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Dreams , are they more then just imagination??

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion ProStoner
  • Date de début Date de début
it doesnt explai nthought why most of my dreams
mostly dont have anything to do at all with waht I did the past day
I think about that before going to sleep when lying in bed
thats why I always have trouble falling asleep , takes mostly 2 hours or so
but isnt it DMT that influences our dreaming.. that is being made when sleeping...
it doesnt explain thought why most of my dreams
mostly dont have anything to do at all with waht I did the past day

I agree, this explains very little why dreams are exactly the (weird) way they are ...
I've often thought about this aspect and read some hypothesis, but in the end I think nobody knows this exactly. (yet)

I don't (fully) understand the necasity of dreaming.
The upload part from short-term memory to long term memory, the recharching effect of sleep etc makes a lot of sense ... but why do we need to transform memory from day in such a strange way at night ?

If I'm learning something during day ... it already gets "processed" / related to past memories etc more or less immediately by my brain .. why does it have to transformed again at night in such a strange way ?
I dont know ...

Yes, empiricaly I can confirm that I also have dreams that are not related to short term memory "data" at all .. e.g "repeated" dreams .. always the same ones, since decades .. not frequently, a few times per year, but on a regular basis.

What I have stated in the above post is more or less state of the art sleep research ... without interpreation/personal opinion.

Though it leaves a lot of questions open, IMHO this are very fascinating results ...

regards, tl
yes I agree and understand from self experience what u mean
repeating dreams are kinda weird
I had this weird dream when I was a kid (which I can totally not explain) its just 2 abstract and inconceivable
but anyways when I had it , it was like a Fight against something
and I was in a sort of half lucid dream state
since I knew that after this dream I would be very very very sick
and from time to time I had this dream and would be very sick the next morning
I have no idea how to overcome this dream
I did overcome the other one I had which had the same effect
and that one I can explain
there was a chair standing in a empty room... with a hole in the middle in which I sunk thru when I sat on it, resulting in illness the following morning
but 1 time I was able to pull myself out of the hole and wake up feeling perfectly fine, that was the last time I had that dream
woooh prostoner that stuff sounds pretty mysterieusly :)
hehehe what would life be without our dreams :idea:
life would not exist without I guess :)
after i saw waking life i was tripping about it for over a month, it was summer in amsterdam, the hottest summer ever, and whoever lives in amsterdam knows how trippy the city is, and how dreamy, being underwater and all, and that summer i really felt i was living in a dream. it was amazing, and at some point me and my friend who was tripping (no drugs) with me were so tired because crazy things wouldn't sotp happening, that we were just thinking; ok, ok, we believe it, life is a dream, you can stop showing us that now!! and we just wanted to take a nap and rest, and when we tried to switch off the light, the ligt switch wouldn't work (just like in dreams!!).
we felt that we could just go on and on and never return, just like some did (syd barrett for one, who apparently is now a gardener) and completly loose ourselves in another dimension...
but we didn't, we ate some onions and returned to earth.
i sometimes make dream poetry in my dreams, and can keep myself awake enough to write it down, here goes one dream poem:

i'm making an ancient pause on things.
the hunts, even to false mistakes.
have you never seen yellow?
a shadow to dust, wear a wish and kill another.

:wink: alice
Nitroman a dit:
Does anyone of you guys knowWaking Life?
Its a really interesting philosophical animation movie about lucid dreaming, like reality is one big dream.

Guy Forsyth: The trick is to combine your waking rational abilities with the infinite possibilities of your dreams. Because, if you can do that, you can do anything.

Young Girl Playing Paper Game: Dream is destiny.

alice :wink:
hmm lets see if I can Download that movie :)
and yesterday I had a weird dream again, about DMT
this time I was conducting an DMT extraction from something
I dunno what and I saw the crystals forming really fast
it was beautifull :)
but DMT seems to come back to my dreams a lot lately
anyways i`ll go watch Waking life someday soon
Tryptonaut/ProStoner, you can say it's the call of ayahuasca/DMT, or you can say that your mind is predisposed with drug-use (which I do not necessarily call a bad thing, but it might be the case, because you obviously think about it a lot...), so that you will dream about drug-use.
I added a :wink: when I said "is this the call of ayahuasca?" because I also tend to believe it's because I read a lot about it. However the fact that I started feeling trippy in the dream, woke up and still felt like I was tripping was so weird that the shamanistic explanation became a little more plausible...

btw. I have done ayahuasca twice, but only in very low doses. The first time I got a little glimpse of closed eye visuals (for a very short time only but one of them intensely frightening). The second time I went into a dreamy state of beautiful feelings and colorful closed eye visuals for a little longer. I'm planning on doing a little more soon.

I don't know if I'm a lone soul in this, but I don't dream in color. Well, not that everything is black and white, or grayscale .. but I just don't recognize color as something distinct.
That's interesting, I mostly dream pretty colorless as well. In most of my dreams it's nighttime or very dark like a lot of grey clouds cover the sun, the colors are there but very faint. In a lot of my dreams there are no colors except blue - like it's black and white, but the white isn't white but blue, kind of a full-moon atmosphere.
Maybe these are the dreams I can remember better because they are the more frightening ones which stick in my memory? I don't know...
alice a dit:
after i saw waking life i was tripping about it for over a month, it was summer in amsterdam, the hottest summer ever, and whoever lives in amsterdam knows how trippy the city is, and how dreamy, being underwater and all, and that summer i really felt i was living in a dream. it was amazing, and at some point me and my friend who was tripping (no drugs) with me were so tired because crazy things wouldn't sotp happening, that we were just thinking; ok, ok, we believe it, life is a dream, you can stop showing us that now!! and we just wanted to take a nap and rest, and when we tried to switch off the light, the ligt switch wouldn't work (just like in dreams!!).
we felt that we could just go on and on and never return, just like some did (syd barrett for one, who apparently is now a gardener) and completly loose ourselves in another dimension...
but we didn't, we ate some onions and returned to earth.
i sometimes make dream poetry in my dreams, and can keep myself awake enough to write it down, here goes one dream poem:

i'm making an ancient pause on things.
the hunts, even to false mistakes.
have you never seen yellow?
a shadow to dust, wear a wish and kill another.

:wink: alice

Woooh sounds like you had a good time hehehe, that movie really makes people think and become aware of whats happening. its such a good movie :thumbsup:
yes i'm currently watching the movie myself
i`m at 40 minutes
havnt had time to watch it further yet
but yeah it does make u think
a lot of things I allready knew but seeing it in this movie makes u realize it even more
it can really change the way u look at life... still have 50 minutes to go hehe:)
well I can surtainly recommend it to everyone psychonaut or not :)
I know i`ve been getting all my friends to watch this movie hehe
I got it at home, but haven't watched it yet though.
But I'm gonna watch it tonight. Some friends of mine are really enthousiastic about it.

A bit oftopic, but I made a lot of my friends watch what the bleep do we know...
But that's just a propaganda movie... watch The Elegant Universe Very good movie about the string theory :thumbsup:

Maybe dreaming gives your mind enough room to move the things stored into the Hippocampus to the Cortex. So it's like a trick, make you think that you experience these things while in the mean time your brian can process these things...
So it doesn't neccisarily have to be in your dream, as long as you dream and process those things...
i`ve seen What the bleep do we know also
intriging movie though
but what do u mean with propaganda movie ??
Yeah it's like their saying: Quantum Fysics are great, but there not really going into the matter. Ok it's a good movie if you want someone to get interested in quantum fysics, but it doesn't say shit about the exact theory
I think the movie is valuable. Not because it tells us some quantumphysics ideas, but because it relates these ideas to the (human) consciousness & psychology, which in turn makes it possible to see the world in a different way. Of course it's a movie for people who don't know shit about quantumphysics, but it popularizes these ideas in a way that our normal paradigm is disturbed.
ah I get it space
I think ur right about that
I did miss the part about telling more about the matter itself
nevertheless a movie to watch
but I believe this topic was about dreams ? :P
sooo anyone had any weird , visionary or lucid dreams lately ?:)
Yeah man, I had a dream that I woke up and my girlfriend blew me, but when I woke up she did :mrgreen::thumbsup:

(sorry, way to much info, I know :P)

But I have to agree with Fork that wt#dwk is a good movie if you have someone in your surroundings who is still needs a waking up... :D
Not quite lucid .. not at all lucid, but I dreamed having the best freaking shroom-trip I ever had! Let's start at the beginning ..

I was walking through Eindhoven, I was heading somewhere [just don't know where anymore]. I was walking past a canal, then past Eindhoven-airport .. it all was looking quite strange, but perfectly normal in my dream. I also came past a big garden surrounded with a big wall and I remember I've once had a dream about being in that exact garden. I also recognized it in my dream, in contradiction to most of the surroundings. As a matter of fact, nothing in this dream was looking or being related to something existend [besides Eindhoven itself and my brother ..]

