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Drug related famous people

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 632
Im wondering.
Lets try to pin down as many people in human history who we know that used drugs.
I mean, people who did something or were/are well known.

(this might be a stupid idea, but it was very impulsive.)
Im just wondering if the result is shocking, it might be a good basis for a short documentary!

So simple:
Point of thread is: Name known people who took/did take drugs.
(hopefully in a way that it influenced thier work in a good way.)
barack obama
george bush
(probably bill clinton)
Jimi Hendrix
John Frusciante
Bill Hicks
Iggy Pop
Johhny Cash
Who didn't?

You've got to narrow down the definition of drugs.

If you include pot, the list will be endless. If you include coke and amphetamines, the list will become meaningless. And if you restrict the list to psychedelics, you might as well go over to Erowid's character vault. A while ago I made a list of psychedelic pioneers.
Cary Grant
Bill Gates took LSD
Francis Crick discovered the secret structure of DNA while on LSD.
The Beatles took LSD
Beethoven was on DMT
Bill Maher
Bill Hicks
Joe Rogan
Sacha Baron Cohen
Jack Black
Cheech Marin
Thomas Chong
Richard Prior
Silent Bob
Matt Stone
Trey Parker
George Carlin
every artist you can imagine, except the straight edge morons. Or the ones that were not interested, I for example read that Bob Dylan tried drugs but was not really interested in them.
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Who didn't?

You've got to narrow down the definition of drugs.

If you include pot, the list will be endless. If you include coke and amphetamines, the list will become meaningless. And if you restrict the list to psychedelics, you might as well go over to Erowid's character vault. A while ago I made a list of psychedelic pioneers.
Thanks alot guys, keep em coming!
Well I was thinking about Psychedelics mostly, but interesting how many names there are.
Thanks for the link.
magickmumu a dit:
Hans van der Togt
Hahaha, I thought you were joking, but it's true!

Mike Meyers
Beavis & Butthead
Michael Jackson
IJesusChrist a dit:
Beethoven was on DMT

that was probably difficult to acquire in Vienna in the 1790's

bush was a drunk
Jim Morrison
Jimmy Hendrix
Janis Joplin
Charlie Parker

and uhm... Alexander Shulgin maybe? :P
Aldous Huxley (awesome family, he was just shit)

I suppose george orwell but i never read in any notes or essay's of his that he admits it.