Whoohoow .. smoked Salvia yesterday .. you can read it in th SD topic, it was the first time I truly felt Her presence, such motherly caring feeling, very great.
But the "Whoohoow" was about the dream I had this morning ..
I was doing gymnastics (which I've done that in the past) with my old gymnastics group and teacher, well we were jumping with the board (wooden-jump-thing, instead of trampoline) in a gymnasticshall I've not ever been, however. Jumping over the .. (I only know this in Dutch, sorry) kast, with a big mattres behind it, standard stuff.
The strange thing was actually that this dream had no surrealistic or irrealistic aspects. I didn't jump higher than normal, didn't cost me less effort and evrything felt very real. Except .. I suddenly realised that my gym-teacher had died of aids some 5 to 6 year ago and immediatly concluded this was a lucid dream. So I thought "Yeah, I'm gonna fly!!!" .. however this exitement was too much to stay in that dream and I noticed to wake up.
I also heard a friend of mine, Peter, and ignored him to maybe return to the dream, but no .. I woke.
So I was back with Peter, Dean and Dane .. in some weird computer game. Just woke up from a lucid dream back into a dream I dreamed before that. So still dreaming

Nevertheless, I continued to wake up untill I was in bed .. my (check .. double check) my actual non-dream bed

and wrote it down.
Yup, keep pen and paper next to your bed!
I'll continue not smoking grass and smoking Salvia if that brings me closer to lucid dreaming .. it's so worth it supposably, once you've got the hang.