So well, I was walking and passing the airport, I came to a sort of canyon. In this canyon there were these huge mushrooms growing, and this huge grass (not the someable one, just .. grass). I was walking into this canyon wihich was quite smoothly textured. [Later this morning I realised it's more like I shrunk than everything being big, but I couldn't realise that in my dream].

So there's these huge mushrooms standing about being black and white .. so I thought I'll have a bite and I tore off a handfull of mush and ate it. Next I knew I had some small (handable) mushies .. and ate them aswell. Just as I had eaten them mushies I came to a sort of lounge/chillout (roof overhead) with many people. There was chill music and the shooms had kicked in. I felt totally blissfull and .. well delighted and lovefull and totally at ease.

The shroom made me turn into myself a bit/lot so I layed down. As I layed down (in foetus-position) I started to rotate over the ground, being/feeling very light at that time, I was swirling around a fixed ax just in front of me. This felt really really nice infact.

When I was done with that I started to crawl around a bit and saw someone. [I saw the back of his head, whilst I was laying on the ground, under some sort of table, and the guy I saw was stading .. strange dimensions] So I say "Hey!" with a gigantic smile on my face and the guy turned around said "Hey!" and smiled aswell. I told him that I thought I knew him .. I told him that I thought I knew everyone over here .. however I quickly doubted so, seeing a guy (face changing constantly) I didn't recognise.

I was tripping still and severely standing up and walking, looking around. There were many people, like at some sort of party. The space was a sort of 2/3/4 meter wide corridor, looking as organic as the smooth canyon I was walking through before entering this party. Faces of people kept changing, some guy having a fly-like head and stuff .. but still feeling blissfull constantly.

I walked back through the corridor and saw some guy standing at an entrance and I noticed this wasn't the entrance I used to get in. It just wasn't there. My head was clearing a bit so I strolled around some more follwing some people. At this point I realised that this was some sort of goa-party, so I thought that there must be hard-pounding goa aswell, beside this chillout. Following the people in front of me I came to another area [which I recall from another dream aswel, looking quite abstract, non-organic, but hey .. still very nice].

I had to go up two stairs and there was this girl standing at the down below and she made a remark about me. A sweet one, but I didn't really heard what she said [neither in my dream itself]. Ahwell, climbed up the stairs and came to a dark area and heard hard-poundig goa. I was like "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!!!!". Feeling so exited I could find better words.

So I entered that area and it was dark, with flashy light and quite small. It was not so crowded and too bad .. I just arrived at the end of the set. Then I saw my brother who had been dancing here, so I said hi to him.

Suddenly I saw a hackysack flying around, so I thought "Joy!". And hackysacked with some dude who was just kicking these about. Then it faded and I woke ..

Hmm, it's become quite a long story, I'm sorry for that, I just wanted to make sure all was said (: When I woke I also kept repeating to myself, actively thinking, all I had dreamed just to make me remember .. and hey, I did!

EDIT-PS: It was in (namable) fullcolor!!!
I'm glad more and more people understand dreaming is more than imagination. Where do you think dreams are created? What is the difference between tripping and dreaming?
I believe we have a shared mind, input to create creativity etc. We dream to move our species forward. It is like downloading your own system in our shared knowledge. We are free minded creatures, but limited to that we receive from insight. Our unique experience of inventing a thought, is what dreaming is about. We recognize our thoughts as unique, a fact, because we are living our own thoughts. Remember we can never really grasp something.

How to receive insight? That's the question. Dream a lot? :wink:
Ahwell, climbed up the stairs and came to a dark area and heard hard-poundig goa. I was like "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!!!!". Feeling so exited I could find better words.

So I entered that area and it was dark, with flashy light and quite small. It was not so crowded and too bad .. I just arrived at the end of the set. Then I saw my brother who had been dancing here, so I said hi to him.

Suddenly I saw a hackysack flying around, so I thought "Joy!". And hackysacked with some dude who was just kicking these about. Then it faded and I woke ..

I kind of anticipated something like that! It alway happens to me in my dreams when I anticipate something (like you did with the goa music) it happens, but only very shortly and then gives way to other stuff which I didn't anticipate. Am I interpreting this right?

Where do you think dreams are created?
I'd like to quote a philosophical question by Paulo Coelho here that asks the same question (I had asked that in a thread of its own but the reaction was zero which kind of startled me because I thought it was pretty disturbing...):

Imagine a swarm of flying birds.
(Well, do it, picture a swarm of birds!)

Now tell me how many birds did you see?
5? 15? 50?
You can probably say that the picture in your mind was pretty clear, but how many birds you were seeing was out of your control...
The big question is: Who determined how many birds you were seeing? It certainly wasn't you! ;)