Quoi de neuf ?

Bienvenue sur Psychonaut.fr !

Le forum des amateurs de drogues et des explorateurs de l'esprit

Dear Mr. / Mrs. Psychonuts

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
  • Date de début Date de début
Dear GOD, you got a rare sens of humour and thats a good thing, it would be a boring world if we all got the same kind of humor. And i think this approach of humour will work perfectly when we talk in person to eachother.
But in just text it won't work for that kind humour,
and its often let to misconceptions on each side.

But when it comes to drugs tell us your story and we will respect that, but you have to be open for any suggestion or other experiences.
this site is for info sharing and helping your fellow psychonut/psychonaut,
and its a shame if its used for verbal fighting against each other.

Love and Peace..
and dont play a victim all the time, just read between the lines and catch them hints my man. and everybody has is own path, so this a fact even when you are a dissabled "kanaker"GOD!! THERe is NO ONE on this forum that has bad intentions.
keep upthe effort
scamie a dit:
and dont play a victim all the time, just read between the lines and catch them hints my man. and everybody has is own path, so this a fact even when you are a dissabled "kanaker"GOD!! THERe is NO ONE on this forum that has bad intentions.
keep upthe effort

Exactly 8) See all these posts here, each of them is meant to increase understanding and good communication. Let's keep it that way.
after reading this I think we should all let this topic rest .. and move on
cause this is only causing stress for atleast 1 person
This is my last post where i defend myself , as i said i have decided to change my style , because there is no one as blind as someone who refuses to see .

Heartcore , enlightenment is not something that just lasts two weeks after having a trip . What happened to the book you ofered me ?

Mindastronaut , Scamie ,Jakobian ,prostoner , and all the others who are honest enough to see two sides ,

Thank you . I love you .

I feel ill , i cant sleep , eat or shit . I spend months of my time and my pension finding out the facts to help confused people and all they can do is use every opertunity to insult me over and over again . What about some of you thinking about the way you use words , most of you arent native english speakers , i am . I understand when someone , especialy someone who speakes my language , is having a go at me , do you ? I just recieved a hostile note from the site organiser that didnt realy make any sense to me . I can only take it to be a threat . It means that they have had a secret trial against me where they were complaintant , prosecuter , witness , defender , jury , judge and hanger . I wasnt informed that i was on trial , i wasnt told about the false charges , i wasnt alowed to see the false evidence , i wasnt alowed to defend myself , i wasnt informed of the sentance , i was just let know that there was one . If i could have copied the note you would see what i mean , but it was gone before i could understand it . If someone wants to stab me in the back in public and leave me to blead to death , i`m going to die as loud as possible , i`m going to blead in their faces .

The bit about circumsision came from the book that lumian sugested reading in the bible thread "Die magie der pilze" by clark heinrich . it was meant as a double edged sword . A warning and a clue , a reminder so that someone might remember that they had read the book . If you read what i have said you will remember that i keep saying that my notes are written on different levels , that i hide clues and pregnant questions in my posts . There is nothing in that thread that i didnt know before . I thought that it was an interesting theme , that if i said it all directly that people would not understand . So i asked you all to solve the mystery for yourselves , if any of you have kids you will understand me , this is how an adult stears his kids , without them knowing . I`ve told people more about canabis and other drugs here than anyone could read in all the books and web sites in the world , and had to prove it , every single time . Has anyone said thank you ? Has anyone admited it ? When someone shows me i was believing something false i am pleased that i have learned , i dont atack them . Remember the mesenger who brings bad news gets killed ?

To put the record straight for circumsised people . It makes no diference , orgasms are in your head , if you have one nerve in your organ or billions is irelevant . Disabled people like ME are the proof . I am qualified to talk about it as i am efected by it . I was paralised from the waist down , i was in a wheel chair and was told i would never walk again , that i was going to die because they didnt want to give me dyalisis because i had tried to kill myself because i had been sodomised by the british police a la guantanamo bay and abu graib . You could hit my dick with a hammer and i would laugh . Inspite of that i have orgasms just like i used to before it happened .

I understand the bit you said about a wise man , thank you for ofering help , thank you all for that . Blind people are blind , should i acept that there is a good chance that they would walk infront of a car and hurt themselves and stop trying to help them , dont warn them that they are about to hurt themselves , kill them at birth ? There is no person that i would refuse to help if they needed it , there is no way to painfull or long , i said before that if i have to i will collect every grain of sand on every beach in the universe , put them in a row , count them and number them , if that is what it takes .

Lots of you have defended what i have said here on this site , or sent me private messages and emails encouraging me to cary on , telling me that i am the only reason that they come to this site . Thanking me for bringing a bit of sanity here . What about you all showing some social conscience and instead of you telling me i should not react as i do why dont you tell the people who are insulting me , being hostile to me , not to ? Why not tell them when they use words wrong ? Or at least a bit of both ?

