's very long so I hope it's okay to start a fresh one.
My basic belief is that until the ban becomes final people need to protest it. The place to begin is to get the exact facts. I've heard conflicting stories about the ban status.
Some imply it has already become law and will take effect after Summer. But it seems more likely (to me, at least) that a ban has only been *recommended* by Dutch cabinet members, with parliament to vote on it when they convene after Summer.
If so, that means people should now contact their representatives in Parliament and ask them to reject the ban.
Another place to begin is to get a copy of whatever draft legislation exists and to read it.
Since I'm not Dutch this is not especially easy to do. But any citizen of the Netherlands should feel fully confident to contact their representative in Parliament, determine the exact status of the law, and then send a letter, fax or email asking the ban not be passed.
You should do this if for no other reason than to wake up the people in your parliament delegate's office.
If enough people do this, it will have an effect. Further, it will alert the government that it cannot walk roughshod all over people's civil liberties. Conversely, if people say nothing, it gives the government the opposite message.
"All it takes for evil to triumph in the world is for good men to do nothing."