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Dutch mushroom ban: current status?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion wjames
  • Date de début Date de début


Hi Group,

There's already a thread on the proposed/impending Dutch mushroom ban, but it's very long so I hope it's okay to start a fresh one.

My basic belief is that until the ban becomes final people need to protest it. The place to begin is to get the exact facts. I've heard conflicting stories about the ban status.

Some imply it has already become law and will take effect after Summer. But it seems more likely (to me, at least) that a ban has only been *recommended* by Dutch cabinet members, with parliament to vote on it when they convene after Summer.

If so, that means people should now contact their representatives in Parliament and ask them to reject the ban.

Another place to begin is to get a copy of whatever draft legislation exists and to read it.

Since I'm not Dutch this is not especially easy to do. But any citizen of the Netherlands should feel fully confident to contact their representative in Parliament, determine the exact status of the law, and then send a letter, fax or email asking the ban not be passed.

You should do this if for no other reason than to wake up the people in your parliament delegate's office.

If enough people do this, it will have an effect. Further, it will alert the government that it cannot walk roughshod all over people's civil liberties. Conversely, if people say nothing, it gives the government the opposite message.

"All it takes for evil to triumph in the world is for good men to do nothing."

This is "the" website for us dutch to keep updated.

Currently the branche organisation "VLOS" is working with a lawyer to prevent illegalisation, and come up with better solutions.
(this action is sponsored by shroom buyers, by paying an extra 25 cents per portion :) )

An idea that`s currently on the table, is that smartshop owners should get a certificate. To ensure that only qualified shop owners can sell shrooms.
Hebben de activisten vanuit een luchtballon miljarden paddosporen verspreid door Nederland
Verder werden met behulp van supersoaker waterpistolen miljarden paddosporen verspreid in Nederland

Translation: on a national protest day dutch citizens have spread billions of shrooms spores throughout the whole country using waterpistols and even from an airballoon

There's a link on the site where you can make a PayPal donation
If you can spare a little and/or are Dutch and/or if you are just against this kind of thing (a foolish Christian bastard banning a beautiful entheogen for an entire country resulting in all kinds of crap)..
Thanks carebear for the link.

Bastiaan, I understand what you're saying, but please let me make an important point. Ab "Colonel" Klink (anyone who's seen the old American sitcom will get the reference), and others like him are not Christians; they are pseudo-Christians, out to give real Christianity a bad reputation.

In any case, here is a set of questions answers presented to the standing committee of parliament that reviewed the case. I'm still uncertain where things stand -- whether there will be another vote, or if the ban will come into effect automatically. I've read enough to see that the strategy is to place psilocybin mushrooms (and, it would appear, amanita muscaria also) higher up on the schedule of prohibited "opiates" -- so that it would become illegal to buy, sell, use, or grow them.

Anyway, here's the link:

http://www.minvws.nl/includes/dl/openbe ... 168985.pdf

Thanx james! I had not seen this document before...
I could live with a ban on fresh shrooms, as long as grow boxes or at least spores stay legal.
It's probably better that way because everyone who really wants to take shrooms can grow them easily, but there's no chance some inexperienced tourists will eat shrooms on the streets of Amsterdam or Maastricht.
I think as soon as you grow your own shrooms, you're a lot more serious about them, you prepare better for your trips and you won't freak out in public places.
We could... but we shouldnt! lol why accepting less freedom!
"why accepting less freedom!"

I dont think any of us wants less freedom , but there has to be some sort of control to stop or limit things like this happening .
I dont want to start an arguement but for me compramise is imposible . For me its the same as tolerance , an egoistic or cowardly thing .
tryptonaut a dit:
I could live with a ban on fresh shrooms, as long as grow boxes or at least spores stay legal.
It's probably better that way because everyone who really wants to take shrooms can grow them easily, but there's no chance some inexperienced tourists will eat shrooms on the streets of Amsterdam or Maastricht.
I think as soon as you grow your own shrooms, you're a lot more serious about them, you prepare better for your trips and you won't freak out in public places.

No, unfortunately the ban would make it illegal to grow mushrooms as well.
Carebear a dit:
wjames a dit:

These people really have their minds set on this case... seems they are not prepared to compromise.

I would not assume that automatically. Some of the 188 questions posed by members of parliament were quite sharp.

What I wish is that someone here who is Dutch (I am not) would call the VLOS (association of SmartShop owners)


and ask them where things stand. I've emailed them and received no reply.

Het Parlement zal het rendement op 2 september.
Verdere discussie over paddestoelen is waarschijnlijk, of op zijn minst mogelijk is.

Nu is het tijd om te schrijven parlementsleden!

Partijen zich tegen het verbod zijn:

http://www.d66.nl/9359000/1/j9vvhc6cwgb ... deorsbutx9

http://www.groenlinks.nl/2ekamer/kamerl ... eesvendrik

http://www.overheidslinks.nl/english/pa ... eester.htm

Sterke tegenstanders:

Kees Vendrik (GroenLinks)

Lea Bouwmeester (PvdA)

Boris van der Ham (D66)

Lijst van parlementsleden:

Onderneem actie. Wees niet passief. Strijd voor rechten!
Geef niet op! Wees niet defaitistische! Denk niet negatief!

E-mail, fax, of schrijven.

- Wees respectvol en vriendelijk!
- Zeg niet dat de negatieve dingen over CDA of Ab Klink.
- Bewijzen dat mensen kunnen gebruiken champignons veilig, verantwoord, voor spritual en psychologische groei.
- Suggesties alternatieven te verbieden (onderwijs, minimumleeftijd, beperken alleen sterkere soorten, enzovoort)

Vertel anderen te schrijven!
Wat ondervinden wij eigenlijk van de illegale status van LSD?

Opzich kunnen morons niet meer zo makkelijk bij paddo's maar voor de ingewijde zal het weinig gaan uitmaken.
^morons kunnen harder gaan zoeken of genoegen nemen met straatcoke.

Ik snap je punt wel, maar het komt nogal elitair over. Door dit soort ontwikkelingen krijg je sectes en clubs die paddo's verspreiden. Als ze gewoon legaal zouden zijn, maar niet te koop, dan zou het een stuk beter werken. Zoiets valt ook moeilijk te reguleren, omdat 'gratis spullen' niet als bezit of koopwaar kan worden gezien.