If i dont apear here anymore you know that i have been baned for being honest .

I wish you all conscious dreams , not unconscious nightmares ???


GOD a dit:
telling me that i am the only reason that they come to this site .

Sorry, but this single sentence ruined an already precarious (if not totally nonsense) speech...

I don't think you're a bad person, but you sure look like to be in need for help, people here were and some are still willingfull to give you this help, just try not to lock yourself in your own imaginary world...
I dont want to cause trouble , i`m doing my best to be helpfull and friendly , please can you be patient with me and if i make any mistakes or am unintentionaly objectionable please try to help me to get it right without insulting me or baiting me over and over again . I have been told you all have offered me help , said that you want to be friendly here , so do i . Can you please show me that friendlyness and help from now on ? I will do my best to do that with you to . I have said that i will change my styl , will you please give me the chance to do that and stop the witch hunt ? You know that i get very upset when people take swipes at my personality instead of talking about what i say . What about the people who have offered me help giving me help ? Why doesnt someone say next time that someone has a go at me "Hey , leave him alone , hes on his knees , hes hurting , stop kicking him when he is down , hes told us that he is so upset that he cant eat , sleep or shit and that he is dissabled , maybe thats why he cant understand what we expect from him " ?

Joshvu why havent you done it ??? You owe me that as far as i`m concerned ???

I just gave up in public , said i would change my styl , i said the end and ment it . And then i feel like someone has poured oil on the fire , instead of just letting it stop . I dont understand . Please rutger can we just close this thread before anyone else starts again . I dont want to get banned .
what a mess this thread.

why don't ya come over to my place and smoke a phat joint over it ?:)

for that matter, an international psychonaut meeting would be cool someday.

I am sure we'd laugh at the total absense of body language in forum messages.

The voice of sanity speaks .
oooh yeah a psychonaut gathering.....and lots of joints (FAT ones of best quality) to calm people down
i like
really like the idea :D
(kinda utopic, but nice.......)
B-I-G FAT pure joints with hash cake and vanila vla with cream on top . A nice bycycle ride , a few hours lying around in the sun , swimming to cool down and
then a psychedelic trance party afterwards . A long distance telepathic party , i hope it works and you all get a buzz of the family pack i`m smoking .
Ps . If anyone else has any sugestions to make improvements maybe they could add them to mine . And if he / she does not reply maybe we can start a wich hunt and track him / her down and ask him / her personaly . I`m sure the trail begins in Amsterdumb ?

What about a gallery with user pictures, so that all fucked op junks and freaked out [insert drug here]-heads, as well as the regular users can show the rest of the web who they are?

Btw: wich hunts are out of date. Isn´t that a bit to crude?
Good idea .
Heres two more sugestions .
Maybe a thread "Ask the experts" or "Unanswered questions" where people can deposit questions that experts could answer . Maybe two threads , one with the ideas and a discussion about them and another closed one with only the questions . I think that we have enough questions , i have loads , and that there are enough experts out there . I would think that the guy who rûns this site knows most , if not all of the people in the dutch scene that could help . I think its time that they did a little more than sell very expensive dubious products and celebreate themselves . We are a network wich i am sure extends to experts as well , if we all asked the people we know and they asked the people they know we should get all the answers we need . Maybe this site would get a big boost , a reputation for spreading knowledge , for solving problems and helping each other rather than one famous for mobbing and spreading childish subjective hokus pokus .

What about a "Free styl corner" where people could say exactly what they think without being falsely acused of being hostile by wimps ? I dont mean a shit slinging corner or one where people can make threats against each other , i mean one where adults can comunicate like adults . Where adults can defend themselves and give an honest reply without being threatened with being banned ?
GOD, GOd, God, god...
This is in no way an attempt on your credibility or personality, as much of the replies have seemed to you at least. In my view you are being incredibly sensitive to the replies people are offering; and I would think that it is your perception of these posts rather than their intention that drives your anguish. No one is making an attempt at your life or attacking your point of view because of the manner in which you convey yourself to the rest of the community, as dissmembered as that may be; rather you are seeing their confusion at the incoherence of your posts in a derogatory sense.
That is, in my opinion, exactly the thing psychonauts advocate against. Making assumptions and snowballing a topic based on your ego or lack there of is a desecration of the intentions of this website and of mind exploration in general. Dealing in absolutes and cold hard facts misses the point of experiencing and discovering these things for oneself.
Again, this may seem like a heartless attempt on your life but I find it just as confusing reading your posts, and English is my first and only language, so you don’t earn any points for your overall credibility by saying that ‘foreigners don’t understand me’. We don’t understand or can’t comprehend because none, or very little, of your immense speeches makes any sense! (beyond a very shallow level)

I respect your right to make and express your opinions, as anyone else here does, but I think you should revise the manner in which you convey your messages; or at least get some kind of translator.

