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Cool teachers from high school

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Matrice Périnatale
Has anyone had a chill teacher when they were in highschool that knew you smoked weed and didnt hold it against you? my sophomore year i had pottery class first hour with the chillest teacher ever me and my friend would blaze it up and come into class and just mess around. so the next year my junior year i took a advanced pottery and pretty much just sat there and didnt do anything. well our teacher told us to go out to the outside kiln and move some wood and clean it up. he told us to do whatever we wanted after we got that done so we sparked up a jay i rolled and toked it. came back to class and the teacher gave us the biggest smile. must have had something to do with our eyes dang i miss that class haha made a big mushroom and all he did was laugh and told us how he couldnt even remember how many shrooms he made in his highschool days haha. well i guess im rambling and im super stoned
awesome, yeah at my schools growing up in New Zealand you cannot wag school as Truency officers and police will turn up on your door step, and later you would get a few darn good steel caps up the ass or the jug cord. lol now. i guess.

so we were stoned most days at school. some teachers were nazis making us do work we just were not up to failing miserably like Maths hate too many numbers.

but other teachers were maad letting us talk and laugh draw, cooking was tops always got into that, But my BEST teacher was a Science teacher MR Neilson just ask him anything to do with anything and he would instantly change the topic to what you asked and it was always interesting never failed.

he caught my brother smoking bud spots with hot knives over the bunsen burner one lunch time and joined in for a quick toke.

he had thick glasses and grey black streaky hair combed back slightly receding, full mad scientist look old hippy from way back driving a huge finned out valiant. damn he was a cool teacher
One time me and my friend were walking to my house wagging school and we walked past my maths teacher who offered us a smoke, realizing he had just broken the law and so we had a little bit of insurance i showed him the baby pot plant my mate had in his backpack that we were on the way home to plant
he just laughed and told us to have a good day which we promised to do and parted ways

good times good times lol

pretty sure my art teacher was a stoner but what art teacher isnt??

oh and my Society and environment teacher told us about how he had a mushroom omlette in amsterdam, he even named a few good coffee shops to go to haha
he was the best teacher though, i slept in his class a few times and he let me, he often talked the entire lesson about amazing things in the world, i think he was trying to open the minds of all the small town idiots we had in our class but he did it in such a cool way
•Math teacher introduced me to e^(pi*i) and made me enjoy math.
•Chem teacher was so awesome, all around. First day of class he showed us slides from like 1950 of him and a band of 7 friends all camping for 2 weeks way out in no-where land. He also had some of the best demonstrations.
•Civics teacher was so inspired, powerful, and funny I couldn't help but enjoy the most boring class of my life - government. He won teacher of the year out of a national pot. 50,000$ prize.
•My physics teacher did not talk about physics, instead he showed us the movie Zeitgeist, talked about what money really is, talked about the philosophy of quantum mechanics, and how martial arts are important. :)
•My art teacher let me do whatever the hell I wanted. He let me leave any day or every day to go take pictures. Gave me all the art supplies, but didn't let other people have any :D
•I told my english teacher about my first mushroom trip (indirectly).. She gave me great sympathy haha.

Man I had some great teachers. There was a biology teacher at my school too that had tenure so they couldn't fire him. He would leave his class (usually the failing kids) cause they didn't pay attention much, and just come in and sit down in my class and listen. Every once in a while say some really trippy thing like "Once you become extremely good at art, there are no lines - just beginnings and endings" or "All life springs unto itself". . .

My highschool teachers have inspired me to become a highschool teacher. :D