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De l'heroïne bientôt sous ordonnance ?

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Non mais par principe ça reste stupide c'est certain... Y'a pas à discuter là-dessus.
C'est faux en ce qui concerne les problèmes de trafiques: Les populations que tu mentionne sont en plein développement, et par conséquent les trois quart de ces pays sont peuplés de pauvres, et ce n'est certainement pas en traitant le problème en occident qu'on enrayera le problème; s'il n'écoulent plus d'héroïne (mais ils en écouleront toujours, bientôt même ils vendront des barils à l'état comme le pétrole -_-") ils trouveront toujours un autre produit qui coûte rien là-bas (comptez combien d'alcaloïdes surpuissants ont peut conçevoir à partir du pavot... C'est comme dans Minority report, ce sera plus l'héroïne mais la neuroïne...) à revendre aux pays occidentaux, et quand bien-même le problème de la drogue dans le triangle pakistan - afghanistan... et troisième sommet du triangle serait traité, faudrait regler celui du triangle asiatique! et bientôt ce sera plus des triangles mais des conglommérats de pays pauvres qui font du business comme les grandes puissances mondiales mais par dessous... On leur fournit des armes; ils nous fournissent la came c'est simple et le problème ne s'arrêtera AU MIEUX qu'à moyenne échelle, chaque coin pauvre de chaque pays de chaque continent engendre sa propre violence.

même si l'héroïne est sur ordonnance, si un héroïnomane veut vraiment arrêter, qu'il a de la volonté il y arrivera très bien avec de la Bupré ou de la méthadone, les héroïnomanes qui par contre vont aller voir leur toxicologue pour se faire préscrire des doses de rabla ce sera surement pas pour arrêter mais pour se déchirer pareil... Sauf qu'en effet, tous les toxicomanes auront beaucoup moins de problèmes (d'ou la mention de réussite en suisse Totoro; c'est une fausse réussite, un masque ni plus ni moins);
- déjà financièrement; ils auront plus à claquer 50 à 200€ par jour donc ils auront au moins de quoi avoir une télé et un canap'
- puis le produit sera meilleur, moins de merde ça je l'accorde
- moins de déstruction sociale, dans le sens ou le toxicomane "sur ordo" n'a pas besoin de fréquenter des dealers bien crados et peu scrupuleux...

En gros l'etat balaye le gros et fout toute la merde qui dépasse derrière une alternative semi-intelligente/semi-stupide

Les avis seront toujours partagés sur le sujet, et oui c'est peut-être marrant que ce soit moi ou un autre (ex)-toxicomane qui soit contre la proposition mais au moins on peut dire que je sais ce que je dis et je le dis pas pour rien... Après si ça vous amuse de perdre au compte-goûte vos fonctions motrices ou pisser avec une paille, c'est un choix. Je respecte...
Non mais c'est pas d'la came "made in Afghanistan ou Pakistan" l'héro de substitution, c'est une héroine fabriquée en laboratoires pharmaceutiques donc le problème de ces pays orientaux ne se pose meme pas (sauf pour ceux qui veulent continuer à toucher leur gramme de brown).
Moi je parlais du problème du manque, parce que soyons honnête c'est le plus gros mur à franchir pour arrêter (je parle en connaissance de causes je suis sous métha depuis 1an et demi et avant 1 an et demi de subu).
Je peux meme en parler fraichement car ce matin j'ai été en manque (j'me suis fais tiré une fiole pendant une soirée chez moi, j'avais qu'à pas les laisser trainer dans la cuisine dans le sac de la pharmacie), et bien ça faisait longtemps que j'avais pas ressenti ça mais c'est quasi insupportable, et c'est bien pour ça que la médecine moderne a compris le problème et que les sociétés pharmaceutiques sont venues vendre leurs merdes! Donc OUI, le manque physique il est horrible à supporter (perso je trouve, un p'tit consommateur ça va mais sinon c'est super hard les sensations dans les membres et les sueurs froides à répetitions qui durent des jours !!
Et bien moi j'exposais le côté chimique de ces molécules de substitution, pour la méthadone le manque dure 2 à 3 semaines, il est pénible mais moins que l'héro, par contre l'héro est plus pénible à arrêtée mais le manque dure entre 4 et 7 jours en fonction des personnes !! Et moi je voyais le problème très sainement, c'est sur que y'aura toujours des keum tout heureux de toucher leur came pharmaceutique pour se fonzdé la ganache, mais si t'es un battant ou un winner et que t'as envie de descendre les doses par palier et bien je pense que le succès de l'arrêt de traitement serait plus grand avec cette came médicale !!

Bien l'bonsoir je vais me remettre 2 ou 3 Jack Daniels dans l'cornet !
Moi je trouve ça bien pour des raison deja citées .
Et je trouverais mieux , si cela etait etendu a la coke .

J'mexplique : Personne ne me prouvera que le speed / la meth / les Cetones qui suxx , sont plus safe que la bonne fraiche (qui plus est si pharmaceutique, ou superieure ou egale a 75% pure)

Or il se trouve que la seule substitution possible et trouvable pour "mes confreres" cocainomanes , injcteurs freebaseurs , ou sniffeurs , c' est le speed , la meth , ou les bk-cetone .

Si on distribuait de quoi les tenirs a un dosage correct avec qualité constante , ce la eviterais bien des descentes au fond du trou / suicides / Od accidentelles en passant au MAR ou a-ppp etc ....

Je suis POUR , et je suis POUR l' extention a "l'autre" addiction majeure , qui est un réel fleau , (plus importante dans les chiffres) pour notre (et la suivante) génération , a savoir la coke .
accessoirement , mon ex est décédée, des suite d' injection d' une héroine trop pure , coupée avec un stéroïde bon marché .

La pharmacie n' aurait pas causé cette mort .
Ca aurait pas bousillé sa vie , ni la mienne, et le dealeur aurait encore ses dents .

Fuck .

Moi je trouve ça bien
+100 Dr_Oogie, pas de substitution pour la Yeyo et personne n'en parle.
Je suis pour ce genre de décisions aussi.
De manière étendue, pas seulement ciblée sur un prod.
En plus des tropanes ya ce qui faut...

Je pense aussi que les pays consommateurs devraient produire au lieu de faire produire leur merde par des pays pauvres, pour pouvoir ensuite leur démonter la gu***e sous ce prétexte.
Besorah a dit:
+100 Dr_Oogie, pas de substitution pour la Yeyo et personne n'en parle.
Je suis pour ce genre de décisions aussi.
De manière étendue, pas seulement ciblée sur un prod.
En plus des tropanes ya ce qui faut...

Je pense aussi que les pays consommateurs devraient produire au lieu de faire produire leur merde par des pays pauvres, pour pouvoir ensuite leur démonter la gu***e sous ce prétexte.

en plus enjoy le stuff


The Northeast Florida Investigative Support Center reports the appearance of “COCA NEGRA” or Black Cocaine coming into the U.S. from Jamaica. It is also being seen in the New England area and there is evidence that heroin traffickers are using the same method to move product into the U.S.
“Coca Negra” is produced by mixing pure cocaine with FERRORHODANIDE. This turns the cocaine into a dark brittle substance that can be dark red, blue-violet or black in color. In that form it can evade detection in field drug tests and with drug-sniffing canine. (The presence of Iron Thiocyanate prevents/masks a positive reading).

Traffickers have been shipping the powder in IBM brand toner cartridges. It is not sold on the street in the dark or black form. It has to be mixed with a solvent such as acetone or ether to extract the Ferrorhodanide.

“Securtec Drug-wipe test” has been one of a few tests that have worked in detecting the mixture. This should serve as an alert for officers conducting traffic stops and executing search warrants.

Cobalt and ferric chloride are virtually undetectable masking-chemicals.
They are mixed with pure cocaine - perhaps 40% - and later separated out.
In South America, customs' officers often use sniffer dogs that have been turned
into canine junkies. This ensures the dogs will avidly sniff out contraband narcotics.
Not only customs' officers rely on animal assistance. Dogs have recently
been used as "mules" by cocaine traffickers.
même nettoyé 4x a l' acetone ....
doit rester du "ferrugineux" et du caca de poule non ?

ca donne faim hein !

allé de la bonne moisissure pour se remettre d' aplomb Enjoy Claviceps .p
Voir la pièce jointe 4102
Ouep, un truc à se choper une sidérose, maladie de nos grands-parents. Ou encore une affection caractéristique: emphysème.
L'emphysème est une lésion définitive et pour l'instant les poumons ne repoussent pas et n'existent pas au rayon "artificiel" comme un pace-maker.

40%! Dans les deux cas paye tes fesses. Soit 40 de blanc soit 40 de ferreux. Faites vos jeux.

Celle là aussi elle me fait mal... Put**n de narcos.
Le « paco » (mot construit avec les deux premières syllabes des mots PAsta de COcaïna) a commencé à apparaître en Argentine, suite à la crise financière qu’a connue le pays en 2001. Le « paco », véritable fléau en Argentine, a d'abord été consommé par les jeunes des bidonvilles, d'où son surnom de drogue du pauvre.
Cette drogue semble se répandre et commencerait à toucher la classe moyenne, comme l'a indiqué en juillet dernier, une représentante de l'association "Madres en Lucha".
Cette drogue serait responsable de la mort de 10 personnes par semaine, uniquement dans la région de Buenos Aires. Il y aurait, selon les autorités argentines, 100 000 consommateurs de « paco ». La consommation de « paco » aurait augmenté de 200% en 6 ans.

Le « paco » est un mélange de résidus de cocaïne, de kérosène, de verre pilé et de produits chimiques, voire même de mort aux rats. Une cigarette de « paco » coûte environ un euro. Le « paco » induit une addiction très forte. Ses effets ne durant que quelques minutes, s'ensuit une envie compulsive et irrépressible de recommencer et de renouveler l'expérience.

Les jeunes se mettent à voler et vendent jusqu'à leurs vêtements pour pouvoir se procurer du « paco ».

Les effets du « paco » sont dévastateurs : dommages irréversibles du cerveau, perte de mémoire, de motricité, de réflexes et de poids, agressivité, hallucinations. Le « paco » peut tuer en moins de six mois. Les consommateurs de paco sont appelés les "morts-vivants".

Des femmes et des mères qui ont perdu un enfant, se sont réunies et ont formé le mouvement "Madres en Lucha contra el Paco " afin de dénoncer les ravages du « paco », drogue la moins chère et la plus destructrice du marché.
A quand sous nos latitudes?

Mais quand je regarde ta tof, j'oublie :mrgreen: Yabon Kykeon.
y' a l' OXY aussi (rien a voir avec contin ou morphone hein).

La pasta cuand elle est est fraiche pour procéder a l' extraction de la cocaina , il y a des residus (ie opium cuand on le rafinne , residus)
Ces residus de ... resine de coca, oxydée par les "reagents" , est revendue a "bon prix" a des mecs qui se l' envoye .

Je resume ils s' envoye un residus, aka dechet, bourré de traces (même plus des traces ) d'agents, d' acides, d' oxydants ....

Enjoy . C' est de la Rdr : rien de rien .

ha l' est loin, la pasta fresca que encuentado al lado del cargo,
la buena , mi amora , blanca y fresca , ella es ,
me gusta mas que todo lo que puedes proposar , mi mujer, 'la vida 'la muerte , blanca commo su primo dia .

Elle est amère comme une femme,
elle est anesthesiante comme le sexe,
elle fait battre mon coeur comme l' amour ,
elle est fraiche comme la beauté de mon âme soeur ,
elle me tient en vie ,
et me tuera,
de la même incidence,sans aucune ressentie de sa part pieuse souffrance.

Buena la pasta fresca .

Le « paco » est un mélange de résidus de cocaïne, de kérosène, de verre pilé et de produits chimiques, voire même de mort aux rats. Une cigarette de « paco » coûte environ un euro. Le « paco » induit une addiction très forte. Ses effets ne durant que quelques minutes, s'ensuit une envie compulsive et irrépressible de recommencer et de renouveler l'expérience.

au moins : 100eu , que tu te met pas un coup de pompe !!!!

Mieux vaut partir sur de bonnes bases dans la vie
Marre d' entendre des connerie , et qu'on m' explique des conneries en MP , donc avant de parler d' ecgonine , si moi j' ai reussis a le lire , tout le monde le peut .

"Qui parle sème , qui écoute récolte "

(http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov) on March 7, 2010.
RN: 50-36-2


IDENTIFICATION: Cocaine is one of 14 alkaloids extracted from the leaves
of two species of coca: Erythroxylum coca (found in South America, central
America, India and Java) and Erythroxylum novogranatense (in South
America). Cocaine is a semi-synthetic drug obtained from ecgonine, a
product of the saponification of coca alkaloids.

Street cocaine used by
addicts can be mixed with a number of diluants, and these include
amphetamines, anti-histamines, benzocaine, inositol, lactose, lidocaine,
mannitol, opioids, phencyclidine, procaine, sugars, tetracaine, and
sometimes arsenic, caffeine, quinidine, and even flour or talc. Cocaine
freebase and cocaine hydrochloride are white solid crystals. Cocaine
hydrochloride is now used only for anaesthesia of the respiratory tract.
HUMAN EXPOSURE: Main risks and target organs: The target organs are
central nervous system (CNS) and the cardio-vascular system.

Abuse of
cocaine leads to strong psychological dependence. Summary of clinical
effects: Effects depend on the dose, the other substances taken, the route
of administration and individual susceptibility. In low doses acute
intoxication causes euphoria and agitation.

Larger doses cause
hyperthermia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, chest pain, tachycardia,
ventricular arrhythmia, hypertension, extreme anxiety, agitation,
hallucination, mydriasis.

These can be followed by CNS depression with
irregular respirations, convulsions, coma, cardiac disturbances, collapse
and death. Chronic intoxication produces euphoria, agitation psychomotor,
suicidal ideation, anorexia, weight loss, hallucinations and mental

A withdrawal syndrome with severe psychiatric effects can
occur (euphoria, depression). Physical signs of withdrawal have been
described. Clinical features: Acute cocaine poisoning produces signs
similar to acute amphetamine poisoning: psychiatric disturbance
(agitation, hallucinations), neurological effects (mydriasis,
convulsions), cardiovascular problems (tachycardia, raise in blood
pressure, arrhythmia and acute coronary insufficiency) and respiratory
difficulties (cardio-respiratory arrest). When agitation, convulsions,
acute coronary insufficiency are seen in a young patient without previous
cardiovascular problems, cocaine poisoning should be suspected. Headaches
may be due to stroke or transient ischemic attack or to intra-cerebral or
subarachnoid haemorrhage.

Spontaneous cerebral haemorrhage can occur in
normotensive subjects. Contraindications: Cocaine hydrochloride should not
be used intra-ocularly, because it can provoke corneal ulceration.
Solutions of cocaine should not be applied to burnt or abraded skin or
tissue supplied by terminal arterioles, because of the risks of ischemia
and tissue necrosis.
Oral: Cocaine can be abused by the oral or
sublingual route, and drug smugglers sometimes swallow the product in
packages of variable composition which may leak or rupture and cause
massive intoxication.
Inhalation: There is no therapeutic use for this
Parenteral: There is no therapeutic use for parenteral cocaine
administration. Other: Cocaine can also be administered rectally,
vaginally, and urethrally.

Cocaine has been used therapeutically for local
anaesthesia of the upper respiratory tract.

Absorption by route of
exposure: Cocaine is absorbed by all routes of administration, but the
proportion absorbed depends on the route.

After oral administration,
cocaine appears in blood after about 30 minutes, reaching a maximum
concentration in 50 to 90 minutes. In acid medium, cocaine is ionized,
and fails to cross into cells. In alkaline medium, there is less
ionization and the absorption rapidly increases.

By the nasal route,
clinical effects are evident 3 minutes after administration, and last for
30 to 60 minutes, the peak plasma concentration being around 15 minutes.
By oral or intra-nasal route, 60 to 80% of cocaine is absorbed.

By inhalation, the absorption can vary from 20 to 60%, the variability being
related to secondary vasoconstriction.
Freebase does not undergo
first-pass hepatic metabolism, and plasma concentrations rise immediately.

The effects on the brain occur very rapidly, after about 8 to 12 seconds,
are very violent flash, and last only 5 to 10 minutes. By the intravenous
route blood concentrations rise to a peak within a few minutes.

Distribution by route of exposure:

Cocaine is distributed within all body
tissues, and crosses the blood brain barrier.

Metabolism: Cocaine
metabolism takes place mainly in the liver, within 2 hours of

The rate of metabolism varies according to plasma

The principle metabolites are therefore benzoylecgonine,
ecgonine methyl ester, and ecgonine itself, which are inactive; and
norcocaine which is active, and may be relevant after acute intoxication.
In the presence of alcohol, a further active metabolite, cocaethylene is
formed, and is more toxic then cocaine itself

The rate of cocaine
metabolism is reduced in pregnant women, aged men, patients with liver
disease, and those with congenital choline esterase deficiency.

Elimination and excretion: 1 to 9% of cocaine is eliminated unchanged in
the urine, with a higher proportion in acid urine. The metabolites
ecgonine methyl ester, benzoylecgonine, and ecgonine are recovered in
variable proportions which depend on the route of administration. At the
end of 4 hours, most of the drug is eliminated from plasma, but
metabolites may be identified up to 144 hours after administration.
Unchanged cocaine is excreted in the stool and in saliva. Cocaine and
benzoylecgonine can be detected in maternal milk up to 36 hours after
administration, and in the urine of neonates for as much as 5 days.
Freebase cocaine crosses the placenta, and norcocaine persists for 4 to 5
days in amniotic fluid, even when it is no longer detectable in maternal

Mode of action:


The main target organs are the
central nervous system and cardiovascular system.
Effects depend on the
dose, other substances taken, the route of administration, and individual
susceptibility Cardiovascular effects: the mechanism of cardiovascular
toxicity is unclear. Increased circulating catecholamine concentrations
cause excessive stimulation of alpha- and beta-adrenoceptors. The
cardiovascular effects are dose-dependent. At low doses there is vagal
stimulation with bradycardia. At moderate doses, because of adrenergic
stimulation, there is a rapid increase in cardiac output, myocardial
oxygen consumption, and blood pressure (followed by a fall). This may
have several consequences.

There is a risk of myocardial infarction, both
the subjects with coronary atheroma and those with normal coronary
arteries (when it is unclear if the mechanism is thrombosis, embolism, or
spasm); there is a risk of spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage, which may
occur even in subjects with normal blood pressure. This may be a
consequence of arterial malformation, ischemia, arterial vasoconstriction,
cerebral vasculitis, cardiac rhythm disturbance, or myocardial infarction.
At very high doses, cocaine can cause cardiac arrest by a direct toxic
effect on the myocardium. Cocaine can cause intestinal ischemia or
gangrene. The intestinal vasculature contains alpha receptors, which are
stimulated by norepinephrine, leading to an increase in arterial
resistance, intense vaso constriction, and a reduction in cardiac output.
Action on the central nervous system: the neurotoxic actions of cocaine
are complex and involve several sites and mechanisms of action. Euphoria,
confusion, agitation, and hallucination result from an increase in the
action of dopamine in the limbic system.
Cortical effects lead to pressure
of speech, excitation, and a reduced feeling of fatigue; stimulation of
lower centers leads to tremor and tonic-clonic convulsion; brain stem
effects lead to stimulation and then depression of the respiratory
vasomotor and vomiting centres. Cocaine causes hyperthermia as a result of
two mechanisms: the increase in muscular activity and a direct effect on
thermal regulatory centers. The visceral effects on liver and kidney are
due to dopaminergic action of cocaine, or its metabolites, or to
impurities. The abrupt increase intra-alveolar pressure can cause alveolar
rupture and pneumomediastinum. Rhabdomyolysis occurs as a result of
several different mechanisms: direct effect on muscle and muscle
metabolism, tissue ischemia, the effects of drugs taken with cocaine, such
as alcohol and heroin.


The principle effects of cocaine
are the result of its sympathetic action:

cocaine prevents the re-uptake
of dopamine and noradrenaline, which accumulate and stimulate neuronal
receptors. At the same time, the release of serotonin a sedative
neurotransmitter, is inhibited.

The inhibition of catecholamine re-uptake
does not explain the duration of action of cocaine, which may also result
from an increase in calcium flux, potentiating cellular responses and
causing receptor hypersensitivity. There may also be a direct effect on
peripheral organs.

