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Dear Mr. / Mrs. Psychonuts

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
  • Date de début Date de début
Dantediv86 a dit:
Jahvisions a dit:
Most people can control their thoughts but GOD you are always screaming and acting rude. Sorry but you are a narrowminded person.
not to defend god or get in his favours...but he doeasn't seem narrowminded to me...he sure is aggressive in his writing ....but narrowmindedness is different

Agressiveness is the opposite of surrendering and he surely isnt narrowminderd. I don't like to talk about people who are actually here and can be addressed directly:

Good afternoon GOD, how's your day today?

O holy one , o great and mighty psychonuts in the sky . Please allow me to explain and apologise for my sinns ?

Dear Psycho ,
( I think we dont know eachother long enough now so that i can use your first name ) . The thread was meant to be HELPFULL , a place where people could sugest things to improve the quality of Psychonerds.com . I thought that a bit of humor , fantasy and creativity , all very obviously missing here , might fend of the legions of doom and gloom that seem to have taken over here . To remind them that a psychosnorts best defense / weapon is humor . That he does not take himself to seriously , and that he does not masturbate his own ego . BUT , you can take a horse to water but you cant make him drink . SORRY .

I had hatched one of my fiendish double trouble plans and was going to start a new religeon "The holy psychonuts mystery cult church" . I had got use to my new title , pope god the first , had rewritten "spirit in the sky" changing the words to "psychonuts in the sky" and also changed the words of "psychodad" in the same way . I have 3 relics from his holynes T.McKENNA . two hand signed sweaty old socks he had to sell in south america to get the maschine elves a plane ticket to the states and a bucket full of puke ( certified by A.J.s friend Oleg the bouncer ) from his last trip . BUT....... Some people here are so dumb that they would have joined and maybe started a cult that would fuck up the world for another two thousand years , again . That they would start pilgrimages to solve the holy mystery and find you . I realise that you are in hideing because you dont want your privacy to be circumsised by zillions of loonys stealing holy relics out of your garden , or KIDNAPING the mini psychonerds . SORRY .


High guys ,

Jahvisions ,
No i dont think i`m narowminded . And you think i`m a "rude boy" ???? like Bob Marley ??? thanx .

Dantediv86 ,
Pissed of is to big a word . I dont think "sitting naked with 100s of hooks in his skin and a drip in his arm dripping cocaine and morphine ," is crude . It is what some people enjoy and if its between consenting adults i have nothing against it . Amsterdam has a very big colourfull sado maso scene . I done like pain but i like to mix with ALL sorts of people . The morphine and coke bit sounds like fun to me . But realy it was meant to symbolise decadence , ....... and embarace proods ?

"for example if the thai virgins are >15 that is pedophily (and that is as crude as crude can get, in my opinion)"

I think that this thought YOU had is crude . Do you think of 15 year olds when you think of sex ? I dont . Do you mean it would be crude of me if i thought like you ???? ........... Laugh , i am , dont flip out , its easyer .

Heartcore ,
Thanx , i understand what you meant in your two posts , you are right . I think we all also understood what Dantediv86 said about Ignorance isn't bliss wich is also right .
"Good afternoon GOD, how's your day today?"

Better since i read this thread , thanx .


Why did i say the search would start in amsterdam ?.... because Arther thas already told me who Mr.Psychonuts" is !!!!
If humor is your best asset, why not use it? :?
"If humor is your best asset, why not use it?"

WOW !!! When i read that i was gob smacked for two hours and i now have a headache through shaking my head so mutch . Are you german ??? Have you no sense of humor !!!!! I´v had some blind answers to some of the things i `ve said here , but that was about the blindest yet . As arthers mom says "There is no one as blind as someone who wont see " .

