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Datura stramonium

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion DrDreez
  • Date de début Date de début
Hi, I have a Brugmansia Sanguinea that I started from seed early this spring, It is now about 8ft tall now and has just formed a natural 'Y', but it is too big to keep in my greenhouse as it is already growing into the roof!
I really don't want to induce dormancy and would prefer to keep her going through the winter.
Just found this mexican dude who trained as a shaman, and he does these temazcal mexican sweat lodges, they get 13 hot rocks on a fire and bring them into a dome covered with tarps water proof, and place rocks in middle one at a time, "thirteen levels" and pour over a mixture of plant juices, one main ingredient being datura.

hi all just after some sound advice been messing around with a smoking mix it consits of wild dagga,daminia,opium lettuce,zorna lattfolia,kratom and 300 datura stramonium seeds crushed just made a small amount to try been using 2 grams of each what else could i use that would give it that extra ummmmph e.g datura leaves or something like that any advise would be greatly recieved
happy hunting peeps
Datura = delirogen = BAD

Stay away from it, my 2cents.
Damiana - cyanogenic glycoside (tetraphyllin B), arbutin (up to 0.7%), monoterpenoids, sesguiterpenoids, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, calamene, alpha-copaene, thymol, 1,8-cineole.

Opium lettuce - Bitter sesquiterpene lactones lactucin and lactucopicrin, jaquinelin, 8-desoxy-11,12-dihydrolactucin, triterpenes alpha-lactucerol and beta-lactucerol.

Zornia latifolia - Largely unknown, speculated by some to contain tropane alkaloids.

Kratom - mitragynine, mitraphylline, 7-hydroxymitragynine, raubasine, corynantheidine.

Datura stramonium - Tropane alkaloids hyoscyamine and scopolamine.
Brugmansia a dit:
That's not really true. It played a significant role in European mythology and neopaganism. In my country there are still groups (see video below) who use such ancient ointments which contain low amounts of solanceae's and Amanita Muscaria.

http://spuitenenslikken.bnn.nl/forum.ph ... ssages/235

Yes... I do this with Amanita Muscaria... I want to know how to use datura.
Already read a lot on that matter, but what you say about the potency and the time of harvest is info hard to find... Can you give me idea about it. I wanted to send you private message, but I was not able to find how... so if you are able, please write to me or post information about how the moon cycle, the time of the year and the day, affect the potency...

please... its very valuable information, I need to know.

THank you !
magickmumu a dit:
Items about datura and the problems it can cause when it's not taking with care.
Datura Items: Psychedelic Abstracts Online

Datura is said to be one of the most dangerous natural stuffs which contain toxins which can kill you. Datura is a danger to live-stocks, pets and toddlers as they have the tendency to eat whatever they find. Thanks for sharing such cases of drugs, I am just shocked after reading after effects of drinking hallucinogenic tea.
U should not suggest ways of trying this evil plant I suggest u go try it first then u will realise this plant should never be spoken about lightly to someone that is curious or seriously considering attempting to somehow find a safe or enjoyable dose of the angels trumpet I only wish I found this sight before I I boiled up my first cup of what I stupidly thought was going to be my next greatest psychedelic experience..
I cannot start threads yet, so I write this here as a reply instead.
@mods: please convert my post to a topic if you feel its worthy of being one.

Radium's "Dervish dust" Datura TEK

SWIM've been using Datura ritually for years, she was introduced to it and learnt the dark lady's secrets by a Persian Dervish she met and became an apprentice in her late teens.
She feels very sorry when she hears another kid died due to Datura overdose.
So she decided to tell me to share the correct method of ritualistic use of Datura with people for harm reduction.

Neither she, nor me, don't recommend consuming Datura in any way, and we strongly advise everyone to stay away from Datura altogether.

But despite all the warnings, if you decide to fool around the witchy lady, besides expecting possible death, please read this guide carefully, and never ever trip on Datura more than once per month.