Applied locally, cocaine blocks neuronal transmission:
this results in a powerful local anaesthetic action at the level of
sensory nerve terminals. Teratogenicity: A recent meta-analysis shows an
increase in congenital malformation rate in the offspring of
cocaine-users, particularly for abnormalities of the limbs, the
genito-urinary tract, and the cardiovascular, neurological, and digestive

Patients with choline esterase deficiency may develop severe
reactions. Interactions can occur with adrenaline, alpha- and
beta-blockers, vasoactive amines, antidepressants, chlorpromazine,
guanethidine, indomethacin, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, methyldopa,
naloxone, psychotropic medicines, and reserpine. There are metabolic
interactions with other local anaesthetics, cholinesterase inhibitors and
cytotoxic drugs. Chronic poisoning: Ingestion: Chronic ingestion of
cocaine can cause thoracic pain, changes on the electrocardiogram with
transient elevation of the ST segments and re-polarisation abnormalities;
and convulsions). Erosion of the teeth has been noted with chronic oral
ingestion. Inhalation: During inhalation of crack cocaine, chest pain
with changes on the electrocardiogram (re-polarization abnormalities and
transient ST segment elevation), and convulsions can occur. Reversible
cardiomyopathy with hypotension, hypoxemia and tachycardia, has been
described. A number of other symptoms have been described, though their
aetiology is not always clear. Cough, black or blood-stained sputum,
dyspnoea, thoracic pain, spontaneous pneumothorax, spontaneous
pneumomediastinum, and asthma (in a few cases) or immunoallergic lung
disease, have been described. Pulmonary granulomas and fibrosis,
bronchiolitis obliterans, and isolated arterial hypertension have also
been observed. Chronic cocaine intoxication causes anorexia, which leads
to weight loss, physical exhaustion, behavioral problems, and depression.
Skin exposure: Application of cocaine to skin or mucous membrane can cause
necrotic lesions. Eye contact: Repeated application of cocaine can cause
necrotic lesions. Other: Intranasal administration of cocaine can cause
necrosis and perforation of the nasal septum, atrophy of the nasal mucosa,
chronic sinusitis, and anosmia. Course, prognosis, cause of death: In
patients who are moderately poisoned, the symptoms have often
spontaneously resolved before emergency admission, and most patients leave
hospital within 36 hours.

Serious cocaine intoxication evolves in 3
phases: an early phase of stimulation, a second phase of hyper-stimulation
with tonic-clonic convulsions, tachyarrhythmias, and dyspnea, a third
phase of depression of the central nervous system, with loss of vital
function, paralysis, coma, and respiratory and circulatory collapse.
Two-thirds of deaths occur within five hours of administration, and
one-third within one hour after absorption of the drug, whatever the route
of administration. Systematic description of clinical effects:
Hematological: Disseminated intravascular coagulation has been observed in
subjects: platelet aggregation and thromboxane A2 levels are increased and
prostacyclin inhibited by cocaine. Immunological: Opportunist infections
such as cerebral mycosis, and infectious lung disease, have been described
in intravenous cocaine users. Metabolic: Acid-base disturbances;
electrolyte disturbances. Special risks: Pregnancy: cocaine causes
uterine hypercontractility, a reduced uterine blood flow, and placental
vasoconstriction. Thus, women cocaine addicts can develop hypertension of
pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, placental abruption, premature delivery,
and complications at delivery. Risks in the fetus: The offspring of
mothers who are cocaine addicts has an increased risk of genito-urinary,
cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and neurological malformations; even a
single exposure to cocaine during pregnancy can lead to cerebral
infarction or hematoma, or to failure of development of the blood supply
or nerve supply to fetal structures. In the new-born: Ventricular
tachycardia, cerebral infarction, convulsion, hypertension, and unilateral
hypotonia are seen with increased frequency. Sudden, unexplained death in
the babies of cocaine addicted mothers can occur during the first few
weeks of life. Breast feeding: Cocaine and benzoylecgonine are found in
maternal milk up to 36 hours after the use of cocaine. Enzyme
deficiencies: Subjects who are deficient in pseudocholinesterase can die
suddenly after cocaine. ANIMAL/PLANT STUDIES: Anabolic experiments have
shown that there is no true physical tolerance to the effects of cocaine,
but a very marked psychic tolerance which leads animals to auto-inject
cocaine to obtain the desired psychological effects, even though this may
lead to death. Teratogenicity: The studies in animals are contradictory

International Programme on Chemical Safety; Poisons Information
Monograph: Cocaine (PIM 139) (1999) Available from, as of May 19, 2005:

The subjective effects of CNS sympathomimetics, /amphetamine, cocaine,
& related drugs/, like those of all centrally active drugs, are
dependent on the user, the environment, the dose of the drug, & the
route of administration. For example, moderate doses of amphetamine given
orally to normal subjects commonly produce an elevation of mood, a sense
of increased energy & alertness, & decreased appetite; task
performance that has been impaired by fatigue or boredom is improved. Some
individuals may become anxious, irritable, or loquacious. A few may
experience transient drowsiness, but insomnia is more common. As the dose
is increased toward toxic levels, the effects of individual experiences
& of environment become less significant.
[Gilman, A.G., L.S.Goodman,and A. Gilman. (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of
Therapeutics. 7th ed. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1985., p.550]

Four to 8 hours after a single intranasal dose of cocaine (96 mg),
subjects report a decreased sense of energy & increased feelings of
tiredness & sedation.

Cocaine ... causes transient irregularity of the corneal epithelium,
pupillary dilation with the attendant hazard of precipitating acute
glaucoma in individuals having abnormally shallow anterior chambers, and
in overdosage may cause death. Many cases of acute glaucoma were reported
around 1900 from cocaine eyedrops, presumably representing angle closure
glaucoma secondary to mydriasis. ... The epithelium and stroma of the
cornea can be injured by repeated application of cocaine ... and in one
bizarre case corneal ulceration and scarring have been reported in an
addict who used the conjunctival sac as the route for self administration.
... Systemically, cocaine has no selective ocular toxic action, but there
have been instances of transient blackouts of vision with the onset of
unconsciousness in systemic poisoning. In association with pupillary
dilation, the lids become elevated and the eyes appear staring, owing to
the contraction of sympathetically innervated smooth muscle attached to
the lid. [Grant, W.M. Toxicology of the Eye. 3rd ed. Springfield, IL:
Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 1986., p. 248]

Cocaine does not produce the classical addiction pattern seen with opiates
& sedative hypnotics, despite the fact that heavy users develop acute
tolerance to the euphoric effects of cocaine as well as physical
withdrawal symptoms (eg, depression, insomnia, headaches, fatigue,
irritability, GI distress). Major physiological changes & strong
tolerance do not characteristically accompany medical or casual cocaine
use. Nevertheless, cocaine use definitely can lead to compulsive, drug
oriented behavior that causes social, economic, & physical
deterioration. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology -
Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 647] **PEER REVIEWED**

Reports of withdrawal like symptoms similar to those which occur in adults
exist. Neonates exhibit jitteriness, abnormal sleep patterns, poor feeding
& irritability. [Knoben, J.E. and P.O. Anderson (eds.) Handbook of
Clinical Drug Data. 6th ed. Bethesda, MD: Drug Intelligence Publications,
Inc. 1988., p. 207]

... /It is believed/ that with chronic use, cocaine users may manifest an
orderly progression of clinical syndromes from euphoria to paranoid
psychosis. The cocaine user normally develops a depressive aftermath &
often will use the drug again to dispel the depression. Thus, while
cocaine does not cause physical addiction, as does heroin, it causes
psychologic addiction ... [Haddad, L.M. and Winchester, J.F. Clinical
Management of Poisoning and Drug Overdosage. Philadelphia, PA: W.B.
Saunders Co., 1983., p. 445]

Cocaine addicts describe the euphoric effects of cocaine in terms that are
almost indistinguishable from those used by amphetamine addicts. In the
laboratory, subjects familiar with cocaine cannot distinguish between the
subjective effects of 16 mg of cocaine & those of 10 mg of
dextroamphetamine when both are given intravenously. Like amphetamine,
cocaine reduces the sense of fatigue & decrement in performance caused
by sleep deprivation. The toxic syndrome seen with cocaine seems
clinically indistinguishable from that produced by amphetamines. [Gilman,
A.G., L.S.Goodman, and A. Gilman. (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's The
Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 7th ed. New York: Macmillan
Publishing Co., Inc., 1985., p. 550]

While cocaine is commonly perceived as a sexual stimulant, its use is
assoc with difficulty in establishing an erection & delayed
ejaculation. [Knoben, J.E. and P.O. Anderson (eds.) Handbook of Clinical
Drug Data. 6th ed. Bethesda, MD: Drug Intelligence Publications, Inc.
1988., p. 114]

A recent survey of cocaine abusers suggests a link between cocaine abuse
and eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia). [Ellenhorn, M.J. and
D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p.

With time, tolerance develops to the euphorigenic effects of amphetamine;
higher & more frequent doses are used, & toxic symptoms &
signs then appear. These include bruxism, touching, & picking of the
face & extremities, suspiciousness, & a feeling of being watched.
Perceptual changes & pseudohallucinations may also occur with cocaine.
The most common of these are tactile ("cocaine bugs" in the skin) &
visual ("snow lights"). In addn, the user seems facinated or preoccupied
with his own thinking processes & with philosophical concerns about
"meanings" & "essences". Stereotypical, repetitious behavior is
common. Many patients who later show a full-blown toxic psychosis exhibit
a compulsion to take apart mechanical objects. They also have a compulsion
to put them together, but are usually too disorganized to do so. [Gilman,
A.G., L.S.Goodman, and A. Gilman. (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's The
Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 7th ed. New York: Macmillan
Publishing Co., Inc., 1985., p. 552]

Cocaine occurs in abundance in the leaves of the coca shrub (Erythroxylon
coca). For centuries, Andean natives have chewed an alkali extract of
these leaves for its stimulatory and euphoric actions.
[Hardman, J.G.,L.E. Limbird, P.B. Molinoff, R.W. Ruddon, A.G. Goodman (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 9th ed. New York, NY:McGraw-Hill, 1996., p. 331]

In contrast /to the chewing of coca leaves by the natives of the Andes/,
the smoking of coca paste (60-80% cocaine sulfate) by younger people
living in urban areas of Peru is assoc with a variety of
psychopathological states (euphoria, hypertalkativeness, irritability,
stereotypical behaviors, insomnia, wt loss, & toxic psychosis),
neglect of work, & a preoccupation with obtaining money to purchase
coca paste. ... Some users may smoke more than 40 g each day ... /Coca
paste (60-80% cocaine sulfate)/ [Gilman, A.G., L.S.Goodman, and A. Gilman.
(eds.). Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics.
7th ed. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1985., p. 552]

Many of those who use amphetamine & cocaine are best described as
"recreational" or occasional users, but some become dependent. A small
percentage of the latter ... seem able to restrict drug intake &
function productively (stabilized addicts). Others show progressive social
& occupational deterioration, punctuated by periods of hospitalization
for toxic psychosis. In terms of the compulsion to continue use, the
degree to which a drug pervades the life of the user, & the tendency
to relapse following withdrawal, some compulsive users of amphetamine or
cocaine are addicts. The risk of developing patterns of compulsive use is
not limited to those who use drugs intravenously or smoke cocaine as the
base. Severe dependence with psychological, physical, & vocational
impairment is also seen among those who use cocaine intranasally. It is
not clear whether the dependence syndromes caused by amphetamine or
cocaine are as persistent as that produced by opioids. ... Very little is
known of the natural history of cocaine dependence. [Gilman, A.G.,
L.S.Goodman, and A. Gilman. (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's The
Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 7th ed. New York: Macmillan
Publishing Co., Inc., 1985., p. 552]

A case of perinatal cerebral infarction assoc with maternal cocaine use
has been reported. The mother used cocaine intranasally during her first 5
weeks of pregnancy & then discontinued until the 3 days just prior to
delivery, during which time she used 5 g of cocaine intranasally. The
infant's initial exam was within normal limits except for mild decreased
muscle tone of the right upper extremity & tachycardia as high as 180
beats per minute. He later had several episodes of apnea & cyanosis
& suffering multiple focal seizures. A CT scan at 24 hours of life
showed a cerebral hemorrhage. At 3 months of age the infant's head
circumference had fallen from the 50th percentile at birth to the 5th
percentile. [Knoben, J.E. and P.O. Anderson (eds.) Handbook of Clinical
Drug Data. 6th ed. Bethesda, MD: Drug Intelligence Publications, Inc.
1988., p. 207]

In one small study of pregnant cocaine addicts, one mother delivered a
child manifesting the prune belly syndrome, which was similar to the
cryptorchidism and hydronephrosis produced in gravid mice. Spontaneous
abortion rates and the incidence of abruptio placentae (especially after
iv cocaine injection) were increased in the group of pregnant cocaine
addicts, perhaps because of placental constriction and incr uterine
contractility that occur after cocaine use. Neonates exposed to cocaine
from this group of mothers displayed significant depression of interactive
behavior and poor organizational response to external stimuli. In a case
control study of 50 cocaine abusing mothers, reduced birth weight, incr
malformation rates, and higher incidences of abruptio placentae and
stillbirths were detected. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical
Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY:
Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 649]

There is no strong evidence to suggest that intrauterine cocaine exposure
causes fetal malformation. [Knoben, J.E. and P.O. Anderson (eds.) Handbook
of Clinical Drug Data. 6th ed. Bethesda, MD: Drug Intelligence
Publications, Inc. 1988., p. 207]

/In a controlled study/, a 25 mg intranasal cocaine dose produces slight
elevations in systolic pressure & subjective feeling of euphoria. A 16
mg intravenous dose simulates the effects of the average dose that
subjects self inject on the street. Both intravenous & intranasal
doses produce significant physiological & psychological changes. ...
Toxic reactions are difficult to predict, because of variations in street
impurities, adulterants, cocaine content, & individual tolerance.
[Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and
Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing
Co., Inc. 1988., p. 648]

... The two most common presentations to an emergency department from
cocaine overdose have been seizures and cardiac arrhythmias. ...
Hypertension or hyperthermia or both also may be present. ... In critical
cases, cardiac or respiratory arrest may be the presenting picture.
[Haddad, L.M. and Winchester, J.F. Clinical Management of Poisoning and
Drug Overdosage. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Co., 1983., p. 446]

Cocaine-related deaths result from all routes of admin, incl intravenous,
nasal, vaginal, and oral, as well as from accidental and inflicted trauma.
[Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and
Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing
Co., Inc. 1988., p. 644]

Although the oral lethal dose of cocaine is usually given as 1200 mg,
death has been reported to follow as little as 20 mg of parenterally admin
cocaine. [Haddad, L.M., Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug
Overdose. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Co., 1990., p. 731]

/Exposure by insufflation causes a/ reactive hyperemia of nasal mucosa ...
/which produces/ a peristent rhinitis. Erosions and, less often, nasal
perforation complicate chronic use. ... Deep inhalation may deposit
adulterants near the ethmoid sinuses, leading to sinusitis. ... In
addition, pulmonary granulomas, abdominal colic, dyspnea on exertion,
cough, pulmonary opacities, & cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea have been
reported after admin via the nasal route. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald,
G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and
Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins,
1997., p. 372]

Chronic cough and bronchitis productive of black or blood-tinged sputum
frequently result from habitual freebase smoking. Pneumomediastinum and
pneumothoraces have been reported after the prolonged Valsalva maneuvers
associated with freebasing. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J.
Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of
Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p.

Anorexia, wt loss, malnutrition, water soluble vitamin deficiencies,
dehydration, pallor, tremor, & isolated convulsions are seen in
habitual cocaine users. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical
Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY:
Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 653]

The practice of inhaling or smoking cocaine is reported to produce a
significant reduction of carbon monoxide diffusing capacity /pulmonary
function test/, suggesting that depositing cocaine alkaloid in the alveoli
damages the pulmonary gas exchange surface. This alteration in respiratory
function was found during the cocaine free interval, indicating that long
term effects of regular use of freebase may lead to sustained pulmonary
damage. Clinical reports of hoarseness, bronchitis, and bloody
expectoration are increasing. [Weiss RD et al; Am J Psychiatry 138 (8):
110-2 (1981) as cited in DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 61: Cocaine
Use in America: Epidemiologic and Clinical Perspectives p.155 (1985) DHHS
Pub No. (ADM)87-1414]

The risk for acute overdose reactions increases with speedballing, either
because of the stimulant effect or the depressant effect. [DHHS/NIDA;
Research Monograph Series 61: Cocaine Use in America: Epidemiologic and
Clinical Perspectives p.197 (1985) DHHS Pub No. (ADM)87-1414]

Serious mental and physical consequences can result from the intense
reinforcing nature of the drug. With intravenous use, coca paste smoking,
or the inhalation of cocaine alkaloid vapors (freebasing), the desired
mood altering effects are detectable in seconds and disappear in a few
minutes. This means an immediate reward with a rapid decline to baseline
mood levels or below. Both the positive and the negative reinforcers drive
the person to consume more cocaine. When cocaine is sniffed, the curve has
a lower peak and a longer duration, but compulsive, incessant patterns of
usage with nasal absorption are increasingly recorded in the literature.
[DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 61: Cocaine Use in America:
Epidemiologic and Clinical Perspectives p.152 (1985) DHHS Pub No.

Based on the procaine data, ... /it was suggested/ that some of the acute
effects of cocaine normally associated with its psychomotor stimulant
properties could, in fact, be related to its local anesthetic effects.
These might include mood lability and, in some instances, euphoria,
profound anxiety and dysphoria, tinnitus, sensory distortions,
hallucinations, and even seizures should the dose be high enough. Based on
the extrapolation from the pharmacological kindling effects that have been
demonstrated in preclinical studies with repeated administration, ... /it
was suggested/ that some of the chronic effects of cocaine could also be
attributed to its local anesthetic properties, including sensitization to
bizarre behavior, seizure sensitization (pharmacological kindling),
irritability and aggression (particularly in subjects who have shown local
anesthetic induced seizures), cognitive impairment, and even panic
attacks. Fifty percent of the first 500 patients calling the Cocaine
Hotline to report adverse psychological effects reported experiencing
cocaine-induced panic attacks. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 88:
Mechanisms of Cocaine Abuse and Toxicity p.230 (1988) DHHS Pub No.

As clinical observations accumulate, the existence of a true withdrawal
syndrome following cocaine use seems compelling. The depression, social
withdrawal, craving, tremor, muscle pain, eating disturbance,
electroencephalographic changes, and changes in sleep patterns must be
more than simply the consequence of what traditionally has been termed
"psychological dependence." When listening to descriptions of this state
by cocaine using patients, these dysphoric and often dramatic symptoms
must be viewed as negative reinforcers. For many patients it appears that
the withdrawal symptoms are a major consideration that makes discontinuing
cocaine almost impossible so long as the drug is available. Yet continuing
the drug produces unacceptable irritability, paranoid and delusional
thinking, and other unpleasant effects. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph
Series 50: Cocaine: Pharmacology Effects and Treatment of Abuse p.47
(1984) DHHS Pub No. ADM(87)-1326]

Studies were carried out in order to find a sensitive in vitro model which
investigated cocaine-mediated hepatotoxicity. Precision-cut slices were
prepared from human /liver/. ... Slices were cultured for up to 6 hr in
the presence of 0-5 mM cocaine. Indices of toxicity consisted of K+
retention and Ca2+ uptake. Minimal effects and no clear dose-response
relationships were observed. ... [Connors S et al; Toxicology 61 (2):
171-83 (1990)]

Widespread use and abuse of cocaine have increased the frequency with
which health professionals must manage acute and chronic intoxication and
the complications stemming from drug ingestion. Acute intoxication from
catecholamine excess progessess through three stages, affecting the
cardiovascular, respiratory, and central nervous systems. Management is to
support or return these systems to normal with sedation, beta blockade,
and antiarrhythmics. Casual cocaine use is no longer considered benign,
and numerous related medical complications are now recognized.
Dopaminergic systems are the principal sites of reward and participate in
abstinence symptomatology, putatively through depletion of dopamine and
changes in receptor sensitivity and responsiveness. Long-term treatment
approaches have focused on psychologic strategies of behavior modification
and supportive psycotherapy. Pharmacotherapy with desipramine, amantadine,
and bromocriptine was shown in preliminary studies to minimize the
symptoms of cocaine withdrawal when used adjunctively with psychotheraphy.
The response to treatment may depend on the patient's premorbid
psychiatric status. [Hall WC et al; Pharmacotherapy 10 (1): 47-65 (1990)]
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... ds=2179901

... The effectiveness of the cocaine test for diagnosing Horner's syndrome
/was evaluated/. The test was administered to 119 patients with a
diagnosis of Horner's syndrome and to 50 normal subjects ... the
cocaine-induced anisocoria in the two groups /was compared/ by measuring
photographs of the pupils. ... The cocaine test /was found/ to be highly
effective in separating normal subjects from patients with Horner's
syndrome. The chances of having Horner's syndrome increased with the
amount of cocaine-induced anisocoria. Through the use of logistic
regression analysis, ... the odds ratio of having Horner's /were
determined/. [Kardon RH et al; Arch Ophthamol 108 (3): 384-7 (1990)]

A case of pulmonary edema following smoking freebase cocaine is described.
... This case is unique since adulterants and contaminants were excluded
unlike all previously reported patients. [Kline JN, Hirasuna JD; Chest 97
(4): 1009-10 (1990)]