I also agree with the international psychonaut conference. That would be the night where more cannabis is consumed than 420 :D and a Psytrance party to boot...

Sorry if I have only thrown more fuel on the proverbial fire but I had to voice my opinion after reading this massive and desecrated thread. I don’t think you will get banned; that makes us just as bad as the governments, unjust systems and societal values we loath and want to overthrow :)

Daaaaaamn, if I knew I missed out on this shit I would've come back to this forum any sooner.

What passion, what anxiety, what frustration and ofcourse in the end, brothering :cry:
Better then the last "womans movie" I saw :mrgreen::thumbsup:

Good to know that at the end of the day, everyone is still friends.
Like the carebears :vomit:

Now without all the bs ok?

We'll have to have enough time to be fighting others anyway....
everybody: "joint" and laugh :lol:
Wow!!! 7709 views for this theme , is there a theme view statistic score list anywhere ? Whats the record ? And if i win do i get a prise sometime ???

An explenation for all the site royalty lurking blindly around in the background , the puking carebears , womens movie fans and shallow water swimmers , and especialy for those who missed the lead up to this thread because they joined the site at the end of the wich hunt ...... And to keep the thread alive in the hope of getting the record !!!

Point one is i think that everyone who comes on the net knows that it is open to all eyes and that that can be very dangerous , and that people are advised not to show to much of themselves or give true information about themselves . SO I DONT.....

I hope that woke up a few dormant brains , maybe some people will learn to laugh and not take things and especialy themselves so seriously anymore , even if they still dont understand on whos cost the joke is ( still ) on.....

Point two , i came here because i found the site in google and was shocked to see how many dickheads were talking childish crap about things that they didnt understand . Giving the scene a bad name with their kindergarten blah , blah about ribena and other backward fantasy myths . I tried to offer facts and proof of what i said because the mob kept screaming at me to prove what i say . So i did . I then discovered that there is a sort of hyerarchy , or pecking order here , stars and want to be stars with swollen egos and imaginary reputations that they thought were being undermined and that they had to defend . I was the new kid in town and got attacked by nearly everyone starting at the bottom up to the people who think that they are the stars here . Then Heartcore tried to cool things down, god bless him , and we got in each others hair . I didnt want that as i like him and what he does here and think he is the heart and soul of the site . So i said "I dont run away with my tail between my legs " and promptly did it . To take the preasure off him , and put the bad vibes on me . I then made a plan , how the wars against me could be stopped . I waited 6 months and came back with guns blazing , giving everyone who needed it a broadside , trying to push things to the limit . To show people that i can defend myself , that i am frightened of no one , not even the moderators (* see note) and if anyone attacked me that i bite back HARD . I was sure that the site administrators are prety cool people and that before i got banned i would be warned , and it was so . The plan then called for me to crucify myself in public , while bleading in peoples faces as loudly and as much as possible , to shame them , and myself , to make it realy embarrasing , before i got officialy crucified and banned . I was sure that someone with a brain would come and defend me and phalaris and few others did . Then i planed to raise myself from the dead , wich i did and show a much nicer face . I was sure that the attacks against me would stop either because people would be to embarresed to have a go at me again , or find me to embarrasing to even come near me , or because they were sure that i would burn them . And as you can see it worked , no one has a go at me anymore , and i dont burn people anymore .

* In the background i have had unwanted skirmishes with 4 moderators , acusations from 6 , been threatened with being banned 3 times and 2 times i have been falsly accused of trying to force my own believes on other people without either of the acusers explaining what they meant . I felt like i had been judged from above , had had other peoples problems projected on me and been falsly condemed without any of them asking me why i say what i say . I know that a lot of the facts that i use might sound like personal opinions to people who dont have enough brains or experience to know either way , or who are to egoistic to ask what i mean . The last thing i want to do is to railroad people , i want them to have enough self confidence to come out and ask me why i say what i say , and / or what i mean if they dont like it or dont understand it. To talk to each other like equals and not just wrongly think things like i am trying to push my own believes on other people , or that i think i am a star . On the other side 5 moderators have said good things to me . thanks to them .

PS :- Why do you all think that the site has got such a boost , that since 1-1-2007 the visitors numbers have doubled from 15.000 visitors to over a 30.000 = doubling in the last 9 months ??? What has changed here ??? Why are there more intelligent users writing more posts than ever before here ??? Why didnt those people come here before ??? Why has the kiddy crap stopped ???

I`m not asking you to answer those questions , but if you do please dont tell me why not , tell me why ???