Demonstratie tegen paddoverbod op zaterdag 27 oktober

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HeartCore a dit:
That depends on which version you read. If one story says literally: the lords who ruled the land made consumption of the tree of knowledge illegal, I wonder how it could be seen differently as that.

Of course when those stories have gone through censorship, a lot of the initial clarity, will be clouded.

The thing is that after a couple of thousand years one cannot really tell who changed what and when and if there were perhaps multiple versions of the same story. Especially if that story was written down post factum, there can be many opposing views that both are true to the core (in one way or another).
Forkbender a dit:
HeartCore a dit:
That depends on which version you read. If one story says literally: the lords who ruled the land made consumption of the tree of knowledge illegal, I wonder how it could be seen differently as that.

Of course when those stories have gone through censorship, a lot of the initial clarity, will be clouded.

The thing is that after a couple of thousand years one cannot really tell who changed what and when and if there were perhaps multiple versions of the same story. Especially if that story was written down post factum, there can be many opposing views that both are true to the core (in one way or another).

I hate (not really;) ) to comment again but that is just not true. There is only one branch of people that choose consciously to not have a clue about the origines of 'the(ir) scripture' and then, for example, claim the devil is at work when unexplicable paradoxes are discovered. .

Science is very able to investigate old books and compare them and conclude which one is older and which one is tampered with. For example, it's a scientific fact that the Paul we know from the bible, in fact was a completely different person but the story in the new testament is blatant forgery. And there are many more examples. Of course, it's easier to just shove it together and proclaim 'we really don't know' while we actually do and our knowledge about it is improving rapidly :)
HeartCore a dit:
I hate (not really;) ) to comment again but that is just not true. There is only one branch of people that choose consciously to not have a clue about the origines of 'the(ir) scripture' and then, for example, claim the devil is at work when unexplicable paradoxes are discovered. .

To the very devout christians every single letter of the bible can be explained. I've watched them do it. I'm just a bit sceptic about the idea that there is only one message in a spiritual text, since it can be interpreted on many different levels (cosmological, theological, spiritual, psychological, historical, mythological, etc.). So I do think that the whole 'bible based on psychedelics' theory is still too one-sided. In my knowledge (though I must admit I am no expert on this matter), genesis was only written down after a very long oral tradition, so that it would probably have multiple versions, seeing that there are a lot of different groups/visions within the israelite people.

Science is very able to investigate old books and compare them and conclude which one is older and which one is tampered with. For example, it's a scientific fact that the Paul we know from the bible, in fact was a completely different person but the story in the new testament is blatant forgery. And there are many more examples. Of course, it's easier to just shove it together and proclaim 'we really don't know' while we actually do and our knowledge about it is improving rapidly :)

I would like to get to know more about this. Do you have a link or an article which goes into this?
this one is just great for starters: ... 096&sr=8-1

Written by two christians who could not accept the churches explanation about some paradoxes in the new testament.

No drugs at all in this one, just a very thourough study about the origines of christianity and Jesus.

The drug argument is complementary to this and actually fills in many blanks.
can be interpreted on many different levels (cosmological, theological, spiritual, psychological, historical, mythological, etc.). So I do think that the whole 'bible based on psychedelics' theory is still too one-sided.
The psychedelic position takes everything into account: cosmology, spirituality, psychology, history (and eschatology I might add), myth, metaphor, superstition, humor, poetry, medicinal knowledge, all mixed together. The holy books are multi-faceted. As is the psychedelic experience.

Because it's psychedelic!
The book of samuel was the first book that was written down in about 900 B.C. all the 8 books before it ( = about 3000 years ) was handed down by word of mouth = hearsay .......( wich is not far from herasy least it sounds about the same !!! )

The whole of the bible is not all based on psychedelics , just a large part of it , its also based on lying , cheating , politics , sex , sodomy , stealing , murder , adultry , dead goats , forskins , loonys and loads of bullshit .

Anyway the problem is now solved , god came to me in a dream last night and said shes pissed off with all the pseudo religeous dickheads murdering each other in her name and gave me palastine , from the nile to the euphrates . And as far as i can see on the map thats a stripe around the world that includes parts of india , south east asia , oceania , south america , southern europe and north africa .

Amen .

And anyone who says that that is not true is a blasphemous anti semitic fanatic and i will kill them .
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
The psychedelic position takes everything into account

I'm still not convinced about that. If you go down that road, you can call everything psychedelic, which in my opinion is a projection of a personal obsession on the external world. One must accept that there are other truths, otherwise one will always be bound to the own ego. These other truths might have to do with, say, almost 2000 years of a different interpretation that seemed to work for a lot of people, including mystics who have never taken psychedelics and still experience something similar. The ego is not killed by psychedelics, you must do it yourself. Psychedelics can help in the process of getting to know this ego, but they can definitely not take your work out of your own hands.