Datura is a witchy woman, she can and will destroy you if she doesn't like your spirit and thoughts, and that has nothing with pharmacological overdoses; She kills you by leading you to walk into traffic, or jump from a fatal height, or simply order you to cut yourself to shreds.
But if she likes you, she will be a powerful and rewarding ally for you; and after that, your only worry will be the dosage which you should be careful about.
Unfortunately there's no sure method to find out if she likes you or not.
As a general rule of thumb, she hates people with bloated egos, and also those who are disrespectful of mother nature.


Anyway, enough mambo-jumbo, let's get into the dosage calculation. here's the Dervish method used for more than 1000 years successfully to travel into the unknown, and returning alive:

- Large amount* of Datura seeds, at least 1kg (doesn't matter if harvested from multiple plants even spaced miles from each other)
- Coffee grinder, or a big mortar and pestle.
- Accurate weight scale, digital or mechanical (do not eye-ball or use volumetric measuring)
- A relatively sound and sane mind.
- A lot of courage and recklessness .

- Grind all the seeds into a fine powder, and mix them well to get a homogenous powder.
- Mix it with 1/2 of its weight very fine sugar* powder.
- Store in a cool and dry place (preferably in a freezer)

- Start to salivate and then ingest 0.1 gram.
- If nothing happens, wait 48 hours* and repeat the dosing with 0.01-0.02 gram more powder.
- It might take a month to pinpoint your suitable dosage of that particular batch, don't hurry, because that very likely will put you six feet under.
- Once you find the right dose (only applicable to you alone and not anyone else*) you can consume it with peace of mind, albeit a secure and safe setting, plus a sane sitter is mandatory.
And don't forget that the suitable dosage you just determined applies to your current batch, and once you run out of it, you must restart the calculation process.


* The larger the batch, the longer time to running out of it, and thus greatly decreasing the dose calculation times you're required to do.
Because once the batch with the determined suitable dosage is run out, you must pin-point the suitable dosage for the new batch from the beginning, since each batch will have a different alkaloid potency and profile.

* Adding sugar powder is for bettering the taste and increasing saliva secretion, although Datura seeds don't taste bad, it's still recommended.
It also decreases the potency per volume, and thus makes it more forgiving and decreases chances of mistakenly overdosing from rushing the dose taper-up process, or inaccurate weight measuring.

* Datura alkaloids can be psychoactive from 24-48 hours depending on the individual's metabolism and biochemistry.
Therefore it's advised to wait until the last dose's psycho-effects are completely vanished before administering a new dose which can combine with the previous dose to put you into danger zone.

* Under no circumstances recommend your own suitable dose even from the same batch you're using with someone else.
Datura's psychoactive/fatal doses are spaced very very close, and accidental overdoses due to a little slower metabolism can happen.
Therefore, it's absolutely mandatory for every person to find out his very own personal dose, and shut his mouth and never recommend it to anyone else, even if they're using the same batch.
I have ingested datura and brugmansia many times. Really great plants if you work with them right. I mostly work with much smaller doses and usually added to other medicines like San Pedro, mushrooms or Ayahuasca. One of the best benefits for me working with this plant is the way it opens up my dreams - even sleeping with 3 leaves under my pillow or with my potted plant by the bed will often give me lucid dreams, and when I ingest part of the plant I sometimes have lucid dreams for weeks afterwards....
I have a couple of plants. Every year the Datura grows from the bulb that lies in the ground, and flourishes. Every year I collect seeds and leaves, but I'm a bit cautious with that plant, so the only experiment I made to date has been to smoke a dry leaf. Then I noticed an increased capacity in running, a better breathing. No other effects. People here traditionally used the leafs to cure asthma, now I think that this can be a right use of it. I think it is Datura Metel. My 2 cents.
I want to use datura along with HBWR and ayahuasca. I've read that 1-5 seeds should be enough and not too much. But before my trip I wanted to test them alone without any other substance. So I ate 2 inoxia seeds. They seemed to be inert. I didn't feel any different, not physically, emotionally nor in any way at all. My eyes did not dilate either. They reacted normally to light.
Does this mean that the alkaloid content is too low or completely absent? Should I try again with 3-4 seeds or throw them away and find another source?