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Do you believe meditation would be good to help lift depression and reduce my anxiety

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion beefcharcoal
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Glandeuse Pinéale
[h=1]My brother has anxiety issues, especially health anxiety and suffers with some mild depression. He was thinking of trying some meditation to try see if it helps. Does anyone have any previous experience with this. Do you think it can help[/h]
of coures its the best remedy to keep ones mind relaxed and tantion free.............
If you are highly motivated, that can be real great for sure! Some studies pointed that a meditation practice can selectively reverse drug induced adaptation (aka craving, compulsive behaviour etc...)
I really believe that meditation is a good treatment for depression and anxiety. Though we need to consider some meditation techniques in order to improve our concentration because when we are currently confused, we cannot meditate well. You might also consider doing some yoga, it is also good in dealing depression.
hmm maybe think of going jogging lol... i would say going jogging may not always be positive... it's about doing it right, also...
same with meditation... basically it's like if you breathe wrong when you do sports or meditation, then you can also harm yourself more than doing yourself good...

so well, in conclusion i can tell you from my own experience that meditation can help a lot, if you do it right and doing it right means to a great extent simply that you do listen to your own true feeling and do what and how it feels right to you of course without damaging or hurting others etc etc...
it seems it's a bit about developting a healthy common sense also.... :)

and well yeah sometimes it's like we simply don't reflect ourselves enough or properly... sometimes we think too much and sometimes not enough... breathing properly and a natural healthy body feeling are basic aspects of meditation..

regarding fear and anxiety i think sometimes maybe it can be the problem that you are not enough in the now, or too much...

for example try holding your breath sometimes and if you feel fit enough experiment a little bit with it... holding the breath has got to with tension...
maybe you or others put too much or wrong pressure or something like that on you...

and then also another thing is pain... i can tell from my own experience that sometimes it's like we suppress the pain too much and hence we can also lose the feeling...
so i would say, that really feeling the pain can help more than suppressing it... if you can feel it then you can understand the feeling and find a solution if you are honest to yourself. how we treat ourselves or others can tell a lot about what's really going on or so...
hope that helps lol... ;)

Hi beefcharcoal,
Yes medication can help lifting depression and reduce your brother's anxiety and to reduce your brother's anxiety/depression here are some more tips.
Get organize, engage in daily physical activity and do mild exercises regularly. Talk with family members and friends and share your problems with them. Try not to worry, remember to laugh and have proper sleep daily.

Stones Sharp Accountants
Hi beefcharcoal!

For sure, meditation can help your brother. I have managed to get rid of my anxiety with it, and sophrology as well. I can maybe give you an advice: if it's too hard for your brother not to think and to focus on his senses, he can think "inside" when inhaling, and "outside" when exhaling. He can also, in the begining, just let his thoughts appear and disappear, without focusing on them, but either not rejecting them, just let it pass.

Ten minutes a day are perfect to begin if it's the first time he meditates. It's not worth struggling, he will only be discouraged. When I started, I meditated ten minutes the morning, and the evening, when I was in bed, I just let my thoughts coming and going, when something disturbing was coming, I thought "it's done, it's past, now let's forget it". After that, he can try to meditate longer, up to the most he can do.

If it's really too hard, he can try to start meditating with chill out music, like "frequencies" or tibetan singing bowls and mantras for example, you can find on Youtube.

BrainEater a dit:
breathing properly and a natural healthy body feeling are basic aspects of meditation..

BrainEater is right, according to yoga masters, breathing is the most important, he can do exercises during the day too, it's very helpful for the whole body. Breathe with the belly, deeply and lengthily, inhale through the nose during 7 to 10 seconds, pause 1 or 2 sec, and then exhale with the mouth 7 to 10 sec, anytime during the day, it relaxes a lot.

And believe me: a well-balanced diet and rythm (not to go to bed too late, eat at a fixed time...) are fundamental to defeat anxiety and depression. As Abrahm said, sleep properly is very important, 7 to 10 hours a night, depending on the person.

So, courage to your brother, he can beat his uneasiness, never never be disheartened! :grin:
Yes i believe in that because it always worked for me that is something which really works when it comes to mental wellness.
People who doesn't believe in it should know its amazing affects.
I strongly believe that meditation is wonderful way of feeling relax and keep mind cool. It is several health benefits to reduce of the anxiety and get away from depression.
dealing with anxiety is most importing things for human being now so Meditation should be fun and easy, and it should feel good for you—not excruciatingly boring or painful. Work out the thing about meditation that makes it really, really useful for you. Not “I should meditate because everyone says so.” Not even an “I should meditate.”
Anxiety and depression are side effects of environment and an awkward unnatural society. The current mental state of our society on the whole is suffering greatly. As we as a species are becoming more aware of our senses and emotions we are encountering many tests, Both emotionally & spiritually.

It is important for us to not be too hard on ourselves and to maintain our course with knowing and courage. Our minds are totally fine. It is indeed the society we have created that is unhealthy for the human spirit. The environmental effects being the cause of anxiety, depression and almost every other illness. Human beings are developing a higher extra sensory perception globally at this current time period in history and we are beginning to sense a great unease at the state of the world on an internal level.

It is important for anyone currently suffering from anxiety & depression to ingest these words before diagnosing themselves incorrectly with a mental health problem. Potentially accepting fear resulting in a pharmaceutical prescription designed to steal away true mind potential.

