Not quite lucid .. not at all lucid, but I dreamed having the best freaking shroom-trip I ever had! Let's start at the beginning ..
I was walking through Eindhoven, I was heading somewhere [just don't know where anymore]. I was walking past a canal, then past Eindhoven-airport .. it all was looking quite strange, but perfectly normal in my dream. I also came past a big garden surrounded with a big wall and I remember I've once had a dream about being in that exact garden. I also recognized it in my dream, in contradiction to most of the surroundings. As a matter of fact, nothing in this dream was looking or being related to something existend [besides Eindhoven itself and my brother ..]
So well, I was walking and passing the airport, I came to a sort of canyon. In this canyon there were these huge mushrooms growing, and this huge grass (not the someable one, just .. grass). I was walking into this canyon wihich was quite smoothly textured. [Later this morning I realised it's more like I shrunk than everything being big, but I couldn't realise that in my dream].
So there's these huge mushrooms standing about being black and white .. so I thought I'll have a bite and I tore off a handfull of mush and ate it. Next I knew I had some small (handable) mushies .. and ate them aswell. Just as I had eaten them mushies I came to a sort of lounge/chillout (roof overhead) with many people. There was chill music and the shooms had kicked in. I felt totally blissfull and .. well delighted and lovefull and totally at ease.
The shroom made me turn into myself a bit/lot so I layed down. As I layed down (in foetus-position) I started to rotate over the ground, being/feeling very light at that time, I was swirling around a fixed ax just in front of me. This felt really really nice infact.
When I was done with that I started to crawl around a bit and saw someone. [I saw the back of his head, whilst I was laying on the ground, under some sort of table, and the guy I saw was stading .. strange dimensions] So I say "Hey!" with a gigantic smile on my face and the guy turned around said "Hey!" and smiled aswell. I told him that I thought I knew him .. I told him that I thought I knew everyone over here .. however I quickly doubted so, seeing a guy (face changing constantly) I didn't recognise.
I was tripping still and severely standing up and walking, looking around. There were many people, like at some sort of party. The space was a sort of 2/3/4 meter wide corridor, looking as organic as the smooth canyon I was walking through before entering this party. Faces of people kept changing, some guy having a fly-like head and stuff .. but still feeling blissfull constantly.
I walked back through the corridor and saw some guy standing at an entrance and I noticed this wasn't the entrance I used to get in. It just wasn't there. My head was clearing a bit so I strolled around some more follwing some people. At this point I realised that this was some sort of goa-party, so I thought that there must be hard-pounding goa aswell, beside this chillout. Following the people in front of me I came to another area [which I recall from another dream aswel, looking quite abstract, non-organic, but hey .. still very nice].
I had to go up two stairs and there was this girl standing at the down below and she made a remark about me. A sweet one, but I didn't really heard what she said [neither in my dream itself]. Ahwell, climbed up the stairs and came to a dark area and heard hard-poundig goa. I was like "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!!!!". Feeling so exited I could find better words.
So I entered that area and it was dark, with flashy light and quite small. It was not so crowded and too bad .. I just arrived at the end of the set. Then I saw my brother who had been dancing here, so I said hi to him.
Suddenly I saw a hackysack flying around, so I thought "Joy!". And hackysacked with some dude who was just kicking these about. Then it faded and I woke ..
Hmm, it's become quite a long story, I'm sorry for that, I just wanted to make sure all was said

When I woke I also kept repeating to myself, actively thinking, all I had dreamed just to make me remember .. and hey, I did!
EDIT-PS: It was in (namable) fullcolor!!!