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... ds=2323234

... 474 patients seen at Hennepin County Medical Center /were studied/
because of medical complications related to acute cocaine intoxication. Of
the 474, 403 had no history of seizures. Seizures within 90 minutes of
cocaine use was the primary diagnosis in 32 (7.9%) of the 403. The
majority of seizures were single, generalized, induced by intravenous or
crack cocaine, and not associated with any lasting neurologic deficits.
Most that were focal, multiple, or induced by nasal cocaine were
associated with an acute intracerebral complication or concurrent use of
other drugs. Of 71 patients with a history of non-cocaine related
seizures, 12 (16.9%) presented with cocaine-induced seizures; most of
these were multiple, of the same type as those in their history, and
induced by even nasal cocaine. In the 44 cocaine-induced seizure patients,
a pattern of habitual cocaine abuse was associated with diffuse brain
atrophy on CT and diffuse slowing on EEG. [Pascual-Leone A et al;
Neurology 40 (3 pt 1): 404-7 (1990)]

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... ds=2107459

... The acute in vitro effects of cocaine on cell membrane potentials and
contractility of 12-16 week old human fetal heart, /were examined/ to
better assess the potential for the induction of serious arrhythmia, in
utero, by this abused substance. Ventricular preparations were maintained
in a tissue bath, and continuously provided with oxygen and glucose during
the measurement of membrane potentials with microelectrodes, and developed
force of contractions with microforce transducers. Cocaine (600 ng/ml) had
a significant effect on the ability of the heart to produce action
potentials of normal rising velocity, amplitude, and duration. Within 90
min all electromechanical activity had ceased. ... The effects of cocaine
were reversible, however, reversibility in vitro may have no counterpart
in utero, and irreversible loss of cardiac function may result. [Richards
IS et al; Pharmacol Toxicol 66 (2): 150-4(1990)]

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... ds=2315267

... The symptomatology, clinical, and laboratory findings in four patients
following oral ingestion of crack cocaine have been reported. All of the
patients had a positive urine test for cocaine metabolites measured by gas
chromatography-mass spectroscopy. Retrospective analysis of the four
patients revealed alterations in function of the cardiovascular system
(4), the autonomic nervous system (4), the central nervous system (3), and
the gastrointestinal system (1). Three patients ingested crack cocaine as
a direct result of confrontation with law enforcement officers. The
symptomatologies of acute toxicity from oral ingestion of crack cocaine
are related to its effect on the cardiovascular system and the brain.
Cocaine toxicity should be considered in patients with acute and
unexplained cardiovascular, central nervous system, or gastrointestinal
complaints. [Riggs D, Weibley RE; Pediatr Emerg Care 6 (1): 24-6 (1990)]
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... ds=2320483

For the past 5 years there has been an exponential increase in the use of
cocaine, phencyclidine hydrochloride, and other central nervous system
(CNS) active drugs. A significant amount of this accelerated usage is in
sexually active females, resulting in some urban hospitals reporting
positive drug screens in over 16% of the infants born on their busy
obstetrical service. There is a growing body of data showing that fetal
exposure to cocaine, phencyclidine hydrochloride, and other CNS-active
drugs results in infants and children with abnormal brain wave patterns,
short-term neurologic signs, depression of interactive behavior, and poor
organizational response to environmental stimuli. Whether such neurologic
findings will translate into a significant number of children with
learning and behavioral problems needs to be the focus of long-term
longitudinal studies of children with fetal drug exposure to cocaine,
phencyclidine hydrochloride, and other CNS-active drugs. [Van Dyke DC, Fox
AA; J Learn Disabil 23(3):160-3(1990)]

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... ds=2179442

High level users were considerably more likely to report a physically
rundown condition, lack of appetite, insomnia, and a lack of sexual
interest. Similarly, persons who used 1 gram or more on each use occasion
were more likely to have experienced each of these health conditions. This
also was true for intravenous users (although differences in insomnia were
not significantly different) and for persons who used more than once a
week. Cocaine has been alleged to possess aphrodisiacal qualities, but
ironically, 3 out of every 10 respondents had experienced a lack of sexual
interest as a result of their use. Users of high levels of cocaine (43%)
were five times more likely than low level users (8%) to have experienced
this symptom. One out of every ten respondents, none of whom were low
level users, reported overdosing on cocaine. High level users were the
most likely group to report an overdose episode. Overdose was much more
common among persons who used intravenously, used more than once a week,
or used 1 gram or more per occasion. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series
61: Cocaine Use in America: Epidemiologic and Clinical Perspectives p.124
(1985) DHHS Pub No. (ADM)87-1414]

No significant differences were observed in the proportion of low, medium,
and high level users who reported ever experiencing rhinitis or an
ulcerated (or perforated) nasal septum. These conditions are known to be
produced through intranasal ingestion, and data indicate that persons who
had used cocaine intranasally during their heaviest use period were almost
twice as likely to report rhinitis and three times as likely to report an
ulcerated septum. Abscesses, other skin infections, and hepatitis
(consequences identified with the use of nonsterile needles) were reported
most often by high level users. Route of ingestion was associated with the
presence of these problems; intravenous users were four times more likely
to report these consequences. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 61:
Cocaine Use in America: Epidemiologic and Clinical Perspectives p.121
(1985) DHHS Pub No. (ADM)87-1414]

Cocaine intoxication may occur in infants who are breastfed by mothers
recently exposed to cocaine or by mothers who have rubbed cocaine on their
nipples to relieve soreness. The infant may experience irritability,
vomiting, diarrhea, continuous movements of the extremities. Cocaine
intoxication should be suspected in any infant presenting acutely with
ventricular arrhythmias, hyper- or hypotension, seizures, or respiratory
distress. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger.
Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 356]

Cocaine abuse occurs in both healthy and chronically ill adolescents. Acts
of self-destruction may be observed in both groups including attempted
suicide, a manifestation of cocaine withdrawal, and acts of aggression and
violence, signs of cocaine intoxication. Syndromes of cocaine intoxication
now seen in older children and adolescents include the malignant
hyperthermia or hypermetabolic syndrome and cocaine colitis. Cocaine
abstinence syndrome may include hyperprolactinemia. ... Generalized and
partial seizures, cerebrovascular infarction, and hemorrhage have also
been observed. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger.
Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 357]

... Fetal growth appears to be decreased in women who use cocaine
throughout pregnancy. These effects are not manifest in the infants of
women who use cocaine only in the first trimester of pregnancy.
[Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's
Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed.
Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 362]


Crack users, probably via sexual exposure, may be at increased risk of
developing hepatitis B and D infection. /Crack/ [Ellenhorn, M.J., S.
Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology:
Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD:
Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 366] **PEER REVIEWED**

Cocaine-induced myocardial infarction may follow cocaine abuse by the
intranasal, intravenous, and inhalation routes. About half of these
patients who experience a myocardial infarction have had previous chest
pain; 9 of 10 have been cigarette smokers and two thirds have had their
myocardial infarcts within 3 hours of use of cocaine (range, 1 minute to 4
days). [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger.
Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 368]

Cocaine-associated strokes occur in both first-time users and long-time
users and are independent of the route of administration. [Ellenhorn,
M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical
Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore,
MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 369]

The alkaloid form of cocaine has been associated with both occlusive and
hemorrhagic strokes. The hydrochloride form has been related mainly to
hemorrhagic strokes. Both subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhages have
been associated with cocaine use. In about 80% an aneurysm or
arteriovenous malformation has been detected. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S.
Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology:
Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD:
Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 369]

A newborn developed a cerebral infarction shortly after delivery. The
mother had used 5 g of cocaine over a 3-day period prior to delivery and 1
g in the 15 hours preceding birth. At about 16 hours of age the child
became apneic and cyanotic and experienced multiple focal seizures and a
right-sided hemiparesis. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J.
Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of
Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p.

Intravenous cocaine users have experienced fungal cerebritis, and such
cases have usually terminated fatally. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G.
Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and
Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins,
1997., p. 371]

Cocaine snorting leading to frontal sinusitis may subsequently be followed
by a lethal brain abscess. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J.
Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of
Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p.

An increasing number of people who inject cocaine intravenously are at
risk of HIV infection through needle sharing, perhaps because of the
frequency of injection during binges of cocaine use - up to 15-25 times in
a single day. ... In South America, HIV infection is now seen in 36-57% of
cocaine injectors. Those who smoke cocaine in the form of crack are at
higher risk of HIV infection (and sexually transmitted diseases) from
sex-for-drug transactions. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J.
Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of
Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p.
Some degree of rhabdomyolysis and an elevated creatine phosphokinase level
are almost always found in serious cocaine toxicity. ... Patients with
rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, liver dysfunction, and disseminated
intravascular coagulation have a high mortality rate. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S.
Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology:
Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD:
Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 373]

A controlled study of heavy, habitual smokers of cocaine (mean 6.5 g/wk
for an average of 53 months) indicated a high prevalence of at least
occasional occurrences of acute cardiorespiratory symptoms within 1 to 12
hours of smoking cocaine (cough productive of black sputum, hemoptysis,
chest pain, usually worse on deep breathing, cardiac palpitations) and a
mild but significant impairment in the diffusing capacity of the lung that
persisted after cessation of cocaine use. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald,
G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and
Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins,
1997., p. 373]

Intraurethral use of cocaine, to enhance sexual performance, has been
associated with severe disseminated intravascular coagulation,
necessitating amputation of extremities and a necrotic penis. [Ellenhorn,
M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical
Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore,
MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 373]

... A plethora of adverse effects appear to be reliably associated with
cocaine exposure in humans, including abruptio placentae; premature labor
and delivery; microcephaly; altered prosencephalic development; decreased
birthweight; a neonatal neurological syndrome of abnormal sleep, tremor,
poor feeding, irritability, and occasional seizures; and sudden infant
death syndrome. Congenital malformations of the genitourinary tract also
have been reported. [Klaassen, C.D., M.O. Amdur, Doull J. (eds.). Casarett
and Doull's Toxicology. The Basic Science of Poisons. 5th ed. New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill, 1995., p. 305]

Drugs causing acute psychotic symptoms include ... cocaine ... [Young,
L.Y., M.A. Koda-Kimble (eds.). Applied Therapeutics. The Clinical Use of
Drugs. 6th ed. Vancouver, WA., Applied Therapeutics, Inc. 1995., p. 75-4]

... "Crack lung" ... presents with a productive cough, bronchospasm,
severe chest pain, hemoptysis, difficulty breathing, and hyperthermia.
/Crack/ [Young, L.Y., M.A. Koda-Kimble (eds.). Applied Therapeutics. The
Clinical Use of Drugs. 6th ed. Vancouver, WA., Applied Therapeutics, Inc.
1995., p. 84-11]

About one-third of overdose victims die within an hour of ingestion, and
an additional third by the fifth hour. [Young, L.Y., M.A. Koda-Kimble
(eds.). Applied Therapeutics. The Clinical Use of Drugs. 6th ed.
Vancouver, WA., Applied Therapeutics, Inc. 1995., p. 84-11]

Body packers are smugglers who swallow latex-covered packets, latex
condoms, or baggies filled with cocaine to evade customs agents. ...
/They/ risk having these packets rupture, causing rapid overdose and
severe gastrointestinal complications such as intestinal ischemia and
gangrene. [Young, L.Y., M.A. Koda-Kimble (eds.). Applied Therapeutics. The
Clinical Use of Drugs. 6th ed. Vancouver, WA., Applied Therapeutics, Inc.
1995., p. 84-13]

Most fatalities follow intravenous use. [Gossel, T.A., J.D. Bricker.
Principles of Clinical Toxicology. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Raven Press,
Ltd., 1994., p. 351]

In a survey of over 100,000 rhinoplasties performed using cocaine HCl as a
local anesthetic, 191 mild and 34 severe reactions were reported, and 5
deaths were attributed to its use ... /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [DHHS/NIDA;
Research Monograph Series 163: Neurotoxicity and Neuropathology Associated
with Cocaine Abuse p.43 (1996) NIH Pub. No. 96-4019]

Cocaine-dependent patients were found to exhibit a statistically
significant resting hand tremor, which did not remit despite 3 months of
verified abstinence. ... Patients also exhibited slower reaction times
than controls ... [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 163: Neurotoxicity
and Neuropathology Associated with Cocaine Abuse p.85 (1996) NIH Pub. No.

Cocaine overdosage results mainly in adverse CNS effects. The patient
rapidly becomes excited, restless, garrulous, anxious, and confused;
reflexes are enhanced. Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain often occur.
Other signs and symptoms may include headache, rapid pulse, irregular
respiration, chills, fever, mydriasis, exophthalmos, & formication
(cocaine bugs, Magnan's symptom). In severe overdosage, delirium,
Cheyne-Stokes resp, seizures, unconsciousness, and death resulting from
respiratory arrest may occur. /Cocaine hydrochloride/

[McEvoy, G.K. (ed.).American Hospital Formulary Service-Drug Information 19 98. Bethesda, MD:American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. 1998 (Plus Supplements)., p. 2315]

When compared with non-drug using controls, in utero cocaine exposure
invariably resulted in significantly shortened mean gestation periods
ranging up to 2 weeks. A statistically significant mean shorter (1.9
weeks) gestational period was also observed when cocaine-polydrug users
(20% used heroin) were compared with noncocaine-polydrug users (26% used
heroin). ... One investigation ... found that cocaine use significantly
increased the incidence of precipitous labor. [Briggs, G.G, R.K. Freeman,
S.J. Yaffe. A Reference Guide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk. Drugs in
Pregnancy and Lactation. 4th ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins
1994., p. 202]

... Thirty-three percent of 50 "crack" ... users had premature rupture of
the membranes, compared to 18% of non-drug-using controls (p=0.05).
/Crack/ [Briggs, G.G, R.K. Freeman, S.J. Yaffe. A Reference Guide to Fetal
and Neonatal Risk. Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation. 4th ed. Baltimore,
MD: Williams & Wilkins 1994., p. 203]

A mother who had used an unknown amount of cocaine intranasally during the
first 5 weeks of pregnancy and approximately 5 g during the 3 days before
delivery, gave birth to a full-term, 3660 g male infant. The last dose of
approximately 1 g had been consumed 15 hr before delivery. Fetal
monitoring during the 12 hr before delivery showed tachycardia (180-200
beats/min) and multiple variable decelerations. At birth, the infant was
limp, he had a heart rate of 80 beats/min, and thick meconium staining
(without aspiration) was noted. Apnea, cyanosis, multiple focal seizures,
intermittent tachycardia (up to 180 beats/min), hypertension (up to 140 mm
Hg by palpation), abnormalities in tone (both increased and decreased,
depending on the body part), and miotic pupils were noted beginning at 16
hr of age. Noncontrast computed tomography scan at 24 hr of age showed an
acute infarction in the distribution of the left middle cerebral artery.
Repeat scans showed a persistent left-sided infarct with increased gyral
density (age 7 days) and a persistent area of focal encephalomalacia at
the site of infarction (age 2.5 months). [Briggs, G.G, R.K. Freeman, S.J.
Yaffe. A Reference Guide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk. Drugs in Pregnancy
and Lactation. 4th ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins 1994., p.

Facial defects seen in 10 of 11 infants exposed either to cocaine alone (6
of 11) or to cocaine plus other abuse drugs (5 of 11) included
blepharophimosis (2), ptosis and facial diplegia (1), unilateral
oro-orbital cleft (1), Pierre Robin anomaly (1), cleft palate (1), cleft
lip and apalate (1), skin tags (2), and cutis aplasia (1). [Briggs, G.G,
R.K. Freeman, S.J. Yaffe. A Reference Guide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk.
Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation. 4th ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams &
Wilkins 1994., p. 209]

... A young man who had chest pain after smoking "freebase" cocaine /was
treated/. Pneumomediastinum was diagnosed, and the electrocardiographic
changes that developed were characteristic of coronary artery spasm.
Although pneumomediastinum has been linked to "freebasing",: ...
electrocardiographic abnormalities in this situation have not been
previously reported. [Christou T et al; South Med J 83 (3): 335-8 (1990)]
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... ds=2315783

Smoked cocaine and intravenous cocaine appear to produce similar increases
in heart rate, blood pressure, and subjective effects at similar venous
plasma cocaine levels. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J.
Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of
Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p.


Therapeutic cocaine blood concentration: 5-15 ug/dL; Toxic cocaine blood
concentration: 90 ug/dL; Lethal cocaine blood concentration: 0.1-2.0 mg/dL
/From table/ [Gossel, T.A., J.D. Bricker. Principles of Clinical
Toxicology. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Raven Press, Ltd., 1994., p. 421]


An eye irritant. [Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial
Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold,
1996., p. 906]

The presence of impurities should always be considered in adverse
reactions that complicate cocaine use. ... There has been a proliferation
of cocaine look alikes (ephedrine, caffeine, phenylpropanolamine, local
anesthetics) which are widely available as cocaine substitutes. The use of
these substitutes has been associated with hypertension, nausea, vomiting,
sneezing, insomnia, anxiety, palpitations, tremor, abdominal cramps &
diarrhea. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology -
Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 645]

May be habit forming. [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An
Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ:
Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 416]

As a topical decongestant ... higher concentrations /than 2% solution of
cocaine/ are not recommended. ... It is suggested that only a minimum
quantity of cocaine be used, and that the patient be advised not to
swallow the medication. [Miller, R. R., and D. J. Greenblatt. Handbook of
Drug Therapy. New York: Elsevier North Holland, 1979., p. 957]

Preliminary observations suggest that patients with low plasma
cholinesterase levels may be more likely to have seizures, to develop
cardiovascular complications, and to die. Some cocaine-related deaths may
be due to genetic inheritance of an atypical pseudocholinesterase.
[Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's
Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed.
Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 364]

Cocaine may disturb glucose control because of its propensity to cause
hyperglycemia. Drugs that affect catecholamine metabolism (eg,
guanethidine, dopamine, alpha-methyldopa, tricyclic antidepressants,
monoamine oxidase inhibitors) enhance the sympathomimetic effects of
cocaine. In overdose but not in therapeutic doses, the propensity of
cocaine to produce cardiovascular depression and dysrhythmias incr the
risk to those patients with underlying cardiovascular disease. [Ellenhorn,
M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of
Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc.
1988., p. 650]

VET: Cocaine ... must not be injected into tissues. [Booth, N.H., L.E.
McDonald (eds.). Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 5th ed. Ames,
Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1982., p. 366] **PEER REVIEWED**

Because cocaine hydrochloride is readily absorbed from mucous membranes
and can cause severe adverse effects, the drug should be used with caution
and careful attention should be given to dosage and admin technique.
Resuscitative equipment & drugs for treatment of severe reactions
should be immediately available. Repeated topical application of cocaine
can result in psychic dependence and tolerance. ... Prolonged intranasal
use of cocaine can cause ischemic mucosal damage or perforation of the
septum. /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [McEvoy, G.K. (ed.). American Hospital
Formulary Service-Drug Information 19 98. Bethesda, MD: American Society
of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. 1998 (Plus Supplements)., p. 2315]


The addition of epinephrine to cocaine prepn ... may incr the likelihood
of cardiac arrhythmias, ventricular fibrillation, & hypertensive
episodes. ... Since cocaine potentiates the effects of catecholamines, the
drug should be used with extreme caution, if at all, in patients with
hypertension, severe cardiovascular disease, or thyrotoxicosis ...
/Cocaine hydrochloride/ [McEvoy, G.K. (ed.). American Hospital Formulary
Service-Drug Information 19 98. Bethesda, MD: American Society of
Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. 1998 (Plus Supplements)., p. 2315]

Cocaine hydrochloride topical soln should be used with caution in patients
with severly traumatized mucosa & sepsis in the region of intended
application. /Such soln/ ... intended for use in anesthetizing mucous
membranes of the oral, laryngeal, and nasal cavities are not intended for
systemic or ophthalmic admin & are contraindicated in patients with
known hypersensitivity to the drug. /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [McEvoy, G.K.
(ed.). American Hospital Formulary Service-Drug Information 19 98.
Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. 1998
(Plus Supplements)., p. 2315]

Cocaine is not prepared legitimately to be used internally or injected.
[Gilman, A.G., L.S.Goodman, and A. Gilman. (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's
The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 7th ed. New York: Macmillan
Publishing Co., Inc., 1985., p. 309]

The use of cocaine mud (dry cocaine powder moistened with epinephrine
solution for nasal surgery) causes dangerous drug interactions ...
[Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and
Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing
Co., Inc. 1988., p. 646]

It is ... not known whether the drug can cause fetal harm when admin to
pregnant women. Cocaine hydrochloride should be used during pregnancy only
when clearly needed. /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [McEvoy, G.K. (ed.). American
Hospital Formulary Service-Drug Information 19 98. Bethesda, MD: American
Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. 1998 (Plus Supplements)., p.

