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death following bad batch of 2C-B-Fly

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion achilless
  • Date de début Date de début


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Sad news has reached us that the owner of the Danish research chemical company has died on October 3rd, after the consumption of 18mg 2C-B-fly.

Even though 2C-B-fly has lead to deaths before, it is not logical that a dose of 18mg would have have fatal consequences. It is possible that the 2C-B-fly that that board sold was tainted or mislabelled.

If you have bought products from this vendor then do NOT consume it nor let others consume it.

It is possible that they even sold 2C-B-fly to other vendors. So it is advised to stay away from 2C-B-fly for the moment.

Other boards and even erowid are warning for this, that's why I wanted to post. Lives can be saved, as reports are accumulating about people send to hospital after trying that batch of 2c-b-fly. Allergic reactions are the most noticeable symptoms. Hospitalizations have followed after doses of only 1mg!!!


Fork: Added picture...
That is full-on. Very sad to hear about.

Any chemist should test a batch with only a very small amount, even if they have done the synth 100 times before.

10mg is the usual prescribed dose for this compound but 18mg doesn't seem too high, like you said. Any idea what the dose-response curve is like?

The nature of this fellow's demise suggests some toxic byproducts leftover after workup. Possibly cyanide or some other nasty :(
I was under the impression that 25mg was the high end dose, with doses above 30-35mg becoming dangerous and close to the LD50.

This is terrible news, i was very interested in this, but now I will have to avoid it.
Sad to see, I would like to think this might help push towards legislation and regulation of such chemicals but I guess Im dreaming....
People, I'm about to get on a fucking soapbox here, so anyone that doesn't want to hear a rant can go somewhere else now.....

THIS IS WHY you do not recklessly chase research chemicals around the internet, every cock-head with dollar signs in his eyes is running a RC vending company, and because of the gray area legalization factor, many of them feel above being held responsible for their actions.

Get a chemistry book and learn to make them yourself, goddammit, it isn't that fucking hard. I never finished the 8th fucking grade so I don't want to hear a bunch of whiny-ass shit about how much work it is.....if you don't want to learn about it, why in the hell are you doing it?

This applies doubly to the guy that died. What, you're running a fucking CHEMICAL VENDING SERVICE and you don't have the equipment and/or expertise to analyze what you are selling ppl to put in their bodies?

At some point, people must realize that chasing a dollar has consequences.

If you're going to sell a product that is meant for consumption, you HAVE NO BUSINESS doing it if you aren't a PRO. A pro has acces to, and uses, a GC/MS
to determine PURITY and to identify compounds.

This is why I started making x years ago. I don't give a fuck what 'Joey' said they were, he is repeating what he was told by the guy he got it from, and that bread-crumb trail goes a ways up the line to the original producer.

The only way to know is to become adept.

If you're too lazy, or unmotivated to do that, then just get a revolver and a bullet and spin away, and save everyone the hassle

Out of curiosity, what's the difference between 2C-B and 2C-B-FLY?
see how the 'core' ring structure is the same, yet there are two other rings that alter the identity.

I think that the substance is named a bit misleadingly, by advertising standards.

They appear to be attempting to cash in on the glamorized reputation of 2CB.

That difference in the molecules is major.
.....and yes, I do feel bad that someone passed, but my sadness is mitigated vastly by what I said yesterday in this thread.

This guy didn't HAVE TO DIE, all he had to do was slow down and impose some quality control.
Testing has shown that the substance was with high probability Bromodragonfly with some synthesis impurities. 18 mg of bdf is a *very* high dose (regular doses are up to 1400 mics(?))

Sadly, at least one more death has been confirmed from this batch.

warning on Erowid


trip report from a survivor
trip report from a witness to the other fatal trip
intense trip report indeed.. all the physical symptoms intensified by the trip. yech!

just a note for accuracy (not to be anal), 2cb-fly and bromodragonfly are different... i was under the impression that 2cb-fly was being sold because it lasted longer than 2cb and is still unregulated.. interesting that they are really completely different. i've yet to try either of those two..

spice, i totally understand what you are saying. and also, buying illegal drugs carries the same amount of risk. it's really pure unregulated free market in action. there's no safety standards.

i would think the safest thing one could do would be to find a nice chemist who can test the purity of whatever it is you are buying.. if you are going to do any chemical nowadays. even blotter can no longer be trusted, unfortunately
This may be violating forum rules with by naming a source but seeing as the operator of the company is dead I think it is paramount to mention the company as I know of at leas one other member of this forum that has access to his site. http://haupt-rc.dk/ is the site he ran. He was known as Minimal in a few different forums. Also it should be said that he ordered in bulk from china and sold to other RC companies so all 2c-b-fly should be carefully tested if not avoided.
yes, buying illegal drugs does carry the same risk, but the numbers are smaller.

Now there's the internet, and this isn't the black market, it's the open free market, where the world is electronically connected and everyone can buy whatever they can locate.

This means that the risk is increased exponentially with the expanded market.