On the subject of being crude . I think what was meant was ordinary , common and / or vulgar . I am me , and i`m going to stay me . Just try to imagine you are trying to "comunicate" with a foreigner and you have to translate every thing he says . Do you think foreigners or foreign languages are crude ??? I think that that is narrow mindedness ? Is there anyone in the world who does not use "bad"(???) words or think them . Words like ficken , focken and fucking have latin roots they meant having fun , nothing "bad" . Please dont expect me to vocaly cercumsise myself , to force myself into a verbal korset .

You're a strange fella, maybe you should stay away from psychedelics, they don't seem to do you much good.
"You're a strange fella, maybe you should stay away from psychedelics, they don't seem to do you much good."

YOU think i`m a strange fellow because YOU dont / wont understand me , or eaven try . Psychedelics dont seem to YOU to do me mutch good in YOUR telepathic long distance opinion , but YOU have just admited that YOU dont understand me anyway by calling me strange so YOUR whole "problem" is that YOU dont understand . I am wondering if YOU are just trying to anoy me ??? Whats YOUR problem ??? Have YOU a chip on YOUR shoulders ??? Why not try to explain , to comunicate and not just blind codemnation . It sounds like YOU are talking about yourself and just projecting YOUR own personal problems onto me .

You are rather abnoxious.
Brewmaster ,
Do you ever come to europe ? I would love to meat you ? I`d be prepared to travel to you ?Just let me know and i am sure i can give you a helping hand or two .

I would prefer it if you have nothing to say , that you would stop saying it . I have no time for your pettyness , snotyness , childishness , inferiority complex and / or snyd coments . And if there are to many forskins here as you say i think yours is one of them .

I`ve bent over backwards trying to comunicate with you and all you have done is to be hardcore "tuntig" .

GOD a dit:
"You're a strange fella, maybe you should stay away from psychedelics, they don't seem to do you much good."

YOU think i`m a strange fellow because YOU dont / wont understand me , or eaven try .

he thinks x because he doesnt understand?
Maybe -?- he does understand(in his way) and maybe he did try and his conclusion was that he thinks you're strange?

I think we can't really judge people here, we can only give our opinion on what some one has written on this forum.

There are no facts only interpertations -
There are no facts only interpertations -

since i registered, i have waited for a nietzsche quote. thank you JosVU. now i can drink a beer and watch champion's league at peace.
"If humor is your best asset, why not use it?"

WOW !!! When i read that i was gob smacked for two hours and i now have a headache through shaking my head so mutch . Are you german ??? Have you no sense of humor !!!!! I´v had some blind answers to some of the things i `ve said here , but that was about the blindest yet . As arthers mom says "There is no one as blind as someone who wont see " .

Yea but if you would have just responded with a joke instead of this, you would have proven him wrong and had us all laugh for a few moments ;)

Thats a missed opportunity :)


Here's one of his little gems that made me laugh....


"If you want to know how clean you work try making a P. Harmala extract and then turn the lights off and turn an ultra violet lamp on and be SHOCKED....... me and A.J. just tried it in his moms kitchen while she was away for the week... some dick head ( me ) had not been concentrating after smoking one of A.J.s pure grass joints and took the wooden spoon??? that he had been stiring a mixture up with and put it straight into another mixture wich was cooking next to it , the one was PH 4 and the other was PH 8 ?!?!?!........ = it foamed up and splatered all over the floor..... and me ..... A.J. went nuts hystericaly laughing and shouting "you fucking stupid fucking cunt , my fucking mom will fucking kill me" over and over again , i was gob smacked looking at a two and a half meter black guy on his hands and knees trying to wipe it all up in his armani suite as the most work i had ever seen him do before was to roll a joint or make a line of coke . THE WHOLE KITCHEN was covered in it , floresent drips and drops and hand / finger prints every where and ALL over our clothes to . His mom didnt notice anything , we are just praying that no one ever turns a U.V. light on there because she would throw a terminal wobbler ( = FLIP OUT and kill us ). "

Doing extractions in your friend's mom's kitchen.........and you have the nerve to call me childish.

Honestly, what are you?