The chemical nature of cocaine is such that it would be expected to appear
in milk in amounts that might affect the infant, particularly with high
doses. Breast feeding is not recommended in the chronic cocaine abuser
& occasional use is discouraged during breast feeding. [Knoben, J.E.
and P.O. Anderson (eds.) Handbook of Clinical Drug Data. 6th ed. Bethesda,
MD: Drug Intelligence Publications, Inc. 1988., p. 177]

A case is presented of a postpartum woman in whom hypertension and
pulmonary edema developed after administration of bromocriptine mesylate.
Caution is advised when there is additional recent use of cocaine because
of a suggested potentiating action of cocaine on the development of
adverse cardiovascular and cerebral sequelae in postpartum patients who
take bromocriptine. [Bakht FR et al; Am J Obstet Gynecol 162 (4): 1065-6
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... ds=2327446


Drugs of Abuse: Contraindicated during Breast-Feeding:
Cocaine- intoxication. (The Committee on Drugs strongly believes that nursing
mothers should not ingest any compounds listed /drugs of abuse/ ... Not
only are they hazardous to the nursing infant, but they are also
detrimental to the physical and mental health of the mother ... No drug of
abuse should be ingested by nursing mothers even though adverse reports
are not in the literature.) /From Table 2/ [Report of the American Academy
of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs in Pediatrics 93 (1): 138 (1994)]

Cocaine is not indicated for administration by injection and is not
recommended for application to "closed" mucous surfaces, such as those of
the urethra or bladder, because of the increased risk of severe toxic
reactions. /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [USP. Convention. USPDI - Drug
Information for the Health Care Professional. 19th ed. Volume
I.Micromedex, Inc. Englewood, CO., 1999. Content Prepared by the U.S.
Pharmacopieal Convention, Inc., p. 923]

Because of cocaine's toxicity, it is recommended that the medication not
be administered to children younger than 6 years of age.
For children 6
years of age or older, it is recommended that cocaine be used with caution
and in reduced dosage. /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [USP. Convention. USPDI -
Drug Information for the Health Care Professional. 19th ed. Volume
I.Micromedex, Inc. Englewood, CO., 1999. Content Prepared by the U.S.
Pharmacopieal Convention, Inc., p. 924]

The risk of cocaine-induced adverse effects may be increased in geriatric
patients, who are more likely to have cerebrovascular disease, and are
therefore more likely to be adversely affected by sympathetic stimulation,
than are younger adults. Also, elderly males may be especially sensitive
to the effects of cocaine because of reduced plasma cholinesterase
activity resulting in decreased or slower cocaine metabolism. A reduction
in dosage is recommended. /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [USP. Convention. USPDI
- Drug Information for the Health Care Professional. 19th ed. Volume
I.Micromedex, Inc. Englewood, CO., 1999. Content Prepared by the U.S.
Pharmacopieal Convention, Inc., p. 924]

Small doses of systemically admin cocaine may slow the heart because of
central vagal stimulation, but after moderate doses, the heart rate is
increased probably by cocaine-induced central & peripheral effects on
the sympathetic nervous system. Blood pressure is increased, &
hypertension may result. Large IV doses of the drug have caused immediate
death from cardiac failure because of a direct toxic effect on cardiac
muscle. /Cocaine hydrochloride/

[McEvoy, G.K. (ed.). American HospitalbFormulary Service-Drug Information 19 98. Bethesda, MD: American Societybof Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. 1998 (Plus Supplements)., p. 2315]

Adverse effects of cocaine hydrochloride following topical application to
mucous membranes usually result from rapid & excessive absorption ...
Adverse effects are generally systemic in nature & involve the CNS
&/or cardiovascular systems.

Adverse CNS effects of cocaine are
excitatory &/or depressant & may be characterized by nervousness,
restlessness, excitement, or a feeling of well-being & euphoria (or
sometimes dysphoria).
Hallucinations (visual, tactile, olfactory,
auditory, gustatory) may also occur.
Tremors & eventually tonic-clonic
seizures may occur; CNS stimulation may also result in vomiting. Tachypnea
may also occur. /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [McEvoy, G.K. (ed.). American
Hospital Formulary Service-Drug Information 19 98. Bethesda, MD: American
Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. 1998 (Plus Supplements)., p.

Topical application of cocaine to the eye has caused sloughing of the
corneal epithelium with clouding, pitting, & occasionally ulceration
of the cornea. /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [McEvoy, G.K. (ed.). American
Hospital Formulary Service-Drug Information 19 98. Bethesda, MD: American
Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. 1998 (Plus Supplements)., p.


... /People with/ risk factors such as tobacco use, a family history of
cardiac disease, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes
mellitus. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger.
Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 368]

Those at risk for cocaine-related seizures include (1) individuals who
experience direct convulsant effects, usually after exposure to massive
doses (2-8 g); (2) females, who are at greater risk for cocaine-related
seizures than males (but cocaine-related chest pain appears to occur
predominantly in males); (3) individuals with a history of epilepsy who
may have their typical seizure precipitated by cocaine (even intranasally
through a lowering of the seizure threshold); and (4) those with chronic
habitual cocaine abuse, which may result in "chemical" kindling of
epilepsy. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger.
Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 370]


... Nasal, oral, and pulmonary routes ... . [Ellenhorn, M.J., S.
Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology:
Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD:
Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 359]

The white semisolid product /coca paste for smoking/ is sprinkled on
tobacco or marijuana cigarettes. /Coca paste/ [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G.
Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p.

Children may be exposed to cocaine by breastfeeding, accidental ingestion,
intentional administration, and passive inhalation of crack vapors.
[Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's
Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed.
Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 357]


The lethal oral dose of cocaine in humans is about 1 to 1.2 g. [Ellenhorn,
M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical
Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore,
MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 371]
The lethal dose for cocaine is usually accepted as 50 mg. However, even 5
mg (iv) may lead to collapse, and 20 mg to death ... [Harvey, A.L. (ed.).
Natural and Synthetic Neurotoxins. London, England: Academic Press 1993.,
p. 268]
Although the oral lethal dose of cocaine is usually given as 1200 mg,
death has been reported to follow as little as 20 mg parenterally admin
cocaine. [Haddad, L.M., Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug
Overdose. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Co., 1990., p. 731]


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o This overview assumes that basic life support measures
have been instituted.



A) USES: Cocaine is used as a topical vasoconstrictor for
otolaryngology procedures. The most common clinical
scenario involving cocaine is when it is abused for its
psychostimulant effects.


The psychostimulant effects of cocaine are
due to blockade of reuptake of monoamine (dopamine,
norepinephrine and serotonin) in CNS neurons. The net
effect is CNS excitation and an increase in sympathetic
nervous system activity. Decreased reuptake of
norepinephrine may cause vasoconstriction. The direct
cardiac effects of cocaine are due to antagonism of
voltage-gated sodium channels in cardiomyocytes.

C) TOXICOLOGY: Increased sympathetic activity may cause
hallucinations, seizures, hypertension and agitation.
Vasospasm may cause cerebral or cardiac ischemia and may
contribute to hypertension. These effects may occur with
recreational doses of cocaine. Cardiac sodium channel
antagonism only occurs with cocaine overdose and will
delay intra-cardiac conduction, causing decreased
myocardial function and triggering dysrhythmias.
Absorption occurs after: injection, ingestion,
insufflation and topical application.

D) EPIDEMIOLOGY: Cocaine use is very common. Cocaine
intoxication is frequently associated with ED
presentation for related complaints (chest pain) or
complaints not directly related (trauma). Severe
toxicity is less common. Body stuffers (patients who
rapidly ingest small to moderate amounts of cocaine in
an attempt to avoid arrest) are common. Body packers
(patients who ingest large quantities of cocaine in an
attempt to smuggle the cocaine for later distribution)
are occasionally seen in locations where international
travel is common.


1) MILD TO MODERATE TOXICITY: Patients may develop
anxiety, hallucinations, chest pain, hypertension,
palpitations or agitation. In some cases, recreational
doses of cocaine may cause cardiac or cerebral

2) SEVERE TOXICITY: Patients with severe toxicity may
present with either seizures or severe agitation. If
uncontrolled, this may progress to severe hyperthermia,
rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, hepatic injury,
coagulopathy, and decreased myocardial function. Severe
intoxication may progress rapidly to dysrhythmias and
cardiovascular collapse.

3) ROUTES OF ADMINISTRATION (ie, intranasal, oral, rectal,
intravenous, inhaled, and intravaginal) have been
associated with clinical toxicity.
a) Effects usually develop quickly (within a few minutes
to an hour) and are of short duration, although
delayed, prolonged effects have been reported after
rupture of cocaine filled condoms in the
gastrointestinal tract.


1) Hyperthermia is a common and potentially life
threatening event related to cocaine toxicity.

0.2.4 HEENT

1) Mydriasis and/or loss of eyebrow and eyelash hair from
smoking crack cocaine may occur. Retinal foreign body
granuloma may occur with IV abuse. Bacterial and fungal
corneal ulcers as well as sterile defects in corneal
epithelium have developed after crack use. Vascular
effects includes central retinal artery occlusion and
bilateral blindness from diffuse vasospasm.
2) Airway burns have occurred with free-base and crack
3) Botulism associated with clostridium botulinum
sinusitis has been reported.


1) Initial tachycardia and hypertension may be followed by
hypotension and shock in severe cases. Sinus
tachycardia, atrial arrhythmias, PVCs, bigeminy, and
ventricular fibrillation have been reported. Large IV
doses may cause immediate death from cardiac failure or
dysrhythmias. Myocardial ischemia and infarction have
been reported in young otherwise healthy patients.
2) Myocarditis, endocarditis, pneumopericardium,
cardiomyopathy, and rupture and dissection of the aorta
have been reported.
3) End organ effects have included infarction, ischemia,
hemorrhage, cerebral vasculitis, and vasospasm.



1) Respiratory arrest and failure may occur with any
exposure. Bronchospasm and pneumomediastinum may occur
after inhalation. Pulmonary edema often occurs in fatal
cases. Passive inhalation of smoke is dangerous to
small children, and deaths have been reported.
2) Acute pulmonary symptoms after smoking crack cocaine
may include hemoptysis, pleuritic chest pain, pulmonary
infiltrates, asthma, and reactive airway disease. Other
findings have been described: bronchiolitis obliterans
with organized pneumonia (BOOP), alveolar hemorrhage,
and pulmonary hypertension.
3) Pulmonary edema is a common autopsy finding.



1) Mental status changes may include excitement,
restlessness, anxiety, delirium, psychosis, and
tonic-clonic seizures followed by coma.
2) Headaches, brain and spinal cord infarction,
intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage, chorea,
dystonic reactions, and changes in mental status and
motor function have been reported following acute and
chronic use of cocaine.
3) Cocaine has been rarely associated with cerebral
atrophy, aggravation of Tourette's syndrome, and the
unmasking of latent myasthenia gravis.



1) Vomiting, bowel ischemia, bowel necrosis, and ulcers
have been associated with the use of crack or
intravenous cocaine. Ruptured cocaine packets in the GI
tract may cause severe local damage.



1) Intravenous use of cocaine has been linked to hepatic
dysfunction including acquisition of hepatitis B and C
and hepatonecrosis. In one study, inhalation of cocaine
was associated with elevated liver function tests.



1) Priapism and gangrene have been reported after direct
application of cocaine to the penis. Sexual dysfunction
has been reported in chronic cocaine users.
2) Renal failure, usually secondary to myoglobinuria and
rhabdomyolysis, has been reported after intravenous or
intranasal cocaine use. Renal infarction has occurred
following intravenous cocaine use.
0.2.11 ACID-BASE


1) Metabolic acidosis and lactic acidosis may occur.



1) Disseminated intravascular coagulation, coagulopathy,
and acute thrombocytopenia have been reported.


1) Skin infarction has been observed.
2) Scleroderma may be seen with chronic cocaine abuse.


1) Rhabdomyolysis is a common complication.


1) Hyperprolactinemia has been seen during cocaine
2) Hyperthyroidism has been reported.


1) Depression, psychosis, panic disorders, attention
deficit disorders, and eating disorders have been
2) Withdrawal is to be expected upon discontinuance of
cocaine abuse.


1) Cocaine reportedly inhibits mononuclear cell
proliferation in vitro. Increased prevalence of
anticardiolipin antibodies has been reported in cocaine

A) Cocaine abuse during pregnancy is associated with
various congenital anomalies as well as abruptio
placentae, low birthweight, and behavioral
abnormalities. Neonatal intoxication may also occur.
B) Cocaine is in the FDA Pregnancy Category C for medicinal
use and Category X for non-medicinal use.
1) Category C - Studies have shown that the drug exerts
animal teratogenic or embryocidal effects, but there
are no controlled studies in women, or no studies are
available in either animals or women. Drugs should be
given only if the potential benefit justifies the
potential risk to the fetus.
2) Category X - Studies in animals or humans have
demonstrated fetal abnormalities or there is evidence
of fetal risk based on human experience, or both, and
the risk clearly outweighs any possible benefit. The
drug is contraindicated in women who are or may become
A) Little is known about the risk of human cancer from
B) Smoking cocaine may entail some of the carcinogenic
risks of cigarette smoking from pyrolysis products in
the smoke. One case of Pott's puffy tumor has been
reported in a patient who chronically abused cocaine;
this type of tumor is thought to be secondary to chronic
sinusitis from smoking cocaine.

A) Patients with minimal toxicity do not require laboratory
B) Patients with possible cardiac chest pain should be
evaluated with serial troponin levels.
C) Patients with severe toxicity should be monitored for
acidosis, renal and hepatic failure, coagulopathy and
D) Head CT and lumbar puncture should be considered in
patients with persistent abnormal mental status.
E) Continuous cardiac monitoring and ECG should be performed
in patients with chest pain or severe toxicity.
F) Radiologic evaluation may be of value in evaluating body



1) Patients with mild to moderate CNS excitation should be
treated with benzodiazepines. Most patients will
respond to low to moderate doses (1 to 4 mg of
lorazepam, 5 to 20 mg diazepam). Patients with chest
pain or cardiac ischemia should be treated with
benzodiazepines, vasodilators (nitroglycerin) and
aspirin. Beta-blockers should be AVOIDED in the setting
of acute cocaine toxicity. Patients with ST segment
elevation suggesting acute MI should undergo emergent
cardiac catheterization. The use of thrombolytic
medications for acute MI or stroke associated with
cocaine use has not been studied.

1) Seizures are usually self-limited, but prolonged or
repeated seizures should be treated with standard doses
of benzodiazepines (1 to 4 mg of lorazepam, 5 to 20 mg
diazepam). Sinus tachycardia does not require specific
treatment. Beta-blockers should NOT be used in the
setting of acute cocaine toxicity. Wide complex
dysrhythmias are treated with hypertonic sodium
bicarbonate boluses (1 to 2 mEq/kg every 5 minutes,
endpoint is narrowing of QRS complex and arterial pH of
7.45 to 7.55). Hypotension is treated with fluid
boluses. Refractory cases should be treated with a
direct acting vasopressor such as epinephrine (1
mcg/min starting dose) or norepinephrine (1 mcg/min
starting dose). Agitation is treated with
benzodiazepines, given incrementally every 5 to 10
minutes and titrated to mild sedation (2 to 4 mg of
lorazepam, 5 to 20 mg diazepam IV initially; large
total doses may be needed). Patients who are not
rapidly controlled should be paralyzed and intubated.
All patients should have core temperatures measured and
patients with an elevated temperature ( > 39 degrees C)
require rapid, aggressive cooling (keep skin moist by
spraying water or applying wet sheets, accelerate
evaporation with fans directed at the skin. In extreme
cases partially submerge the patient in cold water).
Radiologic evaluation may be of value in evaluating
body packers.

1) PREHOSPITAL: Activated charcoal and ipecac are not
recommended due to rapid absorption of cocaine and the
risk of seizures.

2) HOSPITAL: Decontamination is not useful for most
exposures due to cocaine's rapid absorption. Activated
charcoal decreases the absorption of oral cocaine and
may be used for asymptomatic body stuffers or body
packers. Body packers should also be treated with whole
bowel irrigation.


1) Most patients will not require airway management.
Patients who have multiple seizures, severe agitation
or dysrhythmias should be intubated.


1) There is no specific antidote.


1) Administer IV benzodiazepines, add barbiturates or
propofol if seizures recur or persist.

1) Sinus tachycardia does not require specific treatment.
Beta-blockers should NOT be used in the setting of
acute cocaine toxicity. Wide complex dysrhythmias are
treated with hypertonic sodium bicarbonate boluses;
start with 1 to 2 mEq/kg and repeat as needed.
Endpoints include resolution of dysrhythmia, narrowing
of QRS complex and arterial pH of 7.45 to 7.55. Use
lidocaine if unresponsive to bicarbonate.

1) Control agitation with benzodiazepines; sponge or spray
skin with tepid water and direct fans at patients to
enhance evaporative cooling. Use hypothermia blanket or
ice water immersion if tepid water ineffective.


1) Benzodiazepine sedation is adequate for most cases, if
severe hypertension or end organ damage use
nitroprusside 0.1 mcg/kg/min, or phentolamine 5 mg IV,
titrate to effect.


1) IV 0.9% NaCl, if persistent use direct acting
vasopressor such as norepinephrine or epinephrine.

1) Benzodiazepine sedation, nitroglycerin. Beta-blocking
agents should be AVOIDED. Consider phentolamine in
patients with persistent chest pain and suspected acute
coronary syndrome. Percutaneous coronary intervention
is preferred to thrombolysis in patients with
cocaine-associated ST-elevation myocardial infarction.

1) Diuresis, hemodialysis, and urinary acidification are
NOT effective in enhancing elimination of cocaine.


1) OBSERVATION CRITERIA: Patients with cocaine associated
chest pain who meet low risk criteria can be observed
for 6 hours in the emergency department. Patients with
a single seizure or mild agitation who rapidly recover
and who have normal vital signs after a 6-hour
observation period can be discharged.

2) ADMISSION CRITERIA: Patients who have multiple
seizures, dysrhythmias, severe agitation or who require
heavy sedation should be admitted to an intensive care
setting; those who have chest pain and who do not meet
low risk criteria should be admitted to a telemetry
setting. Body packers and body stuffers should be
admitted for observation and monitoring until ingested
packets have passed through the GI tract.

1) Failure to aggressively treat hyperthermia and
agitation. Failure to recognize the possibility of
delayed toxicity in body packers and stuffers.
Precaution should be taken in the presence of a mixed
overdose of cocaine with an opioid; administration of
naloxone may provoke serious sympathomimetic toxicity
by removing the protective opioid-mediated CNS
depressant effects.
1) Rapidly absorbed after ingestion, inhalation, or
insufflation. Half-life in the range of 30 to 90
minutes depending on route of exposure. Rapid
hydrolysis by serum cholinesterase; some hepatic
metabolism, and 10% to 20% is excreted unchanged in
urine. Metabolite benzoylecgonine generally detected in
urine for 3 days after use.
1) In overdose, serum cocaine concentrations may exceed
the binding capacity of plasma proteins, leading to a
dramatic increase in free cocaine concentrations.


1) Other stimulant intoxication, tricyclic antidepressant
toxicity, thyrotoxicosis, or psychosis.

A) Toxicity may occur with recreational doses, but there are
reports of patients surviving with markedly elevated
serum cocaine concentrations. The lethal dose is not well
established and is quite variable.


IDENTIFICATION: Cocaine is one of 14 alkaloids extracted from the leaves
of two species of coca: Erythroxylum coca (found in South America, central
America, India and Java) and Erythroxylum novogranatense (in South
America). Cocaine is a semi-synthetic drug obtained from ecgonine, a
product of the saponification of coca alkaloids. Street cocaine used by
addicts can be mixed with a number of diluants, and these include
amphetamines, anti-histamines, benzocaine, inositol, lactose, lidocaine,
mannitol, opioids, phencyclidine, procaine, sugars, tetracaine, and
sometimes arsenic, caffeine, quinidine, and even flour or talc. Cocaine
freebase and cocaine hydrochloride are white solid crystals. Cocaine
hydrochloride is now used only for anaesthesia of the respiratory tract.

HUMAN EXPOSURE: Main risks and target organs: The target organs are
central nervous system (CNS) and the cardio-vascular system. Abuse of
cocaine leads to strong psychological dependence. Summary of clinical
effects: Effects depend on the dose, the other substances taken, the route
of administration and individual susceptibility. In low doses acute
intoxication causes euphoria and agitation. Larger doses cause
hyperthermia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, chest pain, tachycardia,
ventricular arrhythmia, hypertension, extreme anxiety, agitation,
hallucination, mydriasis. These can be followed by CNS depression with
irregular respirations, convulsions, coma, cardiac disturbances, collapse
and death. Chronic intoxication produces euphoria, agitation psychomotor,
suicidal ideation, anorexia, weight loss, hallucinations and mental
deterioration. A withdrawal syndrome with severe psychiatric effects can
occur (euphoria, depression). Physical signs of withdrawal have been
described. Clinical features: Acute cocaine poisoning produces signs
similar to acute amphetamine poisoning: psychiatric disturbance
(agitation, hallucinations), neurological effects (mydriasis,
convulsions), cardiovascular problems (tachycardia, raise in blood
pressure, arrhythmia and acute coronary insufficiency) and respiratory
difficulties (cardio-respiratory arrest). When agitation, convulsions,
acute coronary insufficiency are seen in a young patient without previous
cardiovascular problems, cocaine poisoning should be suspected. Headaches
may be due to stroke or transient ischemic attack or to intra-cerebral or
subarachnoid haemorrhage. Spontaneous cerebral haemorrhage can occur in
normotensive subjects. Contraindications: Cocaine hydrochloride should not
be used intra-ocularly, because it can provoke corneal ulceration.
Solutions of cocaine should not be applied to burnt or abraded skin or
tissue supplied by terminal arterioles, because of the risks of ischemia
and tissue necrosis.

Oral: Cocaine can be abused by the oral or
sublingual route, and drug smugglers sometimes swallow the product in
packages of variable composition which may leak or rupture and cause
massive intoxication. Inhalation: There is no therapeutic use for this
route. Parenteral: There is no therapeutic use for parenteral cocaine
administration. Other: Cocaine can also be administered rectally,
vaginally, and urethrally. Cocaine has been used therapeutically for local
anaesthesia of the upper respiratory tract. Absorption by route of
exposure: Cocaine is absorbed by all routes of administration, but the
proportion absorbed depends on the route. After oral administration,
cocaine appears in blood after about 30 minutes, reaching a maximum
concentration in 50 to 90 minutes. In acid medium, cocaine is ionized,
and fails to cross into cells. In alkaline medium, there is less
ionization and the absorption rapidly increases. By the nasal route,
clinical effects are evident 3 minutes after administration, and last for
30 to 60 minutes, the peak plasma concentration being around 15 minutes.
By oral or intra-nasal route, 60 to 80% of cocaine is absorbed. By
inhalation, the absorption can vary from 20 to 60%, the variability being
related to secondary vasoconstriction. Freebase does not undergo
first-pass hepatic metabolism, and plasma concentrations rise immediately.
The effects on the brain occur very rapidly, after about 8 to 12 seconds,
are very violent flash, and last only 5 to 10 minutes.

By the intravenous
route blood concentrations rise to a peak within a few minutes.
Distribution by route of exposure: Cocaine is distributed within all body
tissues, and crosses the blood brain barrier. Metabolism: Cocaine
metabolism takes place mainly in the liver, within 2 hours of
administration. The rate of metabolism varies according to plasma
concentration. The principle metabolites are therefore benzoylecgonine,
ecgonine methyl ester, and ecgonine itself, which are inactive; and
norcocaine which is active, and may be relevant after acute intoxication.
In the presence of alcohol, a further active metabolite, cocaethylene is
formed, and is more toxic then cocaine itself.
The rate of cocaine
metabolism is reduced in pregnant women, aged men, patients with liver
disease, and those with congenital choline esterase deficiency.
Elimination and excretion: 1 to 9% of cocaine is eliminated unchanged in
the urine, with a higher proportion in acid urine. The metabolites
ecgonine methyl ester, benzoylecgonine, and ecgonine are recovered in
variable proportions which depend on the route of administration. At the
end of 4 hours, most of the drug is eliminated from plasma, but
metabolites may be identified up to 144 hours after administration.
Unchanged cocaine is excreted in the stool and in saliva. Cocaine and
benzoylecgonine can be detected in maternal milk up to 36 hours after
administration, and in the urine of neonates for as much as 5 days.
Freebase cocaine crosses the placenta, and norcocaine persists for 4 to 5
days in amniotic fluid, even when it is no longer detectable in maternal
blood. Mode of action: Toxicodynamics: The main target organs are the
central nervous system and cardiovascular system.

Effects depend on the
dose, other substances taken, the route of administration, and individual
susceptibility Cardiovascular effects: the mechanism of cardiovascular
toxicity is unclear. Increased circulating catecholamine concentrations
cause excessive stimulation of alpha- and beta-adrenoceptors. The
cardiovascular effects are dose-dependent. At low doses there is vagal
stimulation with bradycardia. At moderate doses, because of adrenergic
stimulation, there is a rapid increase in cardiac output, myocardial
oxygen consumption, and blood pressure (followed by a fall).

This may
have several consequences. There is a risk of myocardial infarction, both
the subjects with coronary atheroma and those with normal coronary
arteries (when it is unclear if the mechanism is thrombosis, embolism, or
spasm); there is a risk of spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage, which may
occur even in subjects with normal blood pressure. This may be a
consequence of arterial malformation, ischemia, arterial vasoconstriction,
cerebral vasculitis, cardiac rhythm disturbance, or myocardial infarction.
At very high doses, cocaine can cause cardiac arrest by a direct toxic
effect on the myocardium. Cocaine can cause intestinal ischemia or

The intestinal vasculature contains alpha receptors, which are
stimulated by norepinephrine, leading to an increase in arterial
resistance, intense vaso constriction, and a reduction in cardiac output.
Action on the central nervous system: the neurotoxic actions of cocaine
are complex and involve several sites and mechanisms of action. Euphoria,
confusion, agitation, and hallucination result from an increase in the
action of dopamine in the limbic system. Cortical effects lead to pressure
of speech, excitation, and a reduced feeling of fatigue; stimulation of
lower centers leads to tremor and tonic-clonic convulsion; brain stem
effects lead to stimulation and then depression of the respiratory
vasomotor and vomiting centres. Cocaine causes hyperthermia as a result of
two mechanisms: the increase in muscular activity and a direct effect on
thermal regulatory centers. The visceral effects on liver and kidney are
due to dopaminergic action of cocaine, or its metabolites, or to
impurities. The abrupt increase intra-alveolar pressure can cause alveolar
rupture and pneumomediastinum. Rhabdomyolysis occurs as a result of
several different mechanisms: direct effect on muscle and muscle
metabolism, tissue ischemia, the effects of drugs taken with cocaine, such
as alcohol and heroin. Pharmacodynamics: The principle effects of cocaine
are the result of its sympathetic action: cocaine prevents the re-uptake
of dopamine and noradrenaline, which accumulate and stimulate neuronal

At the same time, the release of serotonin a sedative
neurotransmitter, is inhibited.

The inhibition of catecholamine re-uptake
does not explain the duration of action of cocaine, which may also result
from an increase in calcium flux, potentiating cellular responses and
causing receptor hypersensitivity.

There may also be a direct effect on
peripheral organs. Applied locally, cocaine blocks neuronal transmission:
this results in a powerful local anaesthetic action at the level of
sensory nerve terminals.
Teratogenicity: A recent meta-analysis shows an
increase in congenital malformation rate in the offspring of
cocaine-users, particularly for abnormalities of the limbs, the
genito-urinary tract, and the cardiovascular, neurological, and digestive
systems. Patients with choline esterase deficiency may develop severe
reactions. Interactions can occur with adrenaline, alpha- and
beta-blockers, vasoactive amines, antidepressants, chlorpromazine,
guanethidine, indomethacin, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, methyldopa,
naloxone, psychotropic medicines, and reserpine. There are metabolic
interactions with other local anaesthetics, cholinesterase inhibitors and
cytotoxic drugs.

Chronic poisoning: Ingestion: Chronic ingestion of
cocaine can cause thoracic pain, changes on the electrocardiogram with
transient elevation of the ST segments and re-polarisation abnormalities;
and convulsions). Erosion of the teeth has been noted with chronic oral
ingestion. Inhalation: During inhalation of crack cocaine, chest pain
with changes on the electrocardiogram (re-polarization abnormalities and
transient ST segment elevation), and convulsions can occur.

cardiomyopathy with hypotension, hypoxemia and tachycardia, has been
described. A number of other symptoms have been described, though their
aetiology is not always clear. Cough, black or blood-stained sputum,
dyspnoea, thoracic pain, spontaneous pneumothorax, spontaneous
pneumomediastinum, and asthma (in a few cases) or immunoallergic lung
disease, have been described.

Pulmonary granulomas and fibrosis,
bronchiolitis obliterans, and isolated arterial hypertension have also
been observed. Chronic cocaine intoxication causes anorexia, which leads
to weight loss, physical exhaustion, behavioral problems, and depression.
Skin exposure: Application of cocaine to skin or mucous membrane can cause
necrotic lesions. Eye contact: Repeated application of cocaine can cause
necrotic lesions.

Other: Intranasal administration of cocaine can cause
necrosis and perforation of the nasal septum, atrophy of the nasal mucosa,
chronic sinusitis, and anosmia. Course, prognosis, cause of death: In
patients who are moderately poisoned, the symptoms have often
spontaneously resolved before emergency admission, and most patients leave
hospital within 36 hours.

Serious cocaine intoxication evolves in 3
phases: an early phase of stimulation, a second phase of hyper-stimulation
with tonic-clonic convulsions, tachyarrhythmias, and dyspnea, a third
phase of depression of the central nervous system, with loss of vital
function, paralysis, coma, and respiratory and circulatory collapse.
Two-thirds of deaths occur within five hours of administration, and
one-third within one hour after absorption of the drug, whatever the route
of administration. Systematic description of clinical effects:
Hematological: Disseminated intravascular coagulation has been observed in
subjects: platelet aggregation and thromboxane A2 levels are increased and
prostacyclin inhibited by cocaine. Immunological: Opportunist infections
such as cerebral mycosis, and infectious lung disease, have been described
in intravenous cocaine users.

Metabolic: Acid-base disturbances;
electrolyte disturbances. Special risks: Pregnancy: cocaine causes
uterine hypercontractility, a reduced uterine blood flow, and placental
vasoconstriction. Thus, women cocaine addicts can develop hypertension of
pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, placental abruption, premature delivery,
and complications at delivery. Risks in the fetus: The offspring of
mothers who are cocaine addicts has an increased risk of genito-urinary,
cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and neurological malformations; even a
single exposure to cocaine during pregnancy can lead to cerebral
infarction or hematoma, or to failure of development of the blood supply
or nerve supply to fetal structures. In the new-born: Ventricular
tachycardia, cerebral infarction, convulsion, hypertension, and unilateral
hypotonia are seen with increased frequency.
Sudden, unexplained death in
the babies of cocaine addicted mothers can occur during the first few
weeks of life. Breast feeding: Cocaine and benzoylecgonine are found in
maternal milk up to 36 hours after the use of cocaine. Enzyme
deficiencies: Subjects who are deficient in pseudocholinesterase can die
suddenly after cocaine.

ANIMAL/PLANT STUDIES: Anabolic experiments have
shown that there is no true physical tolerance to the effects of cocaine,
but a very marked psychic tolerance which leads animals to auto-inject
cocaine to obtain the desired psychological effects, even though this may
lead to death. Teratogenicity: The studies in animals are contradictory
[International Programme on Chemical Safety; Poisons Information
Monograph: Cocaine (PIM 139) (1999) Available from, as of May 19, 2005:
http://www.inchem.org/pages/pims.html ]


The first toxic effect of cocaine is stimulation of the CNS followed by
violent convulsive seizures. If sufficient cocaine is given, stimulation
is followed by a period of depression that may terminate in
unconsciousness and death from respiratory paralysis. [Booth, N.H., L.E.
McDonald (eds.). Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 5th ed. Ames,
Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1982., p. 366]

Self admin of unlimited quantities of cocaine leads to death in both rats
and primates. In lab rats, self admin of cocaine is associated with a
higher 30 day mortality than self admin of heroin (90% vs 36%). Animals
allowed unlimited cocaine access tended to cease grooming behavior, showed
pronounced deterioration of health out of proportion to weight reduction,
and developed tonic clonic seizures. These experimental animals continue
to self administer cocaine until death. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G.
Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p.

Animals self administering cocaine ... often show a cyclic pattern of use,
with periods of spontaneous abstinence interposed between periods of use.
A small priming dose during abstinence will reinitiate self admin. With
round the clock access to the /drug/ ... there is weight loss, self
mutilation, and death within about 2 weeks. Given a choice between cocaine
and food over a period of 8 days, monkeys consistently select cocaine.
[Gilman, A.G., L.S.Goodman, and A. Gilman. (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's
The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 7th ed. New York: Macmillan
Publishing Co., Inc., 1985., p. 552]

Cocaine pyrexia is often a striking feature of cocaine poisoning and can
easily be elicited in animals by sublethal doses. [Gilman, A.G.,
L.S.Goodman, and A. Gilman. (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's The
Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 7th ed. New York: Macmillan
Publishing Co., Inc., 1985., p. 309]

Acute toxicity from cocaine can occur clinically from overdosage, too
rapid absorption, or improper admin. Adverse or toxic effects from
subcutaneous use in the horse can occur at a dose as low as 600 mg.
However, excitant toxic effects have been reported when only 180 mg
cocaine were injected hypodermically. Severe toxic effects without
fatality occur in the horse following iv admin of cocaine at a dose of
0.93 to 1.13 mg/kg. A dose as low as 120-180 mg (presumably injected by
the iv route) can be lethal in the horse. [Booth, N.H., L.E. McDonald
(eds.). Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 5th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa
State University Press, 1982., p. 366]

Repetitive admin of subconvulsant cocaine doses to animals produces
convulsions without altering plasma or brain cocaine levels. The
increasing behavioral and convulsive effects of chronic administration may
result from the pharmacolgical stimulation of the limbic system.
[Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and
Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing
Co., Inc. 1988., p. 650]

In the mouse and rat /cocaine at/ 60 & 50 mg/kg, respectively, given
ip caused no congenital defects. Treatment days were 8 through 12 for the
rat & 7 through 16 for the mouse. In both species fetal wt was reduced
as compared to pair fed controls. Edema was found in the treated rat
fetuses. ... /In another expt/ mice /were/ injected with single doses of
60 mg/kg on days 7-12. The fetal wt was not reduced but a low, ... /&/
significant increase in eye defects & skeletal defects was reported.
Pair feeding was not carried out. [Shepard, T.H. Catalog of Teratogenic
Agents. 5th ed. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.,
p. 143]

Hungry animals will preferentially bar press for cocaine rather than for
food. Male, nonhuman primates will continue to work for cocaine despite
the presence of a receptive female in their cage. Under unlimited access
conditions, monkeys will bar press until exhausted or convulsing. If the
animal survives, it will return to the task of acquiring more cocaine. In
one experiment, the monkey continued to bar press despite the requirement
that it took 12,800 presses to obtain a single dose of the drug. After the
conditioned response to cocaine is extinguished, a single injection will
reestablish the bar pressing activity. Under limited access conditions,
for example, when cocaine is unavailable for a few hours a day, the
laboratory animal is able to regulate its bar pressing so that a fairly
stable dose is acquired each day. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series
61: Cocaine Use in America: Epidemiologic and Clinical Perspectives
p.151-52 (1985) DHHS Pub No. (ADM)87-1414]

Animals will work more persistently at pressing a bar for cocaine than for
any other drug, including opiates. They will choose the bar that provides
higher doses and an electric shock in preference to one that offers lower
doses without a shock. They will continue to self administer cocaine
despite food shocks that are paired with the cocaine bolus. [Balster RL,
Schuster CR; Advances in Behavioral Biology: Cocaine and Other Stimulants
New York: Plenum Press 1977 as cited in DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph
Series 61: Cocaine Use in America: Epidemiologic and Clinical Perspectives
p.151 (1985) DHHS Pub No. (ADM)87-1414]

Rats given a moderate dose of cocaine show increased locomotor activity
and stereotypic behavior. These behaviors are thought to be mediated by
the mesolimbic and nigrostriatal dopamine pathways, respectively.
[DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 88: Mechanisms of Cocaine Abuse and
Toxicity p.55 (1988) DHHS Pub No. (ADM)89-1585]

Cocaine-induced hepatotoxicity /was encountered/ while studying
sensitization to the stimulant effects of cocaine. The surface of livers
from mice that had received four or five daily injections of 20 mg/kg
cocaine had an unusual pitted or roughened appearance. After other
possible causes such as infection had been ruled out, it was found that a
single injection of 50 mg/kg cocaine could produce severe fatty necrosis
of the liver. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 88: Mechanisms of
Cocaine Abuse and Toxicity p.250 (1988) DHHS Pub No. (ADM)89-1585]

In a self administration study monkeys were given 4 hours of daily access
to cocaine during which each lever press resulted in a drug injection. The
monkeys regulated their drug intake to a remarkable degree. After
training, they showed stability in their daily intake of cocaine over
periods of months. There were no indications of changes in sensitivity to
cocaine's reinforcing effects as would be indicated by an increase
(tolerance) or a decrease (supersensitivity) in its rate of self
administration. ... The constancy of cocaine intake /was demonstrated/ by
changing the dose injected after each lever press. As dose per injection
was decreased, the number of injections taken by the animals decreased,
resulting in an almost constant intake in drug regardless of the dose per
injection. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 88: Mechanisms of Cocaine
Abuse and Toxicity p.108 (1988) DHHS Pub No. (ADM)89-1585]

Conditioning with cocaine at the level of the single cell /was reported/.
The cell was "rewarded" with cocaine whenever it increased its firing
rate. Compared with pseudoconditioned controls, which were administered
cocaine at random intervals, the cocaine conditioned cells "learned" to
increase their firing rates to a remarkable and significant degree.
[DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 88: Mechanisms of Cocaine Abuse and
Toxicity p.233 (1988) DHHS Pub No. (ADM)89-1585]

To determine the long term effects of cocaine on a developing fetus,
gravid rats were dosed sc throughout pregnancy with either saline,
amfonelic acid (1.5 mg/kg), amitriptyline (10 mg/kg) or cocaine (15
mg/kg/twice a day/) and the male pups fostered by surrogate rats. Compared
to saline offspring, cocaine and amitriptyline exposed litters were
underweight at birth, but there were no differences between groups at 15
or 30 days of age. There were more birth defects and stillbirths in
cocaine exposed offspring, however, there were no differences in
male/female sex ratios or litter size in any group. Number of days to
righting reflex was delayed in the cocaine-exposed group, but there were
no changes in time to eye opening. Cocaine and amitriptyline exposed pups
were hyperactive at 30 days of age, though no differences were found in an
initial 15 min exploration period. Only the amfonelic acid exposed
offspring were hyperactive at 60 days postnatal. Since cocaine and
amitriptyline decreased birth weights, this effect may be related to the
nondopaminergic effects of cocaine. These data demonstrate that cocaine
exposure in utero at relevant doses can affect neonatal outcome and long
term development in rat offspring. [Handerson MG, McMillen BA; Brain Res
Bull 24 (2): 207-12 (1990)]

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... ds=2322854

The present study was designed to determine the central effects of cocaine
on heart rate and blood pressure in Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) and to
evaluate mechanism involved in the response. Cocaine (0.025-4 mg/kg) was
administered to unanesthetized, unrestrained rats via a cannula placed
into the lateral ventricle. Procaine (0.1 and 4 mg/kg) was also
administered centrally. Cocaine did not significantly alter blood pressure
at doses of 0.025, 0.1, or 0.5 mg/kg, icv.

Only the highest dose, 4 mg/kg,
icv produced a significant pressor response.

Cocaine produced significant
dose-dependent tachycardia, with the maximum increase in heart rate
occurring witin 5 min. Procaine (4 mg/kg, icv) produced tachycardia, but
the effect was significantly less than that produced by cocaine (4 mg/kg,
icv). Cocaine also produced tachycardia at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg but
procaine did not significantly alter heart rate at the same dose. Central
phentolamine pretreatment (0.1 mg/kg, icv) significantly attenuated the
increase in heart rate produced by cocaine.

These results indicate that
the centrally mediated tachycardia produced by cocaine is partly due to
its local anesthetic activity and to indirect stimulation of alpha
receptors. [Jones LF, Tackett RL; Life Sci 46 (10): 723-8 (1990)]

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... ds=2314194

Studies with animals demonstrate that cocaine is three times as lethal as
Ninety percent of animals with free access to cocaine are dead in
three months, while only 30% of those with free access to heroin are dead
in the same amount of time.
Monkeys with unlimited access to cocaine will
choose it over food until they starve.

[Young, L.Y., M.A. Koda-Kimble (eds.). Applied Therapeutics. The Clinical Use of Drugs. 6th ed.Vancouver, WA., Applied Therapeutics, Inc. 1995., p. 84-8]


Studies in rats demonstrate that cocaine decreases endurance performance
and speeds the depletion of muscle glycogen. [Young, L.Y., M.A.
Koda-Kimble (eds.). Applied Therapeutics. The Clinical Use of Drugs. 6th
ed. Vancouver, WA., Applied Therapeutics, Inc. 1995., p. 84-10]

A ... report demonstrated that cocaine improved sexual performance in male
rats, as measured by the number of ejaculations per half hour. [Thomas,
J.A., K.S. Korach, J.A. McLachlan. Endocrine Toxicology. New York, NY:
Raven Press, Ltd., 1985., p. 263]

Studies in female ovariectomized rats show that moderate doses (10-20
mg/kg of cocaine) increase and high dosages (40 mg/kg cocaine) decrease
serum luteinizing hormone. [Thomas, J.A., K.S. Korach, J.A. McLachlan.
Endocrine Toxicology. New York, NY: Raven Press, Ltd., 1985., p. 263]
Exposure of animals to stress increases the turnover and extracellular
concentration of dopamine ... as would a small "priming" dose of cocaine,
and may result in priming the animal or human to cocaine use. [DHHS/NIDA;
Research Monograph Series 163: Neurotoxicity and Neuropathology Associated
with Cocaine Abuse p.7 (1996) NIH Pub No. 96-4019]
In rats exposed to continuous cocaine, persistent changes in acetylcholine
and GABA receptors in the caudate were observed ... 30 days after removal
of cocaine pellets, suggesting that they were long lasting or permanent.
In contrast to continuous cocaine infusion, daily injections of 20 mg of
cocaine for 5 days failed to produce neurodegeneration but did result in
behavioral sensitization. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 163:
Neurotoxicity and Neuropathy Associated with Cocaine Abuse p.11 (1996) NIH
Pub. No. 96-4019]
Cocaine caused a 36% drop in fetal oxygen partial pressure following a
2 mg/kg dose of cocaine to the ewe ... Simultaneously, it caused a 25%
rise in fetal blood pressure. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 158:
Biological Mechanisms and Perinatal Exposure to Drugs p. 58 (1995) NIH
Pub. No. 95-4024]

Fetal rapid eye movement sleep, thought to be important in normal fetal
cerebral development, is diminished during cocaine exposure, but the fetus
has the ability to catch up with extended periods of rapid eye movement
following cocaine removal. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 158:
Biological Mechanisms and Perinatal Exposure to Drugs p. 63 (1995) NIH
Pub. No. 95-4024]

LD100 Rabbit subcutaneous 0.1 g/kg [Booth, N.H., L.E. McDonald (eds.).
Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 5th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State
University Press, 1982., p. 366]

LD100 Rabbit intravenous 0.02-0.025 g/kg [Booth, N.H., L.E. McDonald
(eds.). Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 5th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa
State University Press, 1982., p. 366]
LD100 Cat subcutaneous 0.03-0.033 g/kg [Booth, N.H., L.E. McDonald (eds.).
Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 5th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State
University Press, 1982., p. 366]

LD100 Cat intravenous 0.015 g/kg [Booth, N.H., L.E. McDonald (eds.).
Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 5th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State
University Press, 1982., p. 366]

LD100 Dog subcutaneous 0.02-0.035 g/kg [Booth, N.H., L.E. McDonald (eds.).
Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 5th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State
University Press, 1982., p. 366]

LD100 Dog intravenous 0.012 g/kg [Booth, N.H., L.E. McDonald (eds.).
Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 5th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State
University Press, 1982., p. 366]

LD100 Goat subcutaneous 0.015 g/kg [Booth, N.H., L.E. McDonald (eds.).
Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 5th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State
University Press, 1982., p. 366]

LD100 Horse subcutaneous 0.018 g/kg [Booth, N.H., L.E. McDonald (eds.).
Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 5th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State
University Press, 1982., p. 366]

LD100 Cattle subcutaneous 0.018 g/kg [Booth, N.H., L.E. McDonald (eds.).
Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 5th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State
University Press, 1982., p. 366]

LD50 Rat ip 70 mg/kg [Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial
Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold,
1996., p. 906]

LD50 Rat sc 250 mg/kg [Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New York, NY: Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1996., p. 906]

LD50 Rat iv 17,500 ug/kg [Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New York, NY: Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1996., p. 906]

LD50 Mouse oral 99 mg/kg [Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New York, NY: Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1996., p. 906]

LD50 Mouse ip 75 mg/kg [Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New York, NY: Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1996., p. 906]

LD50 Mouse iv 30 mg/kg [Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New York, NY: Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1996., p. 906]

LD50 Dog iv 13 mg/kg [Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial
Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold,
1996., p. 906]

LD50 Rabbit iv 17 mg/kg [Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes 1-3. New York, NY: Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1996., p. 906]


Plasma and liver cholinesterases hydrolyze cocaine to the major inactive
metabolite ecgonine methyl ester, which accounts for 32% to 49% of urine
metabolites /in humans/. The other major metabolite is benzoylecgonine,
which accounts for 29% to 45% of urinary metabolites. The latter
metabolite may be hydrolyzed nonenzymatically. Conversion of cocaine to
norcocaine by N-methylation occurs only as a small fraction of cocaine
metabolism (2.6% to 6.2%). [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical
Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY:
Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 649]

Applied topically /to patients/, cocaine is rapidly absorbed from the
nasal mucosa with detectable serum levels at 15 minutes and peak levels of
its major metabolite 4 to 5 hr after application. [Miller, R. R., and D.
J. Greenblatt. Handbook of Drug Therapy. New York: Elsevier North Holland,
1979., p. 957]
Cocaine is rapidly and well absorbed from the nasal, oral, and pulmonary
routes. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger.
Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 359]

Plasma cocaine concentration rapidly incr for the first 20-30 min after
insufflation, reaching a peak between 15 and 60 minutes. Peak plasma concn
range between 120 and 474 ng/ml after a 1.5 mg/kg cocaine dose, but max
euphoric effects occur before peak levels, about 15-20 min
postinsufflation. Absorption by the nasal route at therapeutic doses is
98% complete after 4 hr. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical
Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY:
Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 648]

At 2 mg/kg, orally admin cocaine produces mean peak plasma levels
statistically similar to those produced by the intranasal route. Oral
admin produce detectable plasma cocaine at 30 minutes, with peak levels
reached between 50 & 90 minutes. ... /In one study/, the peak
subjective "high" after oral dosing was more intense than that induced by
insufflation but was delayed (45-90 minutes compared with 15-60 minutes by
insufflation). One possible explanation is that cocaine is better absorbed
in alkaline medium of the small intestine than in the acid medium of the

Similar relative bioavailability (ie, about 60%) exists in
intranasal & oral routes at doses of 2 mg/kg. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and
D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p.
When smoked, absorption of the free base from the lung is rapid &
efficient, producing concn in plasma of more than 900 ng/ml; peak values
of 150 to 200 ng/ml are reached 30 to 40 minutes after the inhalation of
96 mg of crystalline cocaine hydrochloride. /Cocaine hydrochloride/
[Gilman, A.G., L.S.Goodman, and A. Gilman. (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's
The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 7th ed. New York: Macmillan
Publishing Co., Inc., 1985., p. 552]
The volume of distribution of cocaine is 1.2 to 1.9 l/kg. At autopsy, the
highest cocaine concentrations are found in the urine and kidney, followed
by the brain, blood, liver, and bile. ...

Cocaine plasma levels remain
detectable for 4 to 6 hr. ...

Cocaine easily diffuses across the
blood-brain barrier. At peak plasma cocaine levels after acute exposures,
the brain/blood cocaine ratio is approximately 4. Since plasma cocaine
levels fall more rapidly than brain concn, this ratio incr to 20 within
1-2 hr postexposure.

A brain/blood ratio over 10 is the most common ratio
seen in cocaine overdose cases. Cocaine is not detectable in animal brain
tissue more than 6 to 8 hr postexposure. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G.
Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p.

A ratio /of benzoylecgonine to cocaine/ less than 100 in urine suggests
that cocaine was ingested less than 10 hours before the sample was
collected. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger.
Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 374]

Similar oral and nasal cocaine doses produce similar peak blood levels and
times to peak blood level (about 60 min), yet the onset and magnitude of
both subjective effects and cardiovascular changes such as heart rate and
blood pressure increase are much more rapidly after intranasal

Effects begin within a minute or so after spraying the
dose in the nasopharynx with a 10% cocaine solution and within a few
minutes of administration of cocaine as a crystalline material. No one has
done enough early plasma sampling after administration to properly define
the earliest phase of uptake, but initial uptake appears to be faster when
cocaine is taken nasally than when taken orally.

For example, after 2
mg/kg dose, plasma levels at 15 minutes were 5.7 ng/ml with the oral route
and 17.5 ng/ml after nasal administration, yet the peak plasma levels at 1
hr were similar. It is likely that plasma concentrations do not adequately
reflect brain levels of the drug, and that brain levels are important
determinants of the sought after effects. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph
Series 50: Cocaine: Pharmacology Effects and Treatment of Abuse p.40
(1984) DHHS Pub No. ADM(87)-1326]
Cocaine is excreted almost exclusively in the urine. Only 4%-6% is
excreted in the feces. Both THC and cocaine, as well as most other drugs,
are extensively metabolized. The urinary as well as fecally excreted
compounds are primarily metabolites with only a minor fraction of
unchanged drugs. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 73: Urine Testing
for Drugs of Abuse p.70 (1986) DHHS Pub No. (ADM)87-1481]

A significant amount of the maternal dose of cocaine and benzylecgonine is
retained by the placenta, which later leaches out into both fetal and
maternal circulation. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J.
Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of
Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p.

In a /human/ heart weighing 350 g, 2.5% of the injected dose was in the
heart 2-3 min after iv administration. The uptake and clearance of
carbon-11 from the heart were faster than in the brain. In the heart, the
time for clearance to 50% of maximum uptake was 10 min, whereas in the
brain it was 25 min. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 163:
Neurotoxicity and Neuropathology Associated with Cocaine Abuse p.167
(1996) NIH Pub. No. 96-4019]



The apparent plasma half-life of cocaine is about 0.9 hr after therapeutic
oral doses, compared with 1.3 hr for insufflation, which may reflect
continuing nasal absorption. Cocaine plasma levels remain detectable for
4-6 hr. In chronic cocaine users, the plasma cocaine half-life averages 48
min after a 32 mg intravenous injection. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G.
Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p.

Half-life varies significantly between individuals, perhaps because of
differences in cholinesterase levels.
Saturation or tolerance may occur at
higher cocaine dosages, leading to altered elimination kinetics.
Elimination half-lives of the two main metabolites, benzoylecgonine and
ecgonine methyl ester (5-7 and 4-5 hr, respectively), exceed those of
urinary cocaine (about 1.5 hr).

[Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux.Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York,NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 649]

The half-life is a very important parameter for estimating the time
required to eliminate the drug in the body. It takes one half-life for
plasma levels to fall to half of their original level. In the case of
cocaine, it takes 1.5 hr for cocaine plasma levels to fall from 102 ng/ml.
This is the same time that it takes for concentrations to fall from 51
ng/ml to 25.5 ng/ml.

By five half-lives (7.5 hr) the plasma concentration
of cocaine decreased from 102 ng/ml to 3.1 ng/ml, which is 3% of the
original drug in the body. Almost all the drug (97%) will be eliminated by
five half-lives. For reaching a certain drug level, an additional
half-life will be required if the dose is doubled.

For example, if cocaine
is given at a dose of 40 mg, it will take two half-lives to reach the
level of 51 ng/ml and six half-lives to reach the level of 3.1 ng/ml.
[DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 73: Urine Testing for Drugs of Abuse
p.74 (1986) DHHS Pub No. (ADM)87-1481]

The half-life of cocaine in plasma is about 50 minutes ... [Hardman, J.G.,
L.E. Limbird, P.B. Molinoff, R.W. Ruddon, A.G. Goodman (eds.). Goodman and
Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 9th ed. New York, NY:
McGraw-Hill, 1996., p. 570]

Cocaine has a relatively short plasma and brain half-life - iv in humans,
16-87 min ... in rats, 18-30 min ... [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series
163: Neurotoxicity and Neuropathology Associated with Cocaine Abuse p.95
(1996) NIH Pub. No. 96-4019]


... /Blocks/ nerve impulses, as a consequence of its local anesthetic
properties, and local vasoconstriction, secondary to inhibition of local
norepinephrine reuptake. ... Its high toxicity is due to block of
catecholamine uptake in both the central and peripheral nervous systems.
Its euphoric properties are due primarily to inhibition of catecholamine
uptake ... at central nervous system synapses. [Hardman, J.G., L.E.
Limbird, P.B. Molinoff, R.W. Ruddon, A.G. Goodman (eds.). Goodman and
Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 9th ed. New York, NY:
McGraw-Hill, 1996., p. 338]

Large cocaine doses produce elevated body temp and hyperthermia through
several mechanisms, whereas therapeutic doses result in no temp changes.

1. Psychomotor hyperactivity increases heat production;
2.Vasoconstriction decr heat loss;
3. A direct pyrogenic action on thermoregulatory centers reduces heat loss; and
4. The liver may increaseits calorigenic activity.
[Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY:Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 650]
The most important action of cocaine clinically is its ability to block
the initiation or conduction of the nerve impulse following local

Its most striking systemic effect is stimulation of the
central nervous system. ... Small doses of cocaine given systemically may
slow the heart as a result of central vagal stimulation, but after
moderate doses the heart rate is increased. ...

Although the blood
pressure may finally fall, there is at first a prominent rise in blood
pressure due to sympathetically mediated tachycardia and vasoconstriction.

A large intravenous dose of cocaine may cause immediate death from cardiac
failure due to a direct toxic action on the heart muscle. [Gilman, A.G.,
L.S.Goodman, and A. Gilman. (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's The
Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 7th ed. New York: Macmillan
Publishing Co., Inc., 1985., p. 309]

Cocaine is markedly pyrogenic.
The incr muscular activity attending stimulation by cocaine augments heat production; vasoconstriction decreases heat loss.

Also, cocaine may have a direct action on the heat
regulating centers, for the onset of cocaine fever is often heralded by a
chill, which indicates that the body is adjusting its temp to a higher
Cocaine pyrexia is often a striking feature of cocaine poisoning
... [Gilman, A.G., L.S.Goodman, and A. Gilman. (eds.). Goodman and
Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 7th ed. New York:
Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1985., p. 309]

The reinforcing & euphorigenic effects of ...

cocaine appear to
involve the actions of catecholamines in the CNS, esp those of dopamine.

They can be blocked, at least partially, by pimozide & other
dopaminergic antagonists but are relatively unaffected by
phenoxybenzamine. ...

Both amphetamine & apomorphine (a dopaminergic
agonist) facilitate electrical self stimulation of "reward" areas of the
Amphetamine &
cocaine share with morphine the capacity to lower the amount of electrical current required to produce "rewarding" effects in these brain areas.
The mechanisms of reinforcement are still uncertain.
[Gilman, A.G., L.S.Goodman, and A. Gilman. (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's
The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 7th ed. New York: Macmillan
Publishing Co., Inc., 1985., p. 553]

Cocaine has multiple central and peripheral pharmacological actions.

The action responsible for the rewarding property, and hence the abuse
liability, of cocaine is an action in the dopaminergic synapse; in the rat
the major set of critical dopaminergic synapses appears to be in the
nucleus accumbens.

Cocaine prolongs the activity of dopamine in the
synapse by blocking the dopamine reuptake mechanism (which usually
inactivates the transmitter by removing it from the proximity of its
synaptic targets).

This is an action shared with amphetamine; in addition
to blocking the dopamine reuptake mechanism, amphetamine also augments
dopaminergic function by augmenting dopamine release directly into the
While amphetamine and cocaine have discriminable subjective
effects, perhaps due to differences in rate of onset and metabolism or
perhaps due to different side effects, cocaine shares its rewarding impact
and abuse liability very closely with amphetamine.

When drug access is
unlimited, cocaine and amphetamine have the same ability to dominate
behavior, reducing other behaviors such as feeding and sleeping and, in
the process, reducing stress resistance to life threatening levels.

[DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 50: Cocaine: Pharmacology Effects
and Treatment of Abuse p.27 (1984) DHHS Pub No. ADM(87)-1326]

Cocaine is a potent inhibitor of dopamine reuptake and appears to release
this neurotransmiter.

Dopamine reuptake inhibition has been confirmed in a
number of studies and is consistent with acutely increased dopamine

A further reflection of increased synaptic availability
of dopamine is the finding of elevated 3-methoxytyramine but normal
homovanillic acid concentrations after cocaine administration.

also causes reductions in brain dopamine concentrations with repeated

Cocaine elevates brain dopamine concentrations acutely,
followed by reductions below normal levels several minutes later.

has also been shown to inhibit dopamine vesicle binding, thereby exposing
/dopamine/ to intracellular metabolism. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph
Series 61: Cocaine Use in America: Epidemiologic and Clinical Perspectives
p.132 (1985) DHHS Pub No. (ADM)87-1414]

Cocaine ... induces the secretion of transforming growth factor-beta,
which has been linked to the observation that cocaine exposure enhances
replication of the HIV-1 virus in human peripheral blood mononuclear
cells. [Klaassen, C.D., M.O. Amdur, Doull J. (eds.). Casarett and Doull's
Toxicology. The Basic Science of Poisons. 5th ed. New York, NY:
McGraw-Hill, 1995., p. 383]


A common combination is heroin and cocaine ("speedball").

Users report an
improved euphoria because of the combination, and there is evidence of an
interaction because the partial mu opiate agonist buprenorphine reduces
cocaine self-administration in animals. Cocaine reduces the signs of
opiate withdrawal, and heroin may reduce the irritability seen in chronic
cocaine users. [Hardman, J.G., L.E. Limbird, P.B. Molinoff, R.W. Ruddon,
A.G. Goodman (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of
Therapeutics. 9th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1996., p. 568]
dopamine, tricyclic antidepressants,
and monoamine oxidase inhibitors potentiate the adverse effects of cocaine.

[Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY:Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 646]

The use of cocaine mud (dry cocaine powder moistened with epinephrine
solution for nasal surgery) causes dangerous drug interactions ...

[Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and
Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing
Co., Inc. 1988., p. 646]

Amphetamines antagonize the adrenergic neuron blockage produced by
guanethidine, probably by displacing guanethidine from adrenergic neurons
& inhibiting its uptake by adrenergic neurons. It has also been
proposed that amphetamines may have a direct effect on vasoconstrictor
receptors. This interaction has been described in several hypertensive
patients & is likely to be clinically significant. ...

Animal studies
reportedly indicate that cocaine may antagonize the antihypertensive
effect of guanethidine.

Studies in humans are needed to confirm these

Although clinical evidence is lacking, the possibility of
interaction should be realized.

[Hansten P.D. Drug Interactions. 5th ed.Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1985., p. 178]
... /It has been reported/ that cocaine (20 mg/kg) potentiated the
teratogenic effects of caffeine in mice. [Shepard, T.H. Catalog of
Teratogenic Agents. 5th ed. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University
Press, 1986., p. 143]

Cocaine hydrochloride (10 micrograms/ml) delivered perivascularly to the
surface of the rat brain resulted in rapid contraction of pial arterioles,
which reduced the diameters by 26% compared to controls. This was followed
by venular vasospasm and rupture of postcapillary venules and
micro-hemorrhages at postcapillary sites.

Administration of magnesium
aspartate hydrochloride, by intraarterial or intravenous infusion (1, 10
and 20 mumol/min), before or after the cocaine, produced dose-dependent
inhibition (20-85%) of the cocaine-induced arteriolar spasms and
prevention and attenuation of the venular vasculotoxicity and
These data suggest that magnesium salts might be useful
agents in the treatment of cocaine-induced intoxication and prevention of
brain damage. [Huang QF et al; Neurosci Lett 109 (1-2): 113-6 (1990)]

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... ds=2314626

A number of anticonvulsant drugs were studied for their efficacy in
preventing seizures and death from intoxication with cocaine.

Rats were
first pretreated with the test drug then subjected to large doses of
intraperitoneally administered cocaine. In this model, control animals
developed seizures in approximately 6 min, followed by death in
approximately 10 min.

Statistically significant protection against
seizures and death was afforded by pretreatment with diazepam,
phenobarbital and the blocker of the uptake of gamma-aminobutyric acid
(GABA), SKF 100330A.

Only partial protection was afforded by the
N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist MK 801, the benzodiazepine
antagonist, flumazenil and the novel aminobenzamide, LY 201116.

Valproic acid and phenytoin demonstrated limited efficacy against cocaine-induced
seizures, without consistently reducing death. Carbamazepine and
ethosuximide did not significantly reduce seizures or death.
In this model
of acute cocaine toxicity, the anticonvulsants diazepam, phenobarbital and
the blocker of the uptake of GABA, SKF 100330A were the most effective in
protecting rats from cocaine-induced seizures and death. These data offer
insight into future approaches for the treatment of patients with the
acute toxic effects of cocaine. [Derlet RW, Albertson TE;
Neuropharmacology 29 (3): 255-9 (1990)]

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... ds=2325832


Administration of cocaine prior to or shortly after anesthesia with
chloroform, cyclopropane, halothane, or trichloroethylene may increase the
risk of ventricular fibrillation or other severe ventricular arrhythmias,
especially in patients with pre-existing heart disease, because these
anesthetics greatly sensitize the myocardium to the effects of
sympathomimetics; great caution and especially careful patient monitoring
are recommended if concurrent use is necessary.

Isoflurane, and, to a
lesser extent, enflurane or methoxyflurane, may also sensitize the
myocardium to the effects of sympathomimetics; caution in current use is
recommended. /Cocaine hydrochloride/
[USP. Convention.USPDI - Drug Information for the Health Care Professional. 19th ed. Volume
I.Micromedex, Inc. Englewood, CO., 1999. Content Prepared by the U.S.
Pharmacopieal Convention, Inc., p. 924-5]
Concurrent use of
tricyclic antidepressants
or digitalis glycosides
orlevodopa or methyldopa

with cocaine may increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmias;
if use of cocaine is necessary in patient receiving these

it is recommended that cocaine be administered with caution,
in reduced dosage, and in conjunction with electrocardiographic
monitoring. /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [USP. Convention. USPDI - Drug
Information for the Health Care Professional. 19th ed. Volume
I.Micromedex, Inc. Englewood, CO., 1999. Content Prepared by the U.S.
Pharmacopieal Convention, Inc., p. 925]

Cocaine may decrease the antihypertensive effects of these medications
/antihypertensive, especially: postganglionic blocking antihypertensive
agents, ie, guanadrel or guanethidine/; careful monitoring of the patient
is recommended. Postganglionic blocking agents such as guanadrel or
guanethidine may potentiate cocaine-induced sympathetic stimulation;
concurrent use may increase the risk of hypertension and cardiac
arrhythmias. /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [USP. Convention. USPDI - Drug
Information for the Health Care Professional. 19th ed. Volume
I.Micromedex, Inc. Englewood, CO., 1999. Content Prepared by the U.S.
Pharmacopieal Convention, Inc., p. 925]

Cocaine may inhibit the therapeutic effects of systemic beta-adrenergic
blocking agents.
Although systemic beta-adrenergic blocking agents are recommend to reduce tachycardia, myocardial ischemia, and/or arrhythmias induced by cocaine, concurrent use of a systemic beta-adrenergic blocking agent with cocaine may increase the risk of hypertension, excessive
bradycardia, and possibly heart block, because beta-blockade may leave
cocaine's alpha-adrenergic activity unopposed; the risk of these adverse effects may be decreased with labetalol because labetalol also has some alpha-adrenergic blocking activity, although its beta-adrenergic blocking activity predominates;

the possibility of adverse effects should also be
considered if cocaine is administered to patients receiving ophthalmic
beta-adrenergic blocking agents, which are extensively absorbed and cause
significant systemic beta-adrenergic blockade. /Cocaine hydrochloride/
[USP. Convention. USPDI - Drug Information for the Health Care
Professional. 19th ed. Volume I.Micromedex, Inc. Englewood, CO., 1999.
Content Prepared by the U.S. Pharmacopieal Convention, Inc., p. 925]

Concurrent use /of
other CNS stimulation-producing medications/
cocaine may result in excessive CNS stimulation,

leading to
or possibly convulsions
or cardiac arrhythmias;

close observation is recommended. /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [USP.
Convention. USPDI - Drug Information for the Health Care Professional.
19th ed. Volume I.Micromedex, Inc. Englewood, CO., 1999. Content Prepared
by the U.S. Pharmacopieal Convention, Inc., p. 925]

Inhibition of cholinesterase activity by these agents
inhibitors, such as
neurotoxic insecticides possibly including large quantities

of topical malathion,
thiotepa/ reduces or slows cocaine metabolism, thereby increasing and/or prolonging its effects and
increasing the risk of toxicity;

cholinesterase inhibition caused by
or isoflurophate may persist for weeks or months after the medication has been discontinued. /Cocaine hydrochloride/
[USP. Convention. USPDI - Drug Information for the Health Care
Professional. 19th ed. Volume I.Micromedex, Inc. Englewood, CO., 1999.
Content Prepared by the U.S. Pharmacopieal Convention, Inc., p. 925]

Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors /including
and selegiline/

may prolong and intensify the cardiac stimulant and vasopressor effects of cocaine because of release of catecholamines that accumulate in intraneuronal storage sites during MAO inhibitor therapy, resulting in headache, cardiac arrhythmias, vomiting, or sudden and severe hypertensive and/or hyperpyretic crises;
cocaine should not be administered during, or with 14 days following, administration of an MAO

Phenelzine also inhibits cholinesterase activity and may reduce
or slow cocaine metabolism, thereby increasing and/or prolonging its
effects and increasing the risk of toxicity. /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [USP.
Convention. USPDI - Drug Information for the Health Care Professional.
19th ed. Volume I.Micromedex, Inc. Englewood, CO., 1999. Content Prepared
by the U.S. Pharmacopieal Convention, Inc., p. 925]

Cocaine may reduce the antianginal effects of ... /nitrates/. /Cocaine
hydrochloride/ [USP. Convention. USPDI - Drug Information for the Health
Care Professional. 19th ed. Volume I.Micromedex, Inc. Englewood, CO.,
1999. Content Prepared by the U.S. Pharmacopieal Convention, Inc., p.

In addition to increasing CNS stimulation, concurrent use /of other
sympathomimetics especially:
dobutamine or dopamine or topical

may increase the cardiovascular effects of either or both
medications and the risk of adverse effects. Concurrent use of epinephrine
with cocaine (especially intranasal application of "cocaine mud", a
potentially lethal substance obtained by moistening cocaine crystals or
flakes with an epinephrine solution)

is not recommended because of the
high risk of hypertensive episodes and cardiac arrhythmias;

also,concurrent topical use of cocaine and epinephrine is unnecessary because
epinephrine does not provide additional local vasoconstriction, slow
absorption of cocaine from the mucosa, or prolong cocaine's duration of
action. /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [USP. Convention. USPDI - Drug Information
for the Health Care Professional. 19th ed. Volume I.Micromedex, Inc.
Englewood, CO., 1999. Content Prepared by the U.S. Pharmacopieal
Convention, Inc., p. 925]

Concurrent use /
of thyroid hormones/

may increase the effects of either
these medications or cocaine;

thyroid hormones enhance the risk of
coronary insufficiency when sympathomimetic agents are administered to
patients with coronary artery disease; dosage adjustment is recommended,
although the risk is reduced in euthyroid patients. /Cocaine
hydrochloride/ [USP. Convention. USPDI - Drug Information for the Health
Care Professional. 19th ed. Volume I.Micromedex, Inc. Englewood, CO.,
1999. Content Prepared by the U.S. Pharmacopieal Convention, Inc., p.
925] *
Combinations of cocaine and marijuana increase (up to 50 beats/min) the
heart rate above levels seen with either drug alone. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S.
Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology:
Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD:
Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 363]

Patients may ingest an organophosphate insecticide while smoking crack
in an effort to prevent the rapid breakdown of cocaine by
inhibition of plasma cholinesterase, thereby leading to a prolonged or
intensified high.
One pregnant woman who did this developed nausea and
weakness in 1 hour, then vomited, developed fasciculations, and had a
generalized tonic-clonic seizure. /Crack/ [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald,
G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and
Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins,
1997., p. 364]

In animals ibogaine enhances amphetamine- and cocaine-induced increases in
brain dopamine levels. [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J.
Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of
Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p.

An important metabolic interaction occurs when cocaine and alcohol are
taken concurrently.

Some cocaine is transesterified to cocaethylene, which
is equipotent to cocaine in blocking dopamine reuptake. [Hardman, J.G.,
L.E. Limbird, P.B. Molinoff, R.W. Ruddon, A.G. Goodman (eds.). Goodman and
Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 9th ed. New York, NY:
McGraw-Hill, 1996., p. 570]

General anesthesia ...
modifies cocaine's sympathomimetic effects, leading to increased toxicity. [Young, L.Y., M.A. Koda-Kimble (eds.). Applied
Therapeutics. The Clinical Use of Drugs. 6th ed. Vancouver, WA., Applied
Therapeutics, Inc. 1995., p. 8-13]

... Chronic exposure of weanling rats to low levels of lead increased
their sensitivity to, and self-administration of, stimulants as compared
with control animals. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 163:
Neurotoxicity and Neuropathology Associated with Cocaine Abuse p. 9 (1996)
NIH Pub. No. 96-4019]

... Cross tolerance between the anorectic effect of cocaine &
amphetamine has been demonstrated in rats. [Gilman, A.G., L.S.Goodman, and
A. Gilman. (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of
Therapeutics. 7th ed. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1985., p.

Drug Discrimination:

Generalization between d-amphetamine and cocaine has
been demonstrated in the rhesus monkey.
[Ando K, Yanagita T; p.125-36 in
Stimulus Properties of Drugs: Ten Years of Progress; Colpaert FC,
Rosecrans JA, eds (1978) as cited in DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series
52: Testing Drugs for Physical Dependence Potential and Abuse Liability
p.67 (1984) DHHS Pub No. (ADM)87-1332]

Anesthetics, Local; Dopamine Uptake Inhibitors; Vasoconstrictor Agents
[National Library of Medicine's Medical Subject Headings online file
(MeSH, 1999)] **PEER REVIEWED**

In modern medicine, cocaine is used primarily by otolaryngologists,
plastic surgeons, and emergency physicians.

Cocaine is /a/ ... local
anesthetic and vasoconstrictor of mucous membranes and as such enjoys wide
use in nasal surgery, rhinoplasty, and emergency nasotracheal intubation.
[Haddad, L.M., Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug Overdose. 2nd ed.
Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Co., 1990., p. 731]

/ Former Use/:

It is usually reserved for hospital patients with acute
sinusitis. As a topical decongestant, cocaine is used in 2% solution ...
[Miller, R. R., and D. J. Greenblatt. Handbook of Drug Therapy. New York:
Elsevier North Holland, 1979., p. 957]

/Has been found to be/ useful during emergency nasotracheal intubation.
[Haddad, L.M., Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug Overdose. 2nd ed.
Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Co., 1990., p. 732]

/Cocaine/ is no longer used in ophthalmic surgery.

[Haddad, L.M., Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug Overdose. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: W.B.
Saunders Co., 1990., p. 731]

In a 5% solution, it has been used for many years for
instillation into the eye of the horse preparatory to surgery or
examination. Concn of 3-5% have been employed in the dog for this purpose.
Good local anesthesia of the conjunctiva & many parts of the eyeball
results. ... Cocaine solutions in concn of 5-10% are used to anesthetize
mucous membranes of the nose, larynx, & buccal cavity in large
animals. In smaller species, concn of 5% are adequate. [Booth, N.H., L.E.
McDonald (eds.). Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 5th ed. Ames,
Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1982., p. 366] **PEER REVIEWED**
Previously, cocaine was added to analgesic mixtures for terminally ill
patients (eg, Brompton's cocktail) to elevate mood and counteract narcotic
induced resp and CNS depression. ... Randomized controlled trials failed
to justify the addition of cocaine and suggested that the presence of
cocaine may lead to restlessness, agitation, confusion, or hallucinations.
[Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and
Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing
Co., Inc. 1988., p. 646]

Use /as surface anesthetic/ is now almost entirely restricted to surgery
of nose and throat, and occasionally to ophthalmic surgery. [Reynolds,
J.E.F., Prasad, A.B. (eds.) Martindale-The Extra Pharmacopoeia. 28th ed.
London: The Pharmaceutical Press, 1982., p. 915]

Cocaine hydrochloride is indicated to provide local anesthesia and
vasoconstriction of accessible mucous membranes, especially in the oral,
laryngeal, and nasal cavities, prior to instrumentation (eg, bronchoscopy)
or surgical procedures.

Cocaine's toxicity must be considered prior to its use, especially when it is being applied to the tracheobronchial tree.
/Cocaine hydrochloride; Included in US product labeling/ [USP. Convention.
USPDI - Drug Information for the Health Care Professional. 19th ed.
Volume I.Micromedex, Inc. Englewood, CO., 1999. Content Prepared by the
U.S. Pharmacopieal Convention, Inc., p. 923]

Although cocaine is an acceptable topical anesthetic for dental
procedures, it is no longer extensively used in dentistry because of its
toxicity. /Cocaine hydrochloride; Included in US product labeling/ [USP.
Convention. USPDI - Drug Information for the Health Care Professional.
19th ed. Volume I.Micromedex, Inc. Englewood, CO., 1999. Content Prepared
by the U.S. Pharmacopieal Convention, Inc., p. 923]

Erythroxylum coca: This bush requires the moist, tropical climate found in
the eastern Peruvian Andes (Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia) &, to a lesser
extent, in Mexico, the West Indies, & Java. The bush grows to 8 ft in
height over 40 years. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical
Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY:
Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 645]

Cocaine occurs in abundance in the leaves of the coca shrub (Erythroxylon
coca). For centuries, Andean natives have chewed an alkali extract of
these leaves for its stimulatory and euphoric actions. [Hardman, J.G.,
L.E. Limbird, P.B. Molinoff, R.W. Ruddon, A.G. Goodman (eds.). Goodman and
Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 9th ed. New York, NY:
McGraw-Hill, 1996., p. 331]



C17-H21-N-O4 [The Merck Index. 10th ed. Rahway, New Jersey: Merck Co.,
Inc., 1983., p. 348]

303.36 [Lide, D.R. (ed.). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 79th ed.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc., 1998-1999., p. 3-16]

Colorless to white crystals or white powder [Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.).
Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 12th ed. New York, NY: Van
Nostrand Rheinhold Co., 1993, p. 297]

The cocaine alkaloid (freebase) is a colorless, ... transparent,
crystalline substance ... /Freebase/ [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G.
Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and
Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins,
1997., p. 359]

Monoclinic tablets from alcohol [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An
Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ:
Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 416]

187 deg C @ 0.1 mm Hg [Lide, D.R. (ed.). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and
Physics. 79th ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc., 1998-1999., p. 3-16]

98 deg C [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of
Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co.,
Inc., 1996., p. 416]

pKa= 8.61 @ 15 deg C; pKb= 5.59 @ 15 deg C [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck
Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. Whitehouse
Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 416]

log Kow= 2.30 [Hansch, C., Leo, A., D. Hoekman. Exploring QSAR -
Hydrophobic, Electronic, and Steric Constants. Washington, DC: American
Chemical Society., 1995., p. 150]

Aqueous solutions are alkaline to litmus. [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck
Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. Whitehouse
Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 416]

Soluble 1 in 30 arachis oil [Reynolds, J.E.F., Prasad, A.B. (eds.)
Martindale-The Extra Pharmacopoeia. 28th ed. London: The Pharmaceutical
Press, 1982., p. 914]

Greater than 10% in benzene [Weast, R.C. and M.J. Astle. CRC Handbook of
Data on Organic Compounds. Volumes I and II. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press
Inc. 1985., p. V1 444]

1 g/600 ml water, 270 ml water @ 80 deg C; 1 g/6.5 ml alcohol; 1 g/0.7 ml
chloroform; 1 g/3.5 ml ether; 1 g/12 ml oil turpentine; 1 g/12 ml olive
oil; 1 g/30-50 ml liquid petrolatum. [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index
- An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. Whitehouse
Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 349]

Sol in acetone, ethyl acetate, carbon disulfide [Budavari, S. (ed.). The
Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals.
Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 416]

1 in 80 to 120 of liquid or soft paraffin; /considered sparingly soluble/
[Reynolds, J.E.F., Prasad, A.B. (eds.) Martindale-The Extra Pharmacopoeia.
28th ed. London: The Pharmaceutical Press, 1982., p. 914]

1 in 4 of oleic acid; /considered freely soluble/ [Reynolds, J.E.F.,
Prasad, A.B. (eds.) Martindale-The Extra Pharmacopoeia. 28th ed. London:
The Pharmaceutical Press, 1982., p. 914]

1 in 2 of warm anhydrous wool fat; /considered freely soluble/ [Reynolds,
J.E.F., Prasad, A.B. (eds.) Martindale-The Extra Pharmacopoeia. 28th ed.
London: The Pharmaceutical Press, 1982., p. 914]

Slightly soluble in water; soluble in acetone; very soluble in ethanol and
ethyl ether. [Lide, D.R. (ed.). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.
79th ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc., 1998-1999., p. 3-16]

Soluble in alcohol; slightly soluble in water (solution is alkaline to
litmus). [Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.). Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary.
12th ed. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Rheinhold Co., 1993, p. 297]

Volatile, especially above 90 deg C, but sublimate is not crystalline.
[Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals,
Drugs, and Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc.,
1996., p. 416]

Cocaine is an ester of benzoic acid and a nitrogen-containing base.
[Gilman, A.G., L.S.Goodman, and A. Gilman. (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's
The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 7th ed. New York: Macmillan
Publishing Co., Inc., 1985., p. 309]

Melting point 197 deg C /Cocaine hydrochloride, L-form/ [Weast, R.C. and
M.J. Astle. CRC Handbook of Data on Organic Compounds. Volumes I and II.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc. 1985., p. V1 444]

Specific rotation -72 deg C (concn= 2% in aq soln pH 4.5); 1 g dissolves
in 0.4 ml water; 3.2 ml cold, 2 ml hot alcohol; 12.5 ml chloroform; also
sol in glycerol, acetone. Insoluble in ether or oils. /Cocaine
hydrochloride/ [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of
Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co.,
Inc., 1996., p. 416]

Odorless, hygroscopic, colorless crystalline powder with a bitter sharp
numbing taste. MP about 197 deg C with decomposition.

hydrochloride 1.12 g is approx equivalent to 1 g of cocaine.

with alkali hydroxides and carbonates, mercuric chloride, iodides, tannic
acid, and soluble silver salts. It is incompatible with borax but a clear
aq solution may be made by dissolving equal weights of borax and boric
acid by adding the cocaine hydrochloride in solution. /Cocaine
hydrochloride/ [Reynolds, J.E.F., Prasad, A.B. (eds.) Martindale-The Extra
Pharmacopoeia. 28th ed. London: The Pharmaceutical Press, 1982., p. 914]

MP 58-63 deg C; freely sol in water or alcohol, slightly sol in
ether. /Cocaine nitrate dihydrate/ [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index -
An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. Whitehouse Station,
NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 416]

White, granular, crystalline powder;
sol in water or alcohol. /Cocaine
sulfate/ [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of
Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co.,
Inc., 1996., p. 416]

... Cocaine hydrochloride /is/ the usual cocaine preparation available on
the street ... /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G.
Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and
Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins,
1997., p. 358]

Cocaine Hydrochloride Tablets for Topical Solution (USP). Solution tablets
containing cocaine hydrochloride. [Reynolds, J.E.F., Prasad, A.B. (eds.)
Martindale-The Extra Pharmacopoeia. 28th ed. London: The Pharmaceutical
Press, 1982., p. 916]

Brompton's mixture ... is usually prepared as a combination of morphine
& cocaine in an alcohol & syrup base ... [Knoben, J.E. and P.O.
Anderson (eds.) Handbook of Clinical Drug Data. 6th ed. Bethesda, MD: Drug
Intelligence Publications, Inc. 1988., p. 550]

Grade: technical, NF. [Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.). Hawley's Condensed Chemical
Dictionary. 12th ed. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Rheinhold Co., 1993, p.
The cocaine alkaloid (freebase) ... makes a popping or cracking sound when
heated (hence the term crack). ... A solution of cocaine hydrochloride can
also be heated ... with baking soda added until a solid "rock" is formed
... [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's
Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed.
Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 359]

A paste form of cocaine ... is called "bazooka", "buscuso," or "pasta." It
is produced by combining dried coca leaves, alkaline bases, water,
kerosene, and sulfuric acid. This paste then is dried and smoked in
mixture with tobacco or marijuana. [Young, L.Y., M.A. Koda-Kimble (eds.).
Applied Therapeutics. The Clinical Use of Drugs. 6th ed. Vancouver, WA.,
Applied Therapeutics, Inc. 1995., p. 84-9]

The street drug contains a variety of adulterants. A number of compounds
may appear in illicit cocaine and may form the basis for identifying the
source of clandestine cocaine processing. Acidic, basic, and neutral
impurities introduced from the coca plant and from the processing of
cocaine in clandestine laboratories /may also be present/. [Ellenhorn,
M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical
Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore,
MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 357]

Coca paste is the first product of the cocaine extraction process &
contains up to 80% cocaine sulfate as well as other impurities. /Coca
paste/ [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis
and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 648]

Substances such as mannitol, lactose, glucose, and cornstarch may be added
to increase bulk.

Amphetamines and caffeine as well as lidocaine
(Xylocaine) or procaine (Novocaine) may be added to mimic the stimulating
and numbing effects buyers expect to receive with cocaine.

Substances such
as strychnine,
PCP, and other toxic agents also may be mixed in, often
with malicious intent. [Young, L.Y., M.A. Koda-Kimble (eds.). Applied
Therapeutics. The Clinical Use of Drugs. 6th ed. Vancouver, WA., Applied
Therapeutics, Inc. 1995., p. 84-8]

Cocaine smuggled into the U.S. is relatively pure (80% to 95%). Once it
reaches the dealers, the purity of cocaine HCl ranges anywhere from 10% to
85%, but when purchased it usually is less than 50% cocaine HCl [Young,
L.Y., M.A. Koda-Kimble (eds.). Applied Therapeutics. The Clinical Use of
Drugs. 6th ed. Vancouver, WA., Applied Therapeutics, Inc. 1995., p. 84-8]
___________________AUTRES INFOS_____________________________

Cocaine binds with the dopamine transporter (DAT), an effect that has been
extensively implicated in its reinforcing effects. However, persisting
adaptations in DAT regulation after cocaine self-administration have not been
extensively investigated. Here, we determined the changes in molecular
mechanisms of DAT regulation in the caudate-putamen (CPu) and nucleus accumbens
(NAcc) of rats with a history of cocaine self-administration, followed by 3weeks
of withdrawal under extinction conditions (i.e., no cocaine available). DA
uptake was significantly higher in the CPu of cocaine-experienced animals as
compared to saline-yoked controls. DAT V(max) was elevated in the CPu without
changes in apparent affinity for DA. In spite of elevated CPu DAT activity,
total and surface DAT density and DAT-PP2Ac (protein phosphatase 2A catalytic
subunit) interaction remained unaltered, although p-Ser- DAT phosphorylation was
elevated. In contrast to the CPu, there were no differences between cocaine and
saline rats in the levels of DA uptake, DAT V(max) and K(m) values, total and
surface DAT, p-Ser-DAT phosphorylation, or DAT-PP2Ac interactions in the NAcc.
These results show that chronic cocaine self-administration leads to lasting,
regionally specific alterations in striatal DA uptake and DAT-Ser
phosphorylation. Such changes may be related to habitual patterns of
cocaine-seeking observed during relapse.

Inhalation de fumée de coke (sel ) et free base + impuretées

Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond 23298-0613.

The increasing popularity of inhaling cocaine vapor prompted the present study, to determine cocaine's fate during this process. The free base of [3H]cocaine (1 microCi/50 mg) was added to a glass pipe, which was then heated in a furnace to simulate freebasing. Negative pressure was used to draw the vapor through a series of glass wool, ethanol, acidic, and basic traps. Air flow rate and temperature were found to have profound effects on the volatilization and pyrolysis of cocaine. At a temperature of 260 degrees C and a flow rate of 400 mL/min, 37% of the radioactivity remained in the pipe, 39% was found in the glass wool trap, and less than 1% in the remainder of the volatilization apparatus after a 10-min volatilization. Reducing the air flow rate to 100 mL/min reduced the amount of radioactivity collected in the glass wool trap to less than 10% of the starting material and increased the amount that remained in the pipe to 58%. GC/MS analysis of the contents of the glass wool trap after volatilization at 260 degrees C and a flow rate of 400 mL/min revealed that 60% of the cocaine remained intact, while approximately 6 and 2% of the starting material was recovered as benzoic acid and methylecgonidine, respectively. As the temperature was increased to 650 degrees C, benzoic acid and methylecgonidine accounted for 83 and 89% of the starting material, respectively, whereas only 2% of the cocaine remained intact. Quantitation of cocaine in the vapor during the course of volatilization revealed high concentrations during the first two min and low concentrations for the remaining time.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

PMID: 2755088 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1982 Oct;32(4):459-65.

Free-base cocaine smoking.
Perez-Reyes M, Di Guiseppi S, Ondrusek G, Jeffcoat AR, Cook CE.

Six healthy male, paid subjects smoked 50 mg of free-base cocaine in a specially designed glass pipe under a rigidly controlled smoking protocol. The method of heating the pipe and the temperature that produced the most efficient and consistent vaporization of the drug had been determined experimentally. The psychological and cardiovascular effects of smoking free-base cocaine were recorded. Approximately 26% of th original material was recovered from the pipe after smoking. Simulated smoking experiments in vitro indicated that only 44% of the material not trapped in the pipe was cocaine and that over 90% of this cocaine was delivered during the first four puffs (i.e., during the first 2 min of simulated smoking). These findings indicate that of the original 50 mg of cocaine free base placed in the pipe's bowl, only 32% could have been inhaled (16.3 +/- 0.6 mg). The cocaine free base inhaled induced psychological and cardiovascular effects similar to, or slightly more intense and pleasurable than, the effects of 20 mg of cocaine HCl (18 mg of cocaine base) taken intravenously by the same subjects and also induced a slightly more intense craving for another dose.

PMID: 7116761 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

J Anal Toxicol. 1991 May-Jun;15(3):105-9.

Inhalation efficiency of free-base cocaine by pyrolysis of 'crack' and cocaine hydrochloride.
Nakahara Y, Ishigami A.

National Institute of Hygienic Sciences, Tokyo, Japan.

The inhalation efficiency and pyrolysis products of cocaine by the pyrolysis of crack and cocaine hydrochloride at various temperatures are described. The inhalation efficiency of cocaine by the pyrolysis of crack was 73 +/- 9% and 62 +/- 11% at 170 degrees C and 220 degrees C, respectively. When crack was heated at over 225 degrees C, the higher temperature resulted in a lower inhalation efficiency of cocaine. In that case, more methylecgonidine was produced. Furthermore, in the pyrolysis of crack, the lower concentration of cocaine in crack resulted in a lower inhalation efficiency of cocaine. The major pyrolysis product of cocaine HCl was a mixture of alpha, beta, gamma, and delta-carbomethoxycyclo-heptatrienes, and the major pyrolysis product of crack was methylecgonidine. This study proposes a new method of discrimination between cocaine HCl and crack by GC or GC/MS with a curie point pyrolyzer.

PMID: 1943051 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1996 Jan;53(1):57-66.

Methylecgonidine coats the crack particle.
Wood RW, Shojaie J, Fang CP, Graefe JF.

Department of Environmental Medicine, NYU Medical Center, Tuxedo 10987, USA.

Crack is a form of cocaine base self-administered by smoking. When heated, it volatilizes and may partially pyrolyze to methylecgonidine (MEG). Upon cooling, a condensation aerosol forms. Heating cocaine base in model crack pipes produced particles of about 1 micron in diameter, regardless of the amount heated; however, MEG concentration increased from < or = 2% at 10 mg per heating to as much as 5% at 30 mg per heating. Methylecgonidine was < or = 1% of the recovered material when cocaine was vaporized off a heated wire coil, but the particles were larger (2-5 microns), and the distribution disperse. The vapor pressure of MEG was higher [log P(mm Hg) = 9.994 - 3530/T] than cocaine base, consistent with MEG coating the droplet during condensation, and with evaporation during aging or dilution. Disappearance of MEG from a chamber filled with crack smoke was a two-component process, one proceeding at the rate of cocaine particle removal, and the other at the desorption rate from other surfaces. Particle diameter influences the deposition site in the respiratory tract; thus, the likely different patterns of deposition in the respiratory tract of humans and animals of crack aerosols produced by different techniques warrant consideration, as they may influence our understanding of immediate and delayed sequelae of the inhalation of cocaine and its pyrolysis product, MEG.

PMID: 8848461 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Floodé ?
Oui et non ....

Au moins , ça , c' est fait !

The free base is used for ointments and oily solution because of its
solubility in fats; otherwise the hydrochloride or the sulfate is
preferred. [The Merck Index. 10th ed. Rahway, New Jersey: Merck Co., Inc.,
1983., p. 349]



Local anesthetic (Medicine, dentistry), usually as the hydrochloride.
[Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.). Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 12th ed.
New York, NY: Van Nostrand Rheinhold Co., 1993, p. 297]


Derivation: By extraction of the leaves of Erythroxylon coca with sodium
carbonate solution, treatment of the latter with dilute acid and
extraction with ether, evaporation of the solvent, re-solution of the
alkaloid and subsequent crystallization. Also synthetically from the
alkaloid ecgonine. [Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.). Hawley's Condensed Chemical
Dictionary. 12th ed. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Rheinhold Co., 1993, p.

From the leaves of Erythroxylon coca Lam. and other species of
Erythroxylon, Erythroxylaceae or by synthesis. Extraction procedure:
Squibb, Pharm J. (3) 15, 775, 796; 16, 67 (1885); Emde in Ullmann's
Enzyklopadie der Technischen Chemie; Schwyzer, Die Fabrikation
pharmazeutischer und chemisch-technischer Produkte (Berlin, 1931).
[Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals,
Drugs, and Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc.,
1996., p. 415]


Cocaine is one of at least 14 alkaloids extracted from the leaves of two
coca shrubs indigenous to South America. ... The small leaves (5 cm) /of
Erythroxylum coca/, which contain between 0.5% &amp; 2.0% (avg 1%)
cocaine, are harvested in March, June, &amp; November. This plant is the
main source of illicit cocaine trade. The leaves are soaked in gasoline
drums containing alkali, sulfuric acid, kerosene, &amp; other solvents.
Later, the fluid &amp; leaves are discarded, leaving a thick brown paste
(coca paste) which is sold to clandestine laboratories. There the paste is
refined into white crystalline powder containing cocaine hydrochloride.
[Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and
Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing
Co., Inc. 1988., p. 645]

The leaves of the T
rujillo variety /
of Erythroxylum novogranatense/ are
grown legally in Peru &amp;

exported to the Stepan Chemical Company
(Maywood, NJ), which is the only legally recognized United States
manufacturer of cocaine for pharmaceutical purposes. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and
D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p.

Sterile oily solutions are prepared aseptically.

In the preparation of
oily solutions of cocaine only a mild degree of heat should be used.
[Reynolds, J.E.F., Prasad, A.B. (eds.) Martindale-The Extra Pharmacopoeia.
28th ed. London: The Pharmaceutical Press, 1982., p. 914]

Method of purification: recrystallization. [Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.).
Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 12th ed. New York, NY: Van
Nostrand Rheinhold Co., 1993, p. 297]

Cocaine hydrochloride is converted to free-base by mixing the cocaine with
an alkaline solution such as ammonia and then adding a solvent such as
ether. The mixture separates into two layers: the top layer contains
cocaine dissolved in the solvent. The solvent can then be evaporated,
leaving relatively pure cocaine crystals. [Haddad, L.M., Clinical
Management of Poisoning and Drug Overdose. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: W.B.
Saunders Co., 1990., p. 731]
During the /freebase/ extraction procedure, adulterants such as the
synthetic local anesthetics are deposited with the cocaine base but sugars
are not. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology -
Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 647]
Since the coca plant synthesizes only the levorotatory isomer of cocaine
synthetic cocaine production can be recognized by the
presence of diastereoisomers or its dextroenantiomer. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and
D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p.

Bolivia is a major source of supply of coca paste and cocaine base for
Colombian traffickers.

Most of these intermediate products are shipped by
private aircraft from airstrips in the Beni department.

This area is
sparsely populated and contains ranches that serve as bases of operation
for many of Bolivia's major traffickers. [National Narcotics Intelligence
Consumers Committee (NNICC); NNICC Report 1988, The Supply of Illicit
Drugs to the USA p.44 (1989)]

Most of the cocaine produced in Bolivia is smuggled out of South America
through Brazil or Colombia.
Chile, Paraguay, and Argentina are also
conduits for transporting cocaine to the United States, Europe, and other
international markets.
In some instances, Mexico is also used as a transit
country to ship Bolivian cocaine to the United States. [National Narcotics
Intelligence Consumers Committee (NNICC); NNICC Report 1988, The Supply of
Illicit Drugs to the USA p.44 (1989)]

Peru maintained the lead as the world's principal coca producer and source
of supply for coca paste and cocaine base. An estimated coca leaf yield of
98,000-121,000 (1987) and 97,000-124,000 (1988) metric tons was produced.
[National Narcotics Intelligence Consumers Committee (NNICC); NNICC Report
1988, The Supply of Illicit Drugs to the USA p.40 (1989)]

Bolivia is the second largest source country for the production of coca
leaf. Its estimated coca leaf yield of 46,200-67,200 (1987) and
57,400-78,000 (1988) metric tons was produced. [National Narcotics
Intelligence Consumers Committee (NNICC); NNICC Report 1988, The Supply of
Illicit Drugs to the USA p.41 (1989)]

Colombia production of dry leaf in 1988 estimated at 19,000 to 24,000
metric tons which would yield approximately 36 metric tons of cocaine
hydrochloride. Production estimates of dry leaf in 1987 were 16,000 to
20,000 metric tons. [National Narcotics Intelligence Consumers Committee
(NNICC); NNICC Report 1988, The Supply of Illicit Drugs to the USA p.45

It is estimated that 6 metric tons of cocaine hydrochloride originating in
Ecuador were seized worldwide. During 1988, a total of 1,600 55 gallon
drums of essential chemicals (enough to process an estimated 16,000
kilograms of cocaine hydrochloride) were seized. Most of these chemicals
were destined for clandestine laboratories in Colombia. Moreover, Ecuador
seized four cocaine processing laboratories and arrested over 2,000
defendants. [National Narcotics Intelligence Consumers Committee (NNICC);
NNICC Report 1988, The Supply of Illicit Drugs to the USA p.47 (1989)]

Of major significance during 1988 was the importance of Ecuador as an
embarkation point for cocaine hydrochloride destined for the United States
and Europe. [National Narcotics Intelligence Consumers Committee (NNICC);
NNICC Report 1988, The Supply of Illicit Drugs to the USA p.47 (1989)]

In 1978 an estimated 19-26 metric tons of cocaine entered the U.S. at an
approximate market value of $12 to $16 billion.

It is estimated that
80 tons of cocaine entered the U.S. in 1990. [Young, L.Y., M.A.
Koda-Kimble (eds.). Applied Therapeutics. The Clinical Use of Drugs. 6th
ed. Vancouver, WA., Applied Therapeutics, Inc. 1995., p. 84-8] **PEER

Cocaine and its derivatives are controlled substances listed in the U.S.

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 Parts 329.1 and 1308.12 (1995).
[Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals,
Drugs, and Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc.,
1996., p. 416]


The street drug contains a variety of adulterants.

A number of compounds
may appear in illicit cocaine and may form the basis for identifying the
source of clandestine cocaine processing.

Acidic, basic, and neutral
impurities introduced from the coca plant and from the processing of
cocaine in clandestine laboratories /may also be present/. [Ellenhorn,
M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical
Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore,
MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 357]

Coca paste is the first product of the cocaine extraction process &amp;
contains up to 80% cocaine sulfate as well as other impurities. /Coca
paste/ [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis
and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 648]

Substances such as mannitol,
and cornstarch may be added
to increase bulk.

and caffeine
as well as lidocaine(Xylocaine)
or procaine (Novocaine)

may be added to mimic the stimulating
and numbing effects buyers expect to receive with cocaine.

Substances such
as strychnine,
PCP, and other toxic agents also may be mixed in,
often with malicious intent. [Young, L.Y., M.A. Koda-Kimble (eds.). Applied
Therapeutics. The Clinical Use of Drugs. 6th ed. Vancouver, WA., Applied
Therapeutics, Inc. 1995., p. 84-8]

Cocaine smuggled into the U.S. is relatively pure (80% to 95%). Once it
reaches the dealers, the purity of cocaine HCl ranges anywhere from 10% to
85%, but when purchased it usually is less than 50% cocaine HCl
L.Y., M.A. Koda-Kimble (eds.). Applied Therapeutics. The Clinical Use of
Drugs. 6th ed. Vancouver, WA., Applied Therapeutics, Inc. 1995., p. 84-8]


Screening procedures for detecting cocaine use usually involve thin layer
chromatography analysis of urine specimens for the principal cocaine
metabolite, benzoylecgonine.

This method identifies unchanged cocaine
&amp; other drugs of abuse, as well as benzoylecgonine concn as low as 2

A special thin layer chromatography solvent system is necessary to
separate cocaine from the ethyl homolog cocaethylene formed in the
presence of ethanol.

Gas liquid chromatographic techniques using
derivation followed by nitrogen specific or electron capture detection are
more sensitive for benzoylecgonine (detection limit, 5 ng/ml) &amp;
efficiently detect the low cocaine levels found in blood &amp; plasma.

This technique can identify post mortem cocaine levels in bile, liver,
&amp; brain as well as in blood &amp; urine. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G.
Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p.

Specimen: urine.

Chromatographic or enzyme immunoassay can detect the
resulting metabolite levels for 48-72 hr maximum, whereas more sensitive
radioimmunoassay methods (ie, detection limits of 25 ng/ml) are positive
for 96-144 hr. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology -
Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 656]

In a postmortem bile sample taken after fatal cocaine injection, gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry isolated several novel cocaine compounds.

... High performance liquid chromatography can identify low cocaine concn,
but lidocaine &amp;
droperidol interfere with cocaine determinations &amp;
meperidine invalidates tetracaine as an internal standard. [Ellenhorn,
M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of
Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc.
1988., p. 655]

Immunological techniques such as enzyme multiplied immunoassay and
radioimmunoassay designed to detect benzoylecgonine are widely used.
Unchanged cocaine can sometimes be detected by chromatographic methods for
up to 24 hr after a given dose, while benzoylecgonine can be detected by
immunoassays for 24-48 hr. [DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 73: Urine
Testing for Drugs of Abuse p.93 (1986) DHHS Pub No. (ADM)87-1481]


AOAC Method 961.18 Opium alkaloid drugs.
General titration method.
/Hydrochloride/ [Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Official
Methods of Analysis. 15th ed. and Supplements. Washington, DC: Association
of Analytical Chemists, 1990, p. 579]

AOAC Method 930.40. Alkaloids and related amines in drugs.

tests. [Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Official Methods of
Analysis. 15th ed. and Supplements. Washington, DC: Association of
Analytical Chemists, 1990, p. 533]

AOAC Method 978.29. Cocaine hydrochloride in drug powders.
Gas chromatographic method. /Hydrochloride/ [Association of Official
Analytical Chemists. Official Methods of Analysis. 15th ed. and
Supplements. Washington, DC: Association of Analytical Chemists, 1990, p.

Gas liquid chromatography (interchangeably referred to as gas
chromatography or GC) is widely used in drug analysis as a confirmation
method as well as a primary screening method under some conditions.

It utilizes an inert gas, such as nitrogen or helium, as the moving phase to
transport a vaporized sample of a drug through a glass column containing a
stationary liquid phase.
The drug is identified and quantified by a
detector at the far end of the column.

The column's capability to separate
and identify drugs is optimized by altering the types and amounts of a
liquid (stationary phase) adsorbed on solid phase substances such as
silica compounds.

Typically, columns used in many gas chromatography
methods are 3-6 feet in length and a few millimeters in diameter. /Drugs/
[DHHS/NIDA; Research Monograph Series 73: Urine Testing for Drugs of Abuse
p.33 (1986) DHHS Pub No. (ADM)87-1481]


... Cocaine hydrochloride /is/ the usual cocaine preparation available on
the street ... /Cocaine hydrochloride/ [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G.
Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and
Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins,
1997., p. 358]

Cocaine Hydrochloride Tablets for Topical Solution (USP). Solution tablets
containing cocaine hydrochloride
. [Reynolds, J.E.F., Prasad, A.B. (eds.)
Martindale-The Extra Pharmacopoeia. 28th ed. London: The Pharmaceutical
Press, 1982., p. 916]

Brompton's mixture ... is usually prepared as a combination of morphine
&amp; cocaine in an alcohol &amp; syrup base ... [Knoben, J.E. and P.O.
Anderson (eds.) Handbook of Clinical Drug Data. 6th ed. Bethesda, MD: Drug
Intelligence Publications, Inc. 1988., p. 550]

technical, NF. [Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.). Hawley's Condensed Chemical
Dictionary. 12th ed. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Rheinhold Co., 1993, p.

The cocaine alkaloid (freebase) ...
makes a popping or cracking sound when
heated (hence the term crack). ...
A solution of cocaine hydrochloride can
also be heated ... with baking soda added until a solid "rock" is formed
... [Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's
Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed.
Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 359]

... Speedball (heroin and cocaine) ... /From table/ [Ellenhorn, M.J., S.
Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology:
Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD:
Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 357]

... Liquid lady (alcohol and cocaine) ... [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G.
Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p.

... Combination of phencyclidine (PCP) and cocaine /is/ called "space
. [Young, L.Y., M.A. Koda-Kimble (eds.). Applied Therapeutics. The
Clinical Use of Drugs. 6th ed. Vancouver, WA., Applied Therapeutics, Inc.
1995., p. 84-8]

A paste form of cocaine ... is called "bazooka", "buscuso," or "pasta."
It is produced by combining dried coca leaves, alkaline bases, water,
kerosene, and sulfuric acid.

This paste then is dried and smoked in
mixture with tobacco or marijuana. [Young, L.Y., M.A. Koda-Kimble (eds.).
Applied Therapeutics. The Clinical Use of Drugs. 6th ed. Vancouver, WA.,
Applied Therapeutics, Inc. 1995., p. 84-9]

C; Bernice; Blow; Cadillac or champagne of drugs; Dama blanca; Flake; Gold
dust; Green gold; Happy trails; Jam; Lady; Nose candy; Pimp's drug; Rock;
Snow; Star-spangled powder; Toot; White girl or lady
[Ellenhorn, M.J. and
D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human
Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p.

Bernies; Burese; "C" Carrie; Cecil; Coke; Corine; Happy dust; Star dust;
[Sax, N.I. Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 6th ed. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1984., p. 802]

Nan ce vieux conte des soirs de free... C'est de la végé ou de la synthé?

Super post, on fait bien le tour de la coca.
Speedball, cornstarch,etc... Chapeau.
Cocaine Hydrochloride Tablets for Topical Solution (USP). Solution tablets
containing cocaine hydrochloride.
C'est géant les applications médicales qu'on en fait aujourdhui sans déc.