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Datura stramonium

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion DrDreez
  • Date de début Date de début
i have a friend that drank a gatoraid bottle of datura extract... he was tripping for 5 days, got a severe concution from falling backwards, and his friends had to watch him the whole time. (the bottle was ment for 5 people, he didnt realize that untill after he drank the bottle) he spent 2 days talking to a wall. datura is all around a bad idea. dont do it! its not enjoyable, and your dont even realize your tripping!!! jeez..
Crimzen a dit:
i'm wondering about dosage for datura
i have no idea at all.
i have a plant growing in my yard, 2 actually, that will one day become trees
i actually have no intention of ever taking datura but if at one point in the future my intentions change, maybe after alot more experience with other things

so is it the whole flower you make the tea from or the seeds or what?
and how much of what do you need?

THIS and THIS are interesting threads from a guy on dmt-nexus, I found both really usefull =)
GOD a dit:
In my experience the best way to enhance and remember dreams is to stop takeing drugs for a few months .


Or 3.. whatever it is.
I recently had the urge to research a little into brugmansia for some reason. I thought the trip reports were hilarious but it didnt seem like something i was particularly interested in. until i realized my neighbor had a tree in his front yard hahaha... i thought i was taking it slow and being cautious, and thought to myself, i dont feel anything, oh well blah blah.. turns out i was saying it outloud. this freaked me out and when i stood up to visit my good friend mr mirror i fell flat on my face. luckily, i ended up falling asleep, and had some pretty interesting dreams. i would have to say that this is a very dangerous substance and research research research before you try it and it probably wouldnt be a bad idea to write Datura on your hand to remind yourself and maybe go ahead and write it on your forehead just in case you end up in the psych ward haha :D
deadflagblues a dit:
it probably wouldnt be a bad idea to write Datura on your hand to remind yourself
Heh, reading and interpreting what you read isn't that easy when you're on Datura.
Ultima a dit:
i have a friend that drank a gatoraid bottle of datura extract... he was tripping for 5 days, got a severe concution from falling backwards,
That's nothing. He could have stopped breathing. The result of taking too much Datura isn't prolonged tripping, but instant death...
Heeft Datura innoxia net als Datura stramonium (Doornappel) een hallucinogene werking? Of doet deze plant niks? Ik vraag het gewoon uit nieuwsgierigheid uiteraard... Ik kan er bijna niks over vinden. :?
toi tu vas crever comme un hérétique ... pourtant rien compris a cke tas dit ...
ca va loquerrr
English please!

DevilsWeed, here is the Dutch forum.
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
English please!

DevilsWeed, here is the Dutch forum.

thanks (:

OT: Do as Datura innoxia Datura stramonium an hallucinogenic effect? If this plant does nothing? I just ask out of curiosity of course ... I can find almost nothing about. :?
it does nothing .. see more far ... don't loose your time (or anymOre) , your travel will be long , dont tresspas here .
go far . faster
Some people say that the tropane-bearing plants like Datura, Hensbane, Brugmansia and Belladonna show you death - they can certainly take you close to it. They are extremely slow-acting, hence difficult to dose, and easy to overdose. They are deliriants, so while they can make you hallucinate, you lose the ability to tell the difference between what is imagined and what is real.

I would strongly advise anyone thinking of trying these plants to look up the experience reports on Erowid - it's better to learn from the mistakes of others than your own!

I would check this page especially: http://www.erowid.org/experiences/subs/ ... ters.shtml

If you are determined to try then you need at least 2 people to 'sit' with you for at least 24 hours, to keep you safe from harm, 1 person is not enough. If you are big, then maybe 3 or more might be needed. Seriously!
I tried some Datura Stramonium a few years ago. I think it were 3 - 5 seeds. The main effects i remember where a racing heartbeat and a desertdry mouth combined with existential fear of death.

What sparked your curiousity in exploring datura? Would you like to share something about your intentions?
I am guessing Is it of the D.Stramonium species, if that's the case, you may want to consider the following:

"An improved HPLC procedure showed that the alkaloid concentration in samples obtained from different parts of the United States varied by as much as 50%: 1.69-2.71 mg/g for atropine and 0.36-0.69 mg/g for scopolamine." - http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf00088a040

And another source:
D.Stramonium seeds contains about 2.7 mg/g atropine, and 0.66 mg/g scopolamine - Poisonous plants and animals of Florida and the Caribbean

Each D. stramonium seeds contains about 0.05 - 0.1 mg of atropine (D/L-hyoscyamine). - Critical care toxicology; diagnosis and management of the critically poisoned patient.

I also found an atropine dose table on page 1339

"An oral dose of 50 mg of atropine sulfate in humans has been reported fatal, but there is no reported fatal dose for scopolamine" - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1943073
Not going to try to convince you not to try Datura. It is unlike anything else and is definitely transformative.

I advise going as low as you can in dose. It is toxic, and a bigger dose increases the likelihood you don't remember anything and can't integrate the experience (Why do a drug if it will be like you never did it in a week?). Plus, as everyone else mentioned, the body load from Datura is immense. Better to aim small and do it again in a couple months, which will prepare you. Also, if you find out you don't like it at all (quite common), you won't have to deal with a much longer trip.

It is also easy to overdose on these things because the comeup can be very slow (like Mescaline in some people). There is also a lot of variation from plant to plant in strength. I advise making your tea with 5 seeds or however many you think is appropriate and taking just a sip every 15 to 30 minutes, having your friends take the tea away when you start acting weird/become red or putting it down yourself when you feel something.

Don't follow McKenna's dose advice when it comes to something this powerful and toxic. Be careful, and it can be a lot of fun and very interesting. Make sure you have a full week of nothing much to do, because many people feel weak for several days after a two-day-long trip accompanied by an intense fever and dehydration.

Have fun!
I live in South Britain, and I've been looking around, trying to find some Datura Stramonium plants. No luck. Anywhere. I'm aware it's an 'exotic' plant and I may have to go one step further than just try find it in a field or somebody's garden. I wouldn't mind buying one.. it's a beaut flower.

Cheers anyway, this has been pissing me off a bit. I'm determined. Maybe I haven't been looking well enough.. [?]
Just look at belts or any trash territory. Buy seeds to plant them somewhere or just get a grown plant from your garden-center.

Nightshades can be found anywhere on the globe and are legally worldwide as far as I know.
Since when have you been looking around? You won't see them in winter or early spring like now, it's a plant that becomes big and starts to flower only in summer.
Ya it's too early for them to grow now, but I work at a garden center and I've seen a few plants in the greenhouse. If you want I can try and get my hands on a few leafs. I don't even think they are that expensive...
did u try it buds mate has had it a few times, crazy buzz be got married to a window reflection went walking up the highway, sitters would be a must. but while tripping he thought he was doing something completely different than what he was actually doing.