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Dreams , are they more then just imagination??

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion ProStoner
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Space-is-the-Place a dit:
Hahaha, it figures :mrgreen:
Always those assumptions....

yep typical for science :)
thats why I always say... as an argument
when someone only believes in facts... scientifically proved..
i`m always like ... yea and how many times was science wrong when they were 100% sure they were right ....
I mean looking at it that way really just smashes the whole thats a fact thing in the ground if u ask me :)
hehe .. that's why i say the world is cubic ..

500 years ago it's was flat, nowadays it's spheric .. I say the world is a cube!

Well, just to phuk with science. nevertheless, I do think current science (including quantumphysics) is heading for plausible answers to worlds questions, or in other words .. our estimationsystems (that's a measurement of how correct our science is .. the ability to predict/estimate) are quite reliable and accurate. Ofcourse we mustn't forget we made many huge mistakes in the past.

oh, back to dna ..

oh, back to collective unconscience ..

oh, back to unconscience ..

oh back to dreams ..
hehehe I really like Mckenna's take on science:

'Some things are true enough, for our current mode of understanding'

'Humans shouldnt have a complete map of the universe in their brain for the same reasons as why termites shouldnt have a complete map of the universe in their brains.'

I've had some personal difficulties with science as well, found it very hard to combine spritual awareness with science. At some point I realized, science can only describe the things that are actually here.

Picture a complex computer game like World of Warcraft (this is an online roleplaying game, massive world, 3000+ players activ per world at the same time). Create a new character, call him scientist and let him wander around the world. This character should be able to draw a lot of conclusions based on what it sees in that world. It will never, ever be able to come up with a good description of our reality because it is not part of that reality. Impossible. Also, imagine all the players in that world, this are characters played by actual persons. A scientis character can make assumptions about the essence of the characters but will never be fully able, to grasp it because it has no reference whatsoever to our world.

Dreams are real to me, some more than others. I realized this for myself years back when I finally got a breakthrough in my lucid dreaming practice, I met my diseased friend in my dream and had a very vivid conversation with him. Then I woke up and pondered the notion for a while that dead is just a shift of awareness, a passage out of time, into the vast ocean of consciousness where space/time pose no limites.
hehe funny example for I play WoW myself :)
but about those lucid dreams HC
may I ask how u train this lucid dreaming ??
i`ve read something about getting a habit in the real world and transferring that habit to the dream world.. en then when u reckognize this habit.. u start to think... is this real?? or am I dreaming
and then u start walking around thinking of something so absurd that it could only happen in a dream.. and make it happen..
proving that this is a dream...
but I have no idea what kind of habit I should get lol

i`m curious to how u practise this
I read about these "reality checks" in this forums a few months ago but I never really tried it.
Then I had a dream a few days ago where I suddenly realized like out of nowhere "wait a minute, that's not real, I must be dreaming!" I got really excited, but then, when I tried to take control of everything, the whole dream faded and I either woke up or can't remember the rest.
Is that normal for a novice "lucid dreamer"? Or did I have that un-planned reality-check because I was already waking up and losing connection to the dream world?
tryptonaut a dit:
Is that normal for a novice "lucid dreamer"? Or did I have that un-planned reality-check because I was already waking up and losing connection to the dream world?

well I can't say i`m a real lucid dreamer but I do know from my own experience
that u were allready waking up and therefor having the reality check..
but what I think is that that is also the point in which u must keep dreaming somehow ... its hard I know
but thats the moment where u transfer into a reallife lucid dream..
I once fell into a canyon.... and before I hit the ground I normally wake up
but this time I realized very clearly that I was dreaming and I did hit the ground..
got on my feet and kept walking..
every now and then I got almost pulled back out of my sleep and woke up..
I once actually even opened my eyes
and thought SHIT
closed them and fixated my thoughts strongly on the dream and went back..
but this has only happened ònce and I have no idea how to get this again :D
The dreams are in fact more then just dreams...
Sometimes I see future... It's so wonderful...
And all my dreams are so real, bright and interesting, that I sometimes write stories, based on my dreams...
Toxica a dit:
The dreams are in fact more then just dreams...
Sometimes I see future... It's so wonderful...

I've had experience with this as well a couple of times. One time it was so strong it blew me away. I wrote it down and two weeks later it happened in real life. (It was two nights after a shroomtrip, btw, so it may have had to do something with that...). It was basically about meeting my girlfriend, although I could not recognize her face in the dream. Later I did recognize the situation and the place we were at. I never felt such strong emotions in a dream, ever. It was mind-blowing. Better than any drug.
wauw fork
I know the kind of dream u talk about..
but I havnt been able to identify the dream as strongly as u ...
I mean I had dreams about going somewhere and months or years later I think i`m there.. sort of a dejavu effect but I can never telll 100% sure that I really dreamt this
ProStoner a dit:
wauw fork
I know the kind of dream u talk about..
but I havnt been able to identify the dream as strongly as u ...
I mean I had dreams about going somewhere and months or years later I think i`m there.. sort of a dejavu effect but I can never telll 100% sure that I really dreamt this

I have the exact same thing, only sometimes the reason is because I have difficulty remembering my dreams. Although the last few days dreams become more clear, only this morning I made the mistake of not writing it down and I fell asleep again and I forgot, so I really need some pen and paper beside my bed :)
hehe yah ...
problem is when I finally get out of my bed .. I gotta hurry me ass over to work lol...
so I dont have time to write it down
yes, :P dreaming stuff that will happen in the future is nice. it is very nice on the time that you recognice what is happening and think about your dream and everything connects and you have convidence in that everything goes the way it should.

most of the times it are dreams after wich i wake up and think: ''he? why should I dream this? nothing important happens.''

but that is because it is everyday life. not much happens. but in a dream not reality, much happens.
Whoohoow .. smoked Salvia yesterday .. you can read it in th SD topic, it was the first time I truly felt Her presence, such motherly caring feeling, very great.

But the "Whoohoow" was about the dream I had this morning ..

I was doing gymnastics (which I've done that in the past) with my old gymnastics group and teacher, well we were jumping with the board (wooden-jump-thing, instead of trampoline) in a gymnasticshall I've not ever been, however. Jumping over the .. (I only know this in Dutch, sorry) kast, with a big mattres behind it, standard stuff.

The strange thing was actually that this dream had no surrealistic or irrealistic aspects. I didn't jump higher than normal, didn't cost me less effort and evrything felt very real. Except .. I suddenly realised that my gym-teacher had died of aids some 5 to 6 year ago and immediatly concluded this was a lucid dream. So I thought "Yeah, I'm gonna fly!!!" .. however this exitement was too much to stay in that dream and I noticed to wake up.

I also heard a friend of mine, Peter, and ignored him to maybe return to the dream, but no .. I woke.

So I was back with Peter, Dean and Dane .. in some weird computer game. Just woke up from a lucid dream back into a dream I dreamed before that. So still dreaming (: Nevertheless, I continued to wake up untill I was in bed .. my (check .. double check) my actual non-dream bed (: and wrote it down.

Yup, keep pen and paper next to your bed!

I'll continue not smoking grass and smoking Salvia if that brings me closer to lucid dreaming .. it's so worth it supposably, once you've got the hang.
wauw man that sound really cool :D
next time I sleep over its something I should try also hehe
Today i felt human souls trying to understand my mushroom experience.. It makes me think..
Take this 'fact', we as human souls will never fully understand god's ways. I mean, dead or alive.
The only thing we can grasp as a collective being, is the collective reflection of God.
--> Nothing knows for real
Nothing in the universe isn't moving to an unknown direction
Whatever exists, must have a dubble.
Simple truth.
So we are marching forward, collecting insights.
\ Living matters
You understand, living is the ultimate drug for any godperson ;)
Whenever something is alive, it is free to choose
Like i said, everything in the universe is looking for his counterpart
Feeling unique, is heaven on earth
I had another dream about the girl last night
in it she had a bow and arrow and was shooting a target
the dream symbolism for arrow is cupid
uh oh lol
Last night, in my dream, I saw my girlfriends cat, but from the back of her head to her tail (on her back) there was no skin, I could see her intestents, I could see her heart beat, I could see the blood flowing through the vains. So when I woke up I didn't know how to describe it, disgusting or beautiful...

But I'm going for beautifull, strange... but beautiful
I saw a strange dream...
My wife called me and then we went to drug-dealler...
And the cops arrested us all!
Next day my wife called me and asked to visid drug-dealler... she needed hash and speed...
I refused to go and we went there next day =)