We are fine, It's society that's wrong and we are beginning to know it! that's all!

Meditation, nature, love & cannabis shall benefit your brothers life.

If cannabis presents morals issues I suggest visiting a Chinese herbalist. They shall re-balance your brothers energy using plant based tea's. Alongside meditation this works wonders. "The fire is rising" in your brother. Chi energy needs re-balanced. meditation & herbs required.

ps: If anyone knows a someone on planet earth at this current time period in history with an entirely healthy mind.
Please kindly get me their autograph

Bijord I shall try to explain why dear friend, Cannabis is indeed the most medicinal plant on planet earth. This is scientific fact not wishful thinking.
It is included in the list because I feel it is the correct natural prescription for the issues being discussed. Completely natural and safe.
Contrary to belief, cannabis is productive and beneficial to human health in all aspects. However many use cannabis for the wrong reasons. When used for the right reasons cannabis can be miraculous. This advances beyond our current understanding. However, In a brightly lit future we shall be gifted much more insight into the true potential of the cannabis plant as the world cannabis legalization process gathers pace globally.
I suggest cannabis because I do not recommend any pharmaceutical man made synthetic drugs to treat any illness for any human being. In fact I strongly suggest otherwise. An understanding of chemicals prove almost all pharmaceutical medicines and drugs to be poisonous and counter productive to human health. They create off balance and chemical toxicity in the body. They must also include "other" ingredients alongside the medicine regulated by the dreaded "health & safety" organisations. These same chemicals are also found in the food supply. eg: preservatives, e numbers, anti caking agents, colourant, etc. So we must ask ourselves some serious questions, why are known cancer promoting chemicals in our food supply, in our medicine and also in our toilet paper?? Labels tell all truths and we are told to always read them. We just fail to understand the words before blindly swallowing the pill or accepting the needle.
Only natural remedies, sacred plants and meditation can truly heal someone. We must guide ourselves away from fear, mis information and dependency on a system designed to harm us. Unfortunetly we live in a society of mis informed doctors who's entire training, education and knowledge is written, crafted and designed by the pharmaceutical industry. I call it the "pamphlet education" precision crafted by the patent owners of these chemicals. Doctors do not know how to fix... They only know how to prescribe. They have almost no understanding of natural medicine. They are trained accordingly. If only these genuine caring doctors & nurses who sought in life to help people... truly understood the harm being done daily by acting as vendors/middle men for the pharmaceutical industry.

I recommend cannabis as the only medicine that shall "ever" be required for human beings to treat "every" illness known to mankind including terminal disease.

We must understand and accept that there is more knowledge in our sacred plants than in every book ever written.

I didnt have the time to read every single post, but I would never... NEVER! ...suggest someone to take a drug/medicine/sacrement! Cannabis can be a powerful tool in self discovery, a powerful medicine for the body, but it doesnt work for everyone! Do you own research, study, explore and be safe!
Mediation and Yoga and 2 brilliant ways to help with anxiety and depression. My mum has anxiety and depression from last 10 years. Since last 3 months, she has started with light yoga moves, infact just breathing exercises and there is lots of improvement already.

Few Yoga postures that can help with anxiety can be found here: Few Yoga Postures that can help in reducing Panic Attacks and Anxiety

On other hand meditation has great benefits. It just involves calming your mind and focusing on your breath.

Meditation or Yoga, just start with anything whatever one can do. Even 10-15 minutes a day done regularly will help a lot.
I know I'm 3 years late but thought I would add my own thoughts.

You can waste decades doing that with no result, or you can cure yourself in a single night. There are many different ways to meditate and in my case it was the very first step in my psychonautic journey.

I was an angsty teenager. Depression, anxiety, counsellors, psychiatrists... the whole nine yards. I took myself off the meds without telling anyone because it didn't help and didn't feel good. I also dreaded going to the counsellor because he offered nothing helpful.
"How are you feeling?"
"How does that make you feel? "
"I see"
"I already know how I feel, when are you going to say something useful?"
"...How does it make you feel when I ask that?"

I always demanded a solution rather than just answering how I was feeling but the only time he came close to proposing a solution was one time he mentioned meditation. It went like this.
"breath really slowly... and try not to feel unhappy".
Nothing happened and I still felt shitty.

So ya I rage quit and left with the impression that meditation is BS.

Then a few years later I was in University and stumbled into a meditation workshop lead by a brilliant lady who helped me go into a trance using nothing but my mind. I became fanatical about it, experimenting and tinkering during every minute of spare time I had. I started reading books about meditation, hypnosis, tantra... I taught myself to get high on command (reproducing the effect of MDMA usually) and one day I decided to apply it to my depression. Once I knew how to explore my mind, it was the easiest thing in the world. Turning off my depression and anxiety was as easy as turning off a lightswitch.
Yes of course!
Meditation helped me a lot with anxiety
and I know many others that benefited from meditation psychologically.

There are many different meditations
so he might have to be willing to spend some time
in trying to find one that fits him the best.

I have tried a lot of them and one that I have found the most effective is
Twin Hearts Meditation. Beautiful loving amazing meditation.
You can download instructions here in pdf
You can read some experiences here
Twin Hearts Meditation Experiences
there are some more on youtube as well.

hope it helps