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Drug related famous people

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Psyolopher
  • Date de début Date de début
i thought salvador dali did indeed try lsd eventually, but can't find a reference to it. not that he needed it or anything :lol:
Supposedly the guy who saw the burning bush (Abraham?) had eaten some psychedelic plant.
i think that was moses :lol: and i think the rastafarians and some websites claim that kaneh-bosm (the plant that their holy oil was made from) = cannabis and therefore he was tripping out.. as were all their priests whenever they did religious services
Me .

Ronald regan smoked grass .

Yes it was moses but the bible says it was a thorn bush . Cannabis doesnt have thorns . Acacias , wich grow in the area , do have thorns and contain DMT . Cannabis doesnt have that effect either DMT does .

Sorry but for me rleigeous nuts who try swimming the atlantic to get to africa arent a reliable source of information . Takeing the bible and reading it for oneself gives , i think , a better indication of what was going on . Also remember that the kanabosm and other theorys are theorys no matter what some people claim .
GOD a dit:
Me .

Ronald regan smoked grass .

Yes it was moses but the bible says it was a thorn bush . Cannabis doesnt have thorns . Acacias , wich grow in the area , do have thorns and contain DMT . Cannabis doesnt have that effect either DMT does .

Sorry but for me rleigeous nuts who try swimming the atlantic to get bto africa arent a reliable source of information . Takeing the bible and reading it for oneself gives , ithink , a better indication of what was going on . Also remember that the kanabosm and other theorys are theorys no matter what some people claim .
True, but what the hell were you famous for?
Being continualy attacked and defending myself sucsessfuly on psychonuts.com.

Selling / growing / produceing the drugs that some of your parents had taken before they fucked and you were concieved . ( and for fucking your moms while your dads were at work bringing home the bacon ) .

Growing the bigest , fatest plants youve ever seen .

For being VERY good looking , being VERY good in bed , haveing a massive dick , being good and knowing it , being a genius , haveing amazeingly good taste , judgement and common sense , for not knowing the difference between your and you`re...........shall i go on ?

And NO readers i dont have anything to do with "drugs" anymore so dont ask me for any .
GOD a dit:
Being continualy attacked and defending myself sucsessfuly on psychonuts.com.

Selling / growing / produceing the drugs that some of your parents had taken before they fucked and you were concieved . ( and for fucking your moms while your dads were at work bringing home the bacon ) .

Growing the bigest , fatest plants youve ever seen .

For being VERY good looking , being VERY good in bed , haveing a massive dick , being good and knowing it , being a genius , haveing amazeingly good taste , judgement and common sense , for not knowing the difference between your and you`re...........shall i go on ?

And NO readers i dont have anything to do with "drugs" anymore so dont ask me for any .
You can say it, but dont spray it!
I guess your self fulfilling attitude makes people want to attack you more.

But okey.
So God, has a massive dick, he's good in bed, he did grow drugs for my parents to take and he's intelligent.

BUT IS HE REAL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
after reading the posts above, a song of Eminem started playing in my head.
gues who's back, gues who's back whananawoeiewoeioe :lol:

Alex Grey
Oliver Stone
Marvin Gaye
Quentin Tarantino
Tony Soprano, he does peyote in one of the final episodes.
While tripping in the casino, looking at a roulette table "Thats the same principal as the solar system"
GOD a dit:
Also remember that the kanabosm and other theorys are theorys no matter what some people claim .

Ha, they rewrote their own bible anyway. Of course technically so does pretty much every branch of christians out there anyway.
A sense of humor is a very big help in life , a shield against takeing oneself to seriously , and if anyone takes what i often say seriously they only have themselves to blame .