If you want people to help you, you need to calm the fuck down, listen to the advice being given to you and stop going on your insane, little rants about rue not potentiating mushrooms, circumcision and the like.
GOD a dit:
"You're a strange fella, maybe you should stay away from psychedelics, they don't seem to do you much good."

YOU think i`m a strange fellow because YOU dont / wont understand me , or eaven try . Psychedelics dont seem to YOU to do me mutch good in YOUR telepathic long distance opinion , but YOU have just admited that YOU dont understand me anyway by calling me strange so YOUR whole "problem" is that YOU dont understand . I am wondering if YOU are just trying to anoy me ??? Whats YOUR problem ??? Have YOU a chip on YOUR shoulders ??? Why not try to explain , to comunicate and not just blind codemnation . It sounds like YOU are talking about yourself and just projecting YOUR own personal problems onto me .

Not understanding something and calling it strange are different things, and projection is a whole different thing aswell. Don't use psychology terms if you don't know their meaning (or do and look silly).

Anyway, I think you're strange cause you're all like 'HeY psychoNerds!! someone fix this stupid site cause something doesnt worke over heree!!'
And then when people comment on your attitute you get all ike 'but you dont understanand!! humour!! amsterdam doenst like tourists!!!'
and more crap like that. But I could be just projecting my personal problems onto you, who knows.
Dear GOD ,

You are a lyer . you are mentaly ill , you are abnoxious , you are insane .




Produced by ABNOXIOUS productions ®©
Copyright (c) 2007.All rights reserved.
GOD a dit:
Dear GOD ,

You are a lyer . you are mentaly ill , you are abnoxious , you are insane .




Produced by ABNOXIOUS productions ®©
Copyright (c) 2007.All rights reserved.

What's the point you're trying to make here? :lol:
I truely don't understand a thing of the posts you make... No offence but, I wonder if it has to do with language, or that it might just be your personality.
god is here to provoke....... let's feed him... and anwser them posts.
let him be. go on you GOD.....
I am trying every way i can to stop the witch hunt every time i say something , to make people open their eyes . People keep taking it personaly when i say something that they believe to be a fact is not a fact . Have i said one single thing here that isnt true ? I`m not atacking anyone or being hostile , i`m telling people truthes that they dont like to hear . I am not sure if i am alowed to explain as i have just had what i take to be the yellow card from the people who run this site ? I`m not sure as it was very , very unclear ? I think i understand that i must jump but they didnt tell me how high ? I´m not sure what the "oficial site facts" are that i`m not alowed to contradict ? I dont understand why people are alowed to slag me off over and over again or ruin my threads like someone did here , again , and i`m not alowed to defend myself ? I`m not sure if i am even alowed to reply to your posts directly or if they meant that i have to post my posts to the organisers first to get their oficial aproval and permission every time i reply to questions like yours ? This thread was meant to be helpfull to Mr / Mrs.psychonuts and humerous , but it got hijacked and circumsised , again . I think that the most people here dont understanmd humor because they are so used to watching bad comedy serials where they play loud claping so the thick people know when to laugh and i dont use smileys . If you look at my bible thread and see how positively that developed you will see that it is so good and runs so long because no one told me there that i`m insane , mentaly ill , a lier or told me that my foreskin is one to many here !!! I`m very touchy about predjudis , bigotry and big brother because i am 80% dissabled , unemployed , and live as a foreigner in a land where i am a "kanaker" = nigger . Sorry . Can you just stop a minute and think how i feel , put yourself in my position please . I have had enough of having other people rub their dirty nappys in my face so i will change my tactic .


Dear sensor ,

I`m sorry if i havent understood you ? please , cood you please explain to me exactly what i have done "wrong" please ? , if i have done something "wrong" please ? , before you ban me ? please So i can understand please , and not do it please . I`m not telepathic . Sorry , please .
You're are shouting a lot and that doesn't seem to me how a wise men should act. If you are more carefull to choose the right words maybe you get some respect instead of insulting or hurting a lot of people.
Damn, this topic started ages ago...

I thought this GOD story ended months ago :shock: