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Datura stramonium

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion DrDreez
  • Date de début Date de début
Well, yes, Datura is nothing to mess around with as most people are likely to tell you. It's not a recreational drug of choice. :lol: That being said, the subject continues to come up in any discussion of psychoactive plants. People are curious.
The real problem with the plant is the lack of understanding of the general community of what plants of this sort represent in a social and personal context. A fifteen year old kid hears about it and eats five times more than he shoulds, goes out and wanders into traffic, falls on his head or dies in the hot desert sun from exposure. It would be just as deadly if the kid had borrowed an f-15 from the local airbase (provided he could figure out how to start it). What did he think he was eating, if he even thought anything at all? Something like pot or a funny kind of beer? The problem is he didn't know and there was hardly anyone to tell him. Datura is not regularly used by common folks in western European cultures. If our society had a more open and realistic attitude to psychoactives or divinitory plants then people would grow up knowing what these things are deemed to be for, rather than just saying no. Dont do it. It'll kill you. Of course we can't change all that. I have eaten small amounts of the more toxic solanaceae and have never suffered in any way. I was a mature adult at the time and in good health. I saw some fabulous tricks of the mind and managed to stay out of traffic. I never felt any nausea or discomfort. Generally, I saw what I wanted to see, my friends (who weren't there of course), a cool glass of water. No cigarettes as I have never smoked.
As I wandered around the UNM campus in the dark of night I was lucid enough to consider my self preservation and got my butt safely home before the cops had a chance to pick me up and throw me in the drunktank.

I suppose if a person had a miserable trip, of course they would have nothing good to say about it and then a lot of the warnings come from people who have never tried it. We bring the whole experience to the plate with us, in any case.

Brugmansia a dit:
yngvie a dit:
Datura is not regularly used by common folks in western European cultures.

That's not really true. It played a significant role in European mythology and neopaganism. In my country there are still groups (see video below) who use such ancient ointments which contain low amounts of solanceae's and Amanita Muscaria.

http://spuitenenslikken.bnn.nl/forum.ph ... ssages/235

Yes, this is true, Brugmansia. There have always been people who are willing to explore these things, including ourselves. By "common folks" perhaps I was not clear in my meaning. I was refering to the average everyday person in any small town or city. The larger portion of the population who are not interested in psychoactives. The linked text appears to make the interesting suggestion that if LSD etc. were available in ancient times, the more toxic Daturas might not have been used to the extent they were.
Thank you for responding to my post.

Is there a best time to harvest the seeds for psychoactivity? Must I wait for the pods to split and dry brown, or can I cut open green pods and dry the seeds?
why not just take leaves...?
I was under the impression the seeds were easier to dose and more reliable in alkaloid content, but I am new to Datura. Why would leaves be superior?
2 large leaves will not harm you, but it will give you full effect.

I don't know anything about seeds.

It is also a fact that the "green part" of the plant - i.e. stems + leaves hold the most amount of scopolamine, where as roots, flowers, and seeds hold less.

I personally don't ever like eating seeds - HBWR and morning glory have made a bad impression.

There is too many alkaloids + unknowns in seeds I just don't like messin' with them. Plus a leaf tastes semi-better.

Or you can do the extraction, buy some HEET from the store, put leaves in a container (COUNT THE FUCKING LEAVESSSSSSS! SO YOU KNO!!!!) and mix in HEET (which is 99% methanol). After letting them soak air-tight for a few days take the methanol out and dry it out, whats left is scopolamine + hycopolamine (or whatever).

Remember both are toxic, and their toxicity curves are very steep - meaning if 1 leaf isn't enough, don't go trying 2 right away. Try 1 and a quarter. If that isn't enough than try 1 and a half, then 1 and 3/4 then 2.

Double doses with datura will show you something you don't want to see. :lol:

IMO datura has a bad name, even amongst experienced psychonauts, but it shouldn't. The potentcy of the plant is just very picky.
I'd say leave datura to the professional full-time shamans. If you have a life to live other than the shamanic experience, don't do it! :)
Nanacapilli a dit:
can I cut open green pods and dry the seeds?

The seeds will be as potent as they will ever be long before the casing becomes dry and the seeds develop a hardened exterior skin.

Seeds are way better than leaves, imo and ime. More manageble, more predictable effectes, more useble for lucid dream and similar (see the 69ron experiments with datura on dmt-nexus).

I would raccomend not to open the fruit, but wait for them to open by themselves, and then take all that nice, black gold from inside =)

Is nice, I love datura

2 large leaves will not harm you, but it will give you full effect.

what do you mean by "large"? That's a too approx. description, and since the Active part is pretty unpredictable (can have a very strong concentration or very low), and the problem is not only an excess of tripping (wich may anyway lead to kill yourself, harm you or others), but also to coma and death, so I would be carefull by giving such suggestion.

Just to say, better safe than sorry.

IMO datura has a bad name, even amongst experienced psychonauts, but it shouldn't
Totally agree. Just need to know how to work with it.
Thanks yngvie and arimane. 69ron's experiments are what gave me the inspiration to try this out. Like he and you pointed out, the seeds are much more uniform and dependable in their concentrations than any other parts of the plant.

I found Datura metel on my trip and started at one seed, doubling the dose each night until eight seeds, thereafter I took ten. The dreams were of the ultra-intense variety, often so that I would only realize later the next day that it was memories of dreams running through my mind, not physical experience! The subject matter was quite different from usual dreams and they were always extremely lucid, 100% believable at the time (and even once conscious as I said). Unfortunately this species seems to have had a slight limiting effect on dream recall however.

I think I will order some D. inoxia seeds to grow them and use them seeds intermittently as dream enhancer and psychedelic potentiators.

The seed flavour is quite nice actually, reminiscent of mild bell pepper seeds (shaped similarly too). What has been your experience arimane?
huh, makes me want to try. There is an unlimited supply within a few blocks radius of me.
I ate two full leaves I have left in the fridge for 2 months.

As I was falling asleep (20 minutes after eating) i started to feel affects. I become warm and my thoughts became very lucid.

I fell asleep, but when I awoke it was the worst tiredness I have felt in a long time. I slept like a rock, my body felt, but my mind was so exhausted. No dreams to be reported either...

Probably won't try again via leaf.
Research tells me that the other parts of the plant are not as consistent in alkaloid content as the seeds. The ratio of scolopamine to hyoscyamine will affect the experience, so I would advise sticking to this reliable source rather than gamble on the alkaloid soup that could be in other plant components.

There are a number of informative topics on the nexus you can find through the search function, ijc. Good edjumacation :D
This post has been edited by me, Jamapricotica, for the simple reason that I am attempting to cleanup and/or improve my presence on this forum.

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Sorry I'm not much of a gardener so I can't help you with that but I am curious. If you're in the middle of summer and english is your first language, that must put you in South Africa, NZ or Oz - yes?
This post has been edited by me, Jamapricotica, for the simple reason that I am attempting to cleanup and/or improve my presence on this forum.

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This is a weed - the cuttings should be easy to propogate, simply by how the plant looks.

Besides that, seeds come in the late fall, wait till the plant dies - the shells that hold the seeds will dry out.

I have about 9 seeds sitting in my room.
This post has been edited by me, Jamapricotica, for the simple reason that I am attempting to cleanup and/or improve my presence on this forum.

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yeah theres a few different Brugmansia - Datura plants around my street, and i have always been sceptical on this plant.

but i have started to test them, they were in my face on a walk and they smell so SWEET and Yummy. and look beautiful.

so i started by snapping off a flower and licking the sap off of the tip after plucking.
.experiment done on an empty stomache.
and ive pushed alot of limits in my past on many molecules, but in the past couple years i have cut right back to mainly only social things. even dont smoke weed really, mainly weekends, with a couple drinks.

>>>and ive noticed i am pretty sensitive to drugs now, and i feel i can really distinguish the difference in highs of chemicals now, as in the past i was always atleast stoned or coming down so things just melted into another trip.

.....i do feel alot more here in reality -For good and bad, though being on the spot in the moment too often does my head in. im learning spanish.

so been SLOWLY like licking the sap off flowers and chewing on sections of leaves, slowly increasing. the leaves eaten fresh taste like cabbage.

And on an empty stomache chewing tiny doses i have had sensations of,
An energy build up in my stomache which flows outward to rest of body, also an empty feeling in stomach like going down a hill very fast, i call it the calm before the storm feeling,
I can see how these sensations if increased by dose could easily sweep some one away as these so far have all been TINY doses, im suprised i felt anything.

Latest Dose chewed 10 square cm. till felt something, on an empty stomache, and noticed first slight visuals like very slight crystal clear grid pattern, it was Weird my conscious split, my Mind was wondering off in thought but i was still also very conscious of what my eyes were seeing.
i did not eat any more, and symptoms did not increase.

theres no way i will try a full dose on my own, i hope lol, just Slowly experiment further - i have at my disposal Red Angels and White Angels trumpet. the White Angels Trumpet are the most Floral smelling and Seem to be the most intoxicating of the TWO. dont think ill try the seeds