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Cryptooo o/

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Morning Glory
  • Date de début Date de début
My viewpoint on Investing in doge, I've been watching doge since before anyone heard of It. I got in on doge 2 years ago for shits and giggles. At the time I was thinking...I can buy 13k doge for 30 bucks..I can afford to throw away 30 bucks if It goes bad and who knows one day it might be worth a lot. Like bitcoin. Which at the time was like 10k not 50k haha. So I bought the doge and forgot about it. It didn't move much the first 18 months owning It. I had even forgot about owning those shares...then one day I open robinhood and my account that had been sitting dormant at around 30 bucks was now climbing in the hundreds...quickly I looked up what was happening with doge and saw all the hype. But I still knew that dogecoin has no cap to the amount of coin it can produce. And I was convinced that it had no actual value(which is the common belief I hear about doge now). The price changed basically just because people were talking about It...and musk was tweating. Talk caused the spike...so of course I was skeptical. I knew it was only a matter of time before the hype died and the stock plummeted. My goal was I wanted to sell at the peak or close to it and then get out and get back in when I drops..that was my Intension...so I watched doge...still believing It would crash once the hype stopped. But instead...something different happened. It jumped up from .002 to around 5 cents...at which point I sold...now I expected it after hitting a new high to settle back down a bit maybe at the .009 range of so...after all it's a shit stock what's keeping It up right... instead my backwards thinking not believing in doge fucked me. It stayed at .05 range for about a month...and then it fucking jumped again..except this time instead of having 13000 shares I was only able to grab 1000 shares before take off. And this take off made the first take off look like an appetizer. This time it went from .05 to about 60 cents... Doesn't sound like much but If you got 100k doge that means your turning 5k into 60k.... And just for the sake of understanding the potential gains with doge...when I first got in it was .002 that means for 500 bucks I could have gotten about 230k doge.. for 500. And right now that 230k doge would sell for 138k.... (You may be thinking you already missed the jump why get on now?... I believe all the jumps so far, will look like scraps and appetizers in comparison to the jump to come)Granted I didn't make all the best decisions to make that much strictly because I didn't believe in the value of doge. I always thought It would crash so I missed the big gains. But I still easily made a grand off doge in the last year. My point here is about the value of doge. I now believe in this crypto..even though it doesn't have a cap and Its an altcoin and all the those details...put it this way...one, many people accept dogecoin now. Like baseball ticket sales. two, Many big people support doge as well. Elon musk, mark cuban, snoop dogg. Lots of support for doge drives the price..and more important than any of that think about it In terms of where people are in life right now. The new generation can't stand the idea of working 40/h weeks at a job they hate to retire and die. Older people are struggling to find their savings. All in all people are looking for ways to make money another way. Everyone is in this search. And now for the first time in a very long time there are a lot of reports of people making millions with doge. And I'm not talking about ppl that are already rich. I'm talking about ppl that put 10k in doge 2 years ago and now have millions. Doge is one of the the first cryptos to prove that it is possible to turn 100 bucks into 100k...where else have you ever heard or this even being possible? I know I never did. So yeah...doge could crash if everyone lost interest in it and sold... but the chances of that with the amount of focus that's on it now is not likely. I mean look up doge news, or dogecoin millionaire. There are stories everywhere on the massive gains made in doge. And with gains like that people aren't going to stop focusing on it. What do all people love? Money...and right now doge is proven to provide that. And it really isn't hard to moderate doge either. I remember when I used to trade gas etfs...it was always so hard to predict what was going to happen. But doge is straight forward and simple.. when musk tweets and media start talking about it and slim jim promotes it..it fucking rockets..and I mean you can just wait till it does to buy in...I watch where it is sitting at..say between the range of .35-.39.   It  bounces In that range for a couple weeks...then one day I look and Its climbing to 41.. that is when I buy in. When I know it's moving up..then I hold until it looks like it's settling again. Sell rinse and repeat.. I'm not a stock expert. I've been trading using robinhood for a few years now. I've messed with a few different stocks. All different kinds. And never have I ever seen such tremendous gain opportunities as I do with doge. And it's fairly easy to find it's trends. ALSO! I love that there is no market cap and the value is so low. Because that means that when there are big sell offs. Usually at new highs. The price fucking plummets! Allowing you to get out and get back in with double your shares if timed right. Anyways to wrap it up..my point here is if your not taking doge seriously right now...its like going back in time and choosing not to buy bitcoin, or Google, or Amazon In the beginning. I mean everyone should be a part of doge..it's not just a cryptocurrency... Its a movement. It's making average people rich. And rich people richer. I don't care what your argument is for the value of doge vs the value of bitcoin. I know they are insanely different. But in my experience the value of cryptocurrency is not what drives the price up. What moves the price is how many people are Interested in it. And right now... Pretty much everyone is starting to see the possibility of doge..the exponential opportunity to multiply your money by 10000% I don't care about the value of the company or anything..can you honestly tell me...that if you had a chance to invest 100 bucks and there was a 90% chance it would be worth nothing and your money would be gone in a year...but there was a 10% chance you could turn that 100 bucks into 100000 dollars. Would you really pass that opportunity? Just because you might lose It all...or would you take the risk...my guess is that most of the country would take the risk. And that is exactly the reason I now 100% believe in doge...I mean I think it can go far far higher than a buck..maybe a hundred. Maybe a thousand. The sky is the limit when it is currently making so many people so much money. People follow money. And in all my trading days I have never seen one stock with such amazing gains. And consistently. I mean it goes up a bit. Settles a little. Goes up a bit more.. settles. Since It started climbing from .002 months ago. It has not backtracked enough to be upsetting. A few cents maybe but it hasnt come back down a large amount. Not once. Why? It has no value right....the price of cryptocurrency isn't based on the product itself...it's based on the publics attention to it. And right now all attention is on doge. If you aren't invested in doge right now..I urge you to reconsider. I'm not saying invest your life savings... but do invest what you can afford to lose. Don't let it's current all time high scare you away from buying and missing the future all time highs. Shit all this talk about it makes me want to make some articles about doge somewhere else where people will see it...after all as I said in my experience watching doge for the last couple years..and this was truly a mind-blowing realization for me...the price of doge does not change because doge evolved...or because of their monthly earnings sheet...the price of doge literally changes based on...tweets by elon musk..and people talking about it and new people accepting it. Like slim jim recently promoting it. And snoop dogg and elon and mark talking about it...I mean seriously imagine what Im saying....I'm saying that people are turning thousands into millions, using the media to drive the price. That's it. Just talk. And your turning thousands Into millions...imagine the formula for that on paper...like as if your trying to teach the way of making money. Instead of teaching them to work a shit job for shit pay for most of their life. Instead you say. Invest in a cryptocurrency...then tweet the fuck out of that currency and get the whole world to talk about it..price will rocket. Then sell....once you realize that the main way you have to make money doesn't even hold a candle to this new way of making money in terms of gains...you really start to wonder why you haven't been investing in crypto all this time. Dont miss out on one of the biggest movements of wealth that history has ever seen because you thought the value of the coin had anything to do with the price of it. Buy dogecoin now! This really is so exciting to me...I'm not writing this to convince people to buy and hopefully drive the price more(I don't believe I need to make this movement happen, it's already happening)...I'm writing this because after observing doge for the last few years...what moves it. And how it moves...I 100% believe this stock is just at the beginning of a gigantic peak...I believe it's going to change the amount of wealth that the average american has. I believe it's going to change everything. And i just want to make sure that whoever is reading this, doesn't miss out on one of the greatest movements of our lifetime. Where making money evolves from working your entire life for minimal pay to learning to use the media and the market to literally multiply your money by 10000%
Morning Glory a dit:
Je connais pas l'ANKR. C'est vrai qu'il a fait un joli bond dernièrement :) je te souhaite qu'il continue

J espere aussi je compte hold sur au moins 5 ans  :ange: 
Perso je ne connais pas toutes les ficelles des cryptos mais apparement ANKR serait un projet aussi viable que cardano/polkadot
Polkadot est bien meilleur que Eth sur tellement de points, il va forcément le dépasser ToT I <3 Polkadot
Morning Glory a dit:
Polkadot est bien meilleur que Eth sur tellement de points, il va forcément le dépasser ToT I <3 Polkadot

J'ai des forts doute sur un DOT qui viendrait dépasserl 'utilisation d'ETH quand même. Surtout vu comme c'est partis, mais si ETH n'arrive pas a transitionner sur lePOS alors peut être, mais avec une transition qui fonctionne.... ça me parrait compliqué
Polkadot est fait pour interagir avec Ethereum et d'autres blockchain, ce n'est pas vraiment un conçurent.

Et il est encore très (très) loin d'être au niveau d'un ethereum
Polkadooooot ToT </3
Mais c'est dû à quoi (en gros hein) ce genre de sursaut ?
Moi j'y connais rien. TO THE MOOOOOON !
Nan l'histoire c'est suite a un hack de ETH au cause d'une faille, l'équipe s'est scindé en deux car deux mentalités on émergé. Une part on voulu rembourser les investisseur (ETH) et les autres ont dit nan on touche a rien "code is law" (ETC), voilà et depuis les deux monnaies on la même utilité (smart contract blablabla) mais des philosophies différentes. Donc techniquement c'est ETH qui a forké et ETC qui a conservé la même blockchain.
Ok je vois thx j'irai creuser un peu plus histoire de voir. Je me suis jamais penché sur ETC, suite aux multiples drama et les 3 51% attack qu'il a pu manger, pour moi c'était juste un projet mort parmis tant d'autres. Mais j'irai voir histoire d'avoir un véritable avis.

Sinon le bump, c'est qu'il a été listé sur robinhood et je pense qu'une bonne partie des acheteurs on pas compris que c'était pas de l'ETH moins cher.
Nan mais ce type encule qui que ce soit dans les crypto monnaie...

Vu la tunne qu'il a, et les divers contact blindé comme lui... J'imagine même pas comment ils doivent se marrer à faire évoluer tout ça comme ça leur chante...

En tout cas ça m'a l'air d'être devenu d'un compliqué, c'est à peine si je vous comprends avec toutes ces expressions que je connais pas...

Par contre, ce dont je suis sur, c'est qu'un pote a investi dans le BTC y'a quelques années, il remettait des tunnes un peu tous les mois, et il a laissé la monnaie monter.... Et c'est toujours monté et monté cette merde... Malgré quelques chutes de temps en temps. Mais il a fait confiance a son cousin qui est dans la finance, et ce connard de cousin financier avait raison...

Du coup il a pu se faire un paquet de fric. Enfin pas des millions, mais il a bien multiplié sa somme investi.

Est ce que ce serait pas ça le truc ? Prendre une crypto bien stable, et laisser ses épargnes pendant des années en laissant la monnaie prendre de la valeur...
7737P4R4 a dit:
Est ce que ce serait pas ça le truc ? Prendre une crypto bien stable, et laisser ses épargnes pendant des années en laissant la monnaie prendre de la valeur...

C'est la façon la plus simple et efficace oui, moi c'est plus ou moins ce que je fais, mais comme tout m'interesse, je creuse un peu