Demonstratie tegen paddoverbod op zaterdag 27 oktober

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For me it was a nice mix of opinions and a great sign that not all psychonauts share the exact same way of relating to these things. My own point of view was very well worded by Hans Plomp but I'm sure there have been people among the audience that don't share that point of view and are, for example, much more inspired by that Shroom rap.
HeartCore a dit:
For me it was a nice mix of opinions and a great sign that not all psychonauts share the exact same way of relating to these things. My own point of view was very well worded by Hans Plomp but I'm sure there have been people among the audience that don't share that point of view and are, for example, much more inspired by that Shroom rap.
that was good though! I think it's too bad he couldn't play the beat because it sounded quite nice! :)
Then again I like hiphop most out of all music styles so meh.
I quite liked the SP guy too. It is good to see that not all politicians are straightminded idiots...
thadivine a dit:
I quite liked the SP guy too. It is good to see that not all politicians are straightminded idiots...
qft, even though i keep hearing bad stuff about the SP being a bunch of stalinist idiots with comrade Jan at the head who's a bit more equal than the rest.
I ment i just liked what the guy said ;) Just this 1 guy in the SP, but it is ofcourse pretty nice if this is the official statement of the SP since they should actually be in the goverment atm and are pretty big in 2e kamer...
Thanks for the english explanations guys . What about T-shirts with "I took mushrooms and fell in a canal , BAN canals" written on them . I think wanna be stars making speaches for a chosen few is DUMB , preaching to the converted and pissing everyone else off . = contra productive ego wanking . We need to reach ordinary people , passers by and not just talk to ourselves , whats the point in that . Its just a loosers way of showing people that they are loosers . A demo that says we have nothing to say . A few , to the point speaches is good and people handing out info notes to passers by and trying to explain what the demo is about brings much more . The aim being to atract people and not scare them off with scene stars that no normal person knows . To give people reasons to identify themselves with a problem and not reasons to put their fingers in their ears and keep on walking away .

Its sunday and i feel like a sermon , again .

British drunken scum are just as boring as any drunken scum , even the hundreds of Dutch ones that litter the streets of Ibiza , Majorca and the rest of Spain and southern europe . So is going to holland and being treated like a dumb tourist parasite by some arogant Dutch village idiots who have moved to Hamsterbum and work in coffee shops or smart shops and think that they know something about drugs and that the world owes them something . If it wasnt for drug tourists there would be a lot of unemployed people in Holland . = We shouldnt bite the hand that is feeding us . Maybe we should start to think what it is like to be a stranger in Amsterdam , its mostly humanly cold and you get the feeling that you are only seen as a source of easy money and that as soon as you have bought something you are a piece of shit and should fuck off and go home . Maybe T-shirts with "I`m not a tourist , i`m an arogant bastard" on them would help stop the stupid insider cult ????

Love & Piece .
HeartCore a dit:

I hear ya.

It's just that the way he professed his opinion (which is very understandable in his situation), will probably not get across to the people in power. It was actually pretty hard to follow his line of reasoning from the back, as every other word was a loud 'godverdomme'. That is probably not the best way to communicate your ideas to a christian government. In that sense he would be described as being pretty weird.
de opkomst viel een beetje tegen, maar alsnog een leuke middag gehad. was maar een spreker waar ik het echt mee eens was, maar waar was iedereen van heb geen bord gezien
Inderdaad geen bord gesignaleerd Psychonaut, de einigste bekende die ik tegen kwam was mij dealer :P

Hoewel de opkomst wat tegenviel was de vibe goed.
It's just that the way he professed his opinion (which is very understandable in his situation), will probably not get across to the people in power. It was actually pretty hard to follow his line of reasoning from the back, as every other word was a loud 'godverdomme'. That is probably not the best way to communicate your ideas to a christian government. In that sense he would be described as being pretty weird.

I agree, but Hans Plomp calling out 'Christelijke idioten' or 'de lul (God)', could be frowned upon as well. ( not by me tho ;))
HeartCore a dit:
It's just that the way he professed his opinion (which is very understandable in his situation), will probably not get across to the people in power. It was actually pretty hard to follow his line of reasoning from the back, as every other word was a loud 'godverdomme'. That is probably not the best way to communicate your ideas to a christian government. In that sense he would be described as being pretty weird.

I agree, but Hans Plomp calling out 'Christelijke idioten' or 'de lul (God)', could be frowned upon as well. ( not by me tho ;))

Yes, but at least he played along in the game of the politicians, by being fully rational the whole time.

By the way: isn't it a Christian dogma that what you prohibit will become a forbidden fruit, which is extra-desirable. God says that one will die if one eats the fruit of the tree of knowledge, Government says that one will do damage (if not die) if one eats mushrooms. What happens: Eve eats apple. Hippy eats mushroom. Shit doesn't work, man. It's in the bible!
By the way: isn't it a Christian dogma that what you prohibit will become a forbidden fruit, which is extra-desirable. God says that one will die if one eats the fruit of the tree of knowledge, Government says that one will do damage (if not die) if one eats mushrooms. What happens: Eve eats apple. Hippy eats mushroom. Shit doesn't work, man. It's in the bible!

God says:'you will surely die on the day you eat this fruit.' The snake says:'no fucking way!' They (Adam/Eve) don't die.

Who lied?

Btw older writings of the genesis story don't talk about THE LORD, as the bible does, but talks about the lords, or: the government. And then it starts to make sense finally ;)
HeartCore a dit:

Of course one could say that Adam and Eve were immortal before the fall and only became mortal after eating the apple and being banned from paradise. But this kinda conflicts with the story about the tree of life.

One could also say that being banned from paradise is like dying, because one is trapped in the world of division (good/evil), and cannot choose life, so to speak.
The snake and God were both correct: you die and you don't die. Your separate self dies (facilitating the "birth" of your unified self), but your physical body doesn't die.
^Exactly, there is not a single Truth in these kind of stories. Metaphors are multiple and layered.
Forkbender a dit:
^Exactly, there is not a single Truth in these kind of stories. Metaphors are multiple and layered.

That depends on which version you read. If one story says literally: the lords who ruled the land made consumption of the tree of knowledge illegal, I wonder how it could be seen differently as that.

Of course when those stories have gone through censorship, a lot of the initial clarity, will